Trees and Parades. And Bladders.

December 4, 2018

I was just telling Steve how few weeks there have been in this blog’s history where I have not put up a new post on Monday morning.  My midweek postings are a bit hit and miss but Mondays are (usually) a done deal!

However, my schedule went all wacky this past weekend and although I tried to get a post together, it didn’t quite work. So it’s extra nice finally sit down to write; I missed my Monday morning chat with you all!

Christmas is in full swing  here in Manteo . . .  well, except for at our house.  As we were leaving for a walk late yesterday afternoon, I told Steve, ‘Look at the juxtapositioning of the seasons!”

All our fall stuff on our porch vs. the all the neighbor’s Christmas stuff on their porch.

Oh well. We’ll get Christmas-ized shortly.

Trees and Parades

This past weekend was the official Christmas kick-off in Manteo with the Christmas Tree lighting downtown Manteo Friday night and the Christmas parade Saturday morning.

We weren’t able to go Friday night but here are a few photos from FB of some of the festivities.

In addition to the tree lighting, if you ever want to experience Southern small time life in all its glory, all you have to do is watch a Christmas parade.  Nothing better!

Since the town’s parades always go right by the front of our church and we have a couple of hundred parade-watchers on our lawn,  we set up a table and gave away cookies and hot chocolate.

But there was another commodity that was even more welcome than cookies and cocoa.

As our staff had been brainstorming trying to think of a way our church could be a good neighbor to our community, I suddenly thought, “Restrooms!”  If you have a little one who REALLY needs to go three minutes before the parade starts, it creates a big problem because you have to drive many blocks to get to a public restroom and the streets are crowded and if you leave, you’ll lose your place in the parade-watching crowd.

So it was the perfect thing to make available.

I was the one inside the building as “restroom monitor” and you wouldn’t believe how grateful people were for that small gesture of kindness.  Such an easy thing to do and yet it made a big difference for people and hopefully, reminded them that our church cares about the community.  (And the community’s bladders!)

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy from the parade.  Steve took a few and some were just put on Facebook by random Manteo-ers. (At least half of them were taken by one of our church folks, Valorie Tillett.)

Don’t get excited–that was fake snow!  (Unfortunately.)

Our church had a float in the parade and we won second place!

The Macy’s Parade it ain’t, but the Manteo Christmas Parade has enough heart, local color and enthusiasm to more than make up the difference.

What about you? Do you have your tree up? How about decorations? Or are you like me and still have an orange and brown theme on your porch?



16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Trees and Parades. And Bladders.”

  1. Phyllis says:

    My tree is up – there are not decorations on it though. It does have lights as it’s a pre=lit tree. It’s actually been up since Thanksgiving as I asked my 6 foot brother to put it together. I have to stretch to be 5 foot. I do have a couple small Christmas pillows on my recliner – primarily because I bought them this year. Additionally I have some snowmen on my server but again I bought them this year. I don’t have any fall decorations out even. My plan is to decorate the tree tomorrow. Hopefully that happens. I have a lot of Christmas shopping done and even have some gifts wrapped: however, I still have a significant amount to get done.
    Loved your church’s float. The true meaning of Christmas!

    • Becky says:


      Aren’t pre-lit trees wonderful? We have had ours so many years that half the lights don’t work but we wrap it with a couple new strings and keep going. 🙂

      Glad you have a tall brother to help with stuff; you two sound like about Nathan and Sarah’s heights.

      Snowmen and Christmas pillows sound like a great start to decorating. You’re farther down the road than I am!

  2. Jenna hoff says:

    That looks like so much fun! What a thoughtful gesture for your church to offer bathrooms. Such a practical kind thing to do.

    We just got our tree up this week. We also just had a massive dump of snow— at least 20 cm. It amazes me how quickly the city responds to and clears that much snow. The first day the snow on the sidewalks and roads was so high and thick that my power chair was stuck 9 times in the snow but today it hasn’t gotten stuck once (going to the same place).

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, you can’t get more practical than offering a bathroom! 🙂

      I am amazed right along with you that people and machines can deal with that much snow in such a short amount of time. It’s obvious they have it down to a science. In the south, if we get 3 inches? Major shut down! 🙂

      Glad you and your chair are able to be back out and about. Hugs!

  3. SueEllen Williams says:

    I love a good small town Christmas parade! I watched some of the one from my hometown on Facebook this weekend. It brought back fun memories of our band marching in it. Mesquite only does the Rodeo parade to kick of rodeo season the first of April. I was hoping to decorate early this year but “the crud” reared it’s ugly head. I’m blessed to be off the week of Thanksgiving and I had hoped to get a good start on things, but after helping my husband that Monday with some (unwanted, ill-timed) car repairs, I started feeling the coming of the crud Monday night, so most of Tuesday and Wednesday was spent napping. I’ve spent the past two weeks sleeping on the reclining sofa to cut down on the lovely coughing/choking that accompanies the crud. But tonight I’m trying the bedroom again since my grandpuppy (18 month old, 75 pound German shepherd) woke me up at 3:50 this morning to go outside.I’m not sure if he “took care of any business” or just wanted to go out and play (I just stood on the porch and waited), but tonight I will be behind a closed door sleeping (I hope!). Three of the four of us are dealing with this, but I’m hoping we’re feeling up to getting things decorated this coming weekend. I’m may do things a little differently this year since I have to consider a 75 pound puppy tail and breakables. I’ m looking forward to more pictures soon!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      A rodeo parade sounds like great fun. I’ve love to see one!

