A Young Jodi Foster?

October 31, 2014

This week I spent two days in bed with back pain and spasms necessitating heavy-duty muscle relaxers and pain meds. Then when I finally felt coherent enough to write a blog post, my computer spazzed out on me and I had to take it to the computer shop two days in a row.  Also, a large music/drama production is coming up at church in a week so we’ve been staying busy prepping for that.

In light of all that (and in light of the scarcity of my posts) I wanted to check in with you before the weekend arrives to let you know all is well.  I look forward to being back with you again next week but in the meantime, I’ll leave you with a few shots of Sarah and her new hairstyle.

(This week, one guy at a store told her she looked like a young Jodi Foster. Sarah said someone else had said the same thing a few months ago.  Does anyone else see the resemblance? Can’t say that I do.)




Have a great weekend!



21 comments so far.

21 responses to “A Young Jodi Foster?”

  1. Courtney Hurd says:

    Maybe I am just overly sentimental today but I am seeing you and Steve in the posts of your lovelies. I see Steve in Noah’s many expressions and with the shorter hairstyle, I see much more of you in Sarah than ever before. What a treasure to see pieces of yourselves in the next generation or two and know that your legacy of love is already off to such a great start! Hugs from Charlotte!

    • Becky says:


      It truly is wonderful to start seeing signs of Steve and myself in Noah. What a sobering, inspiring thought that parts of ourselves will carry on through generations to come. And I’m happy that you think Sarah looks a little like me with her shorter hair. I’m lovin’ her new haircut.

  2. Gail Puckett says:

    sorry, but Sarah is MUCH prettier than Jodi Foster young or otherwise. and in the words of Forrest Gump, that is all I have to say about that. Hope your computer gets better soon and glad you seem to be on the mend. Miss the posts 🙂 i feel like a friend has gone away. God Bless

    • Becky says:


      That is one of the nicest things a reader has ever said, “I feel like a friend has gone away.”

      Made my whole day! (Not my going away, but the fact that I was missed.) 🙂

  3. Lesley says:

    To me, Sarah looks like an actress that was in one of the holiday movies on the Hallmark Channel last year. This month they are replaying all those Christmas movies, so when I see her, i will note her name and let you know! I am sure, this revelation will be very hard to wait for, but wait you must, as I am very bad at names 🙂

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    i figured by your silence that you weren’t feeling well. glad you are better.
    wouldn’t recognize jodi foster myself, so can’t chime in on that one.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I’m not a huge Jodi Foster fan but I’ve seen her in a couple things over the years. She’s one of those actresses that has been around a very long time!

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Glad you’re feeling better. Sarah looks so grown up! I agree with the others….I see a resemblance toMeagan. 🙂

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    Mumumumum….a little bit like Jodie Foster in a couple of the pix, but Ann Martin is correct…she looks a LOT like Meagan in most of them!

  7. Gayle in AL says:

    Not sure I see the resemblance much, but I LOVE the new hairstyle. Sarah looks so grown up and mature! Very flattering! I’m glad you’re feeling better. 🙂

  8. Ann Martin says:

    She reminds me of her sister-in-law with the haircut. Glad you are better.

  9. Jan (from Toledo) says:

    I didn’t see the resemblance to Jodi Foster at first, but in the last few shots, especially the black and white one, the resemblance is there. (glad you and your computer are feeling better.

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