
June 11, 2018

Yep.  It’s Monday.

Yep. I almost always post on Monday.

Am I posting today?  Yep.

Will it be a long post? Nope.

Why is that?

It’s because (after taking care of a few necessary things) I am declaring the rest of today to be an unplugged, off the grid, phone turned off kind of day. Too much busyness and going hither and yon and to and fro; my body and mind are telling me enough is enough and to back off already.

And I (usually) try to listen when my body and mind speak, even though sometimes they have to speak more than once. Anyone else like that?

I didn’t realize how tired I was until my trip to Greenville Friday for my infusion. I ended up having to pull over twice on the way there and once on the way home to sleep. To complicate my life a little, my foot is still giving me some problems where I have a pretty obvious limp sometimes and not so bad other times. That foot would probably appreciate a day of rest.

Yesterday afternoon after church, I went into the office and worked the hours I would have worked today and I also cleared a couple of appointments that were looming. As of 10:30,  I am done doing anything important or necessary.

However, since I don’t want to leave with you without any news or pictures, here is a recent photo of two of my favorite people, the fabulous Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Smith.  

Meagan is at 32 weeks now and although she continues to have contractions, she is doing fairly well and resting as much as possible. She saw her OB last week and was thankful he did not put her on complete bed rest.  We continue to count off the days and weeks with them, praying that the little Smithette hangs out in his current residence for another few weeks at least.  After he comes, the plan is for me to fly to Florida to meet him and take care of his mama and family for a few days.  Can’t wait!

And now I am signing off for the day. Thank you for being such faithful Smithellaneous friends. I am so blessed by each of you.

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Unplugged”

  1. LeeAnne Lind says:

    I’m just now getting around to commenting as we have been on vacation and then all of the catching up afterwards. I’m tired too. I hope that by now you are feeling refreshed and that your foot pain has subsided. Thinking of you.

    • Becky says:


      Welcome back from vacation and thanks for taking the time in the midst of all the busyness to leave a comment. Get some rest!

  2. Barbara says:

    Love you Becky and love your posts; hope, you feel much better by now 🙂

  3. Kari says:

    With all you have been doing, a break sounds like a good thing. You need to be well rested for when your new little Smithette arrives! I agree with Lesley, when your feet hurt it seems to be exhausting, at least for me anyways. I think we use different muscles and walk awkwardly due to the feet being sore and it puts more stress on other parts of the body, so in turn, those areas start to hurt also. Ugh, kind of a confusing way to describe it, lol! Hope you enjoyed your day off the grid!

    • Becky says:


      I understood exactly what you were describing and it makes perfect sense. I’m looking forward to getting that foot (and the rest of me) back up to speed!

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Haven’t posted any comments for awhile, so am thankful Meghan is doing much better and that the little one is still where it should be for a few more weeks. I remember when my husband and I went with a group to New Orleans after the hurricane to help clean out and rebuild houses. I was also getting up at 5:30 in the morning to help get breakfast ready for the crew of about 20. I was helping put sheetrock up and putting in screws (those guns are heavy) and taping. It was towards the end of the week and I picked up the gun to start putting in screws and it was like my body said, “No, you’re not.” Guess I was more tired than I realized and went outside and sat down next to a small swimming pool that had seen better days. One of the men came out, told him what happened and he prayed for me. I sat for another 15 min. and I was ready to go again. So, yes, the body does tell you when it needs a break. You are one busy lady and so glad you listen to your body/self and get refreshed.

    • Becky says:


      Bless you for the way you and your husband helped out in the aftermath of that hurricane. You’re so right–there does get to be a point where your body says, “No more” and you were so wise to listen to it.

      It’s amazing how just a short break (minutes or hours) can make such a huge difference!

  5. SueEllen Williams says:

    So glad to hear Meagan and little Smithette are hanging in there! I totally get the unplugged thing. I got out of school for the summer (well, actually Extended School Year starts next Monday for 2 weeks) Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. I was so exhausted, I was falling asleep on the couch a little after 4:00 and ended up going to bed at 6:30 and sleeping until 9:00 the next morning. It was wonderful – and obviously needed. Rest, relax and take care of you!

    • Becky says:


      Don’t you love that chance to do a long, long sleep? Ahhh . . . Such a great feeling to wake up and feel like you finally got all the sleep you needed.

      So glad for you! Enjoy your summer and get lots of naps!

  6. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear Meagan is still incubating the new Smithette. You need to get plenty of rest so when that baby decides it’s time to make his appearance, you have plenty of energy to go help. Take care!

  7. Lesley says:

    Definitely rest up and lay low. I am doing the same thing today. Too much is too much and the last thing we want is to get sick from being rundown. Also, I find that limping makes me tired. I have no idea why, but it takes a toll.
    So glad to hear the little babykins is also laying quietly for now. Big things are coming and you both need to be in your best form 🙂

    • Becky says:


      An interesting point that limping makes you tired. I hadn’t thought about that but it makes perfect sense; your body is doing extra work and also walking in a way its unaccustomed to so it makes sense it would get a little weary.

      Glad you had a rest day Monday, too. Good for you!

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Take a rest and enjoy. I know the feeling and this morning I was too tired to get up at 6:30 am to do my 30 treadmill before going to volunteer at 8:45. Feel much more rested now — just getting home and will walk later today. Glad Meagan is hanging in and prayers continue. Pray the foot gets better soon.

    • Becky says:


      You did the right thing listening to your body, and especially in light of the treatment you have going on. That treadmill will be right there in the afternoon waiting for you! Sometimes a little extra rest in the morning is just what you need.

  9. Brooke R. says:

    I TOTALLY understand. I ended up getting a battery for my watch after a few years of not wearing it so I could put my phone down. I just need times where I can completely unplug. Enjoy your unplugged time away. Enjoy your rest Becky. You do so much for others, you need time away. <3

    • Becky says:


      Ah yes, the joy of turning the phone off and being completely unreachable. Such a luxury in this over-connected world we live in.

      Let’s hear it for your watch battery that made that possible!

  10. Donna T. says:

    Enjoy your rest and enjoy reading everyone telling you that rest will help you feel a little better! Sometimes we push ourselves harder than our bodies will allow and once they finally say ENOUGH, we must lay down, unwind, de-stress and most of all sleep!! Or at least that is what my body tells me rather frequently!!
    Praying for Nathan & Maegan that the baby will hang on just a little bit longer, at least until you get your must needed rest!! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    • Becky says:


      I felt very blessed by peoples’ comments of affirmation to rest. Sometimes I feel like someone might think I’m just being lazy or unmotivated; it’s nice to hear the encouragement that what I’m doing is the best thing.

  11. dmantik says:

    You’re a wise woman. So glad you are taking this day of well-deserved and much needed rest. Hope Steve can rein it in a little too! Love to you both. Deb

    • Becky says:


      Reining it in is not something we do naturally but I was sure thankful for the chance to get to do it Monday. Such a life saver to turn off the brain and body and not think or do.

  12. krista121799 says:

    Good for you! Listening to your body is so smart. And having a day off the grid is fun! Read, nap, eat, repeat! And cuddle Summer! Enjoy your much deserved rest!

  13. Jenna Hoff says:

    I hope you enjoy your day of rest and feel much better soon!

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