The Thing Post (March 2020)

March 23, 2020

It’s time once again for a Thing Post which means I feature a variety of topics that
don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.


Sarah came home Saturday night which is not such an unusual occurrence.

What is unusual is that she will not be returning to Ahoskie to continue her internship.

A lot of her responsibilities took place in the actual Sunday services, helping with media or lights, designing announcement slides for the screens, etc.  Since no one knows when services will be able to resume, and with all the quarantines, self-isolations and travel restrictions in place, her pastor/boss thought it would be best to close out the internship early and get her back home with her family. He said he would be happy to write a letter of recommendation for her for a future position.

Here she is with Pastor Wallace and Joy Phillips, who so graciously hosted our gal in their home for the past six months.  

Sarah was disappointed to leave, of course, but understands completely that this virus has changed a lot of things for a lot of people. And of course, Steve and I are delighted to have her back home for however long we get to have her.

And Summer is pretty delighted, too.


THING TWO (Steve’s Dad)

Steve’s dad, Ken, fell and fractured his pelvis last week. Steve immediately starting planning a trip to visit him but then remembered he would not be allowed into the rehab center. So he’s just waiting for the restriction to be lifted so he can see his dad again.


My sister, Debbie, “sprung” Mom from her nursing center last week; she is staying for a while with my other sister, Ruth.  Ruth sent me this photo the day after mom arrived which absolutely warmed my heart. (Notice the Bible next to her arm.)

Love my mom!


I had a trip to the doctor last week after several days of a very sore throat and bad cough and some increased shortness of breath.  At this point in my medical life (and with COVID-19 on my radar) I didn’t want to take any chances.

Since I didn’t have a fever and hadn’t had contact with anyone infected, the doctor did not think I needed to be tested. He heard a little rattle in one lung and knowing my history, gave me a steroid shot to reduce inflammation and put me on an antibiotic.  He said, “I want to be sure your lungs are in as good of shape as possible should the Coronavirus arrive on the OBX.”

Part of my checkup included a flu test and a strep test.  I have not had a successful strep test in at least 25 years since I have a strong gag reflex and can’t tolerate anything touching the back of my throat.  But I figured it would be good to have a full picture of what was going so, after explaining my reservations to the nurse, I told her she was welcome to give it a try.

OUT came the swab. UP went my blood pressure. ON went the test. 

And I am happy to report that everything went surprisingly well . . . for the first 1.5 seconds.

And then, without even realizing I was going to do it, I swatted the nurse’s hand away from my face; like really swatted hard.  It was like my hand had a mind of its own.

I was appalled and apologized profusely.

Thankfully, she was a good sport and told me not to worry. Plus, she WAS able to complete the test a fraction of a second before the swat happened so that was something.

Here I am after the appointment and all the aforementioned swabbing and swatting.


We got to see Noah play a tee-ball game via computer.  Nathan walked around the field with his phone for an hour (occasionally assisted by Grayson) and we all cheered wildly whenever Noah did something wonderful.  He had three hits, two of which were home runs!  So fun to get to see him play.

This was taken after his first game where his entire Floridian family came out to cheer him on.


I know the whole country is aware of our newly acquired toilet paper shortage.  Whoever thought two weeks ago that there would be deputies deployed to guard the aisle where a new shipment of tp was being restocked?

A couple of days ago, I gathered up a few food things to bless a sweet friend whose job had been affected by the restrictions. At the last minute, I threw in a roll of t.p.  And I couldn’t resist writing a message on the top.


First of all, do you know what COVID-19 stands for?  I didn’t until a couple of days ago.  It stands for Corona Virus Disease-started in 2019.  Now you know!

Like every other place in America, things on our beautiful Outer Banks are radically different today than they were two weeks ago.  (And I miss two weeks ago.)

I was reading a local magazine and it occurred to me that when this was published this a few weeks back, the company had no clue that much of the content would not even be applicable when the reader received it.  No concerts, no restaurants, no gatherings . . . hard to comprehend the speed of the change.

The Outer Banks is a place that relies heavily on spring break and Easter traffic to make up for the long winter of reduced tourist traffic and reduced tourist revenue.

