Thrifty Style Series: Stars and Understudies

October 19, 2015

Welcome to another SmithellaneousThrifty Style Post. 

Today I’d like to show you how helpful it is to have both understudy (less noticeable) pieces and star (more noticeable) pieces in our wardrobes.

Why is that so important?
Well, if you have only one or the other, you’re going to be frustrated every time you get dressed. Quite simply, a whole closet full of understudies (basic pieces) means you have nothing that shines and a whole closet full of star pieces ( i.e., interesting toppers and more noticeable pieces) means you have no basics with which to pull them all together.

And trying to put two star pieces together is almost like trying to paint on a canvas that already has something on it when what you really need is just a blank canvas. The basics are our blank canvases.

We ALL need a little zippety-do-dah in our wardrobes. Depending on our temperaments and styles, some need less and some need more but it’s important for every wardrobe to have some sizzle pieces, as long as there is something to balance them with.

The first step to finding balance in these two areas is to walk into your closet and just stand there and take a gander. (Gander is Southernese for “look around.)

After you have sufficiently gandered, figure out if your closet is star-heavy or  understudy-heavy.

Once that step is taken, tuck that answer into the back of your brain and then you’ll know exactly what to do the next time you go shopping. If you already have loads of stars, steer away from stars and start looking for basics pieces that will help make those stars work.

And if you already have so many basic pieces that you are overcome with malaise-laden yawns every time you open your closet door–well,  start doing some star shopping! 

To illustrate, I”ll show you a few understudy/star pieces from my closet.

For the purpose of this post, my understudy pieces are going to be a plain sleeveless brown blouse and a straight brown skirt, both indubitably boring and both indisputably non-memorable.

So why would I even bother to buy such boring pieces?

It’s because there is magic in them thar understudies!

They are, by their very nature non-memorable, which means they can be worn over and over again with different star pieces and no one will ever notice the repetition. That is extra good news if you have a limited budget and/or closet space.

Here are some outfits I made using the same brown base under a variety of star toppers. (Let me mention that you can use any neutral color for your base color.  If you look better in black or gray then your understudy pieces should be in those colors instead.)

And since this blog series is about thriftiness as well as style, I will add the prices of the pieces in each photo. The sleeveless tank (by Chicos) was $4 and the skirt (by Jones of New York) was $5.   (If you are more of a pants person, you could easily switch out the skirt for a nice pair of dress pants and get the same effect.)

And one more thing:  For your basic pieces, get the very best quality you afford. (And if you shop at thrift or consignment stores, you can get excellent quality for just a few dollars.) There is no sense in putting gorgeous toppers over cheap, poorly fitting, poorly manufactured garments.  It will just throw your lovely look off and we sure don’t want to be responsible for the throwing off of lovely looks! 

Outfit #1  

A coral jacket and coral necklace.


Jacket: $4 Necklace: $4 Nude pumps: $4

Outfit #2

A more casual coral jacket (by Chicos) and a shorter coral necklace.  

Although it’s hard to tell in the photo above, I switched out the nude shoes to a stacked heel which is a little more casual than the pump. (Since the jacket is more casual.)  And speaking of the jacket, I really love it because I can just as easily wear it with jeans or even sweat pants.  

Outfit #3

Floral jacket (which also goes great with jeans.)


Jacket: $6 Necklace: gift from Steve

Outfit #4

A favorite jacket of mine that I bought new (but 70% off) at Chicos.


Outfit #5

Paisley jacket.  (I LOVE all things paisley.)

With this jacket, I wasn’t sure if I should button it or leave it open.  Here it is buttoned.


Jacket: $6 Shoes: $3

Here it is opened.


You may remember me writing before that dark colors shoes visually chop off the end of the leg. I wore the dark shoes just to show the difference.

Becky selfies

Outfit #6

Going a little on the wild (animal print) side!


Jacket (by Chaus) $6

Outfit #7

I love scarves and thought I would add one to this jacket.


Jacket: $4 Scarf: $3

Outfit #8

I have a confession to make about this scarf.  I bought it at half price last year ($15) for a Christmas present. However, when I got it home and tried it on with a few things, I made the Executive Gift Giving Decision to not give it away but to keep it.  It’s one of my favorite pieces. (And last week, I found the exact scarf in a darker color at a thrift store for $3.  You KNOW I snatched that thing up!)


Scarf: $15 Sweater: $4

Outfit #9

Gold jacket.


Gold jacket: $6



And lastly, here’s what I wore to church yesterday. (I took the outer coat off when I got indoors.) Can you tell that I really love browns and golds?

Total cost of outfit (including coat and leather boots) was $20!  Hooray for thrifty beauty!


