The Thing Post (October 2023)

October 2, 2023


Not only are Steve and I getting slightly oldish, but our belongings are, too.  For instance, the combined age of our two vehicles is twenty-five years old!

Our HVAC unit in the house is thirty-eight years old.

And our refrigerator was thirty years old.

Happily, though, we just found a new GE fridge that we got for 50% off because it had a small dent.  Goodbye to that dear old fridge that contained so many Ken and Vernie memories.

I do have to say though, that when you have something that is very old and not very spiffy, you really appreciate it when you get a replacement item. Our new fridge has ice and filtered water in the door which is like magic!

The old fridge did have water and ice in the door but the water wasn’t filtered and the ice machine broke twice a month. Steve would have to take it apart and say encouraging things to it to keep it running. Also, since it was an old fridge, it wasn’t built for tall mugs/glasses so we’d fill up a smaller cup with ice and then dump the ice into our taller containers.  Not a huge deal but it was definitely an old-school unit so it is fabulous to have something so shiny and spacious.


I have to say that since I’ve started working full-time, Steve has transformed himself into quite the cook.  My favorite meal he makes is chicken fajitas. We have it several times a month and it is delish.

Recently I got home from work and he had a roast, bread, baked potatoes, and salads on the table. I am spoiled!  Especially because after dinner he says, “Go put your feet up. I’ll get the dishes.”  What’s not to love?


Ignore the bushy hair and just be impressed by the fact that I actually look like I know how to play the bass. This is Steve’s beloved fretless bass and when was messing with it one night, I told him I wanted to give it a try.  I actually used to play the guitar for many years until arthritis made that impossible. But it was fun to look like a bass-playing grandma for a few seconds.


Someone at work gave this orchid plant to me on my first official day.  I really hate to brag but I can’t keep the news to myself: I have actually kept this plant alive for almost a month now.  And it’s even growing some new blooms!  Potted plants always perish under my care so I just had to share the good news.

My plan is to leave it at work as long as it’s healthy. However, if its health starts to fail, I will take it home so that it can transition to plant heaven in a dignified, private way.


Did you know there was such a thing as an umbrella congregation?

When we arrived at church recently, we saw that their practice is to have everyone’s umbrellas hang out together outside.  I thought it was such a whimsical, cheery sight.

Steve has heard me say a hundred times that there should be a law against dark colored umbrellas.  I think all umbrellas should be designed with cheery colors because on a gray, gloomy day, who needs a gloomy umbrella?


Sometimes all two little boys need to be happy is to fill a pot to the brim in the sink and then pour the water down the drain in the shower. Life doesn’t get much better.


I was cleaning in the basement recently and came across this erasable bond paper.  I have vague memories of using this back in the day and also remember using that wonderful carbon paper where if you made a mistake once, you made a mistake twice.

I’m beyond thankful for computers where erasing a mistake is incredibly easy. If I had to compose a blog without a computer? There would be no blog.


Tippi continues to brighten our lives. Her favorite thing is to go bye-bye with Steve. She sticks her head out of the car until precisely 35 m.p.h. and then that’s it.  Her head comes back in the car.

Steve took her to get groomed on Friday.  As cute as can be!


Steve continues his tradition of taking each of his grands out for their birthday. This is from a recent Andrew Outing.

It looks like Andrew has got an Overhand Bowling Ball Toss going on there. Whatever works!


I was chatting with a guy at work on Friday and doing my usual thing of asking questions, “Where are you from? How long have you lived in Charlotte?” etc.  He answered in a few sentences and when he was done he said, “And what about you?”

I gaped at him in a most unsightly manner and said, “Excuse me?”  He replied, “I was just asking where you’re from?”

I managed to collect my wits and answer in a moderately intelligent manner and he went on his way.

The reason I was so taken aback by his question is that I have found that it is rare for people to follow up with reciprocal questions.  It’s just human nature for all of us to be invested in our own selves and tell our own stories.  But what would it be like if every once in a while when we finish what we’re saying we look at the person across from us and say, “What about you?”

Give them a moment to collect themselves at actually being asked and then enjoy learning things you didn’t know about another wonderful human being on this planet. Everyone has a story to tell!

It’s simple.  In fact, it’s so simple, that we are going to do it right here, right now. 🙂


What about you?

Would you consider yourself more of a talker or a listener?