But last week, right at the beginning of spring break, the two big bridges (and only entrances) to the OBX were closed to all traffic except locals and delivery trucks, with policemen at each bridge checking I.D.  I completely understand why that has to be done, and as a person in a high-risk group, I am thankful for it.

But I am sad for all of our restaurant owners and business people whose doors are shuttered at one of the best times of the year to do business.

However, as in the case of any hardship, there are always people who do inspiring things.

We have a company in Manteo called Outer Banks Distilling. They have pivoted from making alcohol to making and bottling hand sanitizer and giving it away for free to members of the community.  With so many sanitizer shortages, this is a huge gift.

In the Smith family, Steve has volunteered to help deliver meals to the elderly, since they are short on drivers due to the virus.  He is also, of course, on call to help in any way needed with needs in our congregation and community.

Yesterday was our first Sunday to not have a service and I have to say, it was pretty strange. And sad. You don’t realize how much you miss your congregation until you go a while without seeing them.

But we were able to post a video online of Steve preaching in the sanctuary Sunday morning. Like so many others, we are scrambling to learn new things and adjust to this new method of communication.  

Here’s our youth pastor recording one of his leaders ahead of time for a Zoom youth group meeting.

I have to say–Sarah arrived on the scene, just in time. I am going to be leaning on her pretty hard for tech stuff in the weeks to come.

We are assuming that we will not be back to regular services in time for Easter so this invite card, which I spent a long time designing, will not be used. But I had to show it to someone, so here you go.

So many changes, big and small, going on in all of our lives. And many more changes to come.  

I’m so thankful that even with all the social distancing and self-isolation that we have the Internet to connect our lives.

And with that in mind, I’d like to end with the same invitation as I posted last week to use the comments area as a place to share your stories, insights, worries, experiences,  or prayer requests.

Also, if you see someone being extra kind or going the extra mile, share that as well.  We all need as much encouragement and inspiration as we can get.

My verse for the week has been: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  Psalm 46:1.

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “The Thing Post (March 2020)”

  1. Jenna hoff says:

    I’m so glad Sarah is home safe and sound but I am so sad for her as she must be so disappointed about her internship! Maybe she can return back to it when this all ends and life goes back to normal. I have a feeling that she is going to be prolific in her writing during this time at home. My niece was 2 months into a 6 month training with an organization called YWAM in Costa Rica, and she flew home to Texas yesterday. I’m glad your sister has taken your mom home. As sad as I still am, I feel relief knowing that my grandma is not currently in her nursing home, given how extremely frail and fragile she was in her final year.

    It is just amazing to me how the entire world is impacted by this. I volunteer (editing) with a children’s charity in Brazil, and they are all shut down (all the children isolated in the homes) and I’ve communicated online with a friend and distant cousin in Spain and they are all in a difficult place there. I also talked online with friends from Syria and India and both of them said that their family back home are locked down in the homes too. Here in Canada, it is the same. We had our first case 3 weeks ago and today we are at 486 cases (in the province).
    I’m so glad that your sister has taken your mom home.

    I hope you are feeling better. I have to confess that I laughed at the image of you swatting the nurse!

    And, I think your Easter card is simply lovely. Maybe you can save it for Easter 2021, just change the date. Or, maybe you can throw a belated Easter celebration when this is all over?

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it does my heart good to think of mom in such a lovely place with Ruth. Up until a few weeks ago, she still wasn’t well enough to even consider leaving the place where she was but we’re thankful she has grown strong enough to do so.

      You are blessed to have a lot of friends in so many different places. It’s always interesting to hear the stories from people in the actual countries rather than just through news outlets. You know you are getting the real deal that way. And I know it means a lot to them to have a compassionate heart like yours hear their story.

      I’m glad it gives you some measure of peace being reminded that your grandma is no longer in the nursing home. I was so glad when you posted more of her story on FB a couple of weeks ago. I so enjoyed getting to know her.

