Thrift Stores And An Alien Umbrella

June 6, 2014

Most people who know me know how much I love thrift stores. Not just love, but LOVE. 

One of the most relaxing, fun things I can think of to do is gather up a few spare dollars and take myself off to one of my favorite stores and just putter around for an hour. I love knowing that around the next corner or on the next rack, I might find a true treasure. I’ve gone into shops packed full of junk stuff and found brand new silk blouses, leather pocketbooks, gorgeous shoes, favorite books and even shirts for Steve!

And speaking of Steve, take a gander at my most recent find for him. I loved the intricate detail of the fabric, the pattern . . . even the buttons are cool!

2014-05-09 15.30.24


2014-05-09 15.30.19

But do you know what almost stopped me from buying it?  The price. It was too expensive!  I mean, it was (gasp!) EIGHT dollars!

After I had stood and pondered that ridiculous outlay of cash for a few long moments I finally figured I would just go for it.

2014-05-13 11.50.34

Imagine my delight when I got home and Googled Robert Grantham, the designer. I discovered that his shirts start at about $125 and go up to $300. I felt sort of okay about the price I paid after reading that!

By the way, when I  was checking out the thrift store clerk put the shirt into a Nordstrom bag. Designer shirt?  Nordstrom bag?  It’s obvious that the Smith family lives high on the hog!  

2014-05-13 12.01.55

Here are a few other treasures I’ve found recently.

$4. From Belk.  Such a comfortable, bright, cheery blouse 


$4  Silk.  Chicos. (Chicos is one of my favorite brands.)


$3.  Chicos. This goes really great with an orange skirt I got for a dollar about eight years ago. (And yes, you can see me coming for a mile when I wear it!)


$3.69.  Goodwill  
I obviously don’t wear this piece much in the summer but in the winter I absolutely love it. It’s a wonderful weight—not too heavy, not too light. It hangs and drapes beautifully, the fabric is soft and the color goes with everything.  


$3.69   Talbots  Silk


$3   Talbots


This has been one of my favorite pieces.  I love brown (It’s the foundation of my whole wardrobe) but I also love blending in bolder colors.


And shoes? Love me some shoes. 

These were a bit more expensive ($9) but they were brand new and make a skirt or a pair of pants look extra smart.  Plus? They’re comfortable!


$3  Brand new. These are wonderful with summer skirts, dressy capris, and dress pants.


$3   As soon as I saw these, I fell in love.


$3   I don’t wear a whole lot of black but these shoes (brand new) called my name when I walked by. Every time I slide them on, I smile. So whimsical and fun with the big flower.Also fabulously comfortable.


$2.99   Computer Bag     I was in Goodwill a couple of weeks ago and they had just put this case out as I walked in. I grabbed it before anyone else could even get close to it.  I will admit that I was even willing to engage in some scary Kung Fu moves if someone even thought about grabbing it before I did!

My former computer bag had no pockets on the outside and just one big yawning abyss on the inside.  This bag has an outside pocket on each side and a variety of smaller pockets on the inside.  Also, it’s brown. Perfect.


Another great find recently was this new purse from Talbots. It’s genuine leather, never used– THREE dollars! 

I have been trying to make myself use a smaller purse but never could get all my stuff pared down to make it work.


But look at this! I got some small zipper pouches (at a thrift store, of course) and divided all my stuff up.  I can find what I need in an instant and if I want to switch to another purse, it only takes a moment.


Any my last treasure?  A huge, sturdy auto-open umbrella by Jones of New York.


Although I loved the umbrella, Summer was convinced that it was an alien spaceship that had set itself down in the middle of her secure, placid doggie world. She gave it several furtive looks and a wide berth before she scuttled off to safer ground.


Now I do realize that it doesn’t do you a bit of good to see the things that I’ve bought because obviously my exact bargains are not going to pop up in YOUR thrift store.  But I wanted to share some of my thrift treasures as a way of encouraging you to give second-hand shopping a try!  Ninety-five percent of the clothes in my closet are used and I so love the feeling of knowing I can dress nicely, even on a very limited budget.

What about you? Are you a thrifter or not?  What’s one of the favorite things you’ve found?

Also, if you are NOT a thrifter, why not?  I would love to gather people’s opinions and questions on this subject and possibly use them as fodder for future posts.

48 comments so far.

48 responses to “Thrift Stores And An Alien Umbrella”

  1. Suzanne says:

    I am not a thrifter, although I do donate clothes to the Goodwill or the Durham Rescue Mission. I enjoy a good bargain, but have never felt comfortable shopping in thrift stores. My thought is that there are people in the world that truly need to buy clothes at thrift stores and that many of these stores were created to support a specific need in society. I feel like I would be taking away from a person in need if I shopped there. Maybe I’m just being crazy…who knows!