Have you ever used erasable bond paper or carbon paper?

Do you get as excited as I do when you get a new appliance?

Are you a bowler? If so, what is your best score?

Do you think brightly colored umbrellas are preferable to dark ones?

Do you have any tips from your chicken fajita recipe?

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “The Thing Post (October 2023)”

  1. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Not sure if Tippi is thrilled with the haircut – and if looks could kill. Am assuming she did not get a say in our it was coifed! Maybe next time Tippi. Ah, the refrigerator – my mom and dad inlaws had one for over 50 years before it conked out. Couple of the “kids” got together and got them a brand new one – it lasted 3 months. Don’t make them like they used to. We have a side by side and not sure I would like the freezer on the bottom. Please let me know how you like it. It has been making a loud noise for about 7 years now and have thought it was ready to die out, but not so. But really would like a new one. But have to wait until it does its thing. Steve, you are one of a kind in your generosity to your wife – and family. Have a friend who will not step in the kitchen to make anything – will just wait for his wife to do her thing. Unreal. Those fajita veggies look fantastic and I am sure having something like that to come home to was very much appreciated – especially when you’re tired. What a beautiful orchid plant. I too have trouble keeping plants alive and you have done a fantastic job. Unless you have stood over it and said, “Don’t you dare.” Love the tradition Steve has with the grandkids. They will remember it for years to come. I am more of a listener than a talker. Do not like to talk on the phone and I don’t mean to be rude but if someone gets on the phone and just goes and goes I find I will say I have to leave or someone is at the door, (Lord forgive the lie) just because I don’t like to talk. I was a bowler – high game was 276. But because of osteoarthritis it has shut me down. My wrists won’t cooperate. Blessings to the Smith family!

    • Becky says:


      A 50-year old refrigerator? Amazing! Those old appliances were definitely built to last.

      I like the freezer on the bottom since there is more “width” in accommodating larger freezer items and I go the fridge three times as often as I go into the freezer.

      Bowling a 276 is great! But yes, cooperating wrists are pretty crucial in the bowling process.

      I know what you mean about having a talkative person on the other end of the phone; sometimes you just have to find an excuse to disengage yourself.

  2. Phyllis says:

    I am probably more of a listener in most cases. Sometimes I find it hard to get a word in when others are talking, especially if I’m with a couple friends who are definitely talkers.
    Don’t think I’ve ever used carbon paper or erasable bond paper, not even sure what the latter is. I do remember my aunt printing the church bulletins on an old mimeograph machine.
    I used to bowl but that has been many years ago. I know I had a couple 200+ games. Funny story, my younger brother used to bowl in a youth league. He did not take his bowling ball with him when he got married in 1987. One time when he was at the parents’ house, he looked all over for it but never found it. Fast forward to 2021 when we were cleaning out the attic of the shed in the backyard. There was the bowling ball in a far corner of the attic.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’m sure there have been multiple thousands of church bulletins done on an old mimeograph machine. Bless all those dear secretaries who labored so hard on that every week!

      I’m glad your brother’s bowling ball finally showed up. I’m sure whoever found it got a laugh that it appeared after so many decades.

      Yes, we all have those friends who are definitely talkers. I’m sure they appreciate you being such a good listener!

  3. Cindy says:

    I am more of a listener than a talker. Having been retired for over ten years I am pretty boring. My big excitement for this week is we are finally getting a Ross Dress for Less and it opens on Saturday. I am overly excited about this even though I really don’t need anything. I am certain I will find things I must have. It’s right next to my favorite grocery store which has a fantastic salad bar I tend to visit almost every day and they also have a wonderful bakery.  With winter coming soon I try to get out frequently. My friend Dave takes me grocery shopping when the roads are bad but I don’t think he will be up to Ross.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, there probably aren’t a lot of guys who would look forward to a trip to Ross. But you’re luck to be getting one near you. Enjoy!

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Enjoy your new fridge! I always said I didn’t want one with water and ice in the door. Then we move and get a fridge with water and ice in the door and I am really liking it. Go figure. 🙂
    Your orchid is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! It must love it’s location. Plants often do well with the fluorescent lighting.
    I’m more of a listener by far.
    I have used plenty of carbon paper in my day. Oh how I hated that stuff! Preparing W-2’s in the old days was a nightmare. lol
    I always loved getting new appliances. My favorite was the new dishwasher when Jenni was a baby. Ours had been dead for about 6 months and I had been hand washing bottles and dishes so was extremely happy and excited to get a new one!
    I used to bowl on a women’s league many years ago. I never had a perfect score (300) but did have a 298 one time! That was so exciting!!!
    I agree…..umbrellas need to be bright and cheery. I LOVE your picture!

