The Waiting of the Inbetween

October 28, 2015

When I had my medical test last Thursday, I was told it would be read by the radiologist and the results would be sent to my doctor’s office either Friday morning or Monday at the latest. With that promise in hand, I felt comfortable mentioning to you that I’d undergone a procedure since I assumed there would be results to share quickly.

If you’ve ever waited for test results, you know what it’s like to carry your phone with you everywhere and jump every time it rings. Well, it didn’t ring on Friday.

And by early Monday afternoon when I still hadn’t heard I anything, I called the office and was told my doctor was off on Mondays.

Yesterday I called about 10 a.m. and was told the doctor was sick and might be out until Friday.  

Well, my blood pressure went up a bit, not because I was angry (she can’t help that she is sick), but because of the frustration and the anxeity of the wait.  I talked to a nurse to see if another doctor in the practice could share the results and was told that only the doctor who ordered the test is allowed to share the results with the patient.

As of this morning, I have no idea if my doctor is back in the office and frankly, I am too stressed  to even call to ask. The nurse yesterday did say that just as soon as the doctor got back in, she would give me a call.

My original plan was that when I got the results, I would share both the results and the procedure at the same time so as not to worry you needlessly. But I feel so bad about the wait that I have inadvertently put you through that I have decided to go ahead and share some of the details of what’s been going on.

I’ve been having quite a few odd symptoms over the past few weeks: back pain, shortness of breath, feeling full very quickly when eating, overall fatigue, extreme bloating, rapid weight gain, diarrhea, and a liver function test that is ten times higher than normal. (Along with my ongoing low platelet issue.)

My doctor has done a pap smear, tested me for hepatitis, done stool samples, etc. and all of that came back normal.  And so the next logical thing was to step into scarier territory and look for other causes behind the symptoms. And with my breast cancer history, and with the concern my symptoms were causing, my doctor said she wouldn’t rest easy until ovarian cancer was ruled out.

So that’s what I had on Thursday: a pelvic ultrasound (both external and internal) examining the cervix, ovaries and uterus, looking for anything suspicious or concerning.

As I’m sure you can imagine, the waiting has been excruciating–for ALL of us. Friday (my day off),  I spent almost the whole day in my robe, crying some, reading some, resting some.

This is the lovely face my patient family got to see all day.


I don’t know if you can see the sores on the left side of my face but that has been a (doubtlessly unrelated) mystery symptom for the past month; sores that have moved from place to place on my face but only on the left side. They had been much more noticeable but are fading a bit now.

I had an evening engagement on Friday and so at about 4:30 in the afternoon, I knew it was time to get a grip and pull myself together.

And so I spent 90 seconds putting some dry shampoo in my hair and “smushing” it around before smoothing it all into place.


I spent four minutes adding some make up.


Then I put on something colorful to boost my spirits–and I was good to go!

FullSizeRender (8)

Sometimes we just have to put on our brave faces, don’t we?

We have to take off the figurative brown robe and put on the bright jacket and we have to know that there is strength enough available if we just take that first step toward it.

And that’s what I did.  And that’s what I’m continuing to do.

Waiting. Trusting. Praying, Crying. Planning for the worst. Believing for the best.  

Knowing that I am enveloped always by the love that resides in this home.


And knowing most certainly that a God who has seen me through numerous challenges in the past is already in charge of my future–the best, the worst, the fears, the tears– and the waiting of the inbetween.


24 comments so far.

24 responses to “The Waiting of the Inbetween”

  1. Ann Martin says:


  2. Jan Reuther says:

    Since I’ve already seen your good news, I can use levity for my comment here.

    You sure do clean up nicely….and FAST! 5-1/2 minutes from “at death’s door” to absolutely amazing!

  3. sharyn McDonald says:

    Praying you hear great news soon. Yes, that waiting is the pits. Wish they would make other arrangements if the doctor is ill, or out of town. The stress of waiting for that phone call cannot be helpful to anyone, no matter what they went to see the doctor for. Lord, encourage your servantess.

  4. Phyllis says:

    So sorry that you are going through this. I’ve had both of those tests and the tests themselves are not fun – that full bladder part especially. And the waiting makes it even worse. You find your mind thinking the worst things possible. Will keep you in my prayers.

  5. Liz says:

    I am so, so sorry you are having to go through such awful waiting. A conversation with said doctor on what it is like to be on the waiting end might be appropriate. It seems if you are willing to hear results from another doctor (they are YOUR results, after all), then that should be the plan.
    Keeping you in my prayers.

