Tinker and Belle

October 7, 2024

Meet our new fur babies, 6-year-old Yorkie siblings, Tinker and Belle.

We really weren’t planning on getting two dogs but Steve saw these two on a rescue website and fell in love with them.  (Edited to add: I forgot to say who was who. Belle has the ears that stick up. She’s in the picture below.)

I mean, look at this face.

We asked some friends/family members about what it was like to have two dogs and they all said it was great. They said the dogs entertained each other and kept each other company.

So yesterday, right after church, we drove to the other side of Charlotte to an adoption event so we could meet Sir Tinker and Miss Belle.  We found out that an elderly couple had owned them but had to surrender them because they couldn’t care for them anymore.  They have been fostered for the past month waiting for a permanent home to be found.

Steve and I spent some time with them and both agreed that they would be good heart-fillers.  They trotted happily out to the car, got in the back seat, and immediately fell asleep, snuggled together.

After we got them home, Steve took them on a little walk to get acquainted with the neighborhood.

They said it was pretty cool.

As soon as we took them into the house, they trotted off on an exploratory tour, poking their cute two noses into every bedroom and bathroom. Then they returned to Steve and me and said, “That was good. What’s next?”

Next thing on the agenda was doggie kisses.

And doggie snuggles.

Unfortunately, I still have Tippi’s name in my head and have called them “Tippi Belle” a couple of times but they have been very forgiving.

I even have a new blogging companion.

The rescue place said they can’t bear to be separated–they are joined at the heart.

And now, so are we.

And I know that somewhere in the distance Tippi is smiling because his mom and dad’s hearts are full again.


What about you?

Have you owned two dogs before?

Since we now have two dogs instead of one, we were thinking about looking into pet insurance. Does anyone have any experience with that or good advice?

Are you in a place that will be affected by upcoming hurricane?  Let us know what’s going on with you.  Our prayers will continue.





39 comments so far.

39 responses to “Tinker and Belle”

  1. SueEllen says:

    Tinker & Belle are absolutely PRECIOUS!!! Like you, I’m sure Tippi is happy that you found new fur-babies to fill your heart with love.

  2. Kristen says:

    I have two cats. I purposely got the second one so I wouldn’t feel guilty about leaving the first one home alone when I had to be away. I think most pets prefer a furry companion in addition to their humans.

    I like to think that adopting a new pet is a way of honoring the one who has passed. Those two are so lucky to be adopted by you guys. Not just because I know they’ll be well cared for but it is probably harder for older pets to find good home and to get to stay together was even less likely. This post made me smile.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I’d never thought of it before that animals might appreciate a buddy to hang out with when the owners are away. I’m happy that Tinker and Belle have each other.

      I like your insight about adopting a new pet is a way of honoring the one who has passed. I still miss Tippi a lot but she would be happy to know that we have found new dogs to love. Especially dogs that really needed love.

  3. Phyllis says:

    Congratulations on the new dogs. I have never had a dog in my adult life. We did have one for a time when I was a kid but gave it to my grandfather who lived on a farm at the time. My aunt and cousin have had two dogs at a time several times. I think they are good company for each other. When one of my cousin’s dogs passed, she tried to get a second dog through a rescue but the other dog was not happy with it. Once the second dog passed, she was able to rescue two dachshunds. My aunt has lost both of her dogs but has opted not to get another as she is nearing 80.
    I am not in the path of Milton; however, I have several friends in Florida having lived in Tampa for nearly 13 years. I was just on vacation in Rhode Island with my Daytona friend last week. She got home Sunday in time to start hurricane prep on Monday. They have not lost power yet but the street in front of their house was flooded. It has already receded. They also had a tree come down on their roof but it looks like it didn’t puncture the roof.

    • Becky Smith says:


      So glad your friends made it through the hurricane okay. I was thankful to read on the news that it was not as bad as anticipated. That’s always a wonderful thing to see.

      How fun to go to Rhode Island with a friend. Hope you had great time!

  4. Rachel Richardson says:

    Last September, we heard about a Great Dane breeder in Grove City that had two litters. Between the two litters, there were around 2 dozen puppies in need of homes. Our elder statesman Dane (Tiny) was getting bit depressed and we thought, a puppy would be good for him. We got a brindle female and named her Belle. She has been good for him. They cuddle sometimes. She has helped him be more active and he has helped her become a bit calmer. If she is too rambunctious, he puts a paw on her back as if to say, “Bring it down!” They find mischief together.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I love reading about your elder statesman and your young pup getting along so well and how they balance each other out. Especially him putting his paw on her back. A gentle reminder to his buddy. So sweet!

  5. Lizz says:

    I am so glad y’all are okay from the storm!
    Last year, my husband finally caved and said we could get a dog. We went to meet our puppy and fell straight in love with her. And her sister. They were too little to take home yet so I spent 2 weeks not-so-silently freaking out about the thought of just taking one home. We went to get our girl and of course took the other one too! I cannot even imagine having ever taken just one of them! They are both my sweet babies and they are so cute together! They even share food & treats nicely! I’m so happy you & Steve get to experience have two babies who are joined at the heart! It’s so special!! Hugs! 💜

    • Becky Smith says:


      So glad you were able to take the two sisters. And how fun to get them as puppies!

      We are enjoying our sibling doggies, too. Quite a different experience than having just one.

