Zero to Thirty.

September 18, 2019

Automobile ads always make a big deal about how quickly a particular vehicle can go from 0-60. 

As impressive as those numbers may be, they can’t begin to compete with the speed in which a newborn son goes from 0-30. 

It’s quicker than a blink, faster than a heartbeat. 

He’s born. He’s in kindergarten. He’s playing high school basketball. He’s graduating college. He’s married. He’s a father. 

He’s thirty!

And in light of this big day, I want to invite you along as we celebrate the thirtieth birthday of Nathan Andrew Smith. 

I’ve asked his wife, his sister, his dad, his grandparents, his parents-in-law, and his aunt and uncle to write a few memories to share with you. (Some of you may not know, but his Uncle Randy and Aunt Debbie were on the road in a band with Steve and me for the first three years of Nathan’s life, so they have always felt like second parents to him.) 

I could have asked many more friends and family to write but I’m trying to keep this blog post just slightly shorter than War and Peace.

Let’s get started.

From Meagan

Today is the day…my handsome hubby turns the big 30!!!

He is an excellent daddy, a devoted husband, and an adored son and brother. He often teases me that I’m the old one in our relationship. Well babe, as of today we are “old” together ?

I’ve had the privilege of being with you for 10 of your 30 years and I’ve seen you grow in amazing ways. You are a great friend to many. You are a hard worker who is determined to provide for your family no matter what. You love big and lead our family with passion.

Some of my favorite things about you are:

1. Your smile is the biggest ever and contagious to those around you ?
2. You take time on a daily basis to teach our babies what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.
3. You’re not afraid to be yourself and have some fun.

I don’t know what this year has for you(us) but I’m excited to watch you take on each new day with determination and grace. I’m cheering you on, forever by your side! Let’s make this your best year yet!! With all my love…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ??

From Sarah


We come from a word-loving family, with pastors, teachers, and songwriters everywhere you look.

Mom taught us how to read and write as we traveled all those miles in the Kenworth, but I distinctly remember you teaching me a word: antidisestablishmentarianism. I have always liked the sound of it (who doesn’t?!) but it’s one of my favorite words because of the memory attached to it.

Back when we around ages 11 and 5, we were sitting in the R.V. living room when you decided to teach me the longest word you knew. I had no idea what it meant (and you likely didn’t, either) but we repeated it back to each other at least a dozen times, my little-girl tongue repeatedly tripping over the syllables, much to your delight.

You may have just been looking for some entertainment, but when you saw I was determined to learn how to pronounce the word, you were so patient with me and by the end of the day, I had more or less conquered it, all thanks to you. That patience and kindness began in you at a young age and have only increased as you’ve grown into the wonderful, 30-year-old man you are today.

Happy birthday, beloved brother of mine!

From Aunt Debbie


So how, for goodness sake, did you get to be 30 years old! With a sweet wife and four babies of your own, no less! I stand amazed. Old and amazed.

But in spite of my increasing years, I have managed to hang on to some pretty sweet memories from the 3 years I got to be a part of your life. (None of which you remember, you wretched child.)
Some of my favorites include helping to give newborn you bottles by candlelight during Hurricane Hugo and then later, having you as my walking buddy during one of my weight loss sagas. Off we’d go around the parking lot of whatever church we were parked at, you in your stroller and me pushing for all I was worth trying to up the calorie burn!  I love that you called Randy, “Dee-Dee” and we still quote you to this day: “What did you say, Dee-Dee?” I gave you baths, bought you little outfits, fed you at all hours, yelled at you, babysat you, loved you. You were my first boy! 
My all-time favorite memory was when you were maybe two years old and you were hanging out with me. I was having a bad day which ended up with me collapsing on the couch in tears. You climbed up, snuggled close and cried right along with me. 
And that to me is the perfect picture of who you were and who you grew up to be: a fine man, who is still a lot of fun to hang out with and who has teasing down to an art! And that heart of compassion you showed to me that day so long ago has remained the same. Except it’s bigger and deeper. 
Thank you for being a man of integrity who is making a difference in his generation. You’re a hard worker who provides well for his family and makes it easy for them to follow you in the ways of righteousness. 
I am sure am glad there’s a Nathan Andrew Smith in the world! Happy 30th birthday, Nay-Nay! I love you and am so proud of you. And I get to be your aunt! Hooray!?
Love, Aunt Deb

From Uncle Randy

There’s this guy I know.  And I’ve known him a long time.  His whole life, in fact.  There are not many like that.

My first memory of him is in the maternity ward at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte.  Hard to believe that this bundled up boy was the very one that caused his mother so much consternation, not to mention water retention, throughout the previous summer.  And also caused us to have to take some time off from the ministry of HeartSong. But, there it was. We adjusted.

As much as we adjusted, I’m wondering what it was like for you, Nathan, to have never really had a nursery.  All you had was a little spot in the middle of 300 square feet of RV.  But, you didn’t know any different.  And what it was is your story, and it’s a good one. You’ve always learned to adjust and do it well.

