While We Wait

April 5, 2021

(I just got a text from Gage saying the biopsy will happen today between 8 a.m. and noon.  So thankful it is officially on the schedule.)

I’m happy to say I slept a solid seven hours at the hotel last night.  I’m headed back over to the hospital shortly. When I get there, I’m going to meet up with one of my regular readers, Tiffany, who works at Duke.  Tiffany did Sarah’s pheresis back in 2003 when she was preparing to go into transplant.  We have stayed in touch through the years and when she asked if there was anything she could do for us while we were here, I got an idea.

Right now, when medical folks come into Sarah’s room they only see a wan, lethargic patient.  And since I want people who treat Sarah to see who she really is, I’ve asked Tiffany to go back to the engagement post and print off some of those photos.  I am going to put two on the outside of her door and two on the inside so that everyone, coming and going, can see Sarah in all her beauty and vivacity.

Sarah’s fever got up over 104 again yesterday. I was curious as to why they give Tylenol to patients with fever because it seemed to me that Tylenol would make it harder to keep track of what was really going on and mask the symptoms. The nurse said they do it to keep Sarah’s fever from going too high. If it’s getting to 104 on Tylenol, I hate to think where it would climb without it!

Since we are just waiting today on several tests and there is no current info to write about, let me rewind to our visit to Duke on Friday.

I had been meaning to write about this earlier but the unfolding of new events every day has been getting in the way of writing about the earlier appointments.

And this is actually good news, which we can all use today.

Dr. Driscoll told us after he and the radiologist had read the preliminary PET/CT scan Sarah got Thursday that neither of them is fully convinced that the spots on the liver and backbone are cancer. He said they may be residue/scar tissue from her earlier treatment.

He also said that as he was getting ready to read the results, he was really concerned that he was going to see metastatic disease, meaning cancer that had already spread.  (When Sarah was diagnosed in 2002, her cancer was at Stage IV, in every part of her body.)

But when he called us on the trip home Friday afternoon his news was, “No metastatic spread!”

So that, of course, was fantastic news. (Even though it was immediately followed up by, “Get Sarah straight to the ER as soon as you get back to Manteo.”)

The questions now continue to be: 1) What is this mass? and 2)  When can it be surgically removed?”   And until those things are determined, the course of treatment ahead is still murky. The mass is in the area of her abdomen where she had radiation done all those years ago, and so that is playing into the equation as well.

But backing up again to our visit on Friday . . .

Going back up to the fourth floor of the Children’s Hospital was definitely a weird feeling, I think especially for Sarah.  She last walked those halls as a young girl and now is returning as an engaged-to-be-married woman.  Feels like a whole lifetime in between.

After a few minutes in the waiting room, we were taken back to a room.  It occurred to me as we waited that we had been in that room a few times before.

Back in the room, we met Tanya, who is on Dr. Driscoll’s team. She told us that Dr. Driscoll has talked about Sarah to her every day since getting the news about the mass.  She also said she got chill bumps when Sarah was telling her and Dr. Driscoll about Gage and how he proposed after the news of the scan and the mass, just to show his commitment to her and remind her he wasn’t going anywhere–in sickness and in health.

After our appointment with the two of them, it was time to go over to the Cancer Center for the PET scan.  It’s a very confusing walk and Tanya said she would go with us. But Dr. Driscoll said, “No, I’ll take them.”

As they were walking toward the elevators I lagged behind a bit and said, “I’m going to take your picture!”

As soon as I said that, Dr. Driscoll did this.

And this.

Since he is usually more reserved, it was fun to see him take a few moments out of the seriousness of his profession and goof off a bit. It definitely made Sarah smile which I’m pretty sure was his goal.

When we got to the scan area and were saying our goodbyes I said something about wanting to take a photo of two of them for old times sake. He looked me right in the eye and said, “There are going to be plenty of new times, too.”

And some of his last words before we parted ways?  “I’m praying for you, Sarah.”

We’re starting this week with hope, starting it with prayer, starting it with photos of an amazing girl (and her amazing fiance) put on display for all to see.

42 comments so far.

42 responses to “While We Wait”

  1. Dee from Tennessee says:

    Praying from Rogersville , Tn. Long time reader … I remember those Junie B. Jones books and more . Thanking , thanking God for no metastatic spread , and so thankful Dr. D is still on staff. Prayers will continue from our household .

  2. Sumathi Iyengar says:

    Hi Becky, Thank you for the regular updates despite all that you are facing. So wonderful to hear that there are no mets!! It’s such a great idea to put up the lovely engagement pics on the door. What a wonderful young man, Gage is. He fits right into your very special family and I’m so happy for Sarah that she has Gage there with her. I’m continuing to keep Sarah, Gage and your family in my prayers that there is more good news in the coming days. Take care.

