The Thing Post (May, 2023)

May 22, 2023


We celebrated Steve’s birthday last Monday and had a grand ol’ time. You all will be proud of us for remembering the birthday hat! I told the family, “If we don’t remember that hat, there will be a few blog readers who will not be happy with us!”

Steve requested German Chocolate Cake which I have never made before; I didn’t realize it required two different kinds of frostings. My kitchen was an absolute mess by the time I was done with it but Steve swooped in after me and got it all cleaned up.

Here is my finished product.

We burned off all the calories with badminton and corn hole. (Well, at least some of the calories.)

By the way, do you see that dog?  That’s our dog! Yes, Steve’s and mine.  (Story next week.)


The card that Gage made for Steve deserves a Thing Number all by itself.  Is this not fabulous?

When Steve opened the card, Gage announced to us all that it was a singing card. Of course, we didn’t really understand what that meant. I mean, we know he’s a talented guy and all,  but we couldn’t imagine how he could have embedded an electronic doodad in the card to play a song when the card was opened.

But as it turns out, it was a singing card, after all. Gage pulled it off!   He had written the words from the first verse of “Life is a Highway” on the back of the card . . .

. . . which he read/sang out loud. As soon as he got to the last word of the verse, without any prompting whatsoever, the whole table spontaneously burst out into the chorus,  It was like we couldn’t help ourselves–that song is so singable and fun!

A singing card indeed and the perfect card for a 66th birthday.

Nice to have an artist (and wife) in our midst.  Today is their second wedding anniversary; they are headed to the mountains for a few days.

I’m so blessed to have all four children living within half an hour of us. (The Longs live half an hour south and the Smiths live half an hour north.)

Speaking of them living close by, several days ago Steve answered his phone and heard Nathan say, “Hi Dad.  Can I drop by in a few minutes?”

Steve was silent for about thirty seconds until Nathan said, “Um. Hello, Dad. Are you there?”

Steve just laughed and said, “I’m sorry, Son. In all the years that you’ve been an adult, I’ve never heard you ask that question.  It just caught me off guard that you now live close enough to even ask!”


Nathan and Meagan are continuing to get settled in and, with their usual equanimity, are dealing with all the setbacks and frustrations that come along with the process.

Among other things, their bathtub in the master bath had a faulty valve thingie and the tub overflowed–all over the bathroom, bedroom, and part of the hallway.  Their dryer has some issues, their dishwasher had to be replaced, and now they’re about to replace a refrigerator. All the while, they’re still unpacking boxes and trying to settle in.

Nathan and Steve have enjoyed working on some projects together and Nathan has done a few on his own. He’s passing on his skills to the next generation.

He has definitely turned into quite the handyman, taking after his dad in saving money on repairs and deriving satisfaction from doing many projects himself.  Meagan is very appreciative of her husband–and her new light!


I have to brag about Nathan for one more minute.  Several years ago, he purchased a “grandma-ish car” for next to nothing.  He faithfully drove that car to and from work every day, even though it wasn’t exactly the first choice of vehicle for a modern young man who loves nice cars.  But he knew it was the financially responsible decision since the family had to replace their falling apart minivan and there was only room in the budget for one newish vehicle. So he was just thankful to have transportation.

After several years of driving the old car, it finally started to cost more money to fix it than the car was worth. The time had finally come for him to get a different car. I was so excited to see him drive up in this beautiful vehicle; he’d waited a long time for it and because of that, enjoys it all the more.


Steve and I did a rare thing last Friday night–we went out to eat.  Afterward, we were walking out to the parking lot when the door of a car opened and a woman said, “Excuse me. Do you have jumper cables?”

Well, Steve is an Eagle Scout (always prepared), a crack mechanic, and has the heart of a helper. This woman could not have found a better person to ask.

However, even with all those qualifications, I wasn’t sure how he was going to accomplish the task because there was a car parked between us and the car with the dead battery with another car parked nose to nose with hers.

No worries.  Within fifteen seconds, Steve had hatched a plan. He had the woman put her car in neutral and then he and I pushed it back a few feet. Then he drove our car around the parking lot and put its nose up to the side of her car.

