
January 21, 2015

It’s not often a wordy person like me struggles for words but today would be that kind of day. I’m feeling exhausted, happy, overwhelmed, thankful . . . and also a wee bit unwordy.  I guess it’s just a little too much to process right now.

I do want to say that the emails, texts, Facebook messages, and comments on the blog yesterday made the rejoicings at the Smith home all the sweeter. Our family has been deeply touched by the many hundreds of people who have never even met us and yet have still waited, cried, laughed, prayed and rejoiced with us. Thank you for being so willing to ride the roller coaster with us—from the first reporting of the lumps, to the ultra sound, to the core needle biopsies, to the long, long wait for those results.

Our church congregation has also rejoiced with us exceedingly over these past hours. As soon as we had told a few family members, Steve texted all our board members and staff.  After that, I sent an email to all the church, and then posted it on the blog about five minutes later.

Shortly after Steve’s text went out, one of our board members called him and was literally laughing and crying at the same time–I mean truly laughing, and truly crying. Steve said it touched him more than words can say, that people here in Manteo have grown to love our family enough to have that kind of reaction to the difficult (and happy) seasons of our lives.

From the comments that have been left here, it seems that many of you have reacted in similar ways. 

And that leaves me (just about) speechless, and also so honored that would invest your heart into walking this journey with us.

I DO have a great story to tell you concerning the circumstances of how I got the results but that will have to wait for another post since I am leaving for Greenville in a few minutes for my infusion. (It was actually scheduled for last Wednesday, but I postponed it because I didn’t want to be out of town in case the results came back that day. Little did I know we would be waiting an entire extra week!)

I didn’t take any pictures last night but I thought I would re-post a few photos of Sarah from her graduation photo shoot to remind us all of her bright, beautiful future.

A new chapter, indeed.

(Photography by Stacey McDonald)










26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Unwordy”

  1. Jenna Hoff says:

    Sarah you have been so incredibly brave these past few weeks of waiting. You have been the face of courage. I am so very delighted that you had a good result and do not have breast cancer. Praise to Jesus for this blessing!!. It seems like God really has his hand on your life.. He has good plans for you. Not that things will always be easy or go as you hope but he will be with you everywhere you go. He will be with you your whole life.He has mapped out you life and carries you close to his heart.

  2. Kristina says:

    I think maybe this is one of the very rare occasions in life where words aren’t necessary!

  3. Phyllis says:

    I forgot to check the blog yesterday, busy day at work and actually brought my laptop to work from home last night. Was so happy to see your posts this morning!

  4. Linda in Pgh says:

    Hope all went well with your infusion. Keeping you in my prayers.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  5. E says:

    Tearing up again reading and thinking again about your news and His graciousness.
    Hope you had a safe trip and did okay with what you had to deal with yourself today.

    • Becky says:

      Linda and E,

      Thanks for thinking about my on my infusion day. They doubled my dose from the starting dose last month and said I should start seeing results in the next couple of months. Here’s hoping!

  6. Rachel K. says:

    Finally saw the results post and it made me tear up. It also very much humbled me and reminded me that even though I’m having a terrible week at work and my husband and I aren’t agreeing on moving that I need to stop whining and look at all the good in my life. I’m happily married, have two amazing girls, a great job, great friends and we all are healthy. I’m so happy this chapter ended and Sarah can begin a new one just enjoying college and the adventures to come during the rest of her college years.

    • Becky says:


      That is a great reminder for ALL of us to look at the good in our lives. I hope work starts to improve and you and your husband reach a decision soon about moving. I know that’s a big life alter-er.

  7. Ann Martin says:

    So grateful for God’s goodness. I told our Happy Hearts group this morning at breakfast the good news as our church has been praying for Sarah. What a delight to give great news. Waiting for the rest of the story. Love you all!!!!

  8. Lesley says:

    She’s on her way!

  9. I’m still grinning as an idiot. 😀

    Much love,

  10. Happy Days!

    Love, hugs and ladybugs

  11. Mary H says:

    Can’t quit smiling! That’s a good thing.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    A beautiful young woman with a very bright future indeed! Praising God for the wonderful news!!

  13. Suzanne says:

    Still just feeling overwhelming THANKFULNESS for the Smith family. I seriously still tear up every time I think about it. Happy dancing!

  14. Michele says:

    I’m do hsppy Sarah is ok! Praise God!

  15. Marjie says:

    This morning I said a rosary in thanksgiving of Sarah’s news. But this got me thinking I need to continue to lift you all up in my daily prayers as cancer survivors to ask God to keep you both healthy. So happy for you shared this awesome news with my husband and did a happy dance on our walk last night. Praying for you and thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. Happy day today.
    Hugs from a smiling Iowan,

    • Becky says:


      I would like to have seen video footage of that happy dance! Thanks for the prayers for continued health–something we both definitely need.

  16. Mel says:

    I think the bottom picture says it all. Thank you for allowing us to walk this journey with you. Your family is such an inspiration to me. You remind us to appreciate the little joys in life (and also the HUGE ones). You remind us to always believe and always have faith.

  17. Candy Charles says:

    I am from Portersville PA. I have followed your blog for many years. Some of Steve’s family from here had told me about Sarah and I have followed you both since then. I am rejoicing with you about the test results. We are so happy and I am anxious to share her results at prayer meeting tonight.

    • Becky says:


      How nice to hear from someone in Portersville, one of the most lovely places I’ve ever been. Thanks to you and the people at your prayer meeting who have prayed for Sarah. Blessings!

  18. Margie M says:

    I’m sure the mood in your house is a lot sunnier today. I remember this time last year as I waited for my results so saying a few more prayers of thanksgiving this morning.. In a little bit I’m off to get my mammogram & will be trying to keep a positive attitude until I get the results. Sarah you will understand what I’m talking about next year

  19. Donna says:

    So happy for the great news!!

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