Wolves. And Unanswered Prayers

February 19, 2013

Have you ever known someone in their forties who was quite certain they were done having children?

Well, we have a married couple in our church like that. They have a daughter in the sixth grade and two sons who are adults and their baby-in-the-house days are far, far behind them.

However, Delia has always secretly harbored a desire for another baby although the surgery she had several years ago precluded her bearing any more of her own.  Her husband, Lauris, on the other hand, said he was most definitely done with having kids and so that’s pretty much where things were left. Until a month ago.

Lauris and Delia went out to eat and ran into a second cousin of Lauris’s who was due to give birth any day. That night, after seeing his cousin, Lauris had a dream. It was a dream about a baby who was being attacked by wolves while Lauris tried to protect her. He told Delia about the dream but then didn’t give it a second thought, thinking he’d just eaten too much spicy food before bed.

A couple days passed and Delia got a phone call from this cousin of Lauris’s; she asked Delia if she would come and visit her in the hospital. When Delia arrived, she discovered that the cousin had given birth to a tiny baby girl but was unable to keep her. She said to Delia, “I want to sign the baby over to you and have you and Lauris adopt her.”  (Lauris and Delia’s 6th grade daughter was adopted when she was small so they are not newbies in that area.)

Well, Delia was all for it!

But Lauris?  Not so much. In fact, he was adamant. “No way, no how. We are NOT starting over. We are NOT having another baby. The discussion is closed.”

As the days went by, Delia did not want to let the baby issue drop and she spent a lot of time praying about it.  Lauris spent time praying too—except HE was praying that Delia would stop talking about this baby and that they could just be finished with having any more children!

Delia kept asking Lauris if she could bring Baby Maleigha home for just a little visit. He said no. She asked again. He said no. She asked again. And finally he said she could.

When she arrived at home with the precious package in her arms she said to Lauris, “Will you hold Maleigha for a minute? I need to run and take a quick shower.”

Lauris sighed and said, “Well, hurry up then. Don’t leave me out here too long with this baby.”

As Lauris grudgingly took the baby in his arms and looked down into her sleeping face, he suddenly became aware of a Voice speaking in his heart.  It said, “Lauris, this is the baby from your dream.This is the baby you were protecting from the circling wolves.”

You have to understand that  Maleigha had plenty of wolves in her life—even at such a young age. Her mom had used several kinds of hard drugs during her pregnancy and when Maleigha was born, she’d had to endure several difficult days of withdrawal from those drugs. The nurses were amazed at how well she did despite all the trauma and nicknamed her, “Miracle Baby.”

Well, Lauris is not usually given to tears. But when he heard that voice and understood that dream, he started to cry.  And then he fell in love with Maleigha on the spot.

When Delia came back out to where he was sitting and saw him crying over Maleigha, she was astounded. And amazed. And grateful.

And with Lauris’ fullest support, the two of them are now providing full time foster care for Maleigha with the intent to adopt.

Last Sunday, our church threw a shower for the family since starting over with a new baby at the age of forty is not the easiest thing in the world!



Here’s the star of the show. Is she precious, or what?


The Sunday after Lauris’s miraculous change of heart, he and Delia asked if they could stand up in church and tell everyone what I just told you. He ended their amazing story with the words, “Thank God for unanswered prayers.”


Thank God, indeed.


26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Wolves. And Unanswered Prayers”

  1. Bea says:

    LOVED this precious story!!! Awwww….. Bless this couple and the mom who made the right decision. It must not have been easy for her… 🙁 Nice that the baby will still be in the family. Beautiful little sweetie!!!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it is a wonderful story, is’t it? And she is the sweetest, most precious little baby . . . just love seeing her in church every week because it reminds me all over again of the great story of her life.

  2. Ann M says:

    Our former pastor’s son who is now a pastor and his wife have 3 children (16 is the oldest and I think maybe 10 the youngest). Immediately after the birth of the 3rd child she told her husband she wanted a 4th child. A few days later she had complications and almost died. She too had to have surgery which prevented the 4th child. She never gave up hope and now they are in the process of adopting a 6 year-old (I think) deaf Chinese boy. Her brother is deaf and they sign all the time at home. She even teaches it and is so thrilled. She said at her age (I think 40 or so) she told someone God had to drop the child in her lap and He did it through another couple who adopted a Chinese child. God is good.

