We Made Them!

September 18, 2023

Last Friday night was a memorable night for two reasons: we celebrated Nathan’s 34th birthday together (September 18), and it was the first time in over a year that the six adults in the family have been out together for a kid-free meal.

Steve and I got to the restaurant first so we were on hand to see this handsome couple arrive on the premises.

After  2 1/2 years of marriage, they are more in love than ever.

Fun fact: they are both wearing their wedding shoes.

Ma and Pa Smith have been married 41 years and also know a little somethin’ about love.

After everyone had arrived and we got seated, Nathan’s first order of business was to select tuna as an appetizer. Which is fine and dandy except for the fact that the tuna was raw.  The look on Meagan’s face is a perfect description of how I feel about raw tuna.

Steve actually eats raw tuna; he’s just trying to match his face to Meagan’s face.

I’m not one to take photos of food because we don’t usually eat in fancy places. But these presentations were photo-worthy.

The six of us always have the best time together with plenty of riotous laughter and boisterous conversations. Not to mention men putting sprigs of rosemary between their teeth.

At one point in the evening, I was looking around the table at the five people I love so dearly, and then directing my comment at Nathan and Sarah, I blurted out, “Just think. Dad and I made you!”

I guess my point was that unless the two of them had been “made,” we wouldn’t all be sitting there enjoying each others’ company. But since it was such a random comment, the kids all got a big kick out of it.

Nathan opened gifts and cards and then we went outside to hang out a little while before the evening came to an end.  Of course, the guys had to pull off a shenanigan or two.  Here they are, pretending to be Sears and Roebuck models.

They are some handsome models, if I do say so.

Meagan, who put the whole evening together for her hubby, was as lovely as always.

So blessed to have two wonderful daughters.

I always wanted two girls!

And here’s the birthday guy and the birthday guy’s gal.  This last year has presented them with enormous changes and challenges, and they have hung on through it all with grace, strength, and a fabulous sense of humor.

Not much light here for a clear shot but at least you can see we were having a good time!

At the end of the evening, as we were waiting for the guys to get the cars, I snapped a photo of Sarah. It’s such a joy to see her as a settled, contented young woman after so many challenges in her life.  Much to be thankful for.

In closing, I thought it would be fun to compare gatherings from the past.  This is July of 2022.

And this is the year before.

And this is Friday night.

Each of the three families at that table has a story, a testimony, and an ongoing saga of life that is theirs alone. And yet when we sit down together to eat and talk, our stories and hearts blend together and the definition of the word family becomes very real and very precious. And they actually go way beyond family; I look at all five of those people at the table as my friends.

Although Steve and I “made” Nathan and Sarah, God made all of us and in His providence, brought each couple together in ways that were beyond amazing.  And then, without any planning on anyone’s part (except God’s), all three families ended up living in Charlotte.

We never could have dreamed in a thousand years that a desire of Steve’s and my hearts would come to fruition without us even asking.  Kids and grandkids nearby.   The joy of family to fill the lonely places in our hearts.   Raw tuna and Sears and Roebuck models and much, much laughter.

It was such a joy to spend that time together–not only making new memories but also giving thanks for all the paths that brought us to that place.


What about you?

What was one thing from your weekend you’d love to share with us? It’s always fun to take a peak into each others’ lives.






28 comments so far.

28 responses to “We Made Them!”

  1. SueEllen says:

    I’m so glad you all had such a wonderful time celebrating Nathan together.Last Saturday as well as today was spent as we try to spend all our fall Saturdays, getting together with family to watch college football together. (Of course, we usually get together even when it’s not football season too).

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      So nice to be able to hang out with your family–football or no football. But I know the football makes it even better! 🙂

  2. Fred & Lucy Johnson says:

    Happy Birthday to Nathan! This is why I read your blog – Brilliant commentary, food for thought and professional photography! And I loved the Sears’ models! Glad you had such a wonderful family time. They are the BEST!

  3. Phyllis says:

    Happy belated birthday to Nathan! I can only imagine how special it is to be able to celebrate his birthday after him being in Florida for so many years. Your dinner looked delicious other than the raw tuna! I just can’t bring myself to eat raw fish.
    My weekend wasn’t real exciting. Sunday I taught our women’s Sunday School class for the first time since the beginning of our church year. My pastor’s wife has taught this class for over 6 years. She is an elementary school principal and asked for some volunteers to help teach this year. The younger women’s class uses a rotation of teachers and she was hoping to go to that format. Since I had taught a few times when she was out already, I was asked if I would mind teaching one Sunday a month. So much of Friday and Saturday afternoon, I was prepping for that. I have never taught prior to this class although I rock babies one Sunday a month.

    • Becky says:


      Good for you for stretching out of your comfort zone and doing something new! I hope you enjoyed it and will look forward to the next time you’re on the rotation. And what a wise pastor’s wife to ask for some help and get other people involved.

  4. Suzanne says:

    Happy birthday, Nathan! How wonderful to celebrate this way!

    Becky, your family is just so photogenic and lovely! I can hear the laughter and see the love through the photos.

    We went to a college football game on Saturday then attended our granddaughter’s baby dedication on Sunday. What a blessed day that was!

    I hope your week is going wonderfully well!

    • Becky says:


      Footballs and grandbabies. Weekends don’t get any better than that!

      And yes, there was definitely a lot of laughter and love behind those photos.

  5. dmantik says:

    Loved seeing all you beautiful people making such a happy memory together! The Sears models were a very nice touch. 😁 But the pictures of you and your girls showed who the real models were!