      Sorry about the crud. Around here we call it the creeping crud. 🙂

      And I must say you are a brave person to have a 75 pound PUPPY! I don’t know what that means as far an adult weight but our little Summer would make a lovely appetizer for him.

      Feel better and enjoy all that this month has to offer!

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Yes we have our tree up and this year, a real one. We usually go some place for a few weeks so the tree has always been fake. Fun to decorate this year. Minneapolis usually has the Holidazzle parade. I am not a winter (translate fun, cold loving person), but we did go one year and did a lot of foot stomping and running into stores to keep warm. Looks like it was a little cool for your parade, saw some jackets, but many parade lovers.

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you on not loving the cold weather. If I were at that parade, I would be spending way more time inside the stores than outside watching the parade.

      I think it was about 50 the day of our parade. For a southerner, that’s cold!

  5. Lesley says:

    Christmas has been going up here since Halloween haha. Hallmark Christmas movies and Christmas music. Fake white tree (went white after 30+ years of real balsam firs). Gifts ordered. The reason that I put it into high gear early is that I never know where Sarah is going to be as the holiday approaches. If she is ill, I cannot get anything else done or enjoy the season at all. So I falalala it early, just in case LOL.
    I love your little parade, the small town ones bring so much more enjoyment, in my opinion. Probably because of all the little children involved. Kids are my thing 🙂
    What a great idea of offering up restrooms, very thoughtful Becky. Are you doing a Christmas card this year?

    • Becky says:


      That’s smart thinking to plan way, way ahead. That way you can relax knowing it’s all done and you’re ready for whatever might await. I know Sarah must really love all the lights and music.

      Thirty years of balsam firs? I can only imagine how divine they must have smelled. We have gone artificial for the past 20 years or so. I guess I could get a balsam fir candle to burn. Nothing like being authentic, right?

      Yes, I did a Christmas card; in fact, that’s part of the reason I didn’t get a blog post up Monday morning; I spent waaaay too much time on Sunday, laboring over the card. It was joyful labor, but still . . . 🙂

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Tree up and decorations done except have not put the nativity scene outside yet. Have my prayer tree ? up, too, with my prayers. Posted pictures on Facebook of our parade. First time I have been in years. Santa arrived in a beautiful white horse drawn carriage. I thought that was grand!!! Don’t you usually wait for Sarah to get home before decorating? I remember something about around the 15th. Will you be traveling this year? Happy decorating. Great idea about the bathroom!!

    • Becky says:


      I’ve been looking at all the Christmas decor pictures you put on FB! You really have some lovely items to bring out year after year. So special! And the prayer tree makes it extra special!

      You remember right. We don’t put our tree up till she gets home; we’ll probably do it the 17th since the weekend is pretty much taken up by church prep and service.

      We are traveling to Charlotte and Florida the day after Christmas.

  7. dmantik says:

    Yay, a post! 🙂

    I loved your church’s outreach idea with the cocoa, cookies and restrooms–people remember simple acts of kindness like that and I think it does help them know your church cares about the community. Your float looked great too!

    We have the outside of the house decorated for Christmas but still have Thanksgiving on the inside. However, I have the Ladies Christmas party at my house on Thursday, so I have to get the inside Christmas-fied really fast!

    Love to the Smiths!


    • Becky says:


      Thanks for noticing the lack thereof. (Of a post, that is.)

      I’m so glad you’ll be hosting a party at your house. Knowing you, everything will be lovely, charming, and welcoming. You are a great hostess.

      Love to all!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    That parade looks like a LOT of fun! Our town has a lighting ceremony to kick off the Christmas season too, complete with horse drawn ‘sleigh’ rides, real reindeer, lots of entertainment and of course, Santa to flip the switch on the lights. We used to go all the time when our kids were young but haven’t gone for a while now. Congrats on getting second place for your float! I can see why!!

    We got our tree and decorations up on Thanksgiving weekend. For once, I feel like I’m ‘on schedule’ instead of trying to rush around to get things done. Not sure how that happened! 😀

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right; those tree-lighting events are especially great for children. Since we don’t have young ones at home anymore, we don’t always go although it was a fun time. I love that you all have horse drawn sleighs and real reindeer!

      Your line “Not sure how that happened” made me smile. 🙂

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