To Make You Smile

December 11, 2012

I just spotted this picture on Jon Acuff’s blog and laughed out loud the moment I saw it.

Isn’t this what life is like sometimes, especially at Christmas?  Trying so hard to have joy but not always completely succeeding.


I hope you enjoy the smile and I hope you have some joy to enjoy today!



9 comments so far.

9 responses to “To Make You Smile”

  1. jenna hoff says:

    Love it!!

  2. Wendy says:

    I also saw this on fb and thought it was so funny and cute! You never know what kids are going to do. LOL

  3. krista says:

    I saw this on Facebook and lol’ed, too! I think it’s funny! And they should definitely use it for their Christmas card!

  4. I, too, saw this on Facebook and couldn’t stop laughing at the truthfulness of it!

    • Becky says:

      Krista, Wendy, and Guerrina–although it appears that I’m way behind the times in the social media world (since you all saw the picture before I did) I hope you enjoyed your second laugh at it! 🙂

  5. Mary H says:

    Exactly how I feel at this moment. Too much stress trying to find the joy.

  6. Mrs. Pam says:

    oh, my! those poor kids. yep, that’s pretty funny. reminded me of another weird card… Years ago, one of my students’ family Christmas photo was soooooooooo blurry that you honestly couldn’t tell who the kids were. Why did they bother to have them printed?

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam, that is a very good question. Most people choose their very best picture to turn into cards and to use a blurry one? Hmmmm . . . . I have no answer.

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