    • Becky says:


      A 298 in bowling? That is AMAZING! I imagine the league was very happy to have you on their team!

      Not having a dishwasher with a baby would be much more of a challenge than most other times. I know you happy-danced when the new one arrived.

      And I can’t even imagine preparing a W-2 with carbon paper; you are made of sterner stuff than I am.

  5. Eswim29 says:

    The THING comment……
    More of a talker 🙂 I can remember how the workroom at our elementary school smelled from the mimeograph machine. New is always exciting, but new appliances today do not last as long as they used to. I bowled when I was younger for fun….but now arthritis in my fingers makes it painful. Bright colors are the most fun for umbrellas and easier to keep up with 🙂
    I have a grandpuppy, Max, who loves to ride with the window down just for a few minutes and he’s a happy camper. 🙂 Good luck with your lovely flower! Dinner of any kind that is ready and waiting after a day at work is a blessing! The fajitas look wonderful! Can you share Steve’s recipe?

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it funny how well we remember smells? One smell can bring back a whole world of memories and mimeograph machines definitely had their own distinctive aroma.

      I love how dogs love to stick their heads out of car windows. They obviously don’t care about their getting messed up. 🙂

      As for Steve’s recipe, he just sautes everything in a pan with a little oil. His secret ingredient though is that sometimes he uses Montreal Steak seasoning instead of taco seasoning. Delish!

  6. Patti Goudzwaard says:

    Love that Steve is cooking and cleaning up. I am grateful to have a husband who cooks as well.
    I got an orchid last year that specified it was to be watered with 3 ice cubes a week. I found that odd, but it is still alive and just last month got a new stalk of buds on it.
    I also agree that umbrellas should be fun. A students mom gave me a delightfully printed umbrella as a gift.
    I am more of a talker, but I try to listen and make a point of asking the other person questions as well.
    I have used erasable paper, carbon paper, and the purple ditto sheets!
    I also love new appliances. Our house had 10 year old appliances when we bought it so we have slowly added new ones. I always wanted the water and ice in the door, but that style won’t fit in our kitchen.
    I have bowled on occasion but have never gotten any good. It is fun. Haven’t gone in 6 years since we took the youngest grand once. I like Andrews style though.
    Yeah, this comment has the box to check for getting new comments!

    • Becky says:


      That’s funny–my orchid directions specified 1/4 C of ice once a week. Glad to know your orchid lasted a year; maybe there is hope for ine!

      Purple ditto sheets! Now that is going WAY back! 🙂

      Glad there’s a place to check for getting new comments; I hope other people are seeing that, as well.

  7. sueellen9497 says:

    I’m more of a listener..unless asked specific questions I usually am at a loss for conversation topics.

    Yes, I’m old enough to have used carbon paper (and nerd-y enough to think it was really neat when you used a new piece for the first time)

    I’m usually excited about new appliances. I’ve had my “new” washer & dryer for about 2 years and still think of them as my NEW washer & dryer.

    I bowled on a league from 5th grade through my freshman year of college. I’ve bowled a few times with friends and family since then; however I’m afraid if I still bowled regularly, I’d probably have knee problems.

    Your orchid is beautiful!! As someone who could “kill” an artificial plant, I got quite the chuckle from your “taking it home to die in dignified privacy” statement.

    As always, I enjoyed reading about all your “things” this week!

    • Becky says:


      That is a LOT of bowling; you must have really enjoyed it!

      Loved your comment killing an artificial plant; I’m right there with you.

      We need more listeners in the world; thanks for being one of them. (Although talking is always fun, too!)

  8. Hope says:

    I think I’m more of a talker at work and a listener at home. 

    I like the looks of new appliances but not the reliability.

    I have a black umbrella but need a mini one for an upcoming vacation so I’m going for bright colors!

    I make sheet pan fajitas.  So easy and delicious!

    • Becky says:


      Hooray! I’m glad to be welcoming another member to the Bright Umbrella Club!

      Hmm. Doing fajitas on a pan is a good easy; we’ll have to try that. Sheet pan dinners are fabulous.

