Wedding Wednesday: The Final Edition

February 22, 2012

Welcome to the final Wedding Wednesday!

Today I have gathered up some of my favorite shots from the engagement photos, the rehearsal, the wedding, the reception, and the Manteo photo shoot and put them all in one big display.  Nothing like going out with a bang, right?  (If you want to see a certain picture full size, just double click on it.)

Thanks so much for taking this journey with our family and for being so kind as to humor me as I have posted innumerable shots of my beloved child and child-in-law on this blog.

And don’t worry.  I’m sure I will be revisiting some of these photos as time goes by which means that Wedding Wednesday will never really and truly be completely over.    And that makes me feel a little better.  (sniff)

It’s been fun!

And my favorite picture of all the ones I posted today?  It’s this one.

Without this one, there would have been no wedding, and therefore no Wedding Wednesdays.  (And also,  no fabulous daughter-in-law.)  I’m so glad that Meagan said yes!


Photo Card Winner

And by the way, the winner of photo card set is Nancy from Toronto!  Nancy, if you will email me your address, I will get your cards mailed within the next few days.

11 comments so far.

11 responses to “Wedding Wednesday: The Final Edition”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Thanks for the wedding pictures–made us feel a part of it.

  2. Lisa from Georgia says:

    Oh no! I feel like I just read the last line of a wonderful book. I am sad to see WW come to an end, but maybe one day it will be Grandbaby Monday…right?? I so hoped you would be able to post the video segments from the wedding. I especially wanted to see Megan walking down the aisle to that wonderful song. Blessings to you all as always.

    • Becky says:


      What a sweet way to say it, “like reading the last line of a wonderful book.” You know, that’s sort of how I feel, too!

      And yes, I have no doubt that I might post a picture (or two) when the grand babies come along. And of course, there will be a whole new Wedding Wednesday series when Sarah gets married. (But that won’t be for 30 or 40 years yet since she can’t date till she’s at least 25.) 🙂

  3. Becky says:


    So glad you’ve enjoyed our photographic journey.

    As far as seeing any video from the wedding, it all depends on whether or not I can get the technical side figured out. Meagan gave me the whole wedding on DVD, but it’s in a format (VOB) that I can watch but can’t edit or load to the site. And as for reading Nathan’s purity story? He’s not a huge fan of writing so I don’t know if he would ever sit down and actually write it all out. But . . . you never know!

  4. Mary H says:

    Oh, I am sad that this is the end of Wedding Wednesdays but I understand there is a limit to how many photos there are to share. I must say, it was a complete pleasure on my part to be allowed “in” on this wonderful time with your family. I also loved your term for Meagan – “child-in-law.” Now, one of these days, we will be having a fun time viewing “mommy to be Mondays!??!” Won’t that be exciting….pregnancy, showers, birth, Grandma and Grandpa’s first glimpse of the wonderfulness of a brand new grandchild and a view to the future. I have to go take one more look at the photos.

  5. nancy irving says:

    ooops, I forgot, Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful wedding wednesday photos, I felt so much a part of the whole celebration. Can’t wait to see more pictures as the family grows. 🙂

  6. Vernie says:

    Wonderous Wonderful Wedding Wednesday! Beautiful finale! Thanks for the journey!

  7. nancy irving says:

    yay yay yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, i never win anything, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, emailing as I speak, did I say yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, sooooo excited 🙂

    • Becky says:


      It’s always a joy when someone is really happy about something they won. 🙂 Since I never win anything either, I can certainly relate to your happiness. Enjoy!

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