While he was getting into position, I stood and talked with the woman, who had tears streaking her face. She said, “I have asked ten people, and no one was able or willing to help. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”

It took about three minutes for Steve to get her car running and then she was crying again, this time out of thankfulness.  I said to her, “Do you mind if I give you a hug?”  She said, “Not at all.” The next thing I knew, I was hugging a weeping stranger in the parking lot of an Olive Garden restaurant.

It often only takes just a few moments to help someone in need; if you’ve ever been on the other end of being helped, you know exactly how much it means when someone takes the time to reach out and make a difference.  And t brought Steve and me such joy to be able to do it.


This cartoon speaks for itself.  And it made me laugh.


A couple of weeks ago we had a big meal with the former Floridian Smith’s Floridian family. Madison sang us a song she had written that she and Steve had been practicing. It was her first time singing it in an official capacity.

At the end of the video, you can hear someone say, “The grandmas were dithering.” And dithering we were!  (Sheri, don’t we have fabulous grandkids?)

As you can see and hear, Madi has quite a gift for melody and lyrics and a lovely voice. She and I are going to have fun working on songwriting together.

(Edited to add: one of my commenters mentioned that Bill Joel has a similar song to Madi’s.  That basically means my granddaughter has co-written a song with Billy Joel! 🙂

The kids don’t listen to Billy Joel, but Meagan thinks the song was re-done in a children’s movie and Madi must have heard it at some point. She had told Meagan that she didn’t know if she had made up the words herself or if she had heard them somewhere.

But the bottom line is, she took the song, made it her own with her own words, learned the song with Grandpa, and performed it for her doting family. We’re proud of her starting her journey into music!)

Goodnight, My Angel
Words and Music by Madi Smith

Goodnight my angel,  time to close your eyes

And save these questions for another night

Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes

And turn on a nice little lullaby

Good night my angel,  I love you so

I hope you love me as much as you know

Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes

I’ll always be here if you ever need me

I’ll always be here if you ever need me


What about you? 

When you were a child, did you ever get up (by yourself or with siblings) and perform a song or a little play?

Have you ever been in a place where you were broken down or stranded and someone helped you?  Or do you have a time that stands out in your memory when you helped someone else?

25 comments so far.

25 responses to “The Thing Post (May, 2023)”

  1. KC says:

    I don’t know if Nathan’s kids would be familiar with Billy Joel, but Madi’s song reminds me of his song Lullaby (Goodnight My Angel). Not bad at all for her age. And wow, Gage should go into the greeting card business. So creative and nice artwork too. Very talented family.

    • Becky says:


      Well, what do you know? My granddaughter has co-written a song with Billy Joel! 🙂

      The kids don’t listen to Billy Joel, but Meagan thinks the song was re-done in a children’s movie and Madi must have heard it at some point. She just added her own words and style and away she went!

      I know. Gage’s cards are so good. I’d love to see him make a living at that some day. I’m in awe of people with artistic talent!

  2. Patti says:

    Love the card from Gage. I too turned 66 recently and my husband suggested a drive to route 66. It was however over 4 hour drive so I found a local highway 66 to go and get a photo by the sign. Your cake looks fantastic. I make my German Chocolate cake from a box and just use the coconut pecan frosting the cheater way… I have been helped several times by people I know and didn’t know. In this day and age I am often leary about helping or accepting help as I worry that they are out only for harm or a scam of some sort. My dad was the mechanic who always tried to help. Someone came to the garage sale we had after his passing and asked about the old guy who used to live there. Told how he had come by and helped him with his car once. Always a blessing to be helped when in need. Can’t wait to hear the dog story

    • Becky says:


      Happy 66th! And good idea on finding a local Hwy 66.

      I think next time I may go the cake box route, too. That was a LOT of work but at least I can say I’ve done it once.

      I love hearing about your dad and how he helped people; I especially love that he left a legacy behind that people remember him for. A good fella!

