Two Many Blessings

February 24, 2025

Today’s post is all about the younger generation of Smiths.

We’ll begin with Sarah and Gage who just returned from a weeklong Caribbean cruise, the first they’ve ever been on. They stopped in the Bahamas, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Mexico.

Sarah and Gage got to meet their online faith support group in person for the first time, which was special for them; the members of their group are from all across North America. They also got a significant group discount, which made their thrifty hearts happy!

The cruise that the group chose just happened to overlap with Gage’s 30th birthday, so they got to celebrate at sea.

Sarah and Gage also decided to use the cruise to celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary (in May) and Sarah’s 30th birthday (in August).

Here are a few photos from their far-flung festivities.

I gathered those photos and a few others and put them in a celebratory collage.

The other younger Smith generation . . .

is on vacation in the mountains of North Carolina this week.  Steve drove up for two days because he wanted to be present when the four grands tried skiing for the first time.  His dad taught him and his brothers to ski, he helped Nathan learn, and now he and Nathan want to introduce the next generation.  As it turns out, though, some equipment was broken so the kids weren’t able to ski after all. They did, however, get to enjoy the snow and sledding.

Thankfully, Nathan and Steve got to ski a little; there are few things the two of them enjoy any more . I only wish they got to do it a lot more often.  Last time they skied was 2017!

Here are a few photos from the Great Ski Adventure of 2025.

While they were all out in the snowy cold . . .

I was ensconced at home where it was quiet and warm. Just me, a solitudinal house, and my cup of tea. Bliss.

Well, except for these two rapscallions.

They haven’t quite known what to do without Steve in the house because, as a rule, I am the one who is gone and he is home.

Yesterday I said to them, “Where is Daddy?”

In perfectly synchronized moves, they looked at the door, looked at each other, and then looked back at me.  I asked them a couple more times and they did the exact thing each time. I think they were just slightly worried that Dad was lost and they were somehow responsible for locating him.

But all is well.  Steve will be home this afternoon and the doggies can rest easy, knowing that once again, all is right with their world.

Two younger Smith generations. Two Smith doggies.

Two many blessings to count.


What about you?

Are you a snow skier?  If not, what other winter activities do you enjoy?

What is the first sign of spring you always look for? Are you seeing it anywhere?  Steve’s brother just took a photo of some daffodils near his house so that’s pretty exciting.

What is your favorite season? Why?




16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Two Many Blessings”

  1. Dale Tousley says:

    I tried to be a snow skier, but failed, my husband and sister are expert skiers, my parents had a second home in Vermont and we used to go up there for a few week ends in the winter, the first time, I fell backwards off the T-Bar and got dragged up the mountain, the second time, I skied over my thumb and slid backwards down the mountain, both my husband and sister were laughing so hard they couldn’t help me. Now I am with you Becky, I stick to a nice cup of cocoa and a book.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I half-laughed, half-gasped at your skiing misfortunes. I imagine seeing them in person really did put your husband and sister in stitches even though it probably didn’t seem funny at the time.

      Good for you for at least giving it a try–not just once, but twice!

      Enjoy your cocoa and book. 🙂

  2. Eswim says:

    I tried skiing years ago. Once and done! On the way down the first slope, I fell and hit my head. The best thing about that, is I got to ride on the snowmobile to the infirmary. 🙁 I spent the rest of the day there while my husband and our family/friends had fun on the slopes.
    My favorite winter activity is sitting inside and watching the snow fall! 🙂
    I am always on the lookout for the Buttercups/Daffodils that are busting out of the earth! We have those in our yard and they are about 3 inches high! They were coming up before the snow and ice we have had over the past 2 weeks.
    I like all seasons. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. I love spring but I do not love the pollen that comes with it. I love winter (snow – as long as everyone can stay safe and travel can be hazardous during snow/ice.)
    You have a beautiful family! You should consider a cruise! It’s the best vacation ever!!
    PS – during the snow we had about 30 robins take up home in our holly bushes. I wish they would go further north or back south! They make me not like them at all! 🙁 They are bombing our vehicles/driveway/deck/everything outside. Hope they move on soon!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Thirty robins is definitely a lot. Usually people look forward to them as a harbinger of spring but 30 harbingers of spring is overkill!

      I agree; it really would be quite fun to get to ride a snowmobile to the infirmary. So much more exciting than a boring old car or ambulance.

      Keeping my eyes out for spring here, too–and sneezing while I do it!

  3. Ellen W says:

    More accurately, the TWO younger generations of Smiths! Your kids and their kids!

