Trader Joe’s. And the Steps of Home.

April 3, 2023

Last week at a Charlotte area Trader Joe’s, there was a certain employee just going about his business.

Little did he know that a young woman had started to sneakily make her way toward his unsuspecting self.

What could this mysterious woman possibly want?  What nefarious purposes could possibly be lurking behind her secretive sneakiness?

One furtive footstep followed another . . . and another . . . and another . . . until at last, she had sneaked her way right up to him.  And you’ll never guess what happened!

The diligent young man saw the stealthy young woman, grabbed her, and then planted a big smooch on her–right smack dab in front of everyone!

I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

Nothing like a good Trader Joe’s romance to brighten one’s day, right?

Sarah and I had gone to lunch earlier that day and we had been planning on hitting a thrift store afterward. However, we made a last-minute change of plans and decided to go surprise Gage at work instead. I hadn’t been to his store yet so I was all about it.

Following the sneakiness and the kiss, Sarah and I did a little shopping and may I just say that I am now an official aficionado of Trader Joe’s? What a great store!

At the end of our aisle-wandering, we were checked out by Gage himself.

He is really enjoying his job there.  He has already gotten a raise (after just six months) and has earned extra responsibilities including ordering products and training to do some of the artwork for their signs.  (Gage? Artwork?  Whoever could have imagined?)

You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who loves Trader Joe’s more than this guy. And all of his co-workers and customers love him, too.

It’s funny–I just happened across a photo of Sarah in another grocery store–except this six or seven years ago. Hard to believe how quickly the years go by.

Speaking of years going by, this is a photo of my sister, Debbie, and brother-in-law Randy in front of our house with a certain little niece of theirs.  The Mantiks are actually looking at coming to visit us later in April so they will have to grab Sarah and go stand on those front steps again for a follow-up photo.

Speaking of Debbie, I had told her that I’d been having some tough days late last week. And then, lo and behold, what should be delivered to our front door but Mrs. Yellow Happy Face, bringing a cheer-up wish for me and a get-well wish for Steve. Every time I walk by this arrangement, I can’t help but smile.  Nice to have such a thoughtful sister and brother-in-law.

And speaking of sisters and plants, my nephew took this photo of my sister, Ruth.

It seems as though all the horticultural gifts were passed out to Ruth and Debbie and I was bypassed altogether.  Both of them can grow anything and I can kill anything.  Doesn’t quite seem fair, does it?  When Debbie comes to visit, I am going to utilize her gifts to plant lots of things and then leave me with explicit instructions on how not to kill them.  We’ll see how it goes.

Miscellaneous Stuff

One Year

In closing, I just wanted to mention that Vernie went to heaven a year ago yesterday.  I know Ken hasn’t stopped grinning since she arrived.

A few old memories. . .

Yesterday afternoon, Steve wanted to go visit his parent’s graves.

Leaning on his dad’s old walker, he paid homage to the two wonderful people who gave him life.

We cried together and prayed together and let the peace of the place seep into our hearts.

And then it was back home and up the same steps that Ken and Vernie walked for almost half a century.

The steps where our toddler daughter was carried by her aunt and uncle a quarter century ago.

The steps that our young grandchildren will be walking up in just a few days.

The steps of home.


What about you? 

Are you a fan of Trader Joe’s?  What are a few things you would recommend that the rest of us try?

What nice thing has someone done for you when you were going through a challenging time?

Technical question: one of my readers said that she is no longer getting notifications when there are new comments, even though she subscribed  Is anyone else having issues getting email notifications? 

Also, when you get ready to leave a comment, is there a box underneath the comment area where you can click a box to subscribe to comments?  Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this.







24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Trader Joe’s. And the Steps of Home.”

  1. DeLynn says:

    1. I read your blog via Feedly. It shows up there when there are new posts.
    2. The comment section for me is at the end of the comments.
    3. I have been praying for you and Steve. I am sure there are many of your readers who have had the same thoughts I have–wishing that we could bring you a meal or help in some way. I know you will find your people in Charlotte…people who will love you and wish they had been there to help you in these challenging days…and people you will love. It’s hard when those people and that church home are as yet unknown. May God continue to give you grace and peace.
    4. Two of our favorite Trader Joe’s products: the Unexpected Cheddar cheese. It is one of TJ’s top sellers, I believe. It is SO delicious!! They also have it in a spread. I prefer the block cheese, but the spread is also delightful! The other product is frozen garlic. The brand is Dorot. It comes in a square red plastic container. The garlic is already crushed and then frozen in small cubes–1 cube equals 1 clove. It’s so wonderful! We love fresh garlic but it can be difficult to keep on hand. I don’t really like the crushed garlic in the jars—to me it doesn’t taste quite right. But this crushed frozen garlic is terrific!

    I am not at all surprised that a company asked for you back! 🙂
    Enjoy those Smiths arriving in NC today!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for the tech info about posts and comments.