  3. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    Oooooo! I can’t wait to hear the dog story! 🙂 My husband and I just acquired two 8-year-old formerly feral cats from our friend who runs a rescue in New Jersey (just across the river from NYC – we could see the skyline from their home!). We drove straight back home with them in one day – 16 hours. They were SO quiet. They’re not well socialized, so their current situation is: under the guestroom bed, but they do eat, and they come out at night to explore the house when the scary humans are in bed, asleep. Hopefully they’ll come around soon. We’ve missed having a four-legger in the house. I know you must have felt that same way.

    Stranded and helper, both, here. We drove MGs for years – notoriously unreliable, but always fixable. We’ve found AAA to be a great investment. 🙂 We sold both MGs when we sold our previous house so we don’t have any “fun weekend” vehicles now. And that’s OK!

    When I was a child, I took piano lessons. I was forced to perform for family at gatherings (everyone had a piano in those days). I suffered from extreme stage fright – and still do, to this day – when playing the piano. It makes me almost physically ill. But I can get up in front of a room full of people and talk all day long. Go figure!

    • Becky says:


      You drove 16 hours in one day with two cats? Oh. My. Thankful to know they are quiet-ish so at least you didn’t have cats bouncing around the car the whole time.

      Unreliable but fixable. That’s a good kind of car to have. I’m sure you have a good number of stories to tell about being broken down by the side of the road!

      Good for you for being able to comfortably talk in front of a room full of people; so many people can’t do that!

  4. Eswim29 says:

    Lots of “things” going on! Beautiful job to your little performer, her partner, the card maker and the cake maker. So much happiness in having grands/kids close by.
    My husband is a retired police officer and he is always prepared to “jump” in and help anyone in need. He has a tool bag in each of our vehicles and has a jump box! Once on our way to TN we stopped at a rest area and a family was in distress due to the key to their car had broken off in the switch. The driver was desperately seeking out anyone with tools. Lt. Dan to the rescue with a pair of pliers. 🙂 Always happy to help if he can.
    Can’t wait to hear about your newest addition to your family. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it great to have a husband who not only can help but has a heart to help? It’s what being a human being is all about. Kudos to him!

      Can’t wait to write about our newest addition!

  5. Lesley says:

    Woohoo I love Nathan’s new car!! Congratulations to him. Madi sang beautifully with Steve. Look at Steve playing badminton! He is healing well. I can’t wait to hear about your new doggie.
    When I was young I was much too shy to perform. My mom would make my sister and I play the piano for her friends (we took lessons) and I didn’t like that at all. I have always admired those who were comfortable enough to perform.
    Happy birthday to Steve! Nice looking cake Becky 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, there were many youngsters over the years who had to perform for friends and family. Thankfully, Madi enjoys it but there are so many kids who’d rather do anything else. I know you’re glad your piano performance days are behind you!

      Nathan is so excited about his car and I’m excited for him. He waited a long time!

  6. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Way to go Madi – and to do the music too. You certainly take your musical talents from grandpa and grandma Smith (maybe even more relatives). That card from Gage – what a talented young man. Fantastic. You have a very cute dog. Anxious to hear more about “it.”. Don’t know if that woman had prayed about a good Samaritan, but thankfully you and Steve came along and that he had cables. Nice car Nathan – really like your dad’s car too.

    • Becky says:


      It was fun being a good Samaritan to that woman, especially since she had asked so many people before us and was so thankful someone was able to help. Helping someone is such a good feeling!

      Yes, the doggie story is coming soon!

  7. Phyllis says:

    Madison has a beautiful voice! I think about the time I was in junior high, a friend of mine and I would sing duets at Sunday evening church but that’s about it for me.
    The card that Gage made is beautiful! He has a lot of artistic talent. Hope he and Sarah are enjoying their anniversary get-away.
    One time when I lived in Tampa, I had a flat tire on a fairly busy street. I was able to pull over on a side street and call AAA, I’ve been a member since 1977. I did have a man stop and offer help but I told him I had already called AAA.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, organizations like AAA are fabulous. Such a good feeling to know that help is on the way, wherever you are.

