What’s To Come

August 19, 2021

I haven’t done a health update for a while and right now there are a few extra things going on I wanted to let you know about. Some are serious; some are less so. But the fact that so many things have piled on all at one time has made life a little interesting.

Here is a brief rundown.


I’ve had had a scattering of nodules in my lungs for a couple of years which, from my understanding, is not uncommon.

However, when I had a recent chest CT to keep tabs on my obliterative bronchiolitis, one of those nodules had grown to 8 mm. That is the size used as a cutoff for doctors to start paying closer attention since the risk of malignancy increases markedly at that size.

My pulmonologist told me he was going to forward the scan to a thoracic oncologist/surgeon colleague to take a look; he was of the opinion that the plan would be to wait six months and then rescan.

However, when I heard back from the oncologist he said that after he and his team studied the scan, they weren’t comfortable waiting six months. They want to rescan in three months and then make a decision about how to proceed.


As I said, the primary purpose of the CT scan was to track my lung disease. Last week, my pulmonologist spent over an hour talking with me about the scan,  my disease, my symptoms, and the fact that I have been feeling gradually worse, especially over recent months

Finally, at the end of our lengthy conversation he said, “To be honest with you, Mrs. Smith,  I don’t feel like I am the right doctor for you anymore.  I have a colleague at UNC Hospital of Chapel Hill who runs the Interstitial Lung Disease Clinic (OB falls in that category) and is also the Medical Director of the Lung Transplant Program. Although he’s not accepting new patients, I’m going to call him this afternoon and see if he will take you on.”

I reminded him that I had moved my care from Duke back to him because of the exorbitant cost of the pulmonary function tests when done in a hospital setting. He said that he would be willing to have me continue to have my tests done at his office and he would forward the results to UNC if the doctor decided to accept me as a patient. I was so grateful for his willingness to do that because I knew it was the only way I was going to be able to switch my care over to a top-tier pulmonologist.

I got a phone call later that afternoon saying (miraculously) that Dr. Lobo had agreed to accept me as a patient.  I feel so reassured knowing that I am going to be treated by someone of his caliber, someone who has treated a number of patients in the past with the same disease.

When I got the preliminary paperwork from Dr. Lobo, I was a bit disconcerted to read that some of it had to do with beginning the screening process for a lung transplant.  His bloodwork order alone covered over fifty different things.

To my knowledge, I am nowhere near that point although several pulmonologists in previous years have told me it is most likely in my future.  Dr. Lobo is no doubt just getting some baseline readings in place as he starts the process of getting to know my situation.

I am so thankful to have such a thorough doctor after struggling twenty years with an obscure condition few people understand.  (My first appointment will be in eleven weeks unless something opens up earlier.)

So it was a sobering couple of days as I was receiving emails from the Cancer Center in Greenville (where my chest scan was studied) and getting phone calls from the Lung Transplant Program at UNC Hospital-Chapel Hill.  Those are not really the kinds of words you love to see popping up on your screens–especially when leaving on vacation. But pop up they did.


Another thing the chest CT showed was a fairly large growth on my thyroid. While most lumps there are benign, my pulmonologist is still scheduling me for an ultrasound.


I am scheduled for an appointment with my Duke rheumatologist next Wednesday.  I wasn’t due to go until December but the pain in my hands has increased markedly in the past few months, going from a dullish ache to sharp stabs that have brought me to tears more than once.

For a person who does photo editing, piano playing, graphic design, blogging, and church communications, that kind of pain is both difficult and discouraging to deal with. (Not to mention the increasing loss of function.)

I know there is no cure but I am hoping there may be some ways to better deal with the symptoms.


I am due for a visual field test in a few weeks to screen for glaucoma. Turns out one of my eyes has an “odd” optical nerve which can point to early glaucoma.


In the past couple of weeks, a spot has appeared on my cheek which is sort of itchy and bothersome. I am scheduled to see a dermatologist to have that evaluated.


And to make my medical dance card completely full, my heel has recently decided to produce a painful spur.  Oh, happy day.

On top of the medical issues piling up . . .

I’ve been dealing with some pretty blue days over the past few months–just overwhelmed with physical maladies, empty nest syndrome, and other challenges that life has presented. On top of that, I think I am still recovering from the unspeakable amount of stress we faced with Sarah’s medical issues/wedding plans all packed into those two months leading up to her marriage.

I was just thinking that between her medical maladies, my medical list (including 2 endoscopies and a colonoscopy earlier this year), Gage’s broken finger, surgery, physical therapy, and Steve’s hip MRI, injection for pain, and bee stings with two trips to ER/Urgent Care, the four of us are keeping half of North Carolina’s doctors employed. Even Summer got in on the action by almost dying a month ago.

