Wedding Wednesday: Beautifully Blue Day

January 31, 2012

After leaving the restaurant in downtown Manteo where we took the wedding shots I posted last Wednesday,  we drove just a couple blocks and got out near the water.  It was such a beautifully blue day, a perfect setting for a certain bride and her certain husband.

I must say it’s a good thing that the Public Display of Affection Police were not afoot because there was plenty of affection being publicly displayed!

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Here are some shots Sarah took.

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 I love her perspective.

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Sarah also took a few near one of the restaurants we visited that I forgot to post last week.

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Meagan is already learning that one of the perils of being a Smith Kid is that Mama Smith is likely to pull out a camera at any given moment.  Of course, in this particular case, I was actually invited to pull out my camera.

And nothing makes me happier!

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And lastly, my favorite shot from that location.

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See you next week for another Wedding Wednesday.


12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Wedding Wednesday: Beautifully Blue Day”

  1. Anna says:

    Once again, I have enjoyed all of the photos. It must be genetic, Sarah also has a great eye for capturing beauty! Have a wonderful week. The sun is shining brightly here…guess Mr. Groundhog saw his shadow. 🙁

    • Becky says:

      Anna, it’s been so warm here all week I keep on thinking it’s springtime! Enjoy your sunshine. So glad to know you liked the pictures!

  2. Gail Puckett says:

    Wednesday is fast becoming my favorite day of the week. Wedding Wednesdays in the morning and church in the evening. What could be better than that. The pictures are beautiful, I especially like the ones in which the wind is blowing the bottom of Meagan’s gown and the one of the veil blowing. Wonderful pictures. Okay, now if I must, I will go back to work (oops, I did it again). By the way, Sarah is turning into quite the photographer, it must run in the family.

    • Becky says:

      Gail, Sarah has just started a photography class at school so I’m really jealous; I told her to teach me everything she learns! 🙂

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Great pictures Becky AND Sarah!! Love them! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  4. BECKY says:

    Becky – so love when Wednesday rolls around – one thing I have been wondering about is how did Megan keep warm? I notice in all the shots that you have been in,you have a jacket on. I will also say she has gotten her money out of that dress – I think it is just such a awesome idea that they came back and took photos. Sarah – you are also turning into quite the photographer your self ~ Have a great day! Becky

    • Becky says:

      Becky, Meagan was pretty cold after the first hour or two of the shoot when the temp started dropping. She was quite the good sport because I was cold and I had a jacket on. She had a little wrap she wore in between shots and later in the afternoon, Nathan gave her his jacket to put on. (Which I got some cute shots of!)

  5. nancy irving says:

    yayyyyyyyyy wedding wednesday, my favourite day of the week. Nathan and Meagan are so lucky to have had their wedding pictures taken in both places,Florida and NC. You and Sarah sure got some beautiful shots. We are sooooo lucky that you have included us all out here in cyberspace in the joyous event of their marriage. Thanks so much for makeing my Wednesday much brighter, again 🙂

    • Sueg says:

      I agree, Nancy. Few people would share so much of themselves and their family with strangers such as we are. Becky has blessed us all by letting us see into her family, professional, and creative hobby lives. Her words enrich us, empower us, and entertain us. And I love to read the comments to see that others like yourself are also enjoying that gift.

      • nancy irving says:

        You are so right Sue, we are very blessed, and I am deeply honoured to be allowed to feel like a part of it all. I have to admit through Becky and Steve, and many of their other readers, my faith has certainly grown and I humbly thank Becky and Steve for enriching my life with this gift.

      • Becky says:

        Alright, Lori, Nancy, and Sue, you’re gonna have to stop with all the compliments; you’re embarrassing me! Seriously, what makes Smithellaneous such a special place is all of YOU; I’d just be talking to myself if it weren’t for my lovely, loyal readers.

Thanks for making Smithellaneous so much better through your comments.

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