  3. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Glad to hear the good news portion of your blog! Hopefully, results will continue to bring good news. What a blessing Dr. Driscoll is. Too bad all doctors aren’t like him! I am happy for Sarah that both you and Gage are able to be with her, and it also gives both of you a chance to to get a little time to rest. Love that you are posting engagement pictures so everyone can see the real Sarah. What a great idea! Continuing to pray for all of you.
    Prayers, blessings and hugs,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  4. Sarah says:

    Sending lots of prayers for you guys today. I hope the biopsy went well!

  5. Donna Currie Cook says:

    Hey guys, I have been reading your blogs after seeing on facebook what’s been going on. I will keep you in my prayers Sarah and will continue to do so for you and your family. You are a true inspiration to so many and only wish I was closer so I could take care of you again at Duke. Hugs to you all

  6. Catherine says:

    Oh my! The roller coaster your on! God had a plan, trust in that. Praying for you all. Sarah And Gage , Steve and Becky y’all got this! Hugs to all!

  7. DeLynn says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to update. What joyous news on the scan! Praise God!
    I am so happy you will display photos of Sarah and Gage so all who care for Sarah can see her when she is not sick. It is such a good reminder to them–especially as these pictures are so recent. I have done this very thing on two occasions with people I loved.
    I continue to pray for all of you who love Sarah and for those who are caring for her. (And blessings on Dr. Driscoll—to have a doctor care like he does is priceless.)

  8. Jenna Hoff says:

    This great news makes me cry. I’m overjoyed for you that there is no metatastic spread. That is going to make such an immense difference for Sarah going forward. Dr. Driscoll is right, there will be lots of opportunities for new photos too. I’m glad she has the biopsy this morning, hopefully the results are back as quickly as possible and there is a lot more information forthcoming very soon. I’m also glad you were able to sleep well last night, that was my prayer for you. I’m praying for you all.

  9. Elizabeth B Bowen says:

    Lifting you all in prayer, especially sweet Sarah.

  10. krista121799 says:

    I love the idea of putting the engagement photos up for all to see. I’m sure the medical staff appreciates that, too. They don’t get to see the “real” Sarah while there.
    And I am just so happy that she has Gage. What a wonderful fella he is! She found a good one. They both did!
    Continuing to pray!

  11. Dear Becky, You and your extended family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers on this beautiful Easter Monday. We were encouraged, indeed, by the positive comments from Dr. Driscoll. It is such a blessing to have him on your team. The idea of putting the photos on Sarah’s door was absolutely brilliant. Now the staff can see for themselves that she is truly a Princess. Praying for more positive results as the week unfolds. Love, Fred & Lucy

  12. Suzanne says:

    Continuing to pray for Sarah and ALL of you! Thank you so much for continuing to update regularly so we know how to pray.

    Blessings always,

  13. Meredith says:

    Thinking of Sarah and all who love her this morning. I hope the biopsy goes smoothly and the results are back promptly.

    Dr. Driscoll really has a quiet, compassionate way about him that shows even in photos. He looks like a lovely guy. Thinking of him, too.

  14. Jean Overton says:

    I continue to pray for Sarah as well as so many others are. Becky, I am praying for you and Gage as well. Both of you need rest and strength to be there for Sarah. So glad things worked out so that both of you are there to switch out times to be with Sarah and also have time to get a little rest. Thank God for your son-in-law to be. Thanks for the updates. God bless ❤

    • Becky says:


      How fun to see your name pop up here. Thanks for all the filling in you did this weekend on media. I appreciate you and so appreciate your prayers.

  15. Cheryl H says:

    My goodness! Just as before, I can already see God’s hand all over this. Thank you for today’s encouraging post. Continuing prayerfulness for complete healing, full recovery, and the Grace of His comfort in all of the in betweens.

  16. Tobi says:

    What a blessing Dr. Driscoll is! Prayers on the wing for Sarah and her entire team of warriors!

  17. Debbie Haskell says:

    Than you for sharing the good news, Becky! And, glad the biopsy is happening today as that will bring some much needed answers. Sending prayers for all of you!

  18. Katrina says:

    Thinking of you all

    Were you at Duke both Thursday and Friday? I thought your scan day was good Friday.
    I hope this week will be better for you all.

  19. Ann O. says:

    Oh my, Becky, I got goose bumps and tears, while reading this post. And I’m not an openly emotional person! God bless you all. God bless Dr. Driscoll. Do I remember correctly that he had a child attend the same college as Sarah, and that you ran into him there? I am so glad you have a familiar team that you trust moving forward!

