I just wanted to get your opinion on this newly placed decorative element in our bedroom.
I think the tan of the boots blends well with the undertones in the carpet and the splashes of red scattered throughout provide a sense of adventure and joy. Keep or not keep?
Maybe it would help if you had a little background.
Turns out when we were doing all the painting/renovations upstairs, Steve thought that rather than carry all that stuff up and down the stairs all the time, he would just store it all in the bottom of his closet so it was more easily accessible. That certainly made sense. At the time.
However. This box has made its abode at the bottom of Steve’s (pretty small) closet for the past eighteen months. And what will make all of you women gasp with disbelief is that he didn’t even seem to notice it! Or if he did, it didn’t seem to bother him.
I would notice it whenever I walked by and just shake my head at the mysterious ways a man’s brain works. Last week, I finally dragged it out to the foot of the bed to see what he would do.
He walked in and was like, “Oh! Look at all that space in the bottom of my closet!”
You’ll be glad to know that he carried the collection to the basement and now he has space for a shoe holder in the bottom of his closet. Hooray!
I have read many different opinions on peoples’ mayo preferences. Some people actually get quite fanatical as to why just one product is the only correct choice and the other products are the worst things on the planet.
Since I don’t have any specific opinion (and always get a little stressed at the grocery store because I never know which one to pick) I thought I would open it up to you to leave your opinions at the bottom of this post.
Steve and I love eating salads topped with grilled chicken; the only problem is that if we want something speedy after I get off work, it takes a little bit of time to pull it together when cooking the chicken from scratch.
We occasionally buy bags of pre-seasoned and cooked chicken where we just have to heat it in a skillet but those (like all convenience foods) are expensive.
Last week I bought a couple of pounds of chicken breasts and Steve cut them, lightly seasoned them, and grilled them. We flash-froze them on a cookie sheet and then put them all in a Ziploc bag. Since they are flash-frozen, we can reach in and get a couple of pieces or a lot of pieces. We just thaw them briefly in the microwave and then reheat them in a little olive oil in a skillet. Voila! A quick, inexpensive, easy meal. We could also use the meat for tortillas, put it in a casserole, or even make a BBQ chicken pizza. Nice to have quick options.
I wrote in a previous post that when Nathan’s family went to the mountains on a vacation, the kids couldn’t ski because some equipment was broken at the resort where they went. They had been looking forward to learning to ski for a very long time and were disappointed that it wasn’t going to work out. So Steve and Nathan hatched a plan to meet up at another resort later in the week.
Although it was a 6-hour round trip for Steve to drive from Charlotte it was more than worth it. It has been Nathan and Steve’s dream ever since Noah was born to one day pass on their love of skiing to the kids. It took a little longer than they hoped (living in Florida didn’t help) but they didn’t want one more year to pass before they got the kids going.
Noah and Madison, both of them natural athletes, were coming down beginner/intermediate slopes by the end of their first day. The only problem was they loved it so much they want to go all the time.
This is the picture of pure joy and the triumph of two dads!
I mentioned in last week’s post that Steve and I went on a date recently–dinner and a concert.
The concert was at the music school where Steve teaches; the owner of the school brings in some mega-talented musicians one Friday a month and they put on what they call an improv concert. Basically, that means that everyone has a set list but the songs are not rehearsed or arranged. The leader gets the song started and then off they go, making up cool leads, grooves, and arrangements on the fly. They were fabulous and we enjoyed ourselves so much.
I thought Steve and I would be some of the older people in the room but then I saw this lovely white-haired woman sitting in front of us who had us by a decade or so. She was so delightful, enjoying every note of every song.
I looked at her and thought, “I want to be like her when I get older; going out on a Friday night to listen to cool (loud) music and still be young enough at heart to enjoy the experience.
We are seeing the first signs of spring and I couldn’t be more stoked. Steve picked up some flowers for our deck and on Saturday, we luxuriated in 75 degree temps. Oh joy!
One of the reasons he got the flowers was because he was dressing up the place for my 63rd birthday party. We celebrated by hosting lunch for our four kids to celebrate.
My sister-in-law, Berit, sent me a birthday text with this cartoon in it. We passed it around the table and everyone enjoyed deciphering it.
