The Thing Post (March, 2024)

March 4, 2024


So what’s new and interesting at the Smith house?

Well, we have officially become a CPAP family. (I hope you can stand the excitement.)

Steve has had sleep apnea for a while and finally had some testing done. And voilà! Suddenly a CPAP machine was added to our family roster.  Steve has said that he feels more rested when he wakes up so that’s a big win.

I think it enhances his natural good looks, don’t you?

You may recall that I posted a few weeks ago about Steve’s favorite (OLD) wool sweater that has holes in the elbows. I’m sure a lot of you have been lying awake at night worrying over Steve and that sweater and I just wanted to take a moment to put your minds at ease and know that the problem has been resolved.

And just what is the resolution?

He’s just decided to keep wearing it! A CPAP and a dilapidated sweater.  I saw him first, ladies!

He’s also added a hole under the arm.  Sigh.

I’ll be sure to report to you when the sweater has become nothing more than a pile of threads. Of course, even at that point, Steve will still insist on trying to wear it.


Since I showed Steve in less-than-best poses, I thought I’d share something of my own. It takes a lot of bravery to show my early morning face, but I’m going to do it!

I’m always slightly alarmed in the morning when this is the first thing I see.  I can’t help but thinking, “I’m too young to look this old.”  (I’ll be 62 this Friday; I’m not quite sure how I got there so fast.)

But there is always hope when Maybelline and Cover Girl come to visit and by 7:20 a.m., I’m at the front desk, ready for business.  My customers and co-workers can be ever so grateful they are not greeted with my original morning face.

Speaking of my job, I feel like I’ve done pretty well adjusting to Charlotte rush hour traffic getting to and from work. However, I am not a big fan of rush-hour traffic when it’s also raining. (Traffic was not moving when I took this.)

One good thing about traffic and rain, though, is that it makes me extra, extra glad to get to my safe, cozy home where Steve and Tippi always give me a royal welcome. So thankful for our house full of  peace.


I found a packet of recipes in some of Vernie’s things–about ten sheets of paper stapled together. Of course, I was curious to see what recipes she had liked well enough to type up and bundle together.  Lo and behold, I actually saw one of mine in there; she had emailed it to her sister back in 2012.  I was very honored to be a part of the packet.

This really is a good recipe; apples with beans are the best.  (It can be done in an oven or crockpot.)  I don’t use the molasses and cut the sugar by about 75%.  I also use half the butter.

I’ve always peeled the apples first but I suppose they could remain unpeeled. My goal is to dice them as small as possible so that there are more pieces of apple per bite.

This has been one of our family’s favorites for a long time–well, at least twelve years.  Give it a try!


The other day I saw one of those online household hints that I actually decided to try.  It said you could use slap bracelets to keep wrapping paper (and other things) from unrolling. I got 20 of them for about seven dollars and they have worked wonderfully. I love simple solutions for annoying problems!

I read something else online this morning that I loved.

A guy went into a Walmart and purchased a $25 Visa gift card along with some other things. After he had paid for everything he handed the cashier the gift card and said, “This is for you. You’re doing a good job!”

Wouldn’t that be such a fun thing to do to encourage someone?


I know it’s probably boring to see pictures of our dog but from time to time I just have to post.

She made me laugh yesterday when she was out on the deck sunning herself in our early spring weather. I thought about how much I would dislike lying on hard wooden boards while trying to enjoy the sun so I attempted to be a good doggie mama. I went and grabbed her bed from the living room and took it out to her, thinking she could have the best of both worlds: the sun and her comfy bed.

She gave me a quizzical look when I dragged the bed out there like, “What are you doin’, woman?”  I got back into the kitchen and as I was turning around, I thought how rewarding it would be to see her stretched out in her bed in the sunshine.

Not so much.

I promise you she is lying there thinking, “What in the world is my bed doing out here?”


Friday night was the daddy-daughter dance at Meagan’s and the kids’ school.

Nathan always shows Madison how a lady should be treated by a gentleman; that way, when it comes time for her to date, she will know that she should be treated like a treasure.


These pictures are from a couple of weeks ago; I saw them again and noticed the light shining through. Photographers dub that God’s light and are always glad to see it arrive on the scene.


For the last year, we have been attending a particular church in the Charlotte area.  We’ve loved the pastor’s preaching and also enjoyed that it was a change of pace from the style of worship we had been a part of for many decades.  Steve even joined the worship team and loved playing bass with them each Sunday.

