Traumas and Candles

January 7, 2015

Sarah and I just got home about 7 p.m.; we had a good morning but there were many tears and travails in the afternoon and evening.

When we walked in the house tonight, Steve had already left for our Wednesday night church service but he left this on the kitchen counter to greet us.


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The note says, “I love you so much, Dad.”  That made Sarah smile and cry, all at the same time.

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As it turned out, the doctor decided to do biopsies on both sides instead of just the one. Although we were originally told the lumps on the right side would go away on their own, I guess there was something about them that they decided they didn’t like. Although that doubled the trauma and the procedure time, Sarah was actually relieved about it because she was uneasy with the idea of not knowing what those lumps were.  So she ended up with a double core needle biopsy with 8 separate samples taken.  Not a fun time.

Unfortunately, we found out we won’t have results for two weeks. Two. Weeks. That is just about beyond forever.

I’ve already got Sarah’s pain meds on board and have put her to  bed. She starts her second semester of college tomorrow morning so I’m hoping the tears and the stress of the day will be erased (or at least diluted) by a good night’s sleep.

Your prayers and kind words meant the world to us all throughout the day.

Tough, tough day.

Brave, brave girl. 


48 comments so far.

48 responses to “Traumas and Candles”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Praying the wait will only bring good news. Rest in God’s strength knowing you are not alone in this journey. We are all with you in thoughts, love, and prayers. Been there and know the peace God can give. Hold on!!! Sarah is so special to us as is the entire family. Love, hugs, and prayers.

  2. Marjie says:

    Praying for peace, strength, courage and all the needs you will need in these next long long 2 weeks. I wished I could wave a wand and get you the answers but God loves the patient people who fully trust in Him and rely on him, which I know you do!
    Hugs from Iowa!!!

  3. Nicole says:

    So glad that it is all over but sorry about the wait…I still remember having to wait for amnio results when I was pregnant with my daughter. Possible downs syndrome. Will be praying for you. The worst of it was as it got closer, every time the phone rang! Hoping she has a great semester at school!

  4. Kristina says:

    What a great Dad. Thinking of you guys.

  5. LeeAnne says:

    A two week wait will seem like torture. Ugh. Sorry you had such a lousy afternoon. I pray that today brings renewed strength, peace and a great new semester to keep your mind occupied and worry-free. Love and hugs. 🙂

  6. Courtney Hurd says:

    In this world of instant everything I cannot comprehend 2 long weeks to wait for results. To me that seems cruel! I am so sorry for a day of trauma and long wait. I hope Sarah wakes up feeling okay today and ready to conquer the new semester.

  7. Peggy says:

    two weeks seems like a life time when you are waiting on news, prayers, love and hugs being sent to Sarah and the entire family!

  8. Katrina says:

    Lots of hugs.

  9. Mary H says:

    I echo another commentor with “Like a Blanket.” Sweet, strong, young lady….we have you covered in prayers and your mama and daddy too. One day at a time, is all that can be handled right now and that is enough. God will carry the rest.

  10. Mel says:

    Prayers for Princess Groovy Chick and your entire family. May the next two weeks fly by and may you have no homework your entire new semester. 🙂

  11. Cindy Forrester says:

    Continued prayers for Sarah and your family.

  12. Angie says:

    Prayers, hugs, and peace for everyone.

  13. Suzanne says:

    Continued prayers for Sarah and the whole Smith family. Waiting is so very, very hard so I’ll also include prayers for fun and blessings to get you all through the next two weeks.

  14. Tammy says:

    I’m glad yesterday is behind you! Two weeks?? That is torture of another kind. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

  15. beckylp says:

    so glad that you are back home and that although it was tough to have both sides done, I agree with Sarah now she won’t have to worry about what the lumps are. We continue to pray not only for Sarah but for all of you.

  16. Mrs. Pam says:

    I lit a candle for Sarah yesterday, too, but It wasn’t as pretty as Dad’s.
    I’m sorry you have to wait for two weeks… ugh.

  17. Robyn says:

    Sarah, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Brave, Brave Family. He’s got the whole world, in His hands…

  19. Kristi says:

    Really dislike that you all have to wait two weeks for the results. Many prayers and hugs!

  20. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Tears, just tears because of the wait. So glad you both are home safely, but tears continue to fall for the wait. Prayers are the answer for those tears and they will not stop until we get the needed answer. Sleep for me will not come easily a good reason for more prayers.