Gage and Sarah gave me a card displaying Gage’s wonderful artwork. The ink for this card came from the Cayman Islands where they went while on their cruise. I’ve never had a Cayman-inked birthday card before.
when I opened the birthday card from my friend, Lorrie, she reminded me that our friendship is fifty years old this year! I met her when I was just thirteen years old. What a blessing to have a lifetime friend.
Steve did the table in rose gold and applied his prodigious wrapping talents to my tower of gifts which he used as a centerpiece.
Even our pet living room goose had on a rose gold party hat.
It was a joy to be surrounded by my four fabulous kids as I celebrated. My husband and my children are a blessing in my life every single day.
What about you?
What is your favorite kind of sandwich spread and why?
Are you a neat closet person or a messy closet person?
Do you have a friend you’ve known for a few decades? Where and how did you meet?
Do you enjoy going to concerts? Who is your favorite artist?
What are you looking forward to this week?
I guess I only buy Hellmans Mayo.
Right now I would have to say that my closet is messy. It’s time to spring clean it and get rid of some clothes I don’t wear.
I have a friend from grade school. We were together from kindergarten, but became friends in 3rd or 4th grade. We are mainly facebook friends now, because we don’t live real close, but did see each other for lunch maybe 4 years ago. Planning to see her next month.
I do like concerts! My favorite was Carman quite a few years ago.
We did see Bethel and Chis Tomlin together. That was awesome! Kari Jobe was with them, but was sick. Would of loved to see her. Oh, and we saw Crowder a couple years ago. Love him, too! The older I get, the less interest I have in crowds though. Remember when Phil and I took you to see Johnny Cash?
Love Berits text card, and Gage’s too. He never disappoints!!! Yay Steve on decorating!
Have a great birthday month!!!
I love the rose gold theme. My favorite jewelry color. I am a generic low cal, low fat Mayo user. Don’t care for salad dressing. When the kids were home , I lived near a Costco and would buy their loss leader, rotisserie chicken. These days, I roast a chicken every once in a while , when I find whole chicken on sale. Aldi’s carries cut up frozen chicken packaged just for this purpose. Was on sale last month so I bought 20 lbs of that. It does taste better sautéed freshly.
Happy Birthday Becky!
I wish we lived nearer to a Costco; I always hear people talking about their great prices are. You did great buying 20 pounds of chicken. There is so much you can do with that! you must have a good sized freezer to hold it all.
I agree; rose gold is a lovely color. Nathan and Meagan brought some cans of sparkling water for the party and they were the exact rose gold as the party theme. That was fun!
The only mayo for my family is Best Foods (as Hellmans is known on the west coast). I have a friend from sixth grade, we don’t see each other often, but when we do it is as if no time has passed.
I didn’t know Hellman’s had a different name on the west coast. Interesting to know!
It’s having a friend who you can pick up with after time has passed. Such a gift!
I have friends from when I was as young as 3, my kindergarten bestie and I are still friends. 47 years.
As young as three and still friends with a kindergarten bestie? That is wonderful.
Just think of all the life seasons you all have been through together. It’s amazing when you stop to think about it.
I like Miracle Whip for most everything, except ham sandwiches I want Best Foods Mayo.
My closet is fairly messy, but I can find what I want when I need it.
My oldest friend and I met when we were 4 and our brothers were in scouts together. We still get together when I am in CA.
I am looking forward to some relaxing after having walked all over NYC for the last 5 days.
Another generic mayo user! There are a few generic-ers who have cropped up in the comments this week.
I love that you met your friend when your brothers were in Scouts. How convenient is that?
I am jealous you got to go to NYC. What a cool place to be! Enjoy your relaxing and recovery time.
Happy Birthday! Great pics as always of your fam and birthday decor/cards.
DUKES!!!!!! all the way! It’s the best 🙂
I try to keep my closet neat but at busy times when things go awry and I lose control over things! I have to take a few minutes and get it back in shape!
I have several friends from elementary school days that are still in my life. We all live close and some of us still go to the same church we grew up in. 50 years of friendship!
