Voluminosity. And Starting.

February 9, 2015

This is a pen nib necklace I gave to Sarah a while ago. And yes, it really is an actual nib from an actual pen. How cool is that for my Writer Girl?

eye edit 1

Of course I couldn’t leave well enough alone; I had to put Sarah and her nib against some paper.  Because that just makes sense, right? We could call this, “The Nib and the Notebook.”


And speaking of Sarah, when Steve announced in church that her biopsy results were benign, he called her forward on the spur of the moment. And on the spur of that very same moment, she displayed great poise and made a few succinct and articulate remarks to the congregation. I’m proud of her for learning to think on her feet—that’s not an easy skill to master.




And still on the subject of Sarah, this is a text I sent her recently.  And also, her response.

queen edit

And the result?  I really did have my queen dress on!















Sarah (who LOVES any excuse to dress up), got into the spirit of things and found an outfit to make her look like the queen’s maidservant. Aren’t we ever so cute?














Summer even decided to try the dress on, although it was so big she got overwhelmed with it all and just decided to take a nap, instead.  A girl after my own heart.


And just what were we doing with a queen’s dress in the first place?

Well, every once in a while, I clean out an area behind our Welcome Center in the church lobby. It’s one of those spaces that collects all sorts of things—Bibles, sunglasses, reading glasses, umbrellas, coloring books, sweatshirts, notebooks, etc. 

Imagine my surprise when I found this dress tucked back in the corner! I couldn’t resist taking it home and trying it on, especially since the tag said, “One sized fits most.”  I barely squeezed in under the “most” category which is why I sent the text to Sarah for help.  The zipper did make it to the top—but just barely!

The dress was so lovely and so fun to put on—the only thing I didn’t really like about its styling was that there was netting sewn into the waistline so that it poked out beyond what a natural waistline would look like.

Just what I have always wanted. Extra voluminosity in my waistline. 

What were they thinking?

And speaking of waistlines . . . I have one more thing to tell you about today:

Last year on February 13, my younger sister, Debbie, started a weight loss journey and has lost forty pounds! (Or in other words, her waistline has lost some voluminosity.)

I am mentioning this to you for two reasons:

The first is to let Debbie know how very proud of her that I am, especially since she has struggled a long time with losing weight and becoming more healthy.

The second reason I’m mentioning it is to encourage any of you who have tried (and failed) at something over and over again–whether weight loss or something entirely different.

I wanted to share with you what Debbie wrote me in a recent email in the hopes that her words will spur you on to try again. She wrote:

It will be a year on February 13.  I looked at last year’s calendar on that date and all I had written in that square was “started.” There is a lot of power in that little word. I simply started and added a day at a time until 40 pounds were gone.  Now I will choose to keep on “starting!”

Whatever your “thing” is, keep on starting!    I can’t think of any better advice than that.

And Debbie, let me say again how proud of you I am. You are an inspiration!

Lastly, here is a sneak peek of a post I will be writing soon. The guy on the right is someone who has known me even longer than Steve has–about 43 years.  And the lady on the left is the adopted-sister-in-law I had never met–until yesterday!


 Tune in later this week for “the rest of the story.”



23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Voluminosity. And Starting.”

  1. Kristina says:

    Two questions (but please wait to answer them until after your poor thumb is feeling up to the task!)…

    Where did the nib necklace come from? I love it?!
    If she doesn’t mind sharing, what did Sarah say to the congregation?

    • Becky says:


      The nib necklace came from somewhere on Etsy although I don’t remember the exact place. Here are a few that are currently for sale there. Sarah’s nib actually came on a longer chain but she moved it to the shorter one which I actually like quite a bit better because it’s more noticeable.

      As for what she said in church: she basically gave a brief summary of how she got the news and how she felt when she got it. She said she was grateful that the wait was over and also thanked everyone for praying for her and being so supportive during the wait.