  6. Judy says:

    Praying that the Lord will give your soul P E A C E………..Prayers from OHIO.

  7. Lesley says:

    Oh Becky, waiting is the worst!!!! I think it’s terrible that you have to wait until the doctor that ordered the test is back from being sick. Let’s say, just for the heck of it, that your doctor had a heart attack and was going to be out for a month. What then??????? This really pisses me off(sorry on the language, but seriously??) It is not right!!
    Hang in there, and yes, you do clean up well. We are waiting right along with you, although I can feel my blood pressure rising about this stupid situation. Uggh, so unnecessary.
    OK, I have another scenario….what if it was an ultrasound for an aneurysm, and one was spotted. Which could blow at any minute. But because the doctor is ‘out sick’ the results cannot be shared with the patient who could expire at any minute??
    All right, I am done now. But not really. Hang in there…

  8. Jodi says:


    I’d like to think if there was something serious going on regarding the u/s that someone in that office knows and would’ve forwarded it on to your doctor (I’m sure she’s checking in)! She’s the one who “would rest easier knowing definitively” so I feel like it’s going to be okay! Perhaps you an call again & ask for the office manager & explain your situation. Or you can sign a release & have Big Hospital fax you the report. You’ll have your answer w/ that report.

    Continuing to think positive thoughts!

    ? Jodi

  9. Debbie Couture says:

    I know this is so hard and what a great brave face you put on. Hope you get your results today. Even if she is sick your doctor should call you. I’ll keep praying.

  10. Mel says:

    Hugs and prayers from another Canadian friend. I have to admit that I did laugh at the first picture as I have been there and I have to give you kudos for putting up. 🙂 I must stay that with you last picture up, you do clean up nice. As Mary H said, we are all in the waiting room with you.

  11. Catherine says:

    Aww Becky so sorry. Continuing to pray! Hugs to you. Love ya!!???

  12. Margie Miller says:

    Sending you more prayers & a few hugs thrown in. Do you have a robe that is a more cheerful color? That might make you feel better while you wait???????

  13. Cindy F. says:

    Prayers for you. The waiting and worry can be excruciating. Keep in mind that these symptoms can also be an alert to numerous things…that are not cancer-related. Praying you get your answer sooner rather than later.

  14. LeeAnne says:

    Oh my. No wonder you are worried. Please know that we are all worrying and waiting right along with you and pray that the results all come back NED. Wishing you God’s peace and comfort during this inbetween time. Big hugs from Nebraska!!

  15. Jenna Hoff says:

    Sending you a giant big enveloping Canadian hug ! This must be really hard. I am so hopeful that the results come back all is well.

    Regarding the face spots, has the Dr ruled out shingles?

    I pray that today is full of sweetness, loveliness and quiet peace for you.

  16. Mrs. Pam says:

    continued prayers, especially for NED!

  17. Marjie says:

    May you feel all of us praying for you. Waiting for results is probably the worst stress possible. I will add peace for you to my prayers. Hang in there!!!

  18. Guerrina says:

    Lifting you up in prayer, Becky. Waiting for results is very stressful so may the peace of the Lord fill you from your toes to the top of your noggin!

  19. Shannon says:

    Keeping you in thoughts and prayers!

  20. Gail Puckett says:

    There is nothing quite as stressful as waiting with a phone in your hand for results of a test that has you worried. My favorite verse (and also the one that I have the most trouble with) is Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faith. I have that hanging in two separate places in my house to remind me and also hanging on the bulletin board in my office. (I need a constant reminder that God is always here, always faithful and always the whisper in your ear). know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. Wait upon the Lord, simple words, but oh so very powerful.

  21. Steve says:

    God’s got our back no matter what the doctor reports.

  22. Mary H says:

    I have just gone through all these symptoms with a co-worker. I continue to pray. By the way, my co-worker is fine now. We are all in the “waiting room” with you. Hope you feel that presence.

  23. Desera says:

    OH MY! I know that stress….I had it this year on my 7th year breast cancer diagnosis anniversary when they called to say that they saw something worrisome on my mammogram on the opposite side of my original cancer. UGH! It is literally exhausting and I can’t imagine the week that you have had; I am so very sorry! (What they saw on my images were two moles that the technician did not mark with a sticker like she should have known to do….I knew they were there, but had no clue they would show up as something worrisome! I made a few phone calls to be sure someone else doesn’t go through what I did…so unnecessary!)
    I hope you get your answers soon….I will be praying for you. <3

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