I don’t love the big crowds so we usually skip the bigger concert venues. We have been to several Christian concerts at local churches. They are more “my speed” LOL! The Collingsworth Family will be at a church in April and we hope to go. They are one of my favs.
I am looking forward to warmer sunny days this week and family time! (As an allergy sufferer, I am not looking forward to the high tree pollen in our area.)
Great post last week! I need to focus more on listening!! I’m trying! 🙂
Yes, the Collingsworth Family is outstanding; love those family harmonies!
How great to have several friends of over 50 years. In such a transient, disconnected world, that is rare, indeed.
I understand all too well what you said about things going awry and closets dissolving into disorder. You’ve got to whip them back into shape every once in a while!
I do not have a favorite sandwich spread. I am not really someone who likes condiments on my sandwich usually. I am definitely a messy person-closet or otherwise.
I have many friends who I have known for a few decades. Some I met in elementary school others I met in high school or college.
I don’t usually go to concerts as the noise is too much for Jim. My favorite artist at this moment is Mac Powell.
I am looking forward to the nice weather this week that will allow me to take walks with Belle, our brindle Great Dane.
Since you have lived in the same area much (or all?) of your life, you are blessed with many lifetime friends. I’ve moved around so much that I consider having just one quite the accomplishment. 🙂
Since we have our own dog named Belle, I love that your Great Dane shares the name. Enjoy your nice weather walks!
I assumed you were kidding about Steve’s wrapping skills given my experience with most men’s wrapping (in)abilities (sorry fellas). But I zoomed in on the picture and wow! You meant it!
I enjoy how differently each person has donned their birthday hat! Gage, backwards unicorn. Sarah, traditional unicorn. You and Nathan, double decker style!
Steve is, by far, the best wrapper in the family. I just throw paper on, slap on some tape and call it a day. He makes things into a work of art.
You are observant to notice our variety of hat wearing styles. 🙂
As always, I really enjoyed your “Thing” post!
Like you, I’m not adamant about any particular brand of mayo, but I always associate Duke’s with North Carolina.
I would really like to hav a neat closet, but have yet to have one big enough to achieve that.
Thanks to Facebook, I’m still friends with several classmates, so that puts us in the 50+ year friendship club.
My favorite thing about this week is that it’s the week before Spring Break!!
I hope you have a lovely week!
Sue Ellen,
You’re right–I think Duke’s is definitely a southern condiment. I don’t think I’ve ever bought it; I need to!
I make every effort to keep my closet neat on a daily basis, but about once a month I have to dive in and re-organize it. My closet is pretty teeny, too.
Enjoy your Spring Break!
I just love your birthday traditions! My favorite time of year is here as well. I love spring and the longer days and the flowers blooming, and the promise of new life. As I’m rounding out the fall of my life, it’s wonderful to see life abounding in everything around me.
We are Team Dukes in the mayo department. To be totally honest, I had never had it until about 10 years ago, and now it’s a staple. It is the best mayo, hands-down or knives down. 🙂
Hmmm. Interesting to read such a strong endorsement of Duke’s mayo. When I run out of my current jar, that will be the next brand I buy.
I love your imagery about “rounding out the fall of life” and therefore enjoying spring even more. The promise of new life is wonderful.
As usual, the Thing post was my fave. Happy Birthday! I love your animal card – so creative… and Gage’s creative card. Hellman’s mayo is our favorite. Finally, every man needs a box like Steve’s! Happy Spring, Fred & Lucy
Fred, well said! Go Helman’s!
Fred and Lucy,
Don’t encourage Steve to compile any more boxes!
And Steve doesn’t know that I’ve decided to try Duke’s mayo when the Hellmans runs out. 🙂
Happy Birthday Becky! A truly lovely family celebrating a very special lady. I love the cards. Hellmann’s for me 🙂
Another Hellman’s vote! It’s what we’ve always used but I’m going to try Duke’s next time, just to live on the wild side.
It truly was a lovely celebration; so blessed to be with family.
Miracle Whip is from the dark side!
I don’t remember ever trying it so couldn’t say for sure!
Even prior to becoming a southerner, I became a Duke’s Mayo fan. Much less sugar than my original “best” brand that begins with an H….