It’s been quite the season.

I don’t know where all these recent medical issues will lead but I will have a lot more insight once I get through the next three months. The waiting will not be easy.

In the midst of the big and small challenges, I feel fortunate to have such steadfast support from Steve and our four kids, along with other members of my dear far-away family. Friends, both far and near and our church family all help to make up the circle that surrounds me. I’m so grateful.

And I also have the never-failing strength of prayer and the promises of the Bible which are a constant comfort.

Over eighteen years of blogging, I’ve always just shared the day-to-day stuff of life with you. And that’s what I’m doing now–inviting you, my amazing readers and friends, into my good and bad days; inviting you into the uncertainty of waiting for what’s to come.


62 comments so far.

62 responses to “What’s To Come”

  1. Ann O. says:

    Oh Becky, I’m so sorry you are dealing with so many health challenges. I appreciate you sharing over these many years, the good, the bad, and the ugly (as the saying goes). I’ve been reading your heartfelt and honest blogs for well over 10+ years, since Caringbridge days. My sister recently had a double mastectomy, and is facing challenges and uncertainty from a cancer diagnosis. I went back to some of your blog posts from the time you had your surgery, and it helped me get some understanding of what my sister is dealing with.

    I join so many others in prayer, and sending strength to all of the Smith crew. May our prayers, love, and your steadfast faith and solid family support, give comfort, and carry you through the upcoming challenges.

    • Becky says:


      What a wonderful thing to know that some of my earlier writings have given you a little more insight into what your sister is facing right now. I’m so sorry she is facing this but thankful she has a sister like you to walk through it with her.

      And thank you for your beautiful words of comfort and encouragement. They truly filled my heart.

  2. Gloria A Smith says:

    I will be praying for you too Becky, praying for complete physical healing in the mighty name of Jesus.

  3. Cheryl Denton says:

    Trying to strap myself in with you. on your emotional rollercoaster, is frightening. Overwhelming. Please be reminded how much I care. And we, your many friends, are praying this journey with you. Your open-heart sharing of your tuff-tuff stuff, gives us courage for our rough rides. Praying Jesus will give you strength for today and miracles for your tomorrows.
    I love you. 💕

    • Becky says:


      “Strength for today and miracles for my tomorrows” is just what I need.

      Thanks for your sweet words and sweet friendship. I love you, too!

  4. SueEllen says:

    Continuing to keep you (and your wonderful family) in my thoughts and prayers as you travel through this uncertain time. Sending love and hugs your way.

  5. Lesley says:

    Oh Becky, what a lot of things to worry about. Waiting for results is the worst. Add in PTSD from the past few months and its a recipe for disaster, mentally. Thankfully you have a wonderful family and a large supportive group of friends ready to rally. I appreciate your willingness to share with us Smithellaneousers so we can also be your pillow to fall on when its all too overwhelming. We are good listeners!
    One good thing, the hurricane is NOT headed your way 🙂
    I want to add that the picture of you is so pretty. Hang in there, Hugs sent to you.

    • Becky says:


      Smithellaneousers. That’s going to give spell-check some fits. 🙂

      Thanks for your caring, empathetic comment. I know you understand difficult challenges like few others do and it certainly comes out in your words and the heart behind your words.

      No. Waiting is not fun. Too many what-ifs to keep organized in my head.

  6. Krista Labrensz says:

    Thank you for keeping us up to date. You sure do have a lot on your plate. I pray that this verse brings you comfort…
    John 16:33—I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

    Praying for you, friend!

  7. Miche says:

    I am so sorry you have to deal with all these medical issues, on top of all the stress you’ve been under lately.it’s just too much.I Am so glad you have a strong support system to lean on. Praying for good reports on your upcoming appoitntments, good treatment plans, and peace for you while you wait

  8. Lisa L. says:

    I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling. Lean into God’s word and your friends for the next steps. It’s always a comfort to remember that the Lord is never taken by surprise. His love for us transcends all the uncertainties of life. Praying for brighter days!

  9. Judy says:

    I am so sorry to hear of your health issues. I don’t know you (even though reading your blog I feel I do) but you seem to be a warrior forging ahead. I can’t imagine the stress that you have been carrying these last few months. I pray that God will continue to hold you as you are traveling this season of your life. Blessings to you and your family….

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for your encouraging comment. “Warrior forging ahead” is a wonderful word picture that I will hold on to as well as God holding me during this season. Love those thoughts.

  10. Liz says:

    It saddens me so that you are having to deal with all this. I hope you have someone to just talk to as all the stress you have endured can definitely have an impact on physical and mental well being. Being the amazingly strong woman you are doesn’t mean you don’t need help once in awhile. My prayers are with you.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am blessed with some wonderful listening ears in my life. You are so right; it DOES make a difference and is so important to know that there are others to carry the burden.

