
June 22, 2022

The whippoorwills are singing in the dawn.

Mom is sleeping quietly near my chair.

I have the third shift on the night watch. My sisters said they would wake me earlier but conspired to let me sleep till 4 a.m.

The awful heat of yesterday has broken and it is exhilaratingly cool and beautifully clear.  The house is sweetened with the sensation of newly birthed air sweeping in through an open window.

Mom had a quiet night according to my two co-shifters.  No urine output through the night.  No restlessness.  Serenity of spirit in her near-death as in all of her long life.

In the last few minutes, she has started coughing–long, gasping coughs, and then quieting again to rest.

A new day dawning for us on earth.

A New Day’s dawn being prepared for Mom in heaven.

Sung home by the whippoorwills.

17 comments so far.

17 responses to “Whippoorwills”

  1. Wendy says:


  2. Phyllis says:

    Continued prayers for you and all your family. Peace be with you.

  3. Kristina says:

    Wishing all of you peace.

  4. Dale Tousley says:

    What a lovely, loving post. Of course tears are now streaming down my cheeks, praying for a peaceful passing, surrounded by those she loves most in this life as she prepares to meet other loved ones that went on ahead.

  5. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    . . . Waking up in glory and finding it home. A beautiful song that makes me think of your mom. Continuing to pray for you and family.

  6. Beth Ann Kayser says:

    Praying for your mom’s peaceful passing. I am glad you are getting to spend these moments with her and continue to hold you in prayer (as well as your whole family)…. Many hugs to you during this time….

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Becky, you write so beautifully.
    The prayers continue.❤️

  8. SueEllen says:

    Beautiful…continued prayers for all…

  9. Greta says:

    ” A new day dawning for us on Earth; A New Day’s dawn being prepared for Mom in heaven.” So true. Beautifully said.

  10. Katrina says:

    Thinking of you all

  11. Cindy says:

    What lovely sentiments you paint with your words. Praying for strength for all of you.

  12. KAREN says:


  13. Lisa L. says:

    Praying for her peaceful passing and your heart as you say goodbye for now.

  14. Patti says:

    It is nice that you are able to hear the wipporwills and have the fresh air. We sat with my dad the last moments in a stale room with only our singing to be heard. Love the bird sounds. Prayers continue

  15. Suzanne says:

    This gave me chills…such a beautiful tribute. What a blessing it is for your mother to have so much of her family sending her home! Beautiful pictures.

  16. Jan Rosen says:

    There’s no greater gift than sending a loved one off to heaven. I’m so glad you are by your mom’s side. What a gift for mom and a gift for you.


  17. Ann O. says:

    What a beautiful send off your mama is getting. I am so glad you are by her side, Becky, along with the other great care givers. Y’all are a great tribute to the lessons learned from your mom. Those pictures are beautiful. I love capturing moments. My dad and siblings, not so much. I got a few pictures when my mom was in her final days, with my dad lovingly by her side. I keep them to myself, but wouldn’t trade them for anything. Peace and love to you all.

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