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Wow, so many things to tell us. So sorry Sarah was not able to finish her internship, but hopefully things will open up for her when this blows over. Our granddaughter was in her senior year and was getting her credentials for be a youth pastor. She is not able to complete her school year, since it closed, but I believe was able to complete it via internet. That dear Summer, what a precious dog and comforter to all of you. Was glad that your mom did not have to stay at the nursing center and able to go home with your sister. If she had to stay at the center, she would not have been able to have visitors, which i’m sure is frustrating for all those in nursing homes and senior centers. Dear Becky, your picture after the doctor’s appt. I felt so bad for you because look sooo tired. I’m sure I would have done the same thing knowing that I would gag. Had a strange thing happen to me before getting married. I was getting a checkup and the lady doctor found some pollups in my vagina and she said she would have to remove them by burning them off (I suppose like a wart). She was not quite down and a spark from her instrument got on my leg and I jumped and everything went flying. She looked at me as if “What did you do that for.”? It hurt more than the procedure, but it did get done. We too have been watching our church service via the internet. On Facebook, I have noticed more folks posting about the goodness of the Lord, about trusting Him even in all this turmoil. Praying that folks will return to church or if they have not been going, that they will, and give themselves to Jesus. Bless the Smith family!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I think your pre-marital doctor appointment was a much more dramatic story than my swatting scenario! I imagine you really alarmed her when everything went flying! Oh the stories doctors could tell. 🙂

      I’m glad your granddaughter was able to finish her schooling online. I feel bad for all the kids in college who are not able to finish out the year–especially those getting ready to graduate.

      Yes, it is good to be reminded (online and other places) about God’s goodness and comfort–especially in these challenging times.

      Bless you!

  3. krista121799 says:

    I love Thing Posts!
    I’m glad that Sarah is able to be home, but I understand her disappointment.
    So happy that your Mom got sprung. She looks so good! I know time with family is a big help.
    I will be praying for Steve’s Dad. I imagine that Steve is pretty anxious to see him.
    Hate the strep test, too. I’ve never swatted the nurses hand, but I’m sure we’ve all been tempted.
    Yay Noah. Technology is so great that you can watch him via internet.
    Toilet paper is still very limited here. It’s so strange that it’s what people are getting. Crazy times.
    We are still doing well here in North Dakota. No lock down, but we stay home when I’m not at work. My awesome boss gave me the week off. We aren’t busy now and it’s a good time to be home.
    Again, I’m praying for all of you…everyone during this difficult time.

    • Becky says:


      Glad you’re not locked down and that you have the week off! Two good things in one sentence.

      It is strange that toilet paper, of all things, has such a shortage. I’m more concerned about finding more hand sanitizer than toilet paper!

      Hugs from Manteo.

  4. Michele says:

    So happy Sarah is home with you. I was in Florida visiting my 2 daughters , one who teaches there and one who is a PA student. The teacher had all their classes moved to online and the PA student has her next clinical rotation online for 6 weeks. So all 3 of us drove home from Florida to central NY last weekend. Y 3rd daughter is local so that is good we can all be close by. I’m sorry about Steve’s dad, hope he’s feeling better soon. Must be hard not being able to see him.
    I still go to work, nurse in a doctor’s office but we are screening and limiting husband works maintenenci in a hospital so he still has to work as well
    Hope everyone srprays healthy and we all can get through this ok. Please be careful

    • Becky says:


      I am in awe of all these teachers who are having to completely go online with their lessons. I am just going online with a couple of church things and it is overwhelming. Bless each of those teachers who is working so hard to finish out this year in the best way possible for their students. And hooray for getting to see your daughters!!

      And thanks to you and your husband for what you are doing in the medical field. Doing maintenance at a hospital is every bit as important as treating patients.