Aha. Being pretty sneaky with naming your mayo, there. 🙂
Interesting to have another vote for Duke’s.
Happy Birthday week to you, dear Beck! Keep the celebration going! 🥳
I love the birthday decor–Steve is so good at making things creatively beautiful! So glad you got to celebrate with your kids.The birthday hats perched on the bill of Nathan’s hat and your living room goose made me chuckle and so did Berit’s text card. So funny! Gage’s artwork is lovely as always and the picture of you and Lorrie is pretty priceless!
Your chicken hack is a great idea! As far as mayo, I’ve settled on the Walmart brand as my favorite. The downside is the seed oils in most mayos that are said to be so bad. However, the alternatives are buying the very pricey seed oil free brands or making my own and I haven’t taken the plunge on either option yet. Sigh.
The skiing pic made me happy! Good job, dad and grandpa!
I bet Steve is enjoying his more spacious closet! 😉 Randy’s side of the closet is neater than mine. Yesterday I got very frustrated while trying to get dressed for church and threw a bunch of rejected options on the closet floor. They stayed there till this morning when I grumpily picked it all up and threw it in an untidy mound on the bed. Bingo! Neat closet achieved! I amaze myself sometimes.
Your weather sounds wonderful! Spring is finally in the process of being sprung here–so thankful for that.
We’re not so much into concerts anymore. Kudos to the golden age lady at the concert. I figure she did indeed have an eternally young spirit or she was related to somebody in the band and was there to support them–maybe both! Either way, I admire her spunk!
Alrighty, if reading long comment skills are like the listening skills you talked about in your last post, you are forthwith and hereby given an award! (Loved that post by way–so good!)
Sending love! ❤️
Can definitely relate to your way way of “cleaning” your closet. I’ve done that a few times myself in a fit of frustration. Why is getting dressed in the morning is so hard?
I haven’t heard any other votes for store brands of mayo. Glad you’ve found one where you like the price and the taste.
I would enjoy concerts if they were in a smaller auditorium and people sat and listened instead of standing up and getting rowdy. It’s harder to appreciate the music when they do that. And yes, that makes me sound like an oldster.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a nice, long comment. I am enjoying the award you forthwithly gave me. 💖
Real mayo for us (not Miracle whip). Great value brand from Wal-Mart tastes just fine and is less expensive.
I’m a neat closet person. Clothes organized by capris, long pants, blouses, short sleeves, sleeveless, etc. I wish it was a little bit bigger. I have to store some off-season things in another closet.
We aren’t much for concerts. Usually the music is just too loud.
Looking forward to some really great weather this week and a visit from some old friends from our old neighborhood.
Happy belated birthday Becky!! 🙂
Aha! You and Debbie Mantik are in agreement about the Wal-Mart mayo!
Love your organizing ideas. I have done that in the past and try to do it now when I have moments of inspiration. I’m like you as far as storing off season clothes in another area of the house because of closet size. But at least it means that when I open my closet each day, all the items are season-appropriate so that’s nice.
Enjoy your nice weather and your old friends.
I refently heard there is a big difference in mayo and Salad dressing. ( did not know it) Mayo has no sugar or spices like the other one. I prefer plain mayo of any brand. Ruth
Yeah, I’ve never known the difference between mayo and salad dressing; interesting to know.
Generally when I make a turkey and cheese sandwich I use mustard. However, if I want something different I make a version of Chick-fil-A’s Honey Roasted BBQ from scratch. That requires mayo (I use Duke’s, mustard, bbq sauce, and honey mixed together. When I make my tuna fish salad I use Miracle Whip.
Sadly over the years, I have become a bit messy with my closet. I organize it and it stays that way for like a month or two and then I just get lazy.
I have a dear friend who I met in July 1984 when our families were in Germany for the Army. We lost touch when our families came back to the US at different times. We reconnected in 1993 and it was great! To this day we are still friends, just don’t see each other as often as we like. She lives in Florida and I’m in Maryland.
Your homemade sauce sounds delicious! I love Chick-Fil-A’s sauces.
So glad you reconnected with an old friend, especially someone you have so much unique history with. (Army and Germany.) I hope the friendship continues for many decades.