  21. Susie says:

    Praying for comfort for your entire family as you wait out this 2 weeks…

  22. Lesley says:

    Hoping both of you sleep well and tomorrow starts off on a good note. Two weeks!! Uggh. Praying for time to fly by for all of you.

  23. Tammy says:

    Brave girl, Brave momma! Love you guys! I’m sorry you are having to have all this wait time! You guys are all in my prayers!

  24. Judy says:

    May the Lord give you peace and rest. May all our prayers give you comfort…….as you wait.

  25. Pam D says:

    All I can think of is “Like a Blanket”… And this blanket is a patchwork quilt of love from all over the world…

  26. Dave and Betty lingle says:

    Praying with experience! God knows your hearts well?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Praying for Sarah as she goes back to school tomorrow, and for all of you as you wait.

  28. Shannon says:

    Thoughts and prayers during this time. I can’t even imagine the amount of stress this is on you all. May God be with you!

  29. Karen Cathey says:

    What a hard day for both of you. I hate they had to do both sides but see how it will be a relief to know for sure. Prayers for good news .. and sooner than two weeks.

  30. Shawn says:

    So glad that the procedure is over. Praying that the next two weeks fly by and that you aren’t having too much pain. Good luck with starting the new semester. Take care and hang in there. I will be thinking about you everyday.

  31. Margie M says:

    As the song goes “you were on my mind” Sarah. I hate that you have to wait 2 weeks & even though we know you will worry try not to let it get the best of you.

  32. Phyllis says:

    Praying for a restful night for Sarah. A new semester may be a good thing, hopefully she will be busy with school and her mind won’t have as much time to worry.

  33. SueEllen says:

    Wow…I figured you would have to wait for results, but two weeks sure is a long time. Continued hugs and prayers for peace as you wait…<3

  34. Sue Smith says:

    Sending much love and many prayers your way. I just hate it that Sarah has to go through this. Praying for peace, courage, confidence and good news.

  35. Jenna Hoff says:

    Safe and sound, you are home now, with this traumatic day behind you. Sarah has been so brave- and so have you Becky. This cannot have been an easy day for either of you. Two weeks seems like an eternity for you to have to wait for results, but God will be with you as you wait. Know that WHATEVER the future holds, God has a plan. He has his big strong hand gently covering sarah’s whole life. Sometimes it is not obvious what the plan is, but God is not anxiously wringing his hands wondering about what he’s planned for the future or how things will go. When my husband was suddenly laid off last year, your comment to me was “God’s got this. ” I still think about that (it was true) and am encouraged by it. And now I say that back to you: God’s got this.
    It must be amazing for Sarah to have such a supportive family behind her. Steve’s simple note and candle is really touching. What a gift it must be to have a caring father so invested in her life.

    • Becky says:


      So glad that simple phrase last year was so meaningful. And as you said, it continues to be true–for your family, for Sarah, and for all of us.

      And yes, she is very blessed to have such a great dad invested in her life.

  36. Judi Mitchell says:

    I’ve thought about and Prayed for Sarah many times today – hopefully the next two weeks will go by quickly and you will get good news

  37. Lisa M says:

    Continuing to send love and prayers! I think it should be illegal to make someone wait for 2 weeks for results to something like this 😉 Ok, maybe not illegal, but…

  38. dmantik says:

    Hate to hear about the very hard day but so good to know you both made it home and can get some comfort and rest. May these next to weeks go on wings….love you.

  39. Sarah says:

    Praying for peace this evening and a bit of rest for all of you. I read your posts often but seldom leave a comment. I am moved to tell you that prayers are being lifted up tonight for all of you. I pray God’s speed for these two weeks with good news to be had. Praying for a good day for Sarah as she starts a new semester tomorrow. Blessings!

  40. Guerrina says:

    Oh gosh! I whined having one side with markers inserted. Prayers continuing through this battle. Love you guys!

  41. Catherine says:

    Glad your home and Sarah’s in bed. Pray she sleeps well. And the drugs work well. Goodnight!

  42. says:

    THanks SO much for the update. We continue to lift you all before the throne of our Almighty God. Much love.

  43. Nancy Irving says:

    sending many hugs and prayers

  44. Jan Reuther says:

    I hope both you brave ladies get some quality sleep tonight. Now comes the really ugly part…waiting! Prayers continue to come your way from the Pacific Northwest.

  45. Debbie Taylor says:

    Love you all! Prayers continuing!

  46. Anne says:

    Sleep tight, Sarah… you are surrounded by prayers and love. Sorry it will be such a long wait 🙁

  47. Bless her heart! She has gone through so much. Praying……….

    Love, hugs and ladybugs,

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