      Fun to think of you and your friend singing duets in church on Sunday night. Oh the memories!

  8. Lisa L. from Georgia says:

    How wonderful that the musical talent continues with a third generation! I know your mama heart is so happy to have all of your ducks so close! This is going to be a wonderful chapter for you all.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, having ducks close by is definitely a joy-maker for this mama duck. Very excited about this chapter.

  9. Dale Tousley says:

    Way back in 1978, my sister lived in California and I lived in NJ as did my parents, well she wanted to move back home AND bring her new (old) car so I flew out and we started back cross country….the night before Thanksgiving the car broke down on I-40 in Clarksville, Arkansas, it was pouring rain, this was before cell phones, so we were standing by the side of the highway hoping someone would stop….I was just 22 and my sister was 19. Finally a tow truck stopped and we were so thankful but he said he was a tow truck salesman but put up the hood and told us it was the spark plugs, they had to be replaced so he got off the highway, went to an auto parts store, bought the spark plugs for us and came back and replaced them, all this in freezing rain, he than invited us to join his family in Little Rock for Thanksgiving, we politely declined as it was about an hour south and told him we were shooting for Memphis that night….his name was Marvin and he was a Godsend….we were supposed to call our mom every night at 6 but didn’t make it to the hotel until around 11, she was frantic….she had called the Oklahoma, Arkansas and Tennessee State Police to see if any accidents had occurred on I-40. We felt terrible but hadn’t wanted to tell her we broke down and decided to wait until we were safely in a hotel…..

    • Becky says:


      Wow. What a story!

      I can certainly relate to your mom calling the state police in three states. I would have done the same thing.

      God bless Marvin for takng time out of his life on a holiday in horrible weather to take such good care of young ladies in a bad spot. Men like him are an amazing blessing; thanks for remembering him and honoring him through sharing this story.

  10. Robin says:

    Although my dad had taught me how to jump a car, it was my high school youth group leader who first helped me jump my own car. When I started driving, I shared a little ’94 Honda civic with my grandmother, and it wasn’t one of these newfangled things that beeps when you leave your headlights on. I came out of a youth group pool party and found to my dismay that I had left my headlights on. I took the walk of shame back to the pool to find someone to give me a jump. Since then, I have paid it forward many times, and whenever I stop to help someone, I think of how fortunate I was all the times I ran my battery out in that ’94 civic.

    • Becky says:


      Pay it forward. Yep. That’s the secret of all this. Someone helps you. You help someone else. What’s not to love?

      I love the “walk of shame” line. 🙂 It’s never any fun to admit to the whole group that you left your lights on and ran your battery down. I know you were so thankful for the thoughtful person who rescued you from your predicament.

  11. Vicki Bodman says:

    Highly recommend looking into one of these doodads! Being able to jump your own car, or easily jump someone else’s without having to maneuver vehicles into position is life changing. Additionally, you can charge phones and other devices in a pinch. Mine stays in my car without needing to be charged for a really long time (I cannot remember the last time I charged it, so I should go check on it)

    • Vicki Bodman says:

      And if that link looks spammy to some, search for NOCO Boost Jump Starters on your favorite selling site.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for the recommendation. These look wonderful especially the part about not having the maneuver cars around. That can get very complicated and, in some cases, keep the car from being jumped off at all.

      I love great ideas from my readers!

  12. Cindy says:

    What a wonderful little singer and a great guitarist! So happy you two with a new dog. While I don’t have a dog due to all the snow in winter, I am very happy with my cat Milo! He is snoozing right beside me and can be a bit of a bed hog.

    The snow is gone and I am slowly digging up the backyard. It’s a slow process so far, but I will get there! I’m planting over 100 sunflower seeds along the back side of the house and wildflower seeds on the side and front of the house again this year. I love watching the birds go after the sunflowers! Hopefully my friend Dave will show up soon and help me.

    That’s about all that is new around here,


    • Becky says:


      Oh my. I can’t imagine how beautiful that will be when all of your flowers start blooming. I’d never thought about planting sunflowers; such a cool idea! I know you’re just glad to be planting anything!

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