    • Becky says:


      What a great story story and what a perfect fit to have a deaf child be adopted by a family who is already proficient in sign language! Makes me smile!

  3. Sarah says:

    Oh my goodness, I read your blog often but I don’t think I have ever posted on here before…this story is so wonderful and like a fairytale…it’s almost not real, but IT IS! God works in beautiful ways, doesn’t he? Little Meleigh is so blessed to have a loving couple and church family to welcome her! Thank you for sharing.

    • Becky says:


      It’s always lovely to get a comment from someone who doesn’t usually comment; thank you for taking the time to do that!

      And yes, this story is truly lovely–heartwarming and sweet. I am so happy for that family.

  4. Christie says:

    Becky, that story just made me cry. I work in post partum and I see this all the time. I had become so hard hearted towards these mothers like this. I know they didn’t ask for that kind of life and there but for the grace of god go I, but, it made my heart glad that a brave strong woman realizes she can’t give that baby the life it deserves gives me just a little bit of hope. I have recently remarried and we are trying to have a baby. I pray that if we can’t someone can help us that way too, but more importantly rescue a child from the wolves. That touched me in so many ways I really can’t write out my feelings about it. There are other things in my life as well that God knows about that have to do with drugs and the effects in their families. Thank God for that He can hear my heart when I don’t even know what to say!!! Thank you for that today!!

    • Becky says:


      Bless you for the work you do with mothers and babies who are in such distressing situations; I can’t imagine how it must tear at your heart.

      It means so much to me that the story touched you in such a deep way; thanks so much for letting me know.

  5. Lesley says:

    so beautiful!!!

  6. Jessica K says:

    What a beautiful story! God is so good.

  7. Kristi says:

    Beautiful story! 🙂 GOD knew that little girl needed to be with them!

    My mom’s only brother and his wife had their only child when they were 41 and 40. That was 26 years ago!

    • Becky says:


      I can only imagine how thrilled your aunt and uncle were to welcome that baby after so many years; I know the child was well loved.

  8. Gail Puckett says:

    What a wonderful, wonderful story. When my husband and I were in our forties, we had the chance to adopt a little Auca Indian baby. After talking with the missionary couple who were speaking in our church and playing with their little Auca Indian Boy, sadly we decided that financially it would not be in the best interest of our other two children who were approaching college age to do that. It is something that through the years we have talked about and always had a little sense of regret about that decision. So I have contented my self with spoiling my grandchildren and rocking babies in the church nursery (which I do at every opportunity). God bless these precious people and their precious family.

    • Becky says:


      As a pastor’s wife, I can definitely say that rocking babies in the church nursery is a wonderful gift that gives tired parents a little bit of a break. Thank you for doing that!

      And it must have been such a difficult decision you made all those years ago concerning that Auca Indian baby;
      you have such big hearts to even consider it so seriously.

  9. Mary H says:

    That tiny little girl does not realize just yet what a wonderful life is in front of her. All thanks to a message in a dream and a God with a plan no one sees coming until it is in your arms. What a beautiful story and family.

  10. jenna hoff says:

    Brought me to tears! I am so happy to hear of a little one who-despite a rough beginning- will have a life time of love and a fighting chance to be set upon a good path for a healthy, safe, loving, good life. That this little one one will not grow up in foster care but know permanency and security from such a young age is an incredible gift. My daughter (adopted from foster care at 10) did not have this for so many years and the daily pain and struggles she and we now have are testament to just what a gift this family is giving this precious baby girl. I wish their family all the best.

    • Becky says:


      I can only imagine what your sweet daughter went through during those ten years before you gave her a permanent home and permanent love. Bless you and your family as you continue to be the miracle in her life.

  11. Wendy says:

    Wow! I sat with tears as I read this amazing story. That baby will have the very best home and be well loved, you can just know that 🙂 thanks for sharing their amazing story

  12. freewayhome says:

    This is my favorite post I’ve read in months.
    Thank you.

  13. sharon says:

    GOD’s plans are not always the same as our plans. I know this baby will be well loved

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