The (Unusual) Days of Our (Recent) Lives

October 2, 2017

We’re praying for Las Vegas during this heartbreaking time.  We’re especially praying
for families  of victims and for all the survivors who will take many months to come
to grips with the events they witnessed.  “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted . . .”  Psalm 34:19

It’s been a bit of an unusual few days with the various members of the Smith family.

Last Tuesday, Steve drove to Charlotte for a heart procedure his dad had scheduled on Wednesday.  (Ken had two blocked arteries; they were able to place a stent in one but the second one would have required a risky surgery so they didn’t do anything to it.)

Steve posted the above photo on Facebook and wrote:

My youngest brother, Jeff, and my dad.  Dad woke up from the heart cath/ stent procedure and looked into the face of the female nurse attending him and said “I see an angel.” Classic Ken Smith.

Thursday morning, Steve flew from Charlotte to Florida to preach at the funeral of a favorite cousin of his. (More on that story in another post.)

The sadness of the visit was offset in part by the fact that his cousin lived just an hour from Nathan and Meagan so Steve has gotten to stay with them for the past several days.   

Unfortunately, they have been having some challenging times at their house. Madison has pneumonia, Noah has a sinus and ear infection and Meagan has a bad case of bronchitis.  And then late Saturday night, the air conditioning in their house broke–and it’s been in the 90’s in Florida.

So last night, they all moved themselves (Grandpa Steve included) to Meagan’s sister’s and brother-in-law’s house so that they could sleep in temps a few degrees below hot and hotter.

In the midst of all that was going on, Meagan still managed to cook delicious meals for the family—even while dealing with two sick kids and her own illness.  She’s amazing!

Steve has so enjoyed spending time with Smithette One and Smithette Two.

Noah got a chance to show off his drum grooving skills to his grandpa, just another of the many ways he tries to be like his dad.

He loves anything tool-related. 

While Steve was in town, Nathan made sure to get his help and expertise in a couple of things around the house–although at this particular moment, only Steve’s feet seem to be involved.

Noah finally decided to step aside to let his grandpa have a crack at it.

The funeral was yesterday; tomorrow Steve will fly back to Charlotte (where his car is) and then Wednesday, will drive the 7 hours home. I think this was the longest time we’ve ever been apart, except possibly a hospital-related time or two during Sarah’s treatment.  I miss my fella!


In closing . . .

I wanted to brag on a young man at Sarah’s college. Since she goes to Regent University, the administration has dubbed all the young men there as Regentlemen.

Yesterday afternoon, Sarah and I talked on the phone about 45 minutes. While this is totally unrelated to the story, midway through the conversation she said about a particular situation, “I was on tenterhooks.”  I have never in my entire life heard anyone use that phrase in a conversation so I was quite impressed with my offspring.

At any rate, shortly after we hung up she texted to say she had tried to start her car to go get groceries but the battery was dead.

A Sunday afternoon with no one to help–I wasn’t sure what to tell her to do. She capably took matters into her own hands and posted a request on the Regent student-only Facebook page.  Within a mere ten minutes, a ReGENT had showed up to help her.

Seeing this photo made my mama heart very happy.

While my mama heart is happy, my mama tummy–not so much. 

I was up half the night with some weird stomach pains which haven’t yet gone away.  I haven’t been able to eat much and have been in and out of bed all morning.  I’m still trying to decide when (and if) I need to call the doctor.  I can’t have the Sick Smiths in Florida having all the fun, can I?

So that’s the summation of The (Unusual) Days of our (Recent) Lives. I am about to head back to bed with my indefatigable canine sidekick.

See you back here soon.




30 comments so far.

30 responses to “The (Unusual) Days of Our (Recent) Lives”

  1. Phyllis says:

    The bug seems to be going around everywhere. I went home sick from work at lunch Thursday, missed Friday, worked from home yesterday. I went to walk-in clinic Saturday morning and was told it was viral but they did give me steroids, inhaler and cough suppressant. Had to leave a meeting for a few minutes this morning as I got one of those tickles in my throat that just won’t go away. Sounds like you are feeling better from your comments. Hope that the Smithette’s and their Mama are also feeling better.
    October in Florida with no A/C is definitely not a situation I would want to be in. Glad they were able to get some much needed respite from the heat. Glad Steve got to spend some time with the Smithette’s even though the trip wasn’t for the happiest of occurences.

    • Becky says:


      Hope you are feeling better after getting those meds on board.

      Steve is due to arrive home this afternoon. As you said, it was a “mixed bag” trip but he sure enjoyed getting to see the Florida family!