  2. Ann Martin says:

    Like your Queen dress. Reminds me of ones we wore as ushers in our outdoor drama First for Freedom which I worked with in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

  3. Christy S. says:

    Thank you, God, for your perfect timing! I have been struggling to lose weight and get healthy for some time now. A slipped disc in January 2014 put me even further behind. My energy level is low, my anxiety runs high, and my back is struggling to carry the extra weight. I want to set a great example of embracing a healthy lifestyle for my four children, and be a blessing to my husband. I have been praying for God to give me the push I need to get started on losing 40 pounds. I do not believe in coincidences…I do believe in divine interventions or “appointments.” Your post is His intervention. My start date is today 🙂

    • Becky says:


      When I asked Debbie if I could post just a little bit of her story, I just KNEW it was for at least one person in particular. THANK YOU for taking the time to leave a comment and letting both her and I know that that person is you.

      Good for you for starting. We are proud of you!!

      • Christy S. says:

        Thank you, Becky and Debbie! God is good, and will give me what I need to push forward. This is His word for me:

        “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

  4. Mel says:

    You and Sarah seem to have so much fun together. 🙂 Speaking of authors, I don’t know if you ever read thespohrsaremultiplying.com but Heather posted some writing that her mother found in a journal from her great-grandfather and I am sure that it is something that is right down your alley.

    • Becky says:


      We do have fun; it’s wonderful when a child grows up and becomes a friend! I just checked out the blog you mentioned. Fascinating!! Her great grandpa was a great writer and sounded like a great man.

  5. Randy Mantik says:

    I’ve watched the changes Debbie has made first hand and am SO proud of her. Moments of discouragement, yes. But with each she has picked up and kept moving. Started. That’s a great word. What’s the saying? Well begun is half done, I think.

    • Becky says:


      Yes you have had a front row seat on her accomplishments and I know that she couldn’t have done it without your ongoing support. Thank you for being her greatest cheer leader–I’m grateful you take such good care of my sister!

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    I guess it’s true…little girls never outgrow their love of dressing up. (There’s no way not to end that phrase with a preposition.) You two look absolutely adorable! And regal!

    Congratulations to Debbie. I know it was a battle, and she’s to be congratulated for hanging in there and winning, day after day, start after start.

    • Becky says:


      We’ll let the end-of-the-phrase-preposition go just this once! 🙂

      Thanks for your congratulations sent Debbie’s way. I love your words, “Day after day, start after start.” That sums it up so perfectly.

  7. Lesley says:

    Oh, you love to leave us hanging…..and i enjoy so much he look of pride on Steve’s face as Sarah makes her impromptu speech!

    • Becky says:


      Well, if don’t leave you hanging, you may never come back! 🙂

      Yes, I loved that look of pride on Steve’s face, too. Made me smile.

      And congrats on your impending grandma-hood. So excited for you!

  8. Steve says:

    Lovely ladies.

  9. dmantik says:

    Thanks, Beck! Your encouragement is always a gift to me. So great to see Ron and Deb–can’t wait to see them in person! Glad they could be with you guys. Love the Queen and her Maidservant–you two are so funny. 🙂

    love, deb

    • Becky says:


      Well, it works both ways. You encourage me . . . I encourage you . . . . and on and on and on!

      We loved having Ron and Debbie around. Such a treat.

  10. Diane P. says:

    Beautiful dress and Sarah looks so cute, too. Any before and after pictures of Debbie? Congratulations to her, too.

    • Becky says:


      Debbie is planning on losing a few more pounds and wants to get all the way through the process before she does the before and after photos. She is one lovely lady!

  11. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Your dress reminded me of my niece who is an author and writes Christian romance/suspense books in the Jane Eyre style. I think you and Sara would fit right in. You have given us a cliff hanger story today – hmmm.

    • Becky says:


      How fun to have a niece who is an author, especially one who writes in the style of Jane Eyre. If she needs anyone for a cover shot, just have her give us a call. 🙂 Have dresses, will travel.

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