      That is such a sweet sentiment that you wish you could bring a meal or help in some way. Even though you can’t do it, it means a whole lot that you want to do it.

      Thanks so much for the recommendations from Trader Joe’s. I’m especially excited about trying the garlic. I don’t love messing with fresh garlic cloves either and this sounds like a fabulous solution. Can’t wait to get some!

  2. Phyllis says:

    To answer your technical questions first – I get an email letting me know when you have posted and I have the box to check also.
    I am like you; I do not have a green thumb. My mom always did and had beautiful flowers in the summer. I do have tulips starting to bloom now that our HOA landscaping person and her husband planted for me after I picked the bulbs up at Costco.
    I have never been to Trader Joe’s even though there is one fairly close to me. I keep thinking I will stop in but just never have done it. When I lived in Tampa, they had opened one towards the end of my stay there but it was so busy at the beginning that I never went. Plus, the parking lot wasn’t all that big.
    Something someone did for me during a challenging time – I had window installers scheduled to come about a week after my mother fell fractured her humerus. I did not want to have to reschedule; however, there was no way I felt like I could leave my parents alone for the whole day to come back so they could come as scheduled. My next-door neighbor stayed at my house the entire day and then did a bit of cleaning up after them when they left. She found a book in my bookcase and read all day long.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the tech answers!

      You definitely need to pop into the Trader Joe’s near you at least once. Who knows? You might get hooked.

      What a dear neighbor to come and stay at your house all day. I love hearing stories like that.

  3. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    Well, I wrote out a HUGE response and it went poof.


    I have the boxes to tick in the comment section.

    Glad Steve is doing better although whimpering (I don’t blame him one bit).

    Kindergarten friend and 5th grade friend showed up to help while we were clearing out my parents’ house after my dad died. I didn’t ask – they just arrived.

    Trader Joe’s – not been in a while. Like their two-buck-Chuck wine, the dark chocolate-covered almonds, and their frozen Indian meals.

    Love the happy coffee mug.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I am so sorry about the poofing post! Frustrating. Thanks for not giving up and still leaving a comment.

      I love it when someone says, “I didn’t ask. They just arrived.” That’s the kind of friends to have.

      Thanks for the TJ’s ideas to try! Any sort of high quality frozen meal is always a winner in my book.

  4. Karen Cathey says:

    Goodness — I need to come pay a visit since I’m just a mile down the road. I’m sorry! Life has been hard for you guys lately – what challenges indeed. Love me some Trader Joe’s. Although it’s been a while, I used to go quite often and loved the uniqueness of the store.

    • Becky says:


      Well, we’d love to see you any ol’ time! 🙂

      Yes, Trader Joe’s is definitely a store like no other. I guess that’s why it has such a loyal fan base. I’m definitely sold.

  5. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Deb. I like the roses with the daisies in the cup you sent
    Bec. Nice combo and yellow is so cheery.
    And, you do wonderful pots of flowers all Summer- best on the block !
    I think you can teach Bec all about it- quick as a wink!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Debbie really does have beautiful pots of flowers in her yard. I’m hoping she can impart a whole lot of knowledge to me while she’s here; I definitely need it!
      And I want to make Vernie proud. She always had lovely plants all around outside.

  6. Steve says:

    Becky, my love, thank you for writing that I haven’t complained through my journey with the hip job. In my opinion, I have whined a bit now and then and whimpered.


    • Becky says:


      Well, I’ve been wracking my brain for a complain-y word but am not coming up with one. Maybe a tiny bit of whining and whimpering here and there. 🙂

  7. Cheryl Denton says:

    We, your friends and readers, love you good. Your real life, big window, view into your family is inspiring and encouraging, as we too, maneuver life. The smiles. The tuff. The seasons. You give us courage to tackle ours. Thank you. 🥰.

    • Becky says:


      One of the things I love about living in the South is grand phrases like “We love you good.” That just warms my heart far more than someone saying a plain ol’ “We love you. 🙂 Thanks for the smile and for the encouragement about my words giving courage to others to tackle their ups and downs in life. Love YOU good!

  8. Kristy Smith says:

    I love Trader Joe’s and was spoiled in my last home that it was 5 minutes away. These days it’s almost an hour to Charlotte so I don’t go often.
    How wonderful that Gage is enjoying his job.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, an hour’s drive for a TJ’s is a bit much. But having one five minutes away might be more temptation than I could stand. 🙂

  9. Donna Buckley says:

    Such beautiful family pictures and remembrances. I love how you share and connect the past to the future. So glad to hear your husband is making great progress in his recovery despite the setbacks.
    I have never been to Trader Joe’s but it is fun to shop at some of the grocery stores that offer unusual things. Wegmans is always a treat for me in the Richmond area.
    One of the most thoughtful things someone did for me during the very difficult time after my son passed away, was to prepare a gift bag containing an eye relief gel and soothing bath soak. I have never cried so many tears as I did in those early days and the eye gel was soothing as was the therapeutic bath.