  11. Lynn Ladd says:

    I don’t normally comment but have been following you since Caring Bridge. I am so sorry that you are going through this and pray for you and Sarah daily. You all are an inspiration.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much; I love hearing from infrequent commenters. 🙂

      And I love to know that you’ve been following since CB days. Thanks for the prayers and the encouragment.

  12. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Matt. 11:28 – My yoke is easy, my burden is light. May all these physical burdens become lighter as the Great Physician continues to carry them for you. Dear Becky, think I almost got weary regarding your many physical problems. Father, how much more will be put upon her – may you plant miracle upon miracle on Becky. We continue to pray for you, that there will be a breakthrough and good news will be coming. May we all step out in faith – believing for you..

    • Becky says:


      What a great verse to keep in mind right now when the burdens grow heavy. So much comfort to be had in the Bible. Thank you for taking the time to be an encouragement.

  13. Debbie H. says:

    Becky, so sorry to read of all you are facing after all the challenges of the past few months. I know you have a wonderful support system but know that I am sending prayers your way in the hope that they help with the blue days, too, Thinking of you in the days ahead.

  14. Angela says:

    Praying for you, dear Becky . . .

  15. Guerrina says:

    Oh, Becky, that’s a huge load to bear! Another two or five meltdowns would be normal! However many it takes to release pent up stress! You’re in my prayers and I’ve no great wisdom with all of this but to say when my heel spur acted up, an ultrasound treatment at my chiro’s completely reduced all the inflammation.

    • Becky says:


      Good to know about the ultrasound treatment. I think I had that done a few years ago for plantar fasciitis and it really helped. Thanks for the reminder.

  16. Beth Kayser says:

    Gosh — when you said you had a meltdown in one of your recent posts (I think it was one during the wedding planning), I thought “not Becky – she is the list creator and master checker-off-er”… Yes, I am a eloquent word smither myself. ha ha

    Know you have been in our prayers for years and will continue to be. So many things to clutter your thoughts, but we know using the people that God places in our lives and sticking close with Him….we will land right where we need to be. We will be supported, comforted and most of all loved.

    I do hope that you rest when you can and push yourself when you want and know that even from across the country, we will be over here helping stand in the gap and lift you up.

    Many prayers for you and your family as you journey down yet more medical paths…..

    • Becky says:


      Nice to hear from such an eloquent word-smither! Master checker-off-er was my favorite. 🙂

      I love the thought of landing right where we need to be no matter where my medical roads take me. Thanks for taking the time to be an encouragmenent.

  17. dmantik says:

    Oh, Beck, there are no words. Praying for God’s comfort, strength and healing touch.

    Love you so much! And I love your beautiful picture! ♥️🙂

    Love, Deb

  18. Cindy says:

    Sending love and prayers. I am so sorry for all you are going through, wishing there was something I could do.

  19. Teresa Hewitt says:

    Oh Becky, you have had a lot to deal with lately. I’m sorry to hear about the extra issues you’re now having to contend with. “unspeakable amount of stress we faced with Sarah’s medical issues/wedding plans” – yes indeed. Sending all our love and strength, undimmed by the miles between us.
    On a lighter note (!) my husband also had a field vision test for glaucoma the other week. Afterwards he said ‘ I started getting very muddled so I just kept pressing the button.’ – !! (Not surprisingly the result was ‘unclear’ so he has to go again in six months.)
    xxxxxx Teresa

    • Becky says:


      Oh dear. I can only imagine your husband randomly pushing the button. I can just picture what the readout looked like at the end of the test! 🙂 Thanks for the smile–and the love and strength sent across the miles.

  20. Suzanne says:

    Goodness, that’s a whole lot on a lady’s plate! Praying for you to find more…more peace, more comfort, more answers, more joy!

  21. Sheri Hawley says:

    Standing with you, Precious Friend! Believing for miracles that heal the body and lift the heart. I love you! (Beautiful Picture, BTW!)

  22. LeeAnne says:

    First of all, I just love the picture of you!! You are so pretty!!

    Reading all that you have going on is mind-boggling. No wonder you are overwhelmed. You are an inspiration though…you always seem to handle everything with such grace and courage. I’ll be praying you through all this waiting and testing and whatever is to come. Hugs!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Thanks for the compliment on the picture; it’s been a while since I’ve grabbed a selfie.

      Waiting is the worst, isn’t it? Thankful for waiting room cohorts!