However, with all the things we loved about it, the thing we didn’t love so much was that people made very little effort to meet us, interact with us, or try to get to know us.   In a year, I think I had about three people speak to me before or after a service. Steve and I both made efforts to say hi  to people and reach out but nothing ever came of it.

I am not at all averse to being in a new group of people and making conversation with strangers and I think Steve and I are pretty friendly, non-scary-looking people. But for whatever reason, we never felt fully welcomed.

Sad as I am to say it, next Sunday will be Steve’s last day to play with the band.  When he told the leader of the worship team he was leaving, he said it was just getting too far for us to drive. And it really has been a trek; over an hour, round trip. That distance makes it harder to get involved in activities and small groups, especially with me already being gone from the house 50 hours every week.  (But if the church had been a more welcoming fit, we would have made the drive work.)

So we’re about to go back to square one in church-hunting. After eighteen months in Charlotte, we are needing, more than ever, a welcoming church family and a circle of friends. We know there is a place out there for us and we are looking forward to finding it.

Let me close by saying how much I appreciated Sarah and Gage’s contributions to the blog last week; it was lovely to have some different voices on this page.


What about you?

Do you or your spouse wear a CPAP? What has been your experience with it?

Have you ever owned a garment with more holes in it than Steve’s sweater?

Do you love your church? Why or why not?

What kinds of things does your week hold?

27 comments so far.

27 responses to “The Thing Post (March, 2024)”

  1. Brooke R. says:

    I have a CPAP. I like it. Have y’all ever tried a Vineyard church? I am a member of one of their largest churches here in Columbus, OH. Folks are incredibly welcoming to this introvert whose theology is left of theirs. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Glad you don’t mind your CPAP. I’m sure it took some getting used to but they seem to make a big difference for people so it’s worth it!

      There don’t seem to be any Vineyard churches near our house; I’m so glad you found a church you love.

      • Brooke says:

        Bummer about Vineyard; I do totally understand the difficulty of finding a good church. For those of us who are 30+ single and childless it’s super hard. People don’t see us as being a part of their world. I do prayerfully wish for you to find a church that is home. 🙂

  2. SueEllen says:

    How I LOVE a “Thing” post!! So far, no CPAP machine in our home. I would worry about getting tangled up in it as I usually switch which side I’m sleeping on at least once a night…I probably have something holey in my wardrobe, but nothing is coming to mind at the moment. However, at Christmas I replaced my husband’s Dr Pepper t-shirt with a new one because the old one had disinegrated to the point it would barely stay on a hanger…I don’t miss rush hour traffic – especially in the rain or dark…Also, have you considered a makeup tutorial for us “Sassy Sixty-Somethings”?? Your before and after shots are amazing! And how do you wake up with your hair looking so good? Mine usually looks like I just stuck my finger in a light socket. I hope you have a spectacular birthday Friday!!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Sounds like our husbands would get along well with each other in the “disintegrating clothing” category! I’m glad you were able to find a replacement for him.

      That is sweet of you to mention my makeup; I feel much more in need of taking a tutorial than giving one, but you are very encouraging!

  3. Phyllis says:

    I have never had a CPAP but I do have mild sleep apnea. My periodontist recommended a dentist who had a dental device made to help with it. It seems to help as I had to have sleep studies done after getting it. My mom used to use one but after she developed psoriasis on her face, she refuses to wear it.
    Finding a church is hard. I have been fortunate in my move to KC area that a long-time friend had found one she liked. I went with her and really like the preacher, my Sunday School class and the music. I never found one I liked in the 3 years I lived in Louisville. I found one I liked in Tampa and went several years before I stopped attending due to an issue there.
    I usually just use a rubber band on wrapping paper but that bracelet idea looks much better.
    They are having a St. Patrick’s contest at the nursing home my mom’s in. Like a fool, I agreed to be on a team. I am not a crafty person but managed to make 4 small posters and 6 leprechauns. The leprechauns were supposedly a kid’s activity. I would not want to be the teacher helping kids make them. The leprechauns will have our team’s pictures on them. I’m also making trail mix with green M&Ms. That I can handle.

    • Becky says:


      Good for you for volunteering for something out of your comfort zone! I am not a crafty person in the least, so I am impressed that you made 4 posters and leprechauns.