      Interesting that your talking and listening varies from home to work!

  9. Melissa Shawver says:

    I live in Florida and can’t believe your HVAC is that old! Down here they start getting considered ‘elderly’ at around 10-12 years old, and rarely last past 15 years. I think our last one made it 17 years, but it was limping along and leaking everywhere. Fridges on the other hand…ours is currently 27 years old and works fine, but I do dream of having a shiny new one with all the fancy features one day. I saw a meme recently that had pics of a new fridge and an old fridge side by side. The caption under the newer fridge said, “Breaks within two years.” The caption beneath the older fridge said, “I will outlive you and everyone you love. I am eternal. I am time itself.” I fully believe it!

    • Becky says:


      LOVE the caption under the old fridge; that is oh so true! Back in the day, appliances were built to last! Here’s hoping you get a shiny new fridge sooner rather than later!

      We feel very blessed that our HVAC lasted as long as it did; our guy that came to look at it said he’d never seen one that old!

  10. I remember carbon paper! My dad was a band director and he used the “purple master” sheets for the mimeograph machine. I remember my mom typing up his tests using those – and she had some sort of purple correction fluid that she could put on the purple master to correct any mistakes. That mimeograph machine smell will always remind me of grade school. 🙂

    I love your new fridge! Our current fridge is almost 20 years old, but so far the water & ice are still working. Our matching over-the-stove microwave, though, is on its last legs. The bottom of the door has cracked, and the outer glass is sagging. We are going to replace it next week, so until then we aren’t using it (and it’s being held together with duct tape -nothing but class in our house!).

    Bowling – I love it even though I’m not good at it! Haven’t been in years though! I think my high score is something like 170? It was a fluke, for sure!

    I have a bright orange umbrella that I just love, and a blue/aqua print one that stays in my travel stuff for me to haul along in case of rain. It’s super-small, but is adequate to the task of sheltering me when needed. 🙂 I feel the same about rain coats – I love brightly colored ones!

    • Interesting – I had to log in to reply this time. I’m still Stefanie in St. Louis. 🙂

      • Hahah – LAKE St. Louis. I clearly hadn’t had enough coffee yesterday. 🙂

        Also: our HVAC is original to our house, so it’s 18 years old. We checked to make sure the furnace part fires up, a couple of days ago – just so we wouldn’t possibly be caught out on a chilly morning.

        • Becky says:


          Good idea to check on the furnace before winter arrives; eighteen years is definitely getting to be on the old side!

      • Becky says:


        I am beyond trying to understand technology so have no idea why that happened!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, a microwave held together by duct tape is a class act! It sounds like something Steve and I would do to make it through. 🙂

      Your dad must have had the patience of Job to be a band director. Bless him. And I love that your mom typed up his tests. Teamwork!

  11. Debbie says:

    Oh my gosh, an HVAC system that is 30+ years old!! Here in Florida we’re lucky if they last 15 years. We just had to have ours replaced and it was only 11 years old. The salt air and humidity are so hard on anything that is outside. Metal lawn ornaments rust so quickly.

    Enjoy your new fridge! Filtered water and ice in the door is the best!

    I got an orchid for Valentines Day and sent it to plant Heaven in May. They are so hard to keep. You’re doing amazing if you have new blooms!

    I can’t help you with the chicken fajitas. I’ve been a vegetarian for 25 years!! But wow Steve sure does spoil you!! There aren’t a lot of men like him.

    I love bright umbrellas!!

    I have used the carbon paper and erasable bond paper. I have also used that wax paper to cut a stencil and then put it on the drum of the hand operated mimeograph machine to print. I will never forget the smell of that purple printer fluid or the fluid to try to fix a mistake so it wasn’t a start over!!

    I like to think that I am both a listener and a talker. People seem to gravitate to me when I’m out in public and unload their problems and life story. I always listen and usually end up with them wanting to give me their phone number. Sometimes the information is TMI! Maybe I missed my calling as a counselor?!

    • Becky says:


      It’s interesting that several readers mentioned the smells associated with carbon paper and mimeograph machines. So many memories there! I’ve never used wax paper to cut a stencil so I’m pretty impressed!

      That’s cool that people gravitate toward you with your stories; such an honor to be trusted with that. I guess you can just continue in your calling as an unofficial counselor.

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