The Thing Post (October 2019 Edition)

October 21, 2019

It’s time once again for a Thing Post, which simply means I feature a variety of topics
that don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.

Thing One

I’ll start off with some good news about this gal.

You may remember me telling you that the Food Lion in Edenton was only able to give her one day of work a week instead of the 4-5 days she was hoping for. Not great news. 

But just a short while after she got that news, an opportunity opened up at a home health care business managed by someone in the church and she was hired for that job. It will include running social media, researching the demographic info of potential new clients throughout the state, and posting/keeping track of online job listings for new nurses and aids. 

The job is for 20-30 hours a week, which is just the number of hours she was looking for. (She’ll continue to work at Food Lion one day a week and, of course, at the church.)

What are the chances of finding a job in her field in a town so small?   We are very thankful.

Thing Two

I had lunch with a friend the other day and she started poking some fun at me because of the shape of my lipstick.  She showed me her lipstick and it was in a lovely little pointy shape. She gave me explicit instructions on how to keep the Dreaded Malformed Lipstick Syndrome from appearing in my life–and purse. I am truly going to try to do better.

Thing Three

A couple of weeks ago, Steve took a group of people from our church to Ocracoke Island, the place that was hit so hard by Hurricane Dorian.  He said news reports could not do justice do the damage that was done there.  He was so grateful for the chance to lend a hand.

Thing Four

Will someone please explain to me how this diminutive, 6-pound dog managed to get in (and out) of this empty wastebasket without knocking it over? (She went here for safe harbor during a bad storm.)  By the way, the big blob of gray on the floor is dryer lint that didn’t quite make it to the basket.

Thing Five

Two weeks ago, Sarah had to come back to the Outer Banks for a doctor visit. She had a little time to drop by for dinner before heading back to Edenton. I was so tickled that she was coming for a visit that I thought I would make a little presentation of lemon water, complete with lovely napkins.  I realize napkins aren’t a strict necessity for the imbibing of water but hey–the tray needed some color.

Sarah, bless her polite little heart, dutifully helped herself to a (needless) napkin while delicately sipped on her lemon-infused water.  I know you moms out there will understand the need to do something to celebrate the visit of a gone-from-home girl.

Thing Six

I love anything having to do with cool architecture and decor, so I just had to share with you a few photos from my hair salon.

Thing Seven

Here are Steve’s parents all dressed up to go to a wedding. They make quite the dashing couple, do they not?

Thing Eight

One of my favorite things about living in a small town is our Homecoming Parade.

Photos by LeftField Photography

Steve was very proud of the fact his car was used in the parade.  He LOVES that car!

Thing Eight  

This is an update from Meagan about Andrew, grandbaby number 4.  

We would appreciate your prayers in the morning as we go in to start some GI testing for our little guy.

Right after he was born he started showing signs of reflux like our other kids did. However, his caused him to stop breathing a few times. Because we have delt with this same thing with Grayson, we knew what was happening but we still needed answers and help from his doctors.

After many appointments, an ER visit and a GI specialist, they have decided he needs some testing done to determine how severe the reflux is and if surgery will be needed to fix the issue. As of now we are on a new sensitive formula as well as trying to get a reflux medicine.

We would so love for the Lord to just heal both of our boys so no meds or other treatments are needed. No parent wants to see their baby in pain.

If you could help us pray specifically:

?His doctors would be able to pin point the cause of his extreme reflux
?The solution would be simple and non-invasive
?No surgery
?Our insurance will approve his medacine
?Peace for him as he does all the testing


Thing Eight (Health Update)

I think I’ve posted a photo from my dentist’s office in the past, but each time I go I am amazed all over again by the luxury of getting to look out over this peaceful view.  It’s almost enough to counteract the delightsome dental sound of plaque-scraping.  Does anyone else get chills up and down your spine when your teeth are being cleaned? I sure do.

The hygienist asked me a few questions at the beginning of the appointment one of which was, “Have you had any changes in your health since the last time you were here?”

I was all ready to blithely reply, “No” when I suddenly remembered that my health has changed. And much to my surprise, when I told her that I had recently been diagnosed with obliterative bronchiolitis, tears came to my eyes and I got all choked up.

I thought I had come to grips with the diagnosis and was getting on with things, but just saying the words out loud reminded me that all was not so well in my life–hence, the tears.

Since I haven’t talked about my health much recently, I’ll give you a quick update.

I am continuing to go for my monthly infusions for rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, since I’ve had the recent O.B. diagnosis (which can be adversely affected by R.A.) and since my R.A. has been getting steadily worse, I decided to see a rheumatologist specialist at Duke. After a 4-month wait, my appointment is finally coming up in a week. 