  5. SueEllen says:

    I always enjoy your Thing posts! I’m glad Sarah is home, even though the circumstances are far from ideal. I’m so very sorry to hear about Steve’s dad. Prayers for healing and for Steve and his mom – how stressful it must be not to be able to be with him. I’m glad your mom is able to be with your sisters. Sorry, but I had a good chuckle over the picture in my mind of you swatting the nurse when she was swabbing you. I hope you are feeling better soon. The T-Ball pictures were so cute! That is such a fun age to watch. Thanks for the info on where the name Covid-19 came from – interesting, and it makes perfect sense. I imagine it must be surreal having your bridges shut down. I’m so sorry for all the people on the OBX experiencing hardships because of no tourists. I pray they are able to make it until the tourists can come back. Interesting that the distiller on the OBX is now making sanitizer – I just recently read about another small distillery doing the same thing back home in WV where I grew up. The Easter card you designed is absolutely beautiful! Would you be able to change it and put your streaming info on them to distribute? It would be a shame to not be able to use them. I pray you stay safe during these trying times.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I love hearing about companies around the country switching from making their usual product and instead making something to help people during this pandemic. I read somewhere about a car manufacturer that was switching to making some medical supplies. Love seeing people pull together.

      If we have an Easter service later on, we may possibly have the cards printed with a new date. But even we don’t, I never consider any design project a waste of taste because I always learn something with every design I do.

      Stay safe!

  6. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Great thing post. Always interesting items of news.
    1. Sorry to hear that Sarah’s internship came to an early end, but so Glad she is home safe with you. It is good for all.Of you to be together during these times. I am sure God has something special planned for her future.
    2. Sorry to hear about Ken, it is hard to be kept from your loved ones. I am praying.for him.
    3. The picture of your mom is.greaf. She looks terkfic, comfortable and totally at peace. Being with family at this time is a blessing.
    4. You were smart to seek early medical infervention. Keeping you in my prayers.
    5. Glad you got to watch Josh’s e-mail game. Such fun! It was good to see his whole family there supporting him.
    6. What a gift. TP is truly a gift of love during these times!
    7. It is amazing how quickly life as we know it can change. We are now under stay at home orders. Only allowed to leave the house of someone’s life depends on it, short trips to the grocery store and pharmacy if necessary. Walks are permitted with proper social distancing.
    Love, hugs and prayers,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yes, life changes quickly. Three weeks ago we never could have imagined ANY of this!! But we’ve made it so far and we will make it through to the other side of it.

      I’m just thankful to have the connections of the blog, FB, phone calls, etc. Can you imagine in earlier pandemics when there wasn’t a way to stay in touch? So thankful.

      Thanks for detailed comment. Made me smile. 🙂

  7. Kristen says:

    Life is so fragile and can change in the blink of an eye. I never thought such a thing would happen in these times…I’ve watched documentaries about the influenza and plague in the past and I know this is nothing like those, but I guess it just seemed like nothing like that would happen today…
    But there is usually some good to come out of bad and at least you got Sarah home for a while. I hope you stay safe with your lung issues, knowing the virus causes respiratory distress.
    I wish the public would not make those of us who have to continue to work feel so terrible about not remaining inside. I mean, I am in a risk group since I have medical problems and being out every day in contact with others as an independent contractor for a delivery app puts myself and my elderly mother at risk. (I don’t live with her but she insists on going with me most of the time to work because of my penchant for falling asleep at the wheel) Some of us just have to work to pay the bills so unless someone comes up with a way for us all to stay home 24/7 I hope more people will be understanding of that.
    Sorry for going off on a tangent. There aren’t many outlets available anymore. Stay safe and healthy.

    • Becky says:


      I am so thankful you have found a place to go off on a tangent. 🙂

      Sometimes it just helps to know you are heard and I want you to know you truly ARE heard.

      It is incredibly difficult all that you are juggling right now, caring for yourself and your mom at such a difficult time. Just know that someone on the Outer Banks of North Carolina is aware of your struggle and sending strength, hope, and prayers your way. Please let me know how things go for you both.

  8. Jodi says:

    Hold on to those cards and check to see when Easter falls on 4/12 again. If it’s not decades they can be used again?

    Sent you an email before this came out so anything I add would be redundant.

    Hope all here at Smithallanous are well. My state, while not NY, CA or WA has been one hard hit. Are schools are shut down already into later in April & I suspect school’s done for the year. We’re under a stay in place order for a few weeks minimally. Which is fine as I fall into the higher risk category.

    Be well!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, us higher risk gals can’t be too careful! Glad everyone seems to be taking it seriously. The more we can hunker down, hopefully, the quicker it will pass.

