What Was That Thing? And New Bern.

September 14, 2020

Last week I posted a photo of an antique item and asked you to guess what it was.

Some of the guesses that came in were Netti Pot, gravy boat, potty, some sort of light, teapot, plant water-er, tea pourer, and (for laughs) a Genie lamp!

Are you ready for the answer?

This item is an invalid feeder. (Also known as a pap-boat or a sick cup.)

It was used to feed pap to an invalid or a child. Pap is diluted milk and flour or a mixture of soaked bread with meal and sugar sometimes chewed by a nurse to get the right smooth consistency. (Pre-chewed food. Who knew?)   Of course, you could also put broth or any other liquid in it as well.

Invalid feeders came in different shapes and sizes and colors and were used mostly in Victorian times.

So there you have it.  A new tidbit of knowledge to carry with you into your week.

What about you?

Name one thing on your schedule today or this week. It doesn’t matter if it’s really boring or really interesting. It’s always fun to see what the Smithellaneous gang is up to.



28 comments so far.

28 responses to “What Was That Thing? And New Bern.”

  1. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Hi Becky,
    Well, I tried hard to comment yesterday but my computer was being cantankerous and wouldn’t let me, so I’ll try again this morning. I loved your photos as I always do! You could surely open your own business providing photos for promotional brochures or postcards. You have the unique ability to see things from an interesting perspective and the photos you take of the places you visit are enticing, warm and welcoming. They make one feel as though they are there with you or want to be!
    Nothing special planned this week, although my car is due for an oil change and state inspection. Not exciting!
    Hugs, stay safe and God bless.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      You are my biggest Photography Cheerleader. Thank you so much for taking the time to be so encouraging.

      Oil changes and inspections–not too exciting but definitely important. Have a great week!

  2. Katrina says:

    Well I can mention that next week I will go to the hair dresser. 🙂 Hopefully it will nice.

    I am wondering do you remember where you were at 9/11 and what you were doing? Cannot believe it has been almost 2 decades ago.
    I was only 11 and I think I watched the news but I did not really understand it


    • Becky says:


      I’m going to the hairdresser next week and can’t WAIT! 🙂 I’m sure yours will turn out lovely.

      Yes, I remember. I was in Minnesota and my dad called and told us to turn on the news. That’s all we did all day was watch the news . . . over and over for the rest of the day, not really even able to believe what we were seeing.

  3. Melissa says:

    Remind me to say “no thanks” if anyone ever offers me some pap… 🤢

  4. krista121799 says:

    You live in such a beautiful state. I just love all of your pictures.
    My Dad came to town yesterday for an appointment and we went out to Olive Garden last night. It was yummy. The rest of the week is quiet, but that’s good for me. I’m tired for some reason.

    God bless!

    • Becky says:


      Going to Olive Garden is always a treat. I’ve not eaten there in several years so I’m a little jealous. And how nice to get to have the meal with your dad–all the more special!

      A quiet week is definitely a good thing. Enjoy!

  5. Lesley says:

    That’s very interesting about the invalid feeder. I often wonder how those with extraordinary needs were accommodated, if at all, ‘way back when’. This was a very good idea! As far as pre-chewed food goes, I did that for Sarah for many years, it came naturally, bite by bite, when she was quite young and continued at times depending on her needs and the type of food. I think a McDonald’s cheeseburger was the first time LOL. The pieces I broke off were too dry for her to manage and she was looking hungrily at me, waiting expectantly for the delicious food, so I gave it a couple of chomps, popped it in her little mouth and a new strategy was born. Haha. She loved to eat and I wasnt about to cut her off. Sounds gross but in real life it was no big deal at all.
    I love that shiny painted bear. On Cape Cod a few years ago there were whales placed about which were painted by local artisians. They were beautiful. In fact, my stepmother painted one of them. She is an artist out there in Provincetown.
    This week I am relishing the crisp, cool air that has moved in. Windows wide open! Bring on Fall! I wont be out in it much at all but I love it nonetheless. Quiet week ahead, hopefully. Working on weight loss!

    • Becky says:


      I love how you and Sarah worked out your own personal dining experience. And yes, I also think those invalid feeders were a great idea! Now that I have one, I may have Steve put soup in it for the next time I am sick. 🙂

      I saw a lot of those painted bears around New Bern and had a passing curiosity. But now, writing this reply, my curiosity came back full force so I Googled it. I know you are a curious person too, so here’s the info:

      In 1710, New Bern was founded by a group of settlers from Bern, Switzerland which was a city named after the first animal a group of hunters first came upon — a bear. New Bern adopted the animal as a mascot and placed about 58 fiberglass, ceramic bears throughout the city during its 300th anniversary in 2010.

      And yet another new thing to learn! I think it’s great that your stepmom has been a part of one of the programs of painting various creatures. I admire the talents artists have.

      Isn’t fall weather so great? And getting to open your windows and let all that fresh, cool air in is the best. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! (And your weight loss WILL come–slow and steady.)

  6. dmantik says:

    I am so weird. I wondered why the feeder was not valid, like does it not measure up to the heretofore (unknown to me) rigorous standards of being a feeder? Then in reading the comments it dawned on me that it was something for a sick person, an invalid. I concern myself sometimes. 🙄

    The pictures are beautiful as always! Thanks for sharing.

    My week consists of continuing to get used to my new job as a classroom assistant at one of the local elementary schools. After working at home or at church for the last 25 years, it’s really different being in the mainstream workforce again. Not sure I’m a fan, but the bills gotta get paid!

