Who’s Drivin’ What?

September 2, 2012

When I glanced out the front doors of our church this morning, I spotted this zippy, red Mustang parked in its usual place.  Although I am not a car-noticer by nature (the way my dear husband is), I always make a point of noticing this particular car and I always make a point of smiling a little whenever I see it.

And why would that be?  Well, this car is a bit unusual because it looks like something that would belong to a young fella in his twenties, doesn’t it?

But it doesn’t.  Actually, it belongs to a Southern Belle in her eighties!

I really, really love the fact that a woman can be eighty years old and still be zippy enough to drive around town in a red Mustang.


Oh, and by the way? 

Guess what the preacher and his wife drive?  An old Oldsmobile and an old-ish mini van.  They look a wee bit bland next to the red Mustang, don’t they?


Is it okay for a preacher’s wife to be jealous of a senior citizen’s car? 

Because I am.  Just a little.



(Edited to add:  After I posted this, I had another thought while looking at the above picture.   I had always been of the opinion that it is mainly men who back into parking spaces but in this case, a woman had backed in and a man had pulled in forward.

Are you a backer in-ner or a puller in-ner?  I’ve often made threats to start backing into spaces but after dozens of futile efforts and multiple humiliations, I have opted to continue my current “pulling in front first lifestyle.”

Do you think that men are more prone to back in than women are?  I do.  (Although I must admit that I don’t know why that would be true.) 

Maybe I should continue to practice, though, because when I turn eighty and get a red Mustang of my own, I want to able to back ‘er in!)


26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Who’s Drivin’ What?”

  1. Lizz says:

    I back in as often as I can. It’s much easier for me. I have a large Expedition and it is so much easier to use my mirrors to see the back corners than to see the front passenger corner. I started backing in when I used to drive my hubby’s truck because like I said it’s just easier to see that way. Now my Expedition has backup sensors & a backup camera. I am so spoiled but I LOVE those inventions! Also, backing in to small parking lots makes it so much easier to leave said parking lots. Having to back OUT of a space in a small area with cars around and other cars waiting is very nerve racking!

    • Becky says:

      Lizz, back up sensors and a back up camera would be great; I’m jealous! Maybe even I could back into a spot if I had some extra electronic help. Sounds like you have the technique down pat!

  2. Cindy Forrester says:

    I’ve started backing in my parking spaces mainly because I can’t see past/through the SUV’s that park next to me. In addition, drivers these days don’t seem to be as courteous as they once were and don’t stop when they see you trying to back out of a space:) It took a while for me to be good at backing in, but now I find I’m getting much better at it.

    • Becky says:

      Cindy, yes, SUV’s are definitely a challenge when you’re trying to see well enough to pull out of a parking space. And I have also notice that drivers aren’t as inclined to wait for a driver to pull out–seems like it would be in their best interest to NOT cause a wreck. Good for you for learning to back in!

  3. Judy says:

    What I found really inpressive about the backing into the parking space was how perfectly aligned it was—-evenly spaced between the lines and the back wheels at the edge of the grass but not touching it. I’m sure she is a super lady!!!

  4. Becky says:

    Thanks, Jenna. Red cars driven by elderly ladies is fun to write about and fun to read about!

  5. Wendy says:

    How cool is that ? My cousin had a sports car when he was about 70 or so and I just loved that he did that. I find it so neat that older folks can afford it then and probably couldn’t earlier so now they can have their dream cars. One Day it will be me and you too Becky 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Wendy, yep, let’s do it! As soon as I turn 70, I am planning on getting a fun car! Glad your cousin had a chance to do that. 🙂

  6. Pam D says:

    I worked for FedEx for 13 years, and for several of those years, I managed couriers. Which meant that I had to train the new ones as a driver instructor as well as check-riding them every 6 months. “Back first” is at the top of the list of defensive driving behavior. When you pull into a parking lot, you see everything that is around you and are able to back far more safely than trying to back OUT of it. There are a few times that I pull in, but I am very uncomfortable when I do. And it’s funny… in our garage, my van is ALWAYS backed in, and hubby’s car is always PULLED in. Love that red mustang.. do y’all call her Mustang Sally?

    • Becky says:

      Pam, I can definitely see the safety value of backing into a parking spot but I am so afraid I would do major damage to cars on either side of me. And you back your van into a GARAGE? I am majorly impressed.

  7. becky m says:

    i will pull in and i am a big pull thur parker esp in parking lots….i dislike backing out in parking lots.

    • Becky says:

      Becky, I am with you on that; I always try to be extra, extra cautious when I back out of a space in a parking lot. People and cars can appear from nowhere!

  8. Lesley says:

    We got no backer-in-ers in this area. Everyone is a puller-in-er. Seriously!

  9. Jackie says:

    My dad always backs in when we are in a crowded place like a baseball game etc. He says it is for “quick get away”. I don’t think I have ever backed into a parking space as long as I have been driving!

    • Becky says:

      Jackie, I love the “quick getaway” line. I can certainly see his point but getting myself into that space in order to have the quick getaway? It’s probably not going to happen.

  10. Jan (Toledo) says:

    I bought myself a radiant red Toyota Matrix when I had to replace my last car – the same year I had my first cancer diagnosis. My motto since has been “If not now, when?”.

  11. Janet Whichard says:

    My 80-year-old mother recently bought a Chrysler Sebring convertible (gold with black top). She said it was on her bucket list and as a cancer survivor, decided it was about time to get to it. I am really jealous, but she looks so cool driving around in it.

  12. Excellent! And good for the Mustang driver! I was just thinking the other day of getting rid of one of our two-seater sports cars, maybe getting something a bit more practical… But. No. I just can’t do it.

  13. Jessica K says:

    Oh that’s great! My grandma is that way. She can’t drive anymore, but up until a few years ago she had a red sports car.

  14. Jenna Hoff says:

    Love it! Very fun to read post Becky!

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