      Yes, I agree that finding a church is a challenge. Not impossible but not the easiest thing. I’m glad you found a few you’ve liked.

  4. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Rather interesting blog… the feat of facing life’s unknown days, is truly shown. Ruth

  5. DeLynn says:

    I have wondered if you found a church….I gathered from some comments here and there that perhaps you hadn’t. I am so sorry. Not having a church that you love is very unsettling–I would think especially for you and Steve because of you long-time church ministry. I will pray that you can find just the place God has for you where you can learn, worship, grow, make friends, and also use your gifts.

    I also think that after some time it might be a good thing for Steve to talk with the pastor—sort of an exit-interview in reverse. It sounds like this church is doing a lot well and it seems that he would be (at least he should be!) open to hearing Steve’s insight. Perhaps it would be helpful to him.

    I have a new-ish friend at our church who would really prefer a church that is a bit more reformed in theology and a bit more formal in music, but what really drew her (she is a new widow) in was the friendliness of the people. Her eldest son (age 50) is likely on the autism spectrum (never been officially diagnosed). She said that never has a church body reached out and included him as ours has. It allows her to overlook some things she wishes were a little different–obviously these are not make it or break it theological issues.

    You are in my prayers!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for praying with us over the church search; definitely not an easy thing.

      Yes, I think Steve would definitely be comfortable telling this pastor about the difficulties we faced trying to fit in. It might keep other visitors from facing the same thing.

      I agree that the friendliness of a church goes a long way toward blurring the lines on what a person thinks they absolutely want in a church. I love reading that your church reached out to her son in such an amazing way; that must mean the world to her since he’s never been officially diagnosed and she has no doubt carried the complexities of his condition on her own for a long time. Always nice to hear when a church is doing such a good job reaching out.

  6. Robin says:

    I actually develop CPAP machines for babies–not for sleep apnea, but for complications related to prematurity. My lab at work is full of CPAP machines in various stages of deconstruction acting as references for my design work. I hope Steve has a good experience with it!

    We moved to a new state about 8 weeks ago and haven’t actually gotten up the courage to try new churches. Hoping to get up the guts next weekend. It definitely takes courage to put yourself out there.

    • Becky says:


      How cool that you are actually a part of developing CPAP machines! It must be so rewarding to know that you are helping those precious premature babies.

      You’re right–going to a new church definitely takes courage. I hope you and your husband quickly find a place you love.

  7. Ginny says:

    Steve’s Uncle Lloyd would be so proud… that sweater still has a lot of wear left in it! Even though there is probably a new one in the closet that still has the tags! Love seeing that story.

    • Becky says:


      Steve would be very glad to know he’s making Uncle Lloyd proud. 🙂

      Nope, no new sweater in the closet yet. He’s just so happy with the old one!

  8. Greg and Kaye Joyce says:

    Hi Becky. I love Monday’s so I can read your post and I also enjoyed Sarah’s last week. So, I do have a cpap and have used it for about 25 years!! It is part of me now and I can’t go to sleep without it. It helped me sleep better and feel so much better in the mornings. It takes about two good weeks to get used to it and still some nights I just want to throw it across the room but it has helped me healthwise so I tough it out. It is hard to find masks that don’t spew air out. I have always had that issue and not found a solution. Good luck to Steve. We have been going to Temple Bapt. Church here in Mt. Airy for almost 18 years. It is only five mins. from our house. The first time we went, we couldn’t believe how friendly everyone was and also the choir was amazing and the preaching was awesome. So we love it. Everyone that joins says they have never seen such a friendly church. It would be nice if all churches were that way. It doesn’t count a thing to be nice and give someone a handshake and a smile. Good luck on your hunt. God will lead you where He wants you. You are brave to show your morning face and hair… lol. I have cpap hair and it ain’t pretty… :p Have a blessed week!!!!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. Using a CPAP for 25 years is impressive. I am so glad to hear that it’s had such a positive impact on your life and on your health.

      You’re blessed to have found a church you love that’s so close to your house. Good to hear about friendly churches welcoming people in!

  9. LeeAnne says:

    No CPAP here but glad it’s helping Steve to feel more rested.
    Love the slap bracelet idea!! If I see some, I’ll definitely buy some and use that hack!!
    We are in Nevada right now, enjoying the sunshine. Going home tomorrow.
    Your photos of God’s light are stunning!!!❤️

    • Becky says:


      Nevada is such a beautiful state; glad there was plenty of sunshine for you.