    • Michelle says:

      Hi Suzanne,
      I think it is actually quite the opposite. Thrift stores do support all types of people in need. They support these people by offering them employment, teaching job skills, donating the money from the sale of their items. They need people (anybody and everybody) to shop there so that they can continue to support people in need. Give it a try! You never know what you might find! I know I have given plenty of great stuff because it never fit or wasn’t really my style after all.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for a different point of view–interesting to consider!

      Michelle (comment below) makes a good point about so many thrift store supporting those who are in need. In fact, one of my favorite local thrift stores supports battered women and the other one is a Goodwill, which helps out families in need.

      I guess if f I walked into a store and saw a very limited inventory and knew that there weren’t enough clothes to go around, I would definitely bow out and let those people shop who truly needed the clothes. But most stores I go to are bulging to the walls with merchandise and so I never stop to wonder if the truly needy will have enough!

      But I loved reading your perspective . . . I had honestly never thought of it that way.Your words show that you have a compassionate heart!

  2. cath young says:

    I don’t find a lot in the thrift stores here. I don’t even look much anymore because the pickings are slim and the prices are high. But when I go out of town, I do check them out and have come up with some great buys. My favorite spring/summer sweater set is from a thrift shop and I picked up some Polo Extra long golf type shirts for the husband the last time I went to one. Had to go to Target for my summer things this year,but their clearance section had some good buys. I love your bargains!

  3. Christy S. says:

    I love thrifting! Some of my latest finds: set of 5 pottery goblets, in beautiful shades of blue/green/brown, signed on the bottom ($4 each), Ray Ban poloraized sunglasses ($1), very large, retired Tom Clark gnome for my collector husband, came with box and certificate ($20), various down-filled, new-with-tags throw pillows to brighten my home ($2 each), Why buy retail?!

    • Becky says:


      Why buy retail, indeed!

      Finding amazing treasures (the way you did) makes the shopping experience so much fun and rewarding! You found some truly great stuff. Don’t you love it? 🙂

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    You’ve gotten some wonderful outfits, that’s for sure. Steve’s new shirt is super!!!

    My church is having a Luau tonight. There is going to be a contest for the best outfit.
    Really? I’m thinking we’ll all look sorta similar. Gayle took me to Goodwill on Tuesday, and we headed to the shirts for guys. Found three Hawaiian shirts, and spent $3 on one with surfboards. Now, I’m thinking I need to make this outfit slightly different from other Hawaiian shirts. I made a small red velvet cape with a large appliqued lime green S and then glued a paper surfboard under the S which said SUPER SURFING HULA GIRL. l also made a red paper Hula Skirt for my walker, and have a lei that we made in Preschool out of silk flowers and straws. ( since I have just finished sewing #92 jumper for my church’s mission trip to Nicaragua, I really wanted to say SEWER instead of GIRL, but I know folks would read it as the smelly thing rather than one who sews.)

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I truly think YOUR outfit should take the prize. You are SOOOOO creative!! (And yes, I think you were wise to steer clear of the “sewer” title.) 🙂

      • Mrs. Pam says:

        I was the winner! Yippee. Got a pound of Good Shepherd’s coffee, a couple of cute ice trays (fish and Hawaiian masks), and two coasters that look like sandals.

  5. Gayle in AL says:

    My son and his wife LOVE going to Goodwill! When they first started, they couldn’t believe the bargains they got! We have a twice-yearly children’s consignment sale in our town and we get the majority of our grandson’s clothing there. It’s wonderful! I’ve never been thrift shopping for myself, but think I need to give it a try!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, you absolutely MUST give it a try! Sometimes it’s hit and miss where one day you find nothing and the next day you find half a dozen things. But you’ll love it! Glad your children have already discovered the joy of thrifting!

  6. Suzanne says:

    I am almost embarrassed to post this, but I have never been thrift shopping. I hope you will still like me come to your site now that I have shared such a terrible thing. Maybe I just need someone experienced to take me thrift shopping Becky. Maybe you could make a quick trip down under and show me how an experienced thrift shopper shops. Just suggesting!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I would be absolutely delighted to visit you down under and go shopping with you! Australia is one of those places on my Bucket List.

      And I GUESS we’ll let you come back and visit Smithellaneous again, even though you’re a non thrifter! 🙂 Be sure you let us know when you DO get to your first thrift store and we can all celebrate with you.

  7. Jodi says:


    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the skirt with the polka dots and apple green belt! Do you happen to know who the designer happens to be?

    In answer to your question (though after I admit this I may be permantly banned from the Smithellaneous Family forever) :0) but you asked so I’ll tell! I LOATHE shopping! I LOATHE it so much that I can name dozens of things I’d rather do than shop; one of which is having a root canal! You read it right! I’d rather have a root canal than shop!