    Thank you so much for the updates. Prayers continue, as we wait WITH you!

  20. Kim Berndt says:

    Oh Becky, so thankful for the good news as we wait. Standing in the gap for sweet Sarah, and for your entire family. Praying again for peace and even JOY…..as you walk thru this! I love your remembrances…….where you can so quickly recount his faithfulness THEN, and I know he’s being faithful NOW!! 🤍

  21. Marjie Rinehart says:

    I have been praying and praying. Thanks for some good news! I am in tears. God is hearing our prayers. Keep us posted. Hugs from Iowa!

  22. We all need a champion like Dr. Driscoll in our lives. SO thankful that he doesn’t think the liver/spine spots are cancer!! Still SO worried for Sarah. That fever… man. 🙁

    Thanks, as always, for keeping us up to date. Much love and light to you!

  23. LeeAnne says:

    What a great way to start the day! Such an encouraging post and no metastatic spread! It brought happy tears to my eyes. So did the sight of Gage by Sarah’s side. I feel so hopeful and am so glad to hear that the biopsy will happen today. The prayers continue!

  24. Angie says:

    Prayers and Hugs to all. Your post made me have goose bumps and I thank you very much for that.

  25. Lesley says:

    Yay for biopsy day and uninterrupted sleep! Let’s get this show on the road. Love the idea of her recent photos for everyone to see, they are beautiful. Thank you for sharing all of this with us.

  26. Jill says:

    Thank you for this hopeful update! I got tears reading it. Between the “no metastasis spread”, and the photos on the door and the ones in the post, I feel like prayers are being answered for the Bride to be! So many looking out and praying for your sweet girl.

  27. Cindy says:

    So good to hear progress is being made and your wonderful idea with pictures! What a blessing that Sarah is being cared for so well. It was wonderful to read some good news as well. Now I have to go back and read your post again.

  28. SueEllen says:

    What a wonderful, uplifting post! Continued prayers for today and forward 💕💕

  29. Gayle in AL says:

    It was so good to read some good news! I sure hope and pray that the reading and interpretation of the scans is correct and that the mysterious mass will be found to be some sort of benign infectious tissue, which can be removed completely so that Sarah can get back to the happiness of planning her wedding! I’m glad you got a good night’s sleep and hope the same for Sarah and Gage.

  30. Guerrina says:

    Thank God for Dr. Driscoll! So glad you got some much needed sleep, Becky and thankful Gage is there in the middle of this. Love you all! Prayers up!

  31. Kay says:

    God has given Sarah a gifted and wise Doctor who is caring and concerned and will make sure she gets the best treatment. We know that God can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think. Love and prayers continually. Kay

  32. Patti says:

    In my thoughts and prayers as you go thru these tests today.

  33. Phyllis says:

    Thankful that you got a good nights sleep and that the biopsy is on the schedule. Prayers for Sarah, Gage, you and Steve as well as the Florida family. Praying that Dr. D’s initial interpretation of the PET/CT is correct. It’s wonderful to have a praying doctor!
    Love the idea of putting up pictures of their engagement!

  34. rdmantik says:

    My heart absolutely ACHES for Sarah. Glad you were able to get some much needed rest Becky. Wedding is just around the corner. And such a good idea on the photos at the door. Good job! Maybe all of this is to give Gage a feel of what the journey has been like. Certainly an amazing man, Gage is.

  35. Shannon B says:

    Continued prayers to you all for strength and healing.

  36. Sara Jackson says:

    Oh how my heart dropped as I’ve read your updates! I was sitting in a chair on the 5100 unit at Duke Children’s Hospital because my 16 year old daughter was admitted last Monday thru Wed night and Sarah and your family came into my thoughts. I said a prayer for you all and told myself that I needed to come here to check out your updates as I hadn’t checked in on your blog in a while due to some health issues of my own and then taking care of my daughter. Since getting home from the hospital our days have been filled with vitals checks, follow up appointments, blood work, medication changes, on call doctor calls, etc so I hadn’t gotten around to coming here until now. I literally had tears in my eyes of joy at Sarah’s engagement and tears of sadness and worry for her health simultaneously. I don’t comment too much but I’ve been a follower for many years and feel like I “know” you all and want you all to know that I will continue to pray for good news on all of Sarah’s testing, wisdom for the doctors, healing for Sarah and strength for all who love her and are by her side as she travels this unknown path.

    • Becky says:


      I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s illness. Looks like we missed being Duke neighbors by just a couple of days!

      Thank you for your compassion, your tears, and your words. Hugs to you and your family during this time of medical challenge.

  37. Tammy L Wright says:

    I have been praying and will continue! Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your journey! 💗❤️💗

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