Your Aunt Deb and I loved playing surrogate parents at the times that it was needed. We missed you SO much when we left the road. But, there were yet so many times to connect. As you mentioned this summer, the moment at Roseville Assembly of God near St. Paul, MN where you and I tossed the frisbee around. That yet is a very vivid moment to me.

And the moments as you were formulating plans in college for the most important decision you’ll ever make in life other than salvation and a life partner. You remember that talk in our apartment in Portage?  There is something that ties in those two moments.  It is that you are teachable. It makes it so easy to interact with you, whether it is tossing a frisbee, or conversing on life directing matters. 

I can see how those things in you are being passed on into your kids.  It was truly the highlight of my trip to Florida last month to see you all. 

Nathan, I have rarely seen a more practical, conscientious and considerate (Hank you, DeeDee!) person as you are.  Love you so much.  So proud of you.  Happy 30th!

Uncle Randy

From Grandma Campbell

Happy 30 birthday, Nathan!
I’m proud of you with your little family and love you very much. 
Love and prayers to all of you,
Grandma Campbell 

From Grandma and Grandpa Smith

I well remember the night of September18, 1989, when Nathan was born in Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. What a joyous event that was. Our second grandson!
He was a beautiful blonde child who looked much like his Daddy, a true Smith. Nathan slept well, not complaining about sleeping in a dresser drawer in his parent’s room.  A special memory was helping with his first bath which was given in the kitchen sink.                  

When Nathan was four days old, Charlotte was pounded by Hurricane Hugo. Outside his bedroom window, a tree uprooted and fell downhill away from the house. 

Nathan was a happy child who charmed friends and strangers alike.  It was fun to watch him snow ski as as a teenager, always with ease and perfect control. 

It is a joy to see him share his legacy of faith with his dear family! 

Happy 30th birthday, Nathan! 

From Frank Hawley (Dad-in-Law)

I have enjoyed watching Nathan take care of his family.  I think one of the truest signs of a great man is how his children respond to him.  The squealing, love and joy in his children’s faces when he comes in says it all.  Nathan is a good and great man.  We are blessed to have him in our family.  Happy Birthday!

Frank’s post from Facebook: Happy birthday Nathan. Mom and I are so thankful that you are in our lives. We are grateful for the godly example you are to your family. We love you . Have a great day.

From Sheri Hawley (Mom-in-Law)

Strength, integrity, tenderness, faithfulness.

These are all words that come immediately to mind when I think of Nathan.

I’m so glad I get to be the mother-in-law, cheering from the stands as he leads his family in the ways God intended. So proud of you, Nathan!

Sheri’s post from Facebook: A man who leads himself with integrity will be promoted by God to lead others. So very proud of you, Nathan and love you dearly. Blessings for the decades ahead!!

From Dad

Dear Nathan, Nate, Nate-O, Natey-Nate, Little Fat Woodie, The Twerp, etc.

Somebody, somewhere wrote “on whatever it is they write it on up there,”  (Zappa) that “a child who is loved has many names.” And loved you are and for so many reasons.   

As I was ruminating over the last thirty years since your arrival, so many wonderful memories about you crossed my mind and so very few difficult ones.  For that I’m deeply grateful. You are such a blessing to have as a son; it’s hard for me to adequately elucidate and convey it.  You are a rare jewel to all of us and to me in particular.     

As you enter your fourth decade of life, it is clear to all who know you that you embody all that is noble in Christian manhood; you are honorable, generous, kind, compassionate, humble, patient and sacrificial.  You’re a devoted husband and family man, a talented musician, a theologian, a leader, a servant, and a loyal friend. I’m deeply grateful to have had a role in shaping you into who you have become. 

Each new decade will come with new challenges, new joys, and new sorrows. Clinging to youth is a complete waste of time; it’s one of the many follies of our culture. In this coming decade, you will approach your prime as a man. Seize each opportunity to grow, learn and deepen yourself.  Make decisions with the long game in view.

Lastly, keep that delightful, teasing, playful attitude that brightens up the lives of all of us who know, love and deeply admire you.

Happy 30th Birthday, Son.  

With love, gratitude, and pride,


From Mom


I’ll never foget my first glimpse of your red, indignant, wrinkled, squirming self.  All I could think was, “Oh my. So this is what motherhood feels like!”

I started crying and wasn’t even sure why;  I just knew love had been born and had landed in my arms.

I’ve been with you in the hospital with Meagan and your own sweet newborns and each of those times has taken me right back to 1989. The joy of my own motherhood is made even richer by the joy of seeing you become a dad.

And what a great husband and dad  you are.

I have seen you lead your family with equal measures of faith, patience, and love. I have witnessed your kindness, wisdom, and compassion.  I have happily been on the receiving end of your twinkling eyes, mischievous smile, and quirky sense of humor. You are a man who doesn’t accept easy answers for hard questions. You listen well and you say things worth listening to. 

You have passed, and then surpassed, every hope I’ve ever had for a firstborn child. I love you thirty times over. 

Happy birthday, son of my heart.


The Pictures!