  4. SueEllen says:

    What fun pictures of the Smith Adventures.

    I’ve never snow skied, but would definitely have tried it in my younger years. Growing up I enjoyed sledding and would jump at the chance to go again.

    My favorite sign of spring is when the tulips bloom – especially pinks & purples.

    My favorite seaason is fall because it signals so many things I enjoy – football…temps FINALLY cooling off a little so I don’t melt when going outside…Thanksgiving…

    Have a wonderful week!

    • Becky Smith says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I always think snow skiing looks like so much fun; Steve said it feels like flying. At this age, I’m probably not going to try it but at least you and I can both do a little sledding, given the opportunity! 🙂

      Yes, fall is a fabulous season–the reward of cool air after the stifling summer.

  5. sharynmcd says:

    Neither my husband nor I are skiers. I have tried – think that’s as far as it will ever get. Favorite winter activity, either sitting on a beach in 80 degree weather or on a couch in front of a fireplace. First sign of spring – the robin or flowers peeking out of the snow that is about to go away.
    Am happy for Sarah and Gage – except for Mexico, where they went is where we went on our first cruise. We’ve been on 3 and I enjoy it every time. Those are such great pictures of Sarah, Gage, Steve, Nathan Megan, and grandkids AND OF COURSE, Becky and friends!!!!!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Three cruises! I haven’t been on one. I know you’ve found different things to enjoy about each cruise.

      My sisters up in WI are always looking out for the first robin and always announce it on our group chat when they see one. And flowers peaking out of snow is a hopeful picture, for sure!

  6. dmantik says:

    Love that the Longs and Junior Smiths got to get away for a little R & R. Always good for the soul and necessary to keep living life with a modicum of sanity! They are all so photogenic and it’s always a joy to see them. The black and white one of Nathan was especially good.

    How wonderful that Steve got to go make some memories with the kids and grands and get at least a little skiing in! I might like to try cross country skiing sometime but not downhill skiing. Pretty sure I’d do myself an injury or fall down and not be able to get back up and lay there like a slug till the spring thaw. I’m happy you got to have some home alone time (with doggie company) which I know feeds your soul!

    Waiting for spring here in WI which I think is my favorite season–it’s our reward for making it through winter! The chickadees have a special spring song I always listen for and it’s so fun to see the first robin. It seems early, but I’ve heard some people say they’ve seen one already. Silly birdies–they should stay where it’s warmer for a while yet.

    Sending love to you all!


    • Becky Smith says:


      I’m glad you noticed the black and white of Nathan. I cropped it from a bigger photo because I just loved the expression on his face–strength, compassion, maturity.

      I bet you would love cross country skiing getting up close and personal with nature! I’m with you–no downhill skiing in my life ever.

      Silly birdies, indeed. If I were a birdie, I would stay away until all the cold had gone. Glad you’ll be seeing more and more signs of spring every day.

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Yes, I’m a snow skier. However, I learned when I was in junior high school. I grew up in Denver so was able to go practically every weekend with my big brother and his ski patrol friends. They’re the ones who taught me to ski. I wish I would have learned when I was younger though when I would have been a little less cautious and more fearless. Nonetheless, it is still a blast! I haven’t been for several years since we don’t live in Colorado anymore.

    We had some really warm weather in January and when we were sitting outdoors on one of those days, I noticed that a couple of our bushes had buds on them. Oh no! Way too soon! Then of course we got the arctic blast this past couple of weeks so you know those buds got nipped.

    My favorite season is summer. I just love being outdoors as much as possible. However, I really do love ALL of the seasons. About the time I get tired of one, the next one comes along! Around here they are all great!

    • Becky Smith says:


      What a privilege as a snow-skier to grow up in Denver! And to get to hang out with the ski patrol; you couldn’t ask for any better teachers.

      I loved your thought of, “about the time I get tired of one, the next one comes along!” So true. God did good coming up with such a variety of seasons.

  8. Patti says:

    I tried cross country sking a few times and really liked that. A friend once went sking and was so excited she told me “you should try it, no wait, you would probably get hurt”. I am too clumsy for downhill sking. I love ice skating, but fear that I should try that anymore.
    First sign of spring are the tulip and hyacinths that come up. We still are seeing snow here.
    My favorite season is winter as I love watching the snow, I don’t like bright sun or heat.

    • Becky Smith says:


      You’ve got a friend who seems to know you very well, making a comment about you getting hurt while skiing. My bones are too important to me to try and skiing!

      Those plucky tulips always seem like they are announcing to the world, “Spring is coming! Hold on!” Love them.

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