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. How thoughtful is that? I never would have thought about eye relief gel and a bath soak but how absolutely perfect. I’m so sorry about the death of your son; my heart can’t even fathom how that would feel or how a mom endures it. So glad you were surrounded by people who loved you and him. Hugs.

      It’s fun for me to find ways to connect the past and the future in my posts since we’re living in a home that contains them both. Thanks for noticing that.

  10. Purple Sushi says:

    My something nice someone did for me is when I was at the bottom of my hole (I suffer severe depression and have since childhood(since 5 or earlier) a fellow sufferer who had been in bed for weeks, got out of bed and drove over to give me a hug. She lives across town(I’m in the twin cities), and pulled herself out of bed to come give me a hug. I cry when I think about it.

    • Becky says:

      Purple Sushi,

      For someone to make such a sacrifice to reach out to you in your time of darkness must have been so touching. I can only imagine that tears still accompany that memory. I’ve been to the twin cities more than a few times so I can really appreciate the distance and time she put into that act of kindness. You’re blessed!

  11. Patti says:

    Glad Steve is doing better. Yes, love Trader Joes. Went the day they opened in our area. I mostly get dried fruit, nuts, sparkling water (pineapple the best), dark chocolate bars, and dark chocolate peanut butter cups. Really nice thing someone did for me was when I was staying in the hospital with my husband for several days they brought a bunch of bananas and some used quilting magazines. Odd things, but so appreciated.
    Yes, having same issue with comments. Box for new posts but not comments.
    Enjoy the coming of your grands, and kids. We are going to go meet our great granddaughter today, finally, she is 3 months old already.

  12. dmantik says:

    For me, there is a “Notify me of new posts via email” box to click on underneath the email, name and website area and beside the “post comment” icon.

    To clarify, Ruth is the gal you want to grow things! She and Arn can grow anything anywhere! And I loved that pic of her–so pretty. As far as my plant abilities, I put flowers in pots and tend them every summer and that’s as green as my thumb gets. 🙂

    I’m so happy the smiley cup bouquet did its
    job and brought you and Steve a few smiles. Yay!
    And fabulous news that Steve is just on over-the- counter meds now. Progress, sweet progress!

    I love, loved the photos of dear Ken and Vernie and of Steve at their graves. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since Vernie went to heaven. I can just imagine she and Ken bustling around up there, probably singing in the choir and getting in a bike ride or two. Such joy.

    Sarah’s sneaky plan of getting a kiss out of that Trader Joe’s employee was very well executed! 😘
    I’m so glad Gage is thriving in his job there. He is an amazing, hard working, talented, good man!

    And you’re not so shabby yourself, young lady! It’s so wonderful the employer asked for you again because of your good work. Hope your days there this week go well. And then you get to celebrate the advent of the newly minted NC Smiths– hooray!

    Have you seen the pics going around where people re-create old photos? I think we should do that with Sarah when we get there. I’m pretty sure between the two of us we could hoist her cute self right up there! 😁

    Alrighty then. I seem to be incapable of leaving short comments–I do go on. But really, I’m done. You’ve survived.

    Love to you both!


  13. LeeAnne says:

    Oh I LOVE Trader Joe’s!! The closest one to us is over 100 miles though so I don’t get to go often. They always have such unique and healthy items!

    Glad to see that Steve is progressing, on OTC pain meds and getting out. I have been prescribed Oxycodone before (after my hysterectomy as well) but after just one, I never took another. Didn’t like how strong it was. Eeeek!

    I can’t help with the email problem but yes, there is a box to check that says ‘Notify me of new posts via email’. She might try clicking it again and see if that helps.

    Happy Easter to the entire Smith clan! You are so blessed!

  14. Tiffany says:

    Love, Love, LOVE Trader Joes… I discovered it in Winston Salem while Abby was in college… and now it is my favorite grocery store!! They have faboulous items… and their seasonal offerings never disappoint! I just bought a blood orange cake mix in a box, and it was SO good! They always have the cutest plants too… Abby loves all the succulents that they offer…
    So exciting that your grandkids will be here soon… I know being close to you guys will help with the transition of leaving other grandparents and cousins behind. Hopefully next winter it will snow, and they will be able to sled and enjoy something not found in Florida!!
    Glad Steve is recovering well, and able to be off Oxycodone… that drug is no joke.. when I had my hysterectomy, they gave me that, and it knocked me for a loop!
    Happy Easter to you guys!! I am hoping to make it to Charlotte one weekend in April, Abby said they have street festivals with local vendors, and I love things like that so hopefully I will be able to come!
    Take care, and tell Sarah she looks fabulous as well, and I love that pizza she bought, one of my favorites!

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