I am mainly wanting to be assured that everything medically possible is being done to combat the R.A. Since this is a specialist at a world-class hospital, I’m hoping that he may have some insights that my regular rheumatologist doesn’t have.

Speaking of which, I was looking at some of the online reviews for this doctor and one patient said she drove a long distance to get there but she didn’t mind because she loves him. She has a “rare, incurable lung disease” and after her pulmonologist had done an extensive search, he recommended that she go to this particular Duke rheumatologist. So I was thankful to know that he is definitely aware of the connection between lung disease and arthritis and has dealt with them in other patients.

I am scheduled to go back to my pulmonologist in a month to have all my breathing tests repeated; it will be interesting to find out results on that. I do feel like I have been struggling a bit more with my breathing; I have also had an increase in fatigue and the dry cough that goes along with O.B. 

But each day is marked by thankfulness that I have a good quality of life, that I am surrounded by people who love me, and that I am in the care of a compassionate heavenly Father who created my very first breath in teeny, tiny lungs 57 years ago.

I have breathed a billion times since then. I don’t know how many billions, millions, or thousands of breaths I have left in these no-longer teeny lungs but I do know that I have enough to get through today, and tomorrow, and the day after that.

What more could I ask for? 

Love in my life. Breath in my lungs. And friends like you to read, to pray, and to care.


What about you? 

Do you get tense at the dentist? What have you done to help you relax?

And on a lighter note: Are you a person with perfectly shaped lipstick or oddly shaped lipstick?



32 comments so far.

32 responses to “The Thing Post (October 2019 Edition)”

  1. Ellen W says:

    Have you tried liquid lipsticks? They stay on your lips SO MUCH longer than I never use sticks anymore. You can get perfectly nice ones at any drugstore. No need for the expensive ones.

    • Becky says:


      YES! I love liquid stains. I use them every day and then put my regular lipstick over them instead of the gloss that comes with the stain. Makes a huge difference in how long it stays on.

  2. JennyJoT says:

    Ha! My lipstick looks a lot like yours. Check this out (I don’t believe it, but it IS interesting!):
    Hooray for Sarah’s new job! Praying for you and for baby Andrew. God bless.

    • Becky says:

      Jenny Jo,

      What a fun article! Who knew our lipsticks could provide such insight into our characters, right? 🙂 Very entertaining!

      Thanks for the hoorays and the prayers.

  3. krista121799 says:

    I just love your “Thing Posts”.
    I’m so glad that everything worked out for Sarah finding work= God had his hand in that for sure!
    I don’t wear lipstick. However, I’ve seen women pull tubes out looking like this and I just wonder how that isn’t broken off =)
    I’m so glad that Steve, et al are able to help with the cleanup. Us out here where the storm didn’t happen stop hearing about these storms after a week or so. So, it’s sad to see that there is still much to do.
    Poor Summer. Apparently, that trash can was comforting to her.
    Isn’t all lemon water better with a colorful napkin?
    Your hair salon is so fun. Most of them have pics of hair styles and that’s all, so that something different.
    You’re right, Steve’s parents are just adorable!
    What fun to have your car in a parade!
    Poor little Andrew. I hope they are able to get him all fixed up. My lil one had reflux issues when he was a baby. He was finally put on a special formula and he was better. I will pray for him and them.
    And I continue to keep you in my prayers, also.

    Also praying for a blessed week.

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to comment on each Thing Post thing. That took a lot of time and I really appreciate it!

      And I’m glad to know I am not the only woman with weird lipstick. 🙂

  4. SueEllen says:

    I’m so happy to hear that Sarah was able to find such a perfect job!! It’s so nice to see Steve’s parents all dressed up to celebrate a wedding. Prayers for Meagan & Nate as they search for answers for their sweet boys and for relief for the boys. And also, prayers for you as you seek reassurance at Duke.

  5. Kristen says:

    Glad Steve is helping people devastated by the hurricane. There are a group of volunteers from all over the country stationed at my mom’s house, which was severely impacted by the floods from Imelda. I don’t think our storm got much attention, so if it wasn’t for those volunteers my mom and the people she lives with (she takes in everybody) might get sick from the mold and other damage. I didn’t suffer too much because I’m on a second floor apartment but a bunch of my old stuff that was stored at my mom’s house was ruined. I used to enjoy the sound of rain but now it just makes me nervous that there will be another catastrophic flood.