    Not too mention the closest thrift shop to me is 40 minutes anyway! However, if I drive 15-20 minutes N, S, E & W there’s a mall with all the usual shops. And, if I drive 30-40 minutes there are other malls in each direction too!

    Personally, I do 95%+ of my shopping online; clothes (only clearance items & if I have a code for free shipping) groceries & even some prescriptions. I go into the pharmacy once a month and any other scripts are mailed to me! When I order groceries (including cleaning supplies, PT, TP, tissues, etc.) it’s usually once a month & I rarely go to the store in between; only when there’s a great sale! I was paid for taking 32 tubes of toothpaste out of the store a few months ago. I never spend more than $100 each month online (maybe $125 when I’m expecting company). In May, I saved $48 on my online order and had a free delivery coupon! I guess I’m really trying to justify my dislike of shopping!

    And while I’m being completely honest, and not sure if I’ll be banned from here forever, I might as well just admit that I also LOATHE chocolate! Can you ever forgive me?

    Have a great weekend!


    PS. How’s Josh doing?

    • Becky says:


      The only thing I know about the skirt is that it is a Talbots brand.

      As for not liking shopping? I actually agree with you–up to a point. I absolutely HATE going to a mall and will only go under the greatest duress. So your online shopping sound great, except of course except for the dearth of thrift stores in your life.

      And as for not liking chocolate . . . well, I don’t know if we can let that one go or not! 🙂

      Thanks for asking about Josh; he is back home and getting a little stronger each day.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I love the thrill of the treasure hunt. What’s amazing to me is finding things at thrift stores not available in retail stores such as small 6″ glass dessert plates, small juice glasses, wonderful old board games, and old cookbooks. Auctions are a lot of fun too—20 cranberry chandelier lamp shades for $5.

    • Becky says:


      I agree entirely. At a regular store, there are so many things all the same and it’s frankly sort of boring because everything is all nice and new and shiny with no patina or history attached to is.

      Sounds like you’ve found some wonderful things in your searches–I loved reading your list, especially the 20 cranberry chandelier lamp shades! 🙂

  9. Catherine says:

    We’ll Becky I try to be a thrifter! But my daughter is a little picky and my son no patients ! And me well there’s not much for plus size women. But I do try!!

    • Becky says:


      You should search online a little; there are actually consignment stores (not thrift stores) that carry only plus sizes. Even if it was a few miles from your house, you could take a trip there every few months and scoop up some treasures!

  10. Michele says:

    My husband used to cook dinner for the guys at work one night a week. He worked in a large factory, the guys would pay him $5 and he would make dinner for all of them. He would bring the food in crock pots,roaster pans,etc. He bought all his “cookers” at the thrift store. Now I have enough to open a restaurant! All the relatives and friends know where to come when they have parties!

    • Becky says:


      How cool is that–cooking for a bunch of guys once a week! I like how your husband thinks! 🙂 I know those men must have some very fond memories of those mealtimes spent together.

      And yes, finding cooking items is usually pretty easy at thrift stores; I’ve gotten wonderful skillets and pans with lids before and I also found a crock pot. Cookware is so expensive–it’s especially wonderful to find it used.

  11. Kristi says:

    I love shopping at thrift stores!!! One of my friends got me hooked on thrift store shopping!

  12. Bridgette says:

    Love to thrift and love seeing your bargains! I love thrift stores so much that going to a mall or dept. store is overwhelming!:-)

    • Becky says:


      I SO agree with you! I love the smaller, more intimate vibe of a thrift store. They are usually so welcoming and make you feel like you never want to leave. On the other hand I am ready to leave just as soon as I walk into a mall!

  13. Karehn says:

    Becky, I have always enjoyed shopping at thrift stores, consignment shops, Goodwill & the Salvation Army Stores. Now it’s more important as our household income has been reduced. My mother’s church started a Thrift Store, Shop On State. The money they take in is then returned to the surrounding community in the form of grants. Here’s a link to their website

    • Becky says:


      I went to the website for the thrift store at your mom’s church. What a great idea to not just operate a thrift store but to give the money back to the community. That is terrific–kudos to them!

  14. Elizabeth Bowen says:

    I do LOVE a bargain!!!! I have recently lost a lot of weight, so took my larger sizes to a local consignment shop. I have left the credit from the sales on my account, and as I find things in my new size, I just use my credit. It’s a great way to shop and no real money exchanges! I love all of the treasures you have found!!!! We would have fun hunting bargains together.

    • Becky says:


      Good for you on losing weight! Isn’t it a great feeling to shop after you’ve done that? It sounds like you’ve found the perfect shopping cycle–sell your old stuff and put the proceeds towards new stuff. It doesn’t get much better than that.