    Our weekend included taking a Sunday drive to a town about an hour and and a half away. We attended the Sunday morning service of the church Randy’s great nephew, Dustin, pastors. He and his wife, Hannah, and their kids just arrived there a few months ago, so it was fun to see them in their new place of ministry and cheer them on!

    I noticed on our drive that the fall colors are really starting to show up. There should be a good display of colors for you guys when come next month–can’t wait!🙂

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      The words “Sunday drive” just make me go weak in the knees. Glad you got to take a drive and also got to see Dustin and Hannah and family. If they just arrived there recently, I’m sure they especially appreciated the cheering! And you and Randy are the world’s best cheerleaders.

      See you soon!

  6. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Happy Birthday Nathan – Wow – 34. Time just marches on doesn’t it. It really looks like a “good time was had by all.” Love the Sears pictures – so in case they are ever out of work . . . The meal looks wonderful, especially that dessert! Yummo. Think I would have chosen a different appetizer – like calamari. But that’s probably not the best choice either. Sooo glad you had that time together!!!! As an add on Becky. I continue to click on “Notify me of new posts via email” but I still don’t get any emails. The sentence that was underneath that statement for some reason is gone and has not returned. So I just keep your post for a couple days and then read the comments.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve had calamari before but can’t say I’d ever order it again. You are more adventurous than I am!

      I wish I knew how to help you with the new post notification but I’ve clicked every button I can see and nothing seems to make a difference. I’m glad you’ve found a workaround. My apologies for the trouble!

  7. Cindy says:

    Not much going on here, except for cats. In the past few months I’ve had two stray cats attempt to move in with Milo and I. They are both sweet, but Milo is old and I want him to enjoy his senior years. They seem to get along okay and they can move underneath the deck once the snow flies.

    My friend Dave has moved all the lawn furniture into the garage for the winter except for two metal chairs on the side porch. I have the cushions next to the side door should it be pleasant enough to sit outside on occasion. I am transitioning most of my winter clothes, leaving a few things out for nice days. He also drives me where ever I need to go when it snows.


    • Becky says:


      Sounds like as long as you have Dave and Milo, you’ve got about everything you need.

      Hope your winter is more mild for you this year.

  8. Lisa L. from GA says:

    What a wonderful evening! Each of the restaurants of the last 3 years have looks like fine dining at its best complete with beautiful views!!
    Happy Birthday to Nathan! I love seeing Sarah thrive and do so well. It’s always so sweet to see her so happy and healthy.
    We are enjoying a first grandbaby. My daughter and her husband had a precious baby boy last Wednesday. We spent the weekend basking in his sweetness. It’s just too much to comprehend the goodness of God. He is just perfect and seeing my baby love her baby is a whole new level of gratitude and love.

    • Becky says:


      Congratulations on the first grandbaby! As you said, there is no feeling quite like the feeling of holding that miraculous bundle for the first time. And then like you said, seeing your baby love your baby is just icing on the cake.

      I’m glad God decided to create babies!

  9. Robin says:

    It is so fun to see your family together, healthy, and happy! To think that much of your Smithellaneous community came together when Sarah was in the valley of the shadow of death, and now we get to celebrate your family in its current embodiment–what a delight.

    Next weekend I fly to Serbia for work, the following weekend I fly back from Serbia, the following weekend I am backpacking in Yosemite; this weekend was one of rest in preparation of all that! I went to the library, read a couple books, and napped a lot.

    • Becky says:


      Serbia and Yosemite–all in one sentence. Now that’s a great life!

      And yes, we have definitely found life to be sweeter as a family after walking with Sarah through the valley of the shadow. The sunshine is so much brighter on the other side.

  10. Alisa Bentley says:

    Happy birthday to Nathan and glad you all had a great time! My weekend was spent watching my grand girls with a visit to Crumbl and Chuckee Cheese!

    • Becky says:


      Crumbl I could get on board with. Chuckee Cheese? Not so much. 🙂 But both places are fabulous when you’re going there with your grand girls!

  11. Gail Puckett says:

    Oh Becky what a wonderful evening out. Nothing makes me happier than having my two adult children and my bonus children with their dad and me. Like you I always wanted two daughters and as a bonus I now have two sons. God has blessed us so much as we have four grandchildren and three bonus ones as well AND in February we are adding a an amazing great grandchild (gender unknown until September 29) either gender will be an amazing blessing. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures it has made my day.

  12. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    What a fun outing for all the adults! Your family is beautiful! The Sears & Roebuck models made me chuckle and they DO look the part! 🙂

    I spent the end of last week in San Diego, and spent Saturday flying home (flying east from the west coast is a chore). 🙂

    Saturday evening, Mike cooked dinner for us, and Sunday, we just puttered around the house. I did laundry and washed my car. That’s IT. haha

    • Becky says:


      Puttering around the house is one of my favorite things to do. I’m sure you especially enjoyed it after having been out and about so much.

      Yes, the guy models definitely made all of us chuckle–they’re a hoot!

  13. LeeAnne says:

    Happy birthday to Nathan! Looks like such fun was had!!
    We had the family over to watch the Nebraska football game on Saturday. We also had a couple of very dear friends visit us (from our hometown that we just moved from) and stay overnight as well. We have known them for over 37 years so they are like family. We had such a great time!! It was the perfect weekend!

  14. Patti says:

    Happy Birthday to Nathan. Love the Sears models, but a couple shots also look like a 60’s singing group.
    My Friday night was also spent at dinner, but not with my kids, or my husbands kids, but with a couple of his stepkids. We had a good time catching up. No matter what, it was family still. Sunday I was able to call a friend in another state and catch up with her as well.

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right about the 60’s singing group. That made me laugh!

      I love phone calls with friends who live a long ways away; so nice to catch up on their lives. Glad you had that time.

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