      Thanks for the email; will get back to you soon. 🙂

  9. LeeAnne says:

    I am so glad that Sarah is back at home with you. In these anxious times, I wish that my young-uns could be with me too but that will never happen. They have homes and families. A girl can dream though! 🙂 Sorry that her internship had to end early, but there is something great out there for her. In the mean time, she will be able to assist you with all that tech-y stuff. Yeah!!
    Prayers for Ken & the rest of the family. Dang it anyway!
    Becky, your mom looks great! I am surprised that she was allowed to leave her nursing center. It must be riskier, health wise, to leave her there.
    I am even more surprised that tee-ball is happening. Where we are, there is NOTHING happening except that we are still able to go to work. Thank you God!!
    I haven’t had to have one of those tests in eons and I have never been tested for the flu which is a swab up the nose. Oh heavens, now that would/could make me do some swatting!!! YUCK!!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am beyond thrilled to have Sarah back home; already, she has been an enormous help to me as we transition all of our church ministry/communication to online.

      My mom had just been in the center following her knee replacement and they were actually already talking about her being well enough to either leave or go back to her assisted living apartment. When the lockdown order came though, it kind of moved things forward a little faster to discharge her and she is loving being at Ruth’s!

      The tee ball thing was 10 days ago. They may have made some changes since then. It’s interesting how different parts of the country have different rules. We just got the word all hair salons/gyms/nail salons, etc. need to close by Wednesday afternoon. A few people are still going to jobs but most of us are hunkered down.

      I wish for YOUR sake your kids could be with you, too. There’s something about a crisis that makes you want to gather your chicks around.

      Hopefully, you and I will not have a chance to do any flu swab swatting!

  10. lesley says:

    So glad Sarah is home with you guys and your mom is home with Ruth. But poor Ken! So many changes in such a short time period. I find I cannot watch the news too much as it just causes anxiety about things I cannot control. I had heard about the bridges down there closing and immediately thought about you. They wont be able to keep it out but maybe the OBX can do a better job of containment if you all have enough testing supplies. Our family did a group chat on the app Houseparty last night. It was fun, they have games you can play as a group. I miss my boys 🙁
    I was wondering as well where to find your services online. I’d love to be able to watch.

    Ps I love Sarah’s hair pulled back 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I agree about the news. You can only handle so much. I really don’t think it’s mentally healthy to get a steady diet of it; get the highlights every day and be done for a few hours!

      I’ll have to look into the Houseparty app. I’m always looking for things to keep us connected with family and with the church.

      Speaking of the church, if you got to FB and search at the top for Manteo First Assembly you’ll find our page. Sunday’s message is there; we are still figuring things out technically; the camera cut off at the end so it was shorter than anticipated but this week are learning stuff and will be making progress. But Steve’s message itself was really good; I think you’ll enjoy it.

      I love Sarah’s hair pulled back, too!

      Hugs to you and Miss Sarah.

  11. Phyllis says:

    Sorry Sarah had to cut her internship short but I’m sure you’re glad to have her back under your roof.
    We are under a stay at home mandate starting at midnight tonight for the next 30 days. We can go to the grocery and hardware store, dry cleaner (although who’s wearing anything that needs to be dry cleaned if you’re staying at home), laundromat, pharmacy and doctor’s office. All of our church staff is working at home and we have live stream of church services. Sunday we will start virtual Sunday School using Zoom. Should be interesting! I have a stack of books to read and worked a jigsaw puzzle last week. I have a couple more in the closet. My biggest concern is making sure my parents have plenty of food and other necessities. I have told my brother who lives two blocks away he needs to step it up and pick up things like bananas, milk, ice (not in so many words at least).
    Sorry to hear about Steve’s dad. Glad that your mom is able to stay with Ruth for a while.
    One niece is under quarantine in California due to traveling to Mexico last week. They have moved on base so that helps I think. The other is under quarantine for another week due to her college choir tour that included Colorado and California. Her classes start back online today. Not sure how those organ and piano classes will happen online though.
    Stay safe!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. I didn’t know a person would have to be quarantined for traveling to Colorado and California! I am amazed by the people who keep track of all these things, not just who gets the virus but then tracking who they had contact with and where they traveled. I truly appreciate their hard work and their diligence.