  6. DeLynn says:

    I am so happy for you and Steve! Would you tell us who is who? Perhaps you inferred it, but I’d love to know who is Tinker and who is Belle. 😊

  7. sharynmcd says:

    They are soooo cute. Many years ago had just one dog. Our neighbor had 3, then 2 and is down to 1. The other 2 passed away after living long lives. The one she has now is a type of show dog. She runs around a course, through items, etc. Does bark but rarely. She is a dear!

  8. Melissa says:

    Congrats on the new cuties! And yes, I’m in central FL right where Milton is supposed to pass over, and currently a nervous wreck. Bracing myself for going without power for a few days, and hopefully that’s the worst of it!

    • Becky Smith says:


      I thought I remembered you being in FL. I remember the emotions when hurricanes were approaching the Outer Banks. Not knowing what exactly is going to happen is the hardest. Prayers for all Floridians!

  9. Lisa L. from GA says:

    How wonderful!! We have had three dogs for many years and love that they have each other to keep company. They are not littermates and were adopted at separate times, but have grown to be great siblings in our home. I am so glad that Tinker and Belle found a wonderful new family to care for. I hope someone tells their original owners about the wonderful family they just become a part of.

  10. Jodie French says:

    Congratulations on your new fur babies.
    I have always had two or more dogs at a time. Could never imagine a life without them. I also have always had pet insurance. I use Healthy Paws.
    My 13 year old mini dachshund had to have a major gallbladder removal surgery in March. Total bills were $13,000 and I paid about $2500 of that. Healthy Paws took care of the rest and the checks come within a week. You have to pay out-of-pocket, but you’re reimbursed very very fast. So I put it on my credit card (got the mileage) and then paid it off when the check came. Remember even though it’s not cheap to have it, it’s for when you really need it. Times like something really devastating is happening and you know you can help them, and having that insurance is a big piece of mind.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I’m glad to be reading so many people have enjoyed having two or more dogs. We’ve never done it so we’re heading into new territory.

      Yes, pet insurance would have been wonderful for Tippi’s last days. Thanks for the recommendation!

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Your pups are just so sweet!! I’m so happy for you! My in-laws had a miniature Yorkie named Tinkerbelle. She was so tiny….about 4 pounds but so full of love and snuggles. Sir Tinker and Miss Belle look like they will fit into your lives and your home just fine. 🥰

  12. Robin says:

    Congratulations! How wonderful to add 2 pups to your home and your hearts. When I lived with my sister, we each had a dog, and it was so fun to watch them go on adventures in the yard together.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Yard adventures–the very best kind when you’re a dog! 🙂 Steve took Tinker and Belle on a longer walk today and they all had a grand time.

  13. Diane Pombier says:

    The dogs are as cute as their adorable names.

  14. Lisa says:

    Tinker and Belle are darling. Two dogs are wonderful…enjoy every moment 🙂

  15. Sarah says:

    I’m so happy for you. You have lots of love to give and a home to offer. Nice you adopted them together and that they are older. I lost my beloved kitty, Rascal in the fall of 2023, and then missed him so much, I adopted two young cats, a brother and sister. Never had two cats before, but Otis and Izzy make me smile and keep each other company. They are strongly bonded, and the foster did not want them separated. I think Tinker and Belle will be the salve to your hearts you need.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I can imagine two cats would be very entertaining together. Watching two animals interact is so funny.

      Sorry you lost your Rascal. What a darling name.

  16. Ginny says:

    Oh my goodness Becky, they are adorable! We had two for many years and at one time even had three. Ken just said “Oh, what’s one more.” It’s nice that they are bonded already and have each other. Seems like a perfect fit for you guys! We never had pet insurance but at the end of their life we wished we had.

    We are in Richmond and were supposed to be heading to an RV rally in Fletcher, NC which unfortunately was cancelled due to the devastation brought by Helene. Thought we would head back to Florida early but Milton’s forecast changed our mind until we know more. Praying it is not as powerful as predicted.

    Take care and enjoy your new family members!

    • Becky Smith says:


      The nice thing about living in an RV is that you can head away from the weather whenever you want and still be at home!

      I love Ken’s attitude of “what’s one more!” I think three would be too many for me but I’m excited about the chance to have two.

      Safe and happy travels to you!

  17. Lynne Lankford says:

    This makes me so happy for you all! We have a rescue named Carly. They said she was a puggle but vet said she has Chihuahua in her too. My daughter rescued her two weeks after we lost her Dad to cancer. She has said “we may have rescued Carly but she rescued us!” Sir Tinker and Miss Belle will bring you all much comfort and joy!

    By the way, when we rescued Carly, we also had a beagle named Zak. Two dogs were good. Sadly we lost Zak so now Carly has separation anxiety when we go to the vet or groomer.

    Look forward to your stories of Sir Tinker and Miss Belle!!

    • Becky Smith says:


      I love your daughter’s words. It is so true that in the middle of grief or hard times, animals are such a balm to the spirit. They love unconditionally and always bring joy.

      Hugs to you and your family.

  18. Shannon says:

    Congrats on the cute new additions!

  19. Carolyn says:

    They are so adorable!! ❤️

  20. Laura Nettles says:

    This makes my heart so happy! We have FIVE dachshunds, all rescues! We like to say they rescued us! Congratulations! Can’t wait to follow Tinker and Belle’s adventures!

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