    Impressed that Sarah was able to find a job (and more than one) so fast. I’m almost tempted to go to church just for the job connections!

    Hope the baby gets better soon. I’m not surprised that you are doing well despite your diagnosis. I am the same way when a stranger asks me a question that triggers my emotions. Doesn’t matter that I don’t know the person. The tears come anyway! Hope you and your family continue to thrive for many years.

    • Becky says:


      Good for your mom for having such a big heart and being willing to host and house people. What a gift! I’m sorry that the sound of rain is not as enjoyable for you anymore’ it is one of my favorite things to listen to. However, I think if I had been through a big flood, it would probably lose a bit of its charm for me, too.

      We helped some local friends after a flood here a few years ago. It is incredible the mess and distress and upheaval it causes.

      I’m glad someone else can relate to emotions being triggered unexpectedly. It never ceases to surprise when it happens so out of the blue. But emotions are a gift and I’m thankful for them.

      Yes, there are MANY good reasons to attend church–for sure!

  6. dmantik says:

    So much to love in this post! The highlights for me were that sweet pic of the beautiful elder Smiths, the charming water tray for Sarah (yes, you DO have to do something special for the visiting fledgling, when they buzz briefly back to the nest ?), Andrew’s sweet face–prayers for him!–and the last few paragraphs about your health. You are an amazing lady. Love you!


    P. S. My lipstick gets like that too. I read somewhere that it indicates you have a creative bent. Made me feel good! 🙂
    P.S.S. Proud of Steve and his crew!

    • Becky says:


      I am so glad that my weird lipstick is indicative of my creative bent. Maybe I won’t change my lipstick ways after all!

      I had never thought of the word fledgling being used to refer to a young bird or person but sure enough, when I looked it up, there it was. I loved that it said, “A young bird that has just fledged.” Who knew fledged was a word?

      Your comments always inspire and give me food for thought.

  7. Cathie says:

    Love that Sarah has a job near her home and it is in her degree. So happy for her and mom and dad too. As for the lipstick, mine looks just like yours. I almost always break the tip off. I am a lover of the Outer Banks and during the coverage of the hurricane I was watching a lot of the internet news. Guess who I saw, along with many from your congregation working on Ocracoke Island? I noticed the picture right away and Steve. My son and his family were in the OBX the last ten days and dealt with some nasty flooding. I can not comment on ever number but your in laws look beautiful and I am certainly praying that Lord gives wisdom to the doctors for your grandson. I continue to pray for you and the medical conditions you deal with. I somewhat understand the problems that come with difficulties breathing. I am on oxygen 24 x 7 due to the loss of 40 percent of my lungs. Not an easy thing to deal with. Praying for you and trusting God to be with you.

    • Becky says:


      How cool that you saw our group on the internet news!

      Yes, we did have another spate of flooding here in the past couple of weeks; sorry your son’s family was here in the middle of it. Today it’s sunny and 70 degrees; the kind of day that makes you glad to be alive.

      I’m sorry to hear that you have lost such a large part of your lung function. You know, more than most people, just how precious every breath it.

  8. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear that Sarah found another job.
    I use lip gloss so don’t have that problem.
    I have been to so many different dentists that it really doesn’t bother me. I’ve had three implants, one bone graft, 4 or 5 tissue grafts, numerous crowns and fillings. Only got three teeth in the top front where you should have four so braces for that. I actually see three different dentists routinely, periodontist, regular dentist and a sleep dentist.
    Prayers for your grandson!

    • Becky says:


      You are a brave woman to have been through that many dental procedures. My hat is off to you!

      I’d actually never heard of a sleep dentist so had to look it up. I love learning new things from my wonderful readers.

  9. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I especially liked No. 8. That precious face. We will add him to our prayer list. I remember the prayers that were sent up for Grayson. Our Great Physician is able – not only for Grayson, but for you too. So glad Sarah was able to get another job. Every little bit helps (Food Lion too for 1 day) when you are a single lady. Hmmm, dentists I don’t go too often because the majority of the teeth in my mouth are not my own. Very afraid of dentists, because when I was about 8 or 9, mom took me to the dentist and apparently he was going to pull a tooth and I saw the needle coming and I started to cry and couldn’t seem to stop. He shoved me against the chair, grabbed my face and said, “Now are you going to shut up?” I nodded yes, and he proceeded to give me the shot and got the tooth out. “Now that wasn’t so bad was it!” Sooo, even though that was about 70 years ago, it has stuck with me. I do know that dentistry has changed, but . . . So glad you’re going to this new doctor, pray he will have some good info for you.