  2. LeeAnne says:

    Oh no….sorry that so many Smiths are under the weather. I hope you all are back to feeling better very soon!
    That picture of Steve reading to the Smithettes is priceless. The look on his face says it all. 🙂

  3. Katrina says:

    I Hope all the Smiths feel better soon ! Indcluding Sarahs car !is Sarah enjoying her classes so far ??

  4. Mel says:

    Quite the week I must say. Hope you feel better soon but with Steve coming home, you will have someone to look after you. So nice to know that safe help is always right there for Sarah when needed and those Smithettes are just too cute. Giving grandpa extra practice looking after sickos just in time to get home and look after you was pretty smart on their part. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Steve should be a professional nurse by the time this season is over! I have never been sick before when there was no one home with me. Makes me truly appreciate my family>

  5. SueEllen Williams says:

    Hugs and prayers to all in the Smithellaneous world.

  6. Lesley says:

    Well. It’s been quite a week for you all! It sounds like Madison has avoided the hospital, yay! I ended up at the ER for weird increasingly painful stomach pains last week. They ran tests and found nothing-grrr. But they did give me an antispasmodic medication and after one pill, the pain disappeared. I felt like a new woman! Crazy. I suggest you head in to the doctor if it is still bothering you.
    Poor Steve’s dad, but isn’t he sweet to the nurse? So glad he is doing better, those darn coronary arteries, so irritating 🙂
    I do not know how Steve drives 7 hours in one day. I dont think I could do it. Hopefully, he stops every couple of hours and gets out and stretches/walks so he doesn’t get a DVT in his calf. Yes, I am a bit of a neurotic nurse.
    Here’s a little pathetic story for you: One morning I was laying in bed, mostly awake, when I felt my entire body shaking. Just a mild shake, but shaking all the same. Then it stopped. So I got up and called one of my friends, telling her that I thought I had developed parkinson’s disease due to the unintentional shaking. Then I mentioned it to my kids. Later that afternoon, my sister and I were talking on the phone and she mentioned the earthquake that we had that morning. OMG. That’s what the shaking was, hahahahaha. Not Parkinson’s. LOL. Yup.

    Feel better, all of you!

    • Becky says:


      I guess there is a new disease category: Earthquake Onset Parkinsons. 🙂

      Seven hours in a day is pretty much nothin’ for this crew. All of our years spent on the road (and our more current 14-hour driving days to Florida) has made us into genuine road warriors. But yes, stopping every couple of hours is definitely something we do because older bones and muscles need a bit more stretching than the 20-year old bones of yesteryear. 🙂

      So glad your ER issues were resolved quickly. I am feeling much better today–thankful.

  7. Sharyn McDonald says:

    When I first saw the picture of Steve’s dad, I was wondering why Steve was growing his hair longer – oops, not Steve. Praying his dad will be up and about in no time – along with the rest of the Smith family. And an adult Smith lady. Praying that is is/was just a 24 hour bug and that you’re up and having no stomach pains. In the name of Jesus!

    • Becky says:


      That is so funny that several people have thought Jeff looked so much like Steve. I just don’t see it!

      I am feeling much better today; that mysterious stomach pain has disappeared. Thankful.

  8. Dale Tousley says:

    You should look into a Triple A membership perhaps? I got 2 for my kids when they lived so far away and it really does give you peace of mind! I hope everybody feels better soon…..

  9. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Prayers that you feel better soon. Prayers for safe travels for Steve. Prayers for Florida Smiths with sickness of them and ac. Glad Sarah got help. Jim had to get a new battery for his 14 year old truck last week. Could not even charge it!!! He drove it Wednesday night and Sunday morning it was dead. Thankful that it worked fine this Sunday. Not sure if we have ever replaced the battery prior to this. Have a good week. God bless. ?????

    • Becky says:


      Wow. You guys got some great service from that battery. Fourteen years is a long time in battery years! Thanks for the prayers. Glad your new medications are “agreeing” with you so far!

  10. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Sorry so many are sick in the clan–pray better days come soon–they will!

  11. Jodi says:

    Ugh! What a mess! On the positive side (I’m not very good at this part), it seems Madison has avoided the hospital? And Sarah, now has a car that is back up and running. As for you, missy, at least call the doc? Perhaps they can prescribe an anti-emetic or something (I’m sure you’ll be more specific on the pains with them) that will help to make you feel better. You’ve been on your own for quite some time? It’ll be nice to be able to stop talking to yourself in the evening once your Fella returns. Hugs and wishes of better days! Love ya!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, thankfully Madison avoided the hospital with a lot of good home treatment.

      I was definitely planning on calling doctor this morning if not better but thankfully, I woke up feeling almost normal, even though I went to sleep feeling bad. And yes, I will be glad to have someone to talk to after 8 days alone!

  12. Jenna HOFF says:

    I hope you and all the Smiths feel better soon! Take good care of yourself!

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