Find the other posts in this series:  Small Changes     Favorite Style Bloggers      Stars and Understudies    Proportions and Alterations.       Mom Jeans    In the Middle    Patterned Pieces

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Thrifty Style Series: Stars and Understudies”

  1. cath young says:

    NY makes it easy. Ninja wear will do it. Though I consider those basics the stars of my wardrobe and the other pieces the understudies and supporting pieces. One of the more embarrassing situations in my life is attending some artiste even in bright colors (came from a grammar school Christmas party, and yes, was even wearing an “ugly” sweater).

    Brown is a great basic color for you, Becky. I really like the way you put your ensembles together.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it interesting the way we can look at those supporting/star pieces in our wardrobes from all different perspectives? 🙂

      And yes, I DO love brown. I tried wearing black as a basic for years; it took me forever to realize it did me no favors. I still have a few black pieces but I rarely wear them anywhere near my face.

  2. Mary H says:

    I am envious. I am so not stylish. Have to admit it. Live with it. Own it. Announce it! IT is what IT is…..I can walk into a thrift shop and never see the things you find – or what my older daughter finds….it escapes me. I have thoroughly enjoyed this post – I may try to use the tips but I can almost bet, I will come out of it not stylish. I am writing this with a smile, you know!

    • Becky says:


      Admit it. Live with it. Own it. Announce it!

      Thanks for the smile.

      Although I do have every hope that you will wander into a thrift store one day and find the perfect thing. And when (not if) you do, be sure to let us all know!

  3. Steve says:

    You be stylin’!

  4. Jan Reuther says:

    ….and all these years, I thought the only way to sort clothes was into “fits” and “doesn’t fit!”

    • Becky says:


      Well, there is that, too! 🙂 And believe me, I have several bags full of the “don’t fits.” And since I am ever the optimist, I hold on to them in case I should become svelte enough to wear them again!

  5. Lesley says:

    Great examples. I need some jackets. And scarves. And nude shoes. 🙂 I have plain leggings and jeans. I wear a pair of black casual boots or flip flops, haha. Not a skirt girl. Most of my tops are bright solid colors, which really doesn’t give me the plain look for the top to add colorful things to. Hmmmm. This is fun!

    • Becky says:


      Glad you’re finding the series fun; I’m having fun writing it! If you just make one or two small changes a month, you’ll be amazed by what you discover about your style. Enjoy the process! (P.S. And seriously, nude shoes would be a really great purchase!)

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Still have not taken time to try these ideas. I am in jeans most of the week because I am retired. Do wear a dress on Sun AM and dress pants on Mon to volunteer. Just easier in jeans at home and running errands. Like my denim jacket with jeans. You look very stylish.

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    Wow! I’m impressed with your ability to mix and match. My problem is I have either very understated basics or very colourful clothing. I need to figure out how to put them together. I’m either living in jeans or all dressed up!

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like what you have on hand is not all that bad–basics and colorful stuff should co-exist quite peaceably! Take an hour some day and just start working with combinations and see where the “holes” are in your wardrobe. Maybe you have two pieces that are really cool together but they need a third piece to pull them together. Enjoy–it’s an adventure!

  8. sheri says:

    Great ideas – you have me on the hunt for a pair of nude shoes! LOL

  9. dmantik says:

    This is such an interesting series–thanks for doing it! You have always been so good at putting outfits together. You’re looking verrrry spiffy!

    Love, deb

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes I feel a little foolish even doing such a series because I am by no means a fashion maven but I do feel strongly about passing along any little things I have learned to help other women with the frustrating parts of their wardrobes.

  10. LeeAnne says:

    You are great at this Becky! Very, very informative…..thank you!! So many different looks that all looked great on you! 🙂

  11. Wendy says:

    Lets see if this will post today…I try and try to post and they just don’t go. Oh, well, If this does I will be pleased 🙂 Love the browns on you! I love browns too. I am so lacking in dressing up. So, this is great that you have been posting your tips. Although somehow I missed number 2 so will go search for that one. I have enjoyed these at any rate and Maybe, just maybe I will get some knowledge from it and try something different. Wendy

    • Becky says:


      I will try to remember and go in and label all the posts I do on style so you can just go up to the search window at the top right and type in style posts.

      As for trying something new–go for it! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

  12. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Love all the outfits – it is sooo true, as we see in your pictures, using different scarves, necklaces and jackets. I probably have about 10 winter-type jackets and about 7 summer type jackets (all from thrift stores). It’s fun to mix and match. Haven’t been much of a scarf person, but have recently bought some and they are being included in the outfits. Thanks again Becky, so much fun to see the different outfits.

    • Becky says:


      You’re in good shape if you have that many jackets; your combinations are just about endless! And congrats on incorporating some scarves. Once you have start using them you’ll begin to realize just how much they add to an outfit, with very little trouble or expense! Thrift stores are GREAT places to pick them up for a couple of dollars.

  13. Mrs. Pam says:

    lookin’ good!

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