Of Weddings and Pancakes

October 27, 2013

I’m getting up at 3:30 in the morning to catch an early flight out of Milwaukee. Good thing I’m a morning person!

Before I head to bed tonight though, I wanted to post a few highlights of my Wisconsin journey; there will be more pictures and stories to follow.

Here is my niece, Hannah, the happy, lovely bride whose wedding is the reason I flew to Wisconsin.






Here’s the country church they were married in . . .



And the decorations outside the church.



My brother, Tim, and I took the pictures for the wedding.  (He’s the oldest brother; I’m the oldest sister.) We make a good team.


The day before the wedding, I took a drive in the country and took pictures of interesting buildings and beautiful scenes . . .






And I also got to eat my sister’s world famous pancakes.


A good visit, indeed.

12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Of Weddings and Pancakes”

  1. dmantik says:

    So many good memories made. Love the pic of you and Tim–photographers extraordinaire!

    Love you! and miss you too.

  2. cath young says:

    Beautiful photos, beautiful, setting, beautiful bride. You look great, Becky. You niece looks so much like photos you shared with us of your mother. So glad you cold go to the wedding.

  3. Chris P. says:

    Becky, those are beautiful photos!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    lovely bride… and a very beautiful auntie!!!

  5. Steve says:

    Beautiful wedding. Lovely bride, handsome prince. And Debs marvelous pancakes. What’s not to love.

  6. Diane P. says:

    Such beautiful pictures and beautiful bride. Every part of our country is so different and has its own unique beauty!

    • Becky says:


      You are so right–there is not part of our great country that is not lovely in its own way. I love getting to travel occasionally and see all the different areas!

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