      Yes, I agree that organ and piano lessons online would be a challenge, but not undoable. Steve gives bass lessons to a guy online and it’s gone pretty well for them.

      A stay at home mandate for 30 days is a long time but think what a difference it will make. We are still allowed to be out and about as needed but are encouraged to stay home as much as possible. Our church is just 2 minutes from the house and there are just 3 or 4 people in the offices so I am still going there. I appreciate the chance to be able to get out of the house although I don’t know how long that will last.

  12. Reagan Whitmire says:

    My pastor has preached (virtually) on Psalm 46 the past two weeks (with a focus on verse 1 last week) and it’s been so good!

    • Becky says:


      What a great chapter to be preaching on right now. When I was young, I learned a little song based on verse 1 and I have been singing it over and over.

      Verses set to music are especially wonderful because they REALLY stick in your head.


    Abby is home for the indefinite future, and her internships are all uncertain at this time as well… The twins are doing on line school and remote learning… and I am still heading to work each and every day! The picture of your mom made me smile… and reminded me of my grandma, who I miss so much every day! I am glad that she is able to be with family and not isolated totally at this time. I hope that you feel better and keep improving as well! Thoughts and prayers for all of you guys… we are doing online church too, although I may listen in to you guys some, since we have the opportunity now! 🙂 Take care and stay safe… if you have to come to Duke for any reason, know that I am here and will help you out in any way that I can! Love you guys!!

    • Becky says:


      Bless you for your work in medicine at this stressful time. People like you are among my heroes!

      Quite a few changes for your girls; fortunately, the young are quite adaptable to new ways of learning and doing things. Of course, we older folks are having to learn a few new tricks, as well.

      As always, it warms my heart for you to offer any help needed if we come to Duke. You have such a compassionate, generous heart and at some point, we may end up taking you up on that offer. Blessings to you today as you continue to provide excellent Duke care!

  14. Debbie Taylor says:

    Stay safe, I’m so glad that Sarah is home with you and Steve. Paw Creek is trying to work our way through all this different meeting stuff as well and I could sure use a “Sarah” to help my old brain work through this. Ken is certainly in my prayers. I wish I could visit him, as well. I know it is so hard on Vernie too. I will call her today. Let me know if there is anything I can do here to help either one of them. They are two of my favorite people. Love to all the Smith’s.

    • Becky says:


      Oh how that warmed my heart to hear you say that Ken and Vernie are two of your favorite people. They are true gems! (And thanks for calling her.)

      And yes, there is a LOT to learn when trying to put an entire church and its ministries online. My brain has gotten a little frazzled over the past couple of weeks but I am plugging along.

      Paw Creek has a special place in our hearts; great to hear from a Paw Creek-er!

  15. Ruth Rehberg says:

    i would be swatting the nurse right along with you…we must be sisters! I cannot tolerate a swab test in the throat. (gog) Gag upon gag! Mom is doing real good here, nice to have her around. Ruth

    • Becky says:


      I just smile when I think of you and Mom puttering around and looking at nature together and praying and talking and eating simple, good food in the midst of all your loveliness.

      Thanks to you and the family for providing such a wonderful place for her. The memories of these days together will be precious for a long time to come.

  16. Ann Martin says:

    Quite different to be home most of the time. I feel there is so much I need to be doing but all I want to do is sit and read. People here are helping each other and I watched four church services yesterday. Need to find yours if it is on Facebook. Praises to God for His goodness in keeping us well. Glad Sarah got home safely. Prayers for safety and wellness of your family and special prayers for Ken. I know Steve wants to be there and prayers for his peace. Prayers for your Mom as she stays with Ruth. Love and hugs and blessings to all.

    • Becky says:


      You can go to FB and put Manteo First Assembly in the search window at the top.

      It’s quite a wonderful thing to be able to sit and read; one of life’s great luxuries.

      Many hugs to you and Jim.

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