Think Big. Dream Big.

August 12, 2016

If you would like Sarah’s college address, e-mail me at  Thanks!

The countdown has officially started as we start compiling our list of lasts. (And firsts)

Last Sunday was Sarah’s last time to run media for a Sunday service as a living-at-home daughter. I told her that the next time she sits in this chair, she will be a whole different person, having lived away from home and having made her way in a whole different world.  (She will be in church this Sunday, of course, but someone else will be running media so that she can sit with me. )


As I have headed up the tech/media department for the past seven years, Sarah has grown into my go-to gal in so many areas. I can’t tell you how many times I have called on her for help when I was stuck on a problem or was overwhelmed with too many tasks for a particular production or event.

I remember one particular  late Saturday afternoon when I was working alone at the church; I had just spent two hours trying to wrestle a video problem to the ground that had to be figured out by Sunday morning.

Finally, in utter frustration, I laid my head down on my desk and just cried.  And then?  I picked up my cell phone and called 911. (AKA Sarah Smith.)  

Five minutes later, my lovely daughter sailed into my office and flew her fingers across the keyboard. In ten minutes, my problem was solved. She twinkled a smile at me and disappeared back out the door.

That is the daughter I am going to have to let go. 

She has arrived at church every single Sunday at 8:15 a.m. when the worship team meets for an hour and a half rehearsal. No one told her she had to do that when we moved here in late 2009; she just noticed that I was leaving the house at that time (Steve leaves at 7 a.m.) and that things were happening that she could be a part of. And so she started heading out the door with me each week, making herself invaluable during that early morning music/tech prep time.

Another person who has been incredibly faithful to show up over and over (for over 25 years) is one of our sound men, Charles. He and Sarah have spent many hours in this room, running sound and media together. She has called him her adopted grandpa and loves hanging out with him as they work together. He is a huge tease and so they have shared many laughs.


Wednesday night brought another (temporary) last as her young adult small group had a little party for her. 

She posted this on Facebook:

I had a great evening out with some of my favorite ladies! What a lovely going-away/early 21st birthday party! This was my last young adult group meeting before I leave for Regent University on Monday. I will miss our group so much, but you’ll always be in my heart!


This week, all of her textbooks arrived and I was immediately jealous.  Look at all this cool stuff she gets to study!


Here is an actual list in case you can’t easily read the titles on the books, as well as her classes for this semester.

And since a college student can’t live on books alone, she went shopping this week and got her first, all-her-own comforter and sheet set.

I looked at it sitting there in the hallway and thought, “It won’t be long now!”

IMG_5119 (1) 

Another big first we will experience is that this will be the first birthday Sarah will celebrate away from us. She turns twenty-one on August 23rd and since she will already be at school then, we are going to do our family celebration tonight. (Thankfully, her new roommates know it’s her birthday and are already planning a birthday dinner for her. How sweet is that?)

Tonight after dinner, cake, and presents, we are going to all pile on the couch together and watch Princess Bride, a movie our family has watched together at least a dozen times over the years.

Last night, we did a bed pile up and spent some time watching funny videos on You Tube.  We disconnected our TV channels about a year ago so this is our occasional substitute.


So now we head into the final hours of the weekend that will lead up to the departure on Monday morning. 

I am so thankful that Sarah is a survivor, so thankful that she is getting the opportunity to do what her new sign says: 

Think big and dream big. 

IMG_5120 (2)

Think, dream, and fly, precious girl!

31 comments so far.

31 responses to “Think Big. Dream Big.”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    I am afraid I had tears reading this. I know Monday will be joyful and sad at the same time. Joyful that Sarah is going away to college and sad that she is leaving home. How grateful we are to God that she is doing this! I know you and Steve will be fine but it will definitely be a change. Extra attention for Summer! Much love and prayers for safe travels Monday. Looking for pictures, too.

    • Becky says:


      Well, it’s Monday morning and the The Big Day has begun! I will be sure to post the whole story and pictures in the next few days. Thanks for your sweet, encouraging words to our family on this day.

  2. greywildcat says:

    I wonder I am going to tear up when the post about Monday will come. New chapters 😀 Looking foward to hear about the new chapter.
    Becky, you are going to keep blogging even now when Sarah is going to leave the nest right? 🙂
    Trine (Well techniacally it is Katrina since I did change my name buut I am so used to you calling me Trine)

    • Becky says:

      Katrina, (AKA Trine)

      I don’t know if YOU will tear up Monday but I sure will!

      And yes, I will keep on blogging whether Sarah is around or not. I’ll also keep on posting any interesting stories about her that come along. 🙂

  3. Michele says:

    Good luck to Sarah! I know she’ll do great! Tough for Mom and Dad though. My youngest just graduated college and is back home for a while at least

    • Becky says:


      Congratulations on a college graduation in the family! I know you’re enjoying those fleeting moments of having her back under your roof, for a little while at least. Special times.

