The Weekend End.

April 6, 2015

Last Friday was our first day off after all the busyness of preparing for (and performing)  the Easter Drama.  In the days leading up to the drama, days off were in short supply so we were both quite happy to wake up to a day where nothing absolutely had to be done.

We puttered around all morning doing this and that and then around lunch, we packed a picnic lunch and rode our bikes up to a favorite water front area to eat.

As we got ready to get on our bikes, I realized I didn’t have any sunglasses. I keep threatening to buy my own sunglasses and then I never do, so I always have to borrow Steve’s extra pair. I mean, what’s the good of being married if you can’t borrow sunglasses, right?  (By the way, his beard came off the day after our day off.)


After we returned, I figured I should try and accomplish at least one productive thing on my day off and this area next to our fridge looked like a good place to start. I don’t know about you, but we have a catch-all place that ends up truly catching all. If someone asks me where something is I’ll say, “Look in the wire basket by the fridge.”  I also store all of our magazines behind the basket so that we have readily available reading materials over breakfast. Sometimes it all just gets a little out of control.

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So I delved into the mess and 20 minutes later, I ended up with this result.  Still not pretty (in a Pinterest sort of way) but at least somewhat organized and pruned back.

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I had several other jobs I could have done, like cleaning one of two junk drawers that we maintain.  And yes, I have just confessed in a public forum that our family has two junk drawers and not just one.  Scandalous, I know! (By the way, the Cheerios in the baggie are treats for Summer. That is not where we generally store our breakfast cereals.)

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After I had stared at the drawer for a couple minutes, I started having thoughts about taking a nap instead. Junk drawer or nap?  Nap or junk drawer?

The junk drawer lost. And the nap won.

Happy day. (And happy doggie, too.)

 Steve even found time to fly his radio controlled airplane over the weekend, as this exuberant Post It note will attest to. (We always leave notes for each other if we’re walking, riding bike, flying planes, etc.)

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And lastly, for this Weekend End Catch Up Post, I have a little video treat for you.  Meagan sent this to me this morning–a brief clip of Noah “playing drums” with his Grandpa Hawley. What’s that saying about the apple not falling far from the tree?  Looks like another drummer is up and coming!   (I think ear plugs for Grandma Hawley might be a thoughtful gift.) 







16 comments so far.

16 responses to “The Weekend End.”

  1. Elizabeth B says:

    I have to ask…what is the jar with the orange top? Savings for a rainy day. Your corner looks great!

    • Becky says:


      Great question! 🙂

      It’s actually a Buddy Barrel. For a little background, in 1949, supplies were shipped by boat to missionaries in barrels. As a result, Buddy Barrels were created–small wooden barrels designed for the children to save their coins in. These barrels have now changed to larger yellow plastic barrels. Families put money in these barrels and turn it all in once a month to buy supplies for missionaries. The barrels have raised $127 million since 1949!

  2. Becky says:


    Our lives are so blessed with those little drummer boys, aren’t they? 🙂

  3. Kristina says:

    Junk drawers and shelves . . . every house has at least a couple!

    The place I live is interesting in a slightly irritating way, because all of its shelving is open. There are no drawers, or cupboards with doors… everything is in full view. It was a problem until I came up with a way to devise my own ‘junk drawer’ to hide the messy bits of life. I bought a few plastic containers and store them on the very bottom shelf, so that only the lid is visible. Someone would have to lay down on the floor to peer inside at the chaos, and I figure if they’re that motivated they’re entitled to know my secret!

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. Open shelving what would cause me quite a bit of distress. There are few things any more wonderful in life than closing a door on a messy closet or cupboard.

      I like your solution though, for your own messy bits. And as you said, if someone is desperate enough to lie down on the floor to discover your secrets then let ’em do it! 🙂

  4. sharyn McDonald says:

    My husband kids me about my baskets. I don’t like clutter and love baskets to throw small items (and larger ones too), so things aren’t all over the place. I have a similar thingy as you do and it needs to be purged of many items every once in awhile.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, baskets are a pretty solution to clutter; at least everything is confined to one space and not spread hither and yon. I am also not a fan of clutter–it makes my brain hurt.

  5. Phyllis says:

    I also had Friday off after working part or all of the preceding 18 days, some of them very long days. I didn’t do anything as fun as a picnic though – had lots of errands to do as my niece turns 16 tomorrow so had to shop for her from me and from my parents. Saturday night I took time to clean out my catalog/magazine basket. I discovered I had catalogs from not only Christmas but also Florida (I moved from there last June). Those went out for recycling this morning!
    I think earplugs might be in order for both Grandpa as well as Grandma!

    • Becky says:


      Good for you for cleaning out your magazine basket! Those magazines really have a way of piling up, don’t they? But I’d say you made a good call when you got ride of the Christmas catalogs. 🙂 It’s a good feeling to get rid of stuff! And as for the earplugs, I think Grandpa Hawley was enjoying all that noise. It must be a male thing.

  6. Guerrina says:

    Banging on things is a rite of childhood! It’s okay, Becky, my main junk drawer makes yours look Pinterest worthy! Everytime I open it, I think, “I could get this reorganized easily and add wooden dividers!” and then slam the drawer shut! Avoidance at its best lol

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad I have SOMETHING that looks Pinterest-worthy. Thanks for maintaining a junk drawer that accomplishes that rare feat. 🙂

  7. Ann Martin says:

    Glad you got to enjoy some time with Steve. I need to clean out the junk drawer but keep putting it off. Maybe today but maybe not. I am volunteering until 1 pm and an appointment with ENT at 3:20. So–may not get the cleaning done,

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Your little drummer is adorable! My grandson LOVES to bang on things and his daddy is a drummer too so that may explain it. 🙂 Great selfies you two….I still can’t get the hang of ’em. Lol

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