  23. Joy says:

    Oh Becky, I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this but you seem to be handling it pretty good. You are such an inspiration to me and I am sure to many others who read your blog. You know who has you in his hands and that he will give you strength and peace to endure what the future holds. And yes, you have wonderful support from your family and friends near and far I will be praying for you.

    By the way, the picture of you is so good. You are beautiful inside and out.


  24. Nina says:

    Becky, you are a marvel. We continue to lift your family up in prayer
    Much love to you .

  25. Kaye Joyce says:

    I read this just a minute ago and felt God nudging me to send it to you to uplift you…

    Written by Britney Truett
    I left home this afternoon headed to the gym.
    By the time I got there, I decided I needed a date with Jesus more than I needed the gym.
    So, I drove to my spot on the lake, sat on the rocks, and spilled my guts.
    The last month has been draining. Physically, spiritually, emotionally.
    As I opened my mouth, the first part of word vomit went something like this:
    “I don’t know exactly why I’m here. Or what I’m looking for. The enemy has been whispering lies in my ear, but he’s went so sneaky about it that I can’t even tell you what those lies are. My attitude and the funk I’m in, shows me that somewhere along the way, I let my guard down and started believing whatever crap he was whispering to me. Even still, I don’t know how to put all the emotions into words and describe my ‘funk’… all I know is it’s not you.
    The joy isn’t radiating through me.
    The peace isn’t drowning me.
    I mean, this past week, I haven’t even liked the person I am.
    Short tempered, stubborn, negative, and sometimes just gross.”
    Then, something nudged in my spirit and I was corrected…..
    “Brit. You don’t like who you are BEING. You love who you ARE. I made you that way.”
    As I sat there, pouring my guts out to every wave that crashed on the rocks, I still felt like I was talking to a God who was going to scold me for being the flakiest of the flock. But my spirit KNEW I was talking to grace and mercy. I KNEW he wasn’t scolding me, he was just appreciative of the fact I showed up.
    I left saying: “Lord, I need you to give me something.”
    Not two minutes after leaving my lake side spot, I was stopped at a red light.
    A lady approached my car window with a small basket. I rolled down the window, assuming she was going to ask for change (shame on me).
    She sticks her basket in my car and says, “Hey hun, I’m handing out rocks for God.”
    … rocks for God. Are you kidding me.
    I smiled, grabbed a rock and drive off.
    I called a friend to tattle on Jesus. She laughed as I told her how baffled I was at the fact that I poured my guts out to him and begged him for something… anything … and HE. SENT. ME. A. ROCK!!!
    A. ROCK.
    Then in the kindest Brit-Get-Your-Crap-Together-Voice, she said: “Maybe he was reminding you that whether you’re worshipping him or not… the rocks are.”
    And just like that, I was slapped in the face with this reminder:
    The King of the Universe. The King of my heart. He doesn’t need me. He. Wants. Me.
    “He answered, “I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out.””
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:40‬ ‭

  26. Phyllis says:

    So sorry you are dealing with all these medical problems right now. Prayers for healing and comfort.

  27. Buff says:

    I am so sorry to read all this. Obviously I know you have medical issues but reading them all in one place is overwhelming. I am putting you at the top of my prayer list and will be praying hard for you.
    You have a great support group around you physically but you also have many on line friends praying.
    Keep us updated.

    • Becky says:


      So good to be reminded of the wonderful online community that I have. I appreciate you all more than you’ll never know. And thanks for having me on your prayer list; such an encouragement to know.

  28. Gayle in AL says:

    Oh my goodness, that is a lot for one person to deal with. You always seem to do it so well and with such grace. I always tell people that growing older is not for the weak. I’m so glad that you have the best doctors on your team. I will pray for great results from all of your testing and peace and comfort for you and your family.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, growing older is just a little bit of a challenge, isn’t it? But I’m grateful for every day and every year–even with a few tough times thrown in along the way.

  29. Shawn says:

    I am sorry to hear about all the medical things you are going through.
    Sending lots of prayers your way.
    Take care and know we are thinking about you.

  30. Kaye Joyce says:

    Bless your heart… it makes me tired for you, just reading all of this. Life. Sometimes it takes a toll. I always lean on God during the trying times because.. GOD CAN! As Bro. Don Anderson emphasized during our Revival this week… THE HEAVENS DO RULE! Praying hard for you and praying for peace and comfort during the blue days.. love and hugs to you from Mt. Airy, NC.

  31. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    Please let me know if there is anything I can help with with when you are in Durham next week.. I will be there and happy to do whatever I can!!

    • Becky says:


      You are always so sweet to offer. Thank you!

      I actually ended up delaying that appointment for two weeks because I had too much stuff going on right now.

      Will keep you in touch if I think of something. Bless you!

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