    • Becky says:


      I know. Isn’t that the sweetest face?

      I have to say that I am appalled by the behavior of your childhood dentist. Someone needed to give him a stern admonishment about how to deal with children. I’m sorry you went through that and I can only imagine that you still remember it 70 years later.

      As much as I dislike going, I am always so grateful, sitting there in that scary chair, that we have the privilege and luxury of good dental care. Gives me something happier to focus my thoughts on.

  10. Verna Smith says:

    Thanks for the post! We so enjoyed all the news! So happy for Sarah starting her new job! Special prayers for Andrew and for you dear! Love to all, Vernie PS Henrietta helped us get ready for the wedding. She said she doesn’t like to tell people they are perfectionists but that I might be a semi-perfectionist. The secret is out!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I won’t tell a soul that you are a semi-perfectionist. But now I know where Steve gets HIS tendencies from. 🙂


    Let me know if you need anything while you are at Duke for your appointment!! You have my number, so just shoot me a message, or give me a call!! Safe travels, and I hope and pray that you receive good news! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      You are so sweet–thank you for the offer of assistance, if needed. It gives me comfort knowing I have someone to call on.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Congratulations to Sarah on her new job! The puppy in a wastebasket is adorable and just makes me laugh out loud. I don’t mind going to the dentist; the hygienist is so gentle that I barely know she’s in there. I usually wear lip balm so don’t have to worry about misshapen mishaps. Prayers and more prayers for Andrew and Nathan and Meagan and that the doctors can find a solution for him. Praying for you too Becky.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Sounds like you have an amazing hygienist if you barely know she’s in there. Send her my way, please.

      Glad the wastebasket doggie made you smile. I still can’t figure out how she got in there!

  13. Guerrina says:

    Hmmm…I apparently don’t wear lipstick often enough to reshape it! I better get on the ball! It took me decades to get over a couple of traumatic experiences with the dentist when I was a child. I’ve been with my current dentist for over 20 years. He’s great! I had to have an upper molar extracted a little over a year ago – the first since trauma in childhood. I tried the gas in addition to lidocaine for the first time. Gas is my new best friend for anything more than cleaning/filling. I found out that if I sang (in my head) How Great Thou Art while inhaling gas, I inhaled deeply! I sounded better & better (in my head) the more gas I inhaled. LOL!!! My newest trick is if I’m a bit uncomfortable during cleaning, I wiggle my toes & feet – go figure, it worked!

    Yay for Sarah & congratulations. Prayers for all of you Smithies!

    • Becky says:


      I hate to hear that you had ANY traumatic dentist experiences, let alone, a couple of them. Thankful that you have discovered lidocaine, gas, singing, and toe-wiggling!

      Hey, if it works . . .

  14. Les says:

    That’s wonderful news for Sarah. So glad she can settle in for the winter with a schedule that works for her.
    Oh my gosh, the dentist is not for me. My palms are soaked by the time I get up from the chair. You’d think I would get used to it, but nope.
    Steve’s parents look wonderful.
    Prayers for you little grandson and his worried parents. Hoping that as he grows this all settles down. Still looks like Noah 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we are incredibly thankful for Sarah’s job. Training starts tomorrow so it will be interesting to hear how it goes.

      My palms don’t get soaked in the dentist’s chair but I have to tell myself over and over to relax my muscles. Like about every 8 seconds. Crazy, isn’t it, that it’s such a stressful experience for people?

  15. Dale Tousley says:

    Congratulations to Sarah on her new job, that sounds pretty much up her alley and prayers, prayers, prayers to Nathan and Meagan and their precious family and also for you dear Becky on your upcoming appointments…..if you ever need anyone to sit with you through these appts and tests, I am only a hop, skip and a jump away here in Wake Forest.

    • Becky says:


      How thoughtful of you to offer your time and company; that is so sweet! Whether or not I am ever able to take you up on it, it means so much that you offered.

  16. Ann Martin says:

    My lipstick is shaped like the picture and if I am not careful the tip will eventually break off. I have finally gotten to the place I am not as fearful of the dentist as I used to be. Still there are times I tense up and grip the arms of the chair tightly. Going to a semi retired dentist in the 70s helped me as he was so gentle and kind. Glad your Duke appointment is soon. Prayers for Andrew and parents. Prayers for you as you continue seeking the right treatment. Happy for Sarah! God answers prayers.

    • Becky says:


      Glad you have found a gentle and kind dentist; the best kind!

      Isn’t it funny how different lipsticks get into such different shapes? I never would have thought about it if my friend hadn’t mentioned it. 🙂

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