      I love God’s light photos!

  10. Patti says:

    I also do not like traffic in the rain, or raining and dark. I try to avoid driving at all after dark.
    I have worn a CPAP for 11 years now. I, however, do not feel more rested. My insomnia has gotten worse and the CPAP, I think, keeps me awake more. I feel like it is telling me to breathe in, breathe out… My husband is going for a second sleep study to try a BiPap as the study with the CPAP showed that it would be more effective. My Dr always laughs because I say I only wear it for my husband as otherwise my snoring keeps him awake.
    I have a pair of shoes that I only wear for costumes now, but used to wear often. I got them in 1969. I wore them out at the time, then they got left in the closet a long time, then I found that my mom had thrown them in the trash. Of course I rescued them. I resurrected them and wore them for jokes and in a few plays. Just can’t part with them, but don’t wear them like Steve wears his sweater.
    We have been at our church since we moved here 14 years ago. It is the closet church to us and that is nice. The people are friendly and it is a small church. I can’t say I love it, but it works.
    My week holds sewing mostly. I have a baby quilt to finish for the April birth of our great grandson, and some small projects to work on for an upcoming craft sale on Saturday.

    • Becky says:


      Congrats on the upcoming arrival of your great grandson. What a special gift to be able to give him a quilt you made yourself. Definitely a keepsake-in-the-making.

      Shoes from 1969! I think you win the old clothes contest. I love that you rescued them from the trash and that they have made you smile.

  11. Kristy Smith says:

    Several things in the “Thing Post” with which I identify!
    A CPAP was a very welcome addition to our house a few years ago. After years of my assertive urging (nagging) my husband underwent testing to find he has severe apnea and an irregular heart rhythm that is very possibly related to the sleep apnea. After dealing with cardiologists and electrophysiologists, the rhythm is under control and the CPAP allows him better sleep. Me, too!

    I never find it boring to see pet pictures! My Facebook is loaded with pictures of my Scout, a cairn terrier mix.

    We moved to Hickory, NC two years ago and jumped in to our church hunt. We have had experiences similar to yours in the past. However, we both thank God every day for the congregation we found here. People are super welcoming, and the preaching is biblical. Win win! Since then, I’ve been working at the church a couple hours a week coordinating the connection of new folks. My multiple moves as an adult provide good perspective for this task as our church grows so quickly. I hope you and Steve find a good fit soon.

    • Becky says:


      Ah yes, assertive urging is a nice way to put it. 🙂

      So great to hear what a difference a CPAP made for your husband. Sounds like it was causing some huge challenges for his health. And if you are BOTH sleeping better, what’s not to love?

      It’s cool you actually get to work at your church, as well as attend there. And what an important job you have. You go!!

  12. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    I am laughing out loud about Steve’s continuously unravelling sweater!

    No CPAP here, but I am assuming we’ll both be heading that way soon if we can’t resolve some issues on our own (losing weight, eating better).

    This week could see a big change for me, and by extension, us. I’m doing something that I never thought I would at 57, so I’m a little concerned that my age will be a “bad mark” against me in this “thing.” I can’t/won’t say more until I have an answer, one way or the other.


    • Becky says:


      As for Steve’s sweater, I’ll be interested to see what state decrepitude it gets to before he finally decides he needs another one. 🙂

      I love your mysterious description about what is going on in you week. Changes are never a bad thing and at 57, they are all the more exciting. Hope everything turns out the way you want!

  13. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    I LOVE this idea of slap bracelets… I am totally stealing this idea!!! I don’t know how far away Abby’s church is from you guys, but it is Plaza Baptist, and she loves it… let me know if you visit, and I will tell her to look out for you!! The pastor there is awesome.,.. I met him at Abby’s wedding.. he was great!
    Abby and Brent are house shopping now as well, let me know if you see any in your neighborhood pop up… you have my cell # 🙂
    You are beautiful and don’t look a day over 50 either!! 🙂 Make up is my friend too… don’t know what I would do without it!
    Have a great week!!

    • Becky says:


      So glad Abby and Brent are so happy in their new church. Will keep my ears open for houses for sale.

      Thank you for your kind words. Let’s hear it for Maybelline!

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