Of course, you can’t have a celebration of this sort without some photos.  I apologize that there are so many of them but hey, I’m a mama and a photographer and sometimes I just can’t help myself! 

(A few of the photos have comments underneath.)


These pictures all illustrate the many milestones along the way as you have journeyed from 0-30.

You are so many things to so many people but most of all, you are blessed and you are loved.


What about you?  Would you jump in with our celebration?

If you are a newer reader,  we would welcome your greetings and well wishes.

If you have been reading here a long time, maybe there is a favorite Nathan memory you would like to share.  

Thirty years is a big deal; thanks for helping us make it special for this very special guy.

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Zero to Thirty.”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Don’t know how I missed this until tonight. So much happening I just started reading but never finished it. The pictures are awesome but my favorite memory is Nathan with Sarah in the Hospital. To me it shows the compassion and love he has and shares with others. May the next 30 years be even greater that the first 30. Love to all. Enjoyed our journey with The Smiths so far and looking forward to more years and memories. God bless.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I love that memory, too. Nathan could have been resentful about all the attention Sarah received but instead, he chose to be the best, most loving big brother he could be. I’ll always hold those memories close.

  2. Cathie says:

    Happy 30th birthday Nathan. It amazes me that I have never met you, but I feel like I’ve known you your entire life. I have followed your mom’s blog for along time. You were a high school student who played soccer and basketball. If I remember correctly you were homecoming or prom king. I remember your graduation, engagement and marriage and babies. So I do not know you personally, but you seem to be the person i would like my son and grandson to be like. I hope you had a beautiful birthday with those you love most.

    • Becky says:


      Following since high school? That’s a long time! It’s so hard for me to believe that young high schooler has turned 30 and is a dad to four. Thanks for being a long time Smithellaneous friend!

  3. krista121799 says:

    I’m bummed that I didn’t see this post until now. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts, tho.
    I hope Nathan had the best 30th birthday he’s ever had =)

  4. Katrina says:

    Happy birthday (belated birthday) to Nathan!
    My favorite memory is really all the wedding posts

    Been here since he was in high school (2006)

  5. Wendy says:

    Happy Birthday Nathan. How fun to watch the progression of his life up to now.

    • Becky says:


      I have to admit, it was cool to see the chronological progression. Amazing how they change from year to year and decade to decade.

  6. Michele says:

    Beautiful tribute to a wonderful guy! Hope his birthday was great!

  7. SueEllen says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to Nathan!! Hard to believe he’s turning 30 – I still remember when you posted about his high school days, first date with Meagan, his decision to go to college in Florida…and now he’s turning 30 with a lovely family of his own. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures shared – I remembered a few, but many I had never seen but each brought a smile. Again – Happy Birthday Nathan!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      You’ve been around a long time to remember his high school days. Glad the photos brought a smile; I was hoping they would.

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I think in all the pictures through the years I remember Nathan and his kindness and love to Sarah as she struggled in her illness, his encouragement and love. In all the words spoken by everyone – he is still an encourager, loving, kind, and a wonderful child of God. The pictures when he was younger reminded me of our son who turned 52 this year. He is only about 5’7″ and when he was about 3 years old, had a shirt that read “Don’t let my size fool you.” I’m sure Nathan tried to pull the wool over mom and dad’s eyes, but with his dear smile – it didn’t work! Happy Birthday Nathan and God’s best to you in the coming year.

  9. Mrs. Pam says:

    Becky, anytime you wrote about Nathan, your absolute love and devotion and joy overflowed these pages. And those qualities exemplify who Nathan is… an absolutely amazing son, grandson, brother, husband, nephew, daddy and friend. My favorite memories are of his and Meagan’s courtship and marriage. MANY BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS, NATHAN!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yes, those courtship and wedding days were great fun, weren’t they? I always love a good love story and theirs certainly has been.

      Thanks for reading through the years and all your many, many kind and encouraging comments. Your words about Nathan today are extra encouraging!

  10. LeeAnne says:

    Happy, happy 30th birthday Nathan! I have been following your family for a lot of years and it has been fun watching you grow up and to see the great husband and father that you have become. Your family is just beautiful! Wishing you a very happy and special day!!

  11. Phyllis says:

    Happy birthday Nathan. Boy, you can sure see that he looks like Steve in that first picture.

  12. Dale Tousley says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Nathan!!! What a beautiful post, he is so loved, it brought tears to my eyes. What impresses me the most about Nathan (and Meagan) is that they had four kids under the age of 30/31. I didn’t have my first until I was 32 and even then, I wasn’t sure I could handle it, of course, we fell in love with our daughter right away , it was the best moment of my life and then a few years later, had our son….I have been following your family since your caringbridge days and before you moved to Manteo so I feel like I am part of your family! And what a wonderful family it is…..again, Happy Birthday!!

    • Becky says:


      It’s interesting how everyone’s parenting journey is so different. Some have a lot of kids quickly, some have a few spread out, some come early, some come late. Regardless of the timing, the joy those wee ones bring is incredible.

      Thanks for following along with our kids through the years. We are glad to have had you along for the journey.

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