      And yes, I do think we WOULD have fun hunting bargains together!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hey Becky, What are the best thrift stores that you have found in Manteo/Nags Head? We are heading down there in a couple of weeks with my cousin who is from Colorado and loves thrift stores.

    • Becky says:


      There is a wonderful Goodwill up in Southern Shores which is about 20 miles north of Nags Head. It’s just about 1/2 mile from the main beach road; 5315 Virginia Dare Trail N Southern Shores NC It’s my favorite thrift store in this area.

      Also, about halfway down the beach (I think around Mile Marker 10) is a Hot Line Thrift Store. (It’s right near the Staples/TJ Maxx shopping area.) I ALWAYS find great stuff in there. Enjoy!

  16. Brooke says:

    Oh goodness yes. I love Goodwill. About near the end of the winter that would never end I found a great winter coat – for next year. I bought it for $10.00 but when I looked it up online I found that it sells for $135. That same day I had jeans and a shirt from Talbots on (bought new, on sale – total ~$120) and I found the exact same outfit for less than $10. Yes, I bought it, because I can always use extra. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I also love looking up things online that I bought at a thrift store; for one thing, it’s fun to see how much I saved, and for another thing, it helps to educate me for future shopping.

      How funny is it that you found an outfit just like the one you were wearing?

  17. Jenna Hoff says:

    What beautiful items Becky. I love how you use such bright pretty colours in your wardrobe. Most of my closest is full of staid grey, black, dark blue, or brown items but I would like to become more colorful. I also love the idea of thrift shopping. We are on a tight budget, especially for clothes, so that is a great idea for reducing cost.

    • Becky says:


      I used to wear darker clothes too but I started noticing how much better I felt when I had on brighter things and that sort of clinched it for me. You’ll have to branch out gradually and see how it goes for you–you might really enjoy the change!

  18. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Oh, yes, I LOVE thrift stores. I thank the Lord for the persons who thought of opening stores such as this. My favorite in Minnesota is Unique Thrift store, I go there at least once a week – then there is Savers, and Goodwill. There is a brand new Goodwill that is being built about 4 miles from where I live. I would say 90% of my clothing is from Thrift stores and I get compliments all the time. It’s wonderful when you can find brand name clothing and/or new clothing for next to nothing. I too have looked up on the Internet for things I have purchased (even non-clothing) and have been amazed at what it was worth and what I paid. You have some terrific looking clothes there Becky, ah, I’m assuming we will have a fashion show soon – not just the hanging of the clothing, but on the person!!

    • Becky says:


      I love the name, “Unique Thrift.” Sounds like a place I’d love to visit!

      And yes, I am planning on doing some posts where I do model the clothes I buy. Should be fun!

  19. LeeAnne says:

    I LOVE a good deal and am totally open to the idea of second-hand shopping and bargain hunting. However, our small town only has a Goodwill store which I don’t get to very often because it is on the opposite side of town and when I have gone, it just seems so junky and besides I’m not patient enough to go through everything, one item at a time. (How’s that for a run on sentence?!?) 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Pretty good run on sentence, there! 😉

      Yes, it does sound like your thrift store choices are a little meager. I’ve noticed that the quality of Goodwill stores vary a lot from location to location–my trick is to try and locate a Goodwill close to an upper scale part of town. The rich peoples’ cast offs make some might good picking!

      Whenever you visit a larger city, you should do a little research before you go and scope out a few of the nicer stores. It is so much fun once you find some places you like!

  20. klberndt says:

    I’m a huge thrifted!! For real. I lOVE the hunt of finding something amazing for cheap. Our Goodwill (we have 2) recently FINALLY started sizing everything…which makes it SO MUCH EASIER TO SHOP!!!

    I try to plan a weekly trip to Goodwill…and I SO look forward to it. For me, it’s SO relaxing….and I LOVE that I can find amazing things for cheap!!

    I also love that I can find cute/name brand/gently used clothes for our grand-daughter too! It’s really…one of my happy places.

    And..I love all of the amazing things you’ve found. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never heard of a Goodwill sizing things but at least our Goodwill organizes by color which is ALMOST as helpful because I can skip over a whole lot of things without even looking.

      I love it when you said a thrift store is one of your happy places. How I agree!

  21. Margie M says:

    If I have time I go to thrift stores. I go to Goodwill frequently looking for books for our Kids Club kids & I always look around but have never found a Robert Grantham shirt. Steve is so lucky!

    • Becky says:


      I never even knew who Robert Grantham was until I looked him up online. Of course, he probably doesn’t know who I am either! 🙂

  22. Tammy says:

    Just like you, I LOVE thrift store exploring! You got some great stuff!

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