  4. Guerrina says:

    Praying God’s best for you on this new journey, Sarah. I will miss you, too! Will keep the Mom & Dad in prayer, too … mercy, comfort, peace and an unending supply of chocolate. ☺ Woohoo for a new season!

  5. mrs pam says:

    Know what?…. today I read Dan Rather’s thoughts on dreams:

    “The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau, sometimes poking with a sharp stick called truth”

    hooray for Becky and Steve… Sarah’s first teachers who encouraged her to

  6. Lesley says:

    “She twinkled a smile at me…” I love that! You are so clever Mama Smith, for a Mama you always will be. So many firsts and lasts jumbled into a ball. So happy for Sarah, she is living her dream. I will be thinking of you this weekend, sniff sniff….

    • Becky says:


      Thanks. I liked that line myself. 🙂

      And yes, we definitely have got ourselves a jumbled ball of firsts and lasts!

  7. Kari says:

    Wishing all the best for Sarah! Hoping it isn’t too hard on you and Steve as you get used to “empty nest” syndrome. You can comfort yourselves by knowing you raised two wonderful children to adulthood, as Nathan and Sarah both seem to be thoughtful, caring, and intelligent individuals. Congratulations to you and Steve for that!

    • Becky says:


      I know that many couples before us have done the empty nest thing so I know we will be fine. Just can’t quite imagine the house without Sarah!

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    You will really be the empty nester shortly. But knowing Sarah is on her own and starting to achieve new beginnings as she goes to college – all I can say is Praise The Lord.

  9. Jenna Hoff says:

    I had a little cry for you reading this Becky. I can only imagine you must have such a cascade of emotions. On one hand the sadness and grief that accompany the end of such an era in your family of so many years of parenting a child/adult child living in your home. And on the other hand such deep pride in the amazing woman Sarah has become, excitement for her in all the wonderful changes in her future and joy and gratitude that she is here to have this future after all she went through with her cancer. Sending you and Steve big hugs. Know that you are lived deeply by many. I’m praying for you all during this transition.

    • Jenna Hoff says:

      That was supposed to say deeply loved not lived.

      • Becky says:


        On my phone, spell check always changes love to live and it drives me crazy. 🙂

        Thank you for your sweet, sweet words and encouragement. New chapters are always a little unsettling but where would any of us be without new chapters?

        At least that’s what I try to tell myself in between sniffs.

  10. beckylp says:

    such a big adventure for a well prepared young lady. Am so excited for her. I did have to laugh where I saw you let her have “new ” sheets and spread although I am betting you got on sale and couponed as a thrifty shopper should. Blessings to all of you

    • Becky says:


      Actually, Sarah took herself off sheet shopping herself. She DID get a good deal on the comforter/sheet set she bought. I raised her right! 🙂

  11. Elizabeth Bowen says:

    Wishing Sarah bountiful blessings during this next step on life’s journey! I have a Senior this year so everything makes me teary, but at the same time I’m so excited to see they places he will go.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, you are definitely getting close to some big transitions of your own, aren’t you? My mama heart just wishes that with all the places they’ll go, we could tag along! 🙂

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Enjoy your weekend ~~~ ALL of you! This is such an exciting time yet a little sad too. It is SO hard to let go but you have raised a beautiful, intelligent, self-sufficient, morally grounded young woman and she will do just fine. She has finally made it to a point that, many years ago, you thought might never come. Huge praise!!! (And thank goodness for cell phones, face time, etc too!) 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it’s true. We had many, many days when we didn’t dare believe we would see Sarah head to college. Multiple thanksgivings going on this weekend!

  13. dmantik says:

    I can’t even to begin to imagine the emotions you all are dealing with. “Aaackk” is all that comes to mind, which is pretty succinct even if lacking in eloquence.

    So proud of Sarah. Love and hugs to you all!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      I am “aaackking” right along with you. (I’m glad you showed me how to spell that word because I was never quite sure.)

      When Caleb leaves the house, I will aaackk along with you.

  14. Liz W says:

    Courage on the part of parents is always needed when it comes time to let our children leave home, but in your case, letting go of Sarah has to be requiring you to dig very deep. She has become a very mature, lovely young woman who does you and Steve great credit. God bless all of you as she ventures forth!

    • Becky says:


      I’m not sure how much courage I am going to be able to rustle up this weekend, but I will sure try! Since she’s the one “going off” it’s probably even scarier for her, but it’s pretty tough on us parents, too.

      Thanks for your words to cheer us on!

  15. Jan Reuther says:

    My heart aches for you. This is kind of a schizophrenic time for parents; on the one hand, you’re going to miss her like mad, but on the other hand, you’re over the moon with pride and joy for her.

    So glad we live in the age of Skype!

    • Becky says:


      You’re right–I do have a very strong mix of feelings as I anticipate Monday. I just can’t wait to hear all of your stories and adventures and yet I can’t imagine all of those things happenings so far away from us!

      I am trying not to think too far ahead. I’m hoping the moments will take care of themselves.

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