    Sending much love to the Smiths–you guys are the best!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      Happy to say you are not weird–you are just related to me. As I was typing the word for the blog I kept seeing it the same way you did as something not being valid. It’s just the way our minds work.

      Well, you’re starting your second (or third?) week of school so you must be getting along well. I know it is a HUGE adjustment! The kids (and teachers) are lucky to have you.

  7. SueEllen says:

    We had students in the classrooms today for the first time in six months! (They still have the option to continue learning virtually if they are not comfortable in person). Things went surprisingly well (I wasn’t sure how high schoolers would do wearing masks all day – but for the most part they did great).

    New Bern is so pretty. My former sister-in-law is from there and I remember touring Tryon Palace during their candlelight Christmas tour – beautiful. And now a former classmate (from West Virginia) owns a B&B there. I’d love to visit again and that feeling is confirmed by your lovely photos.

    One thing I DON’T want to do is eat bread that is pre-chewed….I’m glad we have progressed from the days of the invalid feeder.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful week and thanks as always for brightening my Monday!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I drove by the Tryon Palace. I can only imagine how beautiful it is by candlelight and decorated for Christmas. You’re lucky you got to see that! Hopefully you will get to go back again.

      Glad the first day of having students in the classroom went well and everyone kept their masks on. Adjustments all around–but thankfully, life goes on.

  8. Michele says:

    I had no idea about an invalid feeder.. all I’m doing this week is working… our drs office was bought out by corporation and they furloughed some people nurses and others quit so now we are way behind in phone calls, etc. so I will be doing overtime to try to catch up.i also would like to get our pool closed. So nothing fun but oh well.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like your days are full! Hopefully, once the pool is closed and summer draws to a close, your tasks outdoors will lighten up some.

      Working overtime to catch up is never fun but it’s a good feeling to know you’re making progress.

  9. Patti says:

    Invalid feeder is a new one to me for sure. I know birds digest food and then regurgitate it to their young, that is similar to chew and feed I guess. Love the photos. When you post photos of a town, that gives me a new place that I want to visit. My exciting thing this week was today I mailed out my first two etsy sales.

    • Becky says:


      Congrats on your first two Etsy sales. What are you making/selling?

      I hope pictures of New Bern will give you another reason to come back to NC! 🙂

  10. Phyllis says:

    The pictures are beautiful! I would have never guessed what the “thing’s” purpose was.
    Today I counted offering at church and took the deposit to bank. Then I dropped some books off at our second campus. We have an apartment ministry and back in March, they were doing a collection of books for the kids. I had gotten several and one of my friends had given me an Amazon gift card to get several. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the books to church before we stopped having services for several weeks. They’ve been sitting on my spare bed for months and I finally contacted someone to see if I could bring them by.
    Wednesday or Thursday, I’m planning a trip to the Overland Park Arboretum. I’ve lived here six years and have never made it out there. Wednesday night is a new Ladies Bible Study that one of the ladies from my Sunday School class is facilitating. It is on the book of Acts.

    • Becky says:


      Offerings deposits, books, arboretum, Bible study . . . so great to have a full, meaningful life in staying busy and doing for others. Blessings!

  11. Buff says:

    I grew up near New Bern. I would love to retire there. Have family still there. Don’t you love the fancy bridges? I remember when both rivers just had drawbridges.
    We are going to Nashville TN tomorrow for a funeral. My husband’s cousin died in a small plane crash last week. We have family from Chesapeake Va coming in this afternoon to spend the night on their way to Nashville early tomorrow.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I was very impressed by the huge bridge that had so many twists and turns. I thought OBX was great at big bridges (especially the one at Oregon Inlet) but the bridge at New Bern was amazing. Such a lovely downtown/waterfront area. I know you are well familiar with it, growing up nearby.

      Sorry to hear about the tragedy in your family; double difficult when a death is unexpected. Grace to you and your family.

  12. Sharyn McDonald says:

    That is a new one for me – never heard of an invalid feeder. Pre-chewed food reminds me of a bird that feeds it’s little ones. Think I’ll pass on that. Our niece who is an author, wrote about babies that were fed by goats who stood above them and the babies nursed. That was a little weird. Today, washing clothes (it’s Monday), but am also getting ready to go on the vacation we had to cancel in April. Unfortunately one of the places we will be heading to seems to have a problem with hurricanes. But asking for the Lord’s protection (hurricanes and the virus) as we embark. Beautiful pictures again. I think if you had a Brownie Hawkeye camera – they would come out beautiful!

    • Becky says:


      So glad you are getting to take your “make up” vacation. You will doubly appreciate it since you had to wait so much longer.

      Interesting story about the nursing goats! I think it’s amazing how a maternal instinct crosses all borders, species-wise.

      Safe travels! And thanks for the photo compliment. 🙂

  13. Mrs. Pam says:

    venturing out of apartment to mail a package. also, sewing a turkey pillow for Thanksgiving.

  14. LeeAnne says:

    Pre-chewed food….oh my gosh. I learned something new though, so that’s good! 🙂

    Today, after work, I am going to hop on my bike and take a nice, long ride. Hoping to do 9 miles. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and I will take any chance I get to be doing something outdoors!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      The weather beautiful here as well with lows in the 60’s. Every year I wait for the first day when evening temps get to 69 and today is it.

      Enjoy the weather and the 9 miles!

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