The Thing Post (March 2019)

March 25, 2019

It’s time once again for a Thing Post, which simply means I feature a whole bunch of things that don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.


Thing One

Since I love taking and editing pictures, I especially love this app called Photofunia.  It’s obviously not something a professional would use for a photography business but it’s sure a lot of fun for us regular ol’ folk to do stuff with.  Here are a few things I put together. Give it a whirl!

Thing Two 

I haven’t talked about my eating plan for a while so here’s a quick update. 

I HAVE manage to lose 20 pounds so hooray for that. My goal is to lose another ten.

I happened to find this old photo of a t-shirt Steve gave me early last year and was encouraged to see that there actually IS a difference between then . . .

and now.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the change when it’s so gradual.

We are continuing to be more aware of what we eat and, although we aren’t quite as stringent as we were when we started six months ago, we have definitely made some long-lasting changes.

One thing I am really enjoying about the new way of cooking is that meals are so much simpler.  I used to have a main dish, a vegetable,a starch and bread at almost every meal along with some carrots and/or grapes.  Now I usually do just a main dish and a vegetable along with the carrots/grapes, or whatever is handy in the fridge. Simple, simple, simple!

A favorite recipe is  this dish with potatoes, black beans, corn, onion, and a few seasonings  cooked in a skillet. Once it’s done, I just quickly steam a couple of eggs and put on top. (Steve adds ketchup to his.) I got the idea for this recipe from a reader.

Of course, I still have my sweet tooth. Happily though, I have found a few healthy options. Here is one.

If you look back at my first post about this new eating plan, you’ll remember how overwhelmed I got trying to grocery shop.  It finally occurred to me that part  of my problem was that I was trying a whole bunch of new grocery stores at the same time I was trying a lot of new food.

The small store I usually went to didn’t have as much selection so I thought I should try some of the big stores in the area.  So every week I was going to a new (huge) store and at the same time, learning about shopping for new kinds of food. That combination just about did me in. It would have been a much easier transition if I had just changed foods and not tried to make two big changes at the same time.   Live and learn.

But now that I have settled in on a store, it is wonderful to be able to just sail right on past particular aisles that I always used to stop at.  Shopping is so much more streamlined than it used to be and I love that aspect of the change.

The other thing I have tried to do is not eat between about 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m.  My nutritionist said that can make a huge difference in health and weight loss and it’s really not hard to do since we eat dinner pretty early each evening.

So that’s the six-month report!

Thing Three 

A photo from the olden days which reminded me of the days when we were really and truly just kids. And what was with that hair?  If there were extra points for extra volume, I’d be a winner!

Thing Four

My recently cleaned out closet–exchanging winter for summer.  Hooray for getting to do that each year.

My not so cleaned out office at church where I was working late on a Saturday I had way too many projects going at one time.

One of the projects that I didn’t quite get done with was this song. I found out at the last minute that it needed to be in a different key and I did a quick, scribbled transposition.  Not something I recommend because my brain basically overheated trying to decipher all of the messiness in the morning service.

Thing Five

Steve and I took the Miata out last week for a little ocean-side walking.

It was our first time to drive over the new bridge that we had walked over several weeks ago.

Once we got to the ocean, a cold wind was kicking up so our little stroll lasted about 93 seconds before we ran back to the shelter of the car.  It was still a fun outing.

Thing Six

I was reminded by a comment from Jodi that I needed to update on Grayson.

You can tell by this photo that he is feeling fine and dandy!  Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.

Thing Seven

Both of our moms are going to be having surgery in the next few weeks. My mom will have a total knee replacement (probably end of April) and Steve’s mom will have a hip replacement.

If you are like us and live a distance away from your parents, you know how difficult it is to have them go through big surgeries and not be able to be there to help. Steve and I are thankful for siblings who are always willing to step in and take care of what needs to be done but we wish we could be there as well.

We are just so thankful to still have three of our four parents still living.  It is such a great blessing.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite photos of my mom.

She was just moved from her apartment at an assisted living place to a room at a skilled nursing center.  She sent me a birthday card last week and in the enclosed note she mentioned the move. She added this cheery note at the end, “My new room is just big enough.”

No complaints about downsizing to a space a quarter of the size of what she had. Her thankful, gracious attitude, which has followed her throughout her whole life, came out yet again.  

I’m inspired by the example of  both Steve’s and my parents.  We are blessed.

What about you?
If you were doing a Thing Post, what would your favorite thing be from last month?

If your parent(s) are living, how often do you see them?
If they are no longer living, what is that you miss the most?






24 comments so far.

24 responses to “The Thing Post (March 2019)”

  1. Wendy says:

    Wow! Great job on the weight loss. I am trying, story of my life. ha! Oh my goodness, Grayson is Absolutley adorable, that hair and his big grin. How precious. My dad passed away when I was just 27. I feel like I missed out on so much of knowing more of him. I know we were blessed to have him that long. the Dr’s gave him 6 months to live when I was 10, and he lived 16 1/2 years after that. But, I miss him so much and my mom passed away almost 11 years ago. I still think on sometimes when I hear something she would love to know that I have to give her a call and tell her, You never get over missing your parents, especially my mom. Great post. Praying for both your Mom’s that they come through surgeries well.

    • Becky says:


      I love to hear stories of when doctors were wrong and a person outlives his prognosis. Sixteen and a half years is QUITE the long time to live after being told he only had 6 months. I know that every holiday and special event that came along, you and your family gave thanks all over again that your dad–against all predictions–was still there to enjoy them.

      And I agree. Moms are super, SUPER special, especially for daughters. Don’t ever stop telling your mom all those things you want to tell her. Even though she no longer hears them, it is therapeuetic for you to–mentally, at least–tell her the ongoing story of your life.

  2. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Becky, A hip replacement is much easier than a knee. Bill had one in November and recovered well from that. He has been doing well the past five days, so know I am sick for the second time and afraid to see him.

    • Becky says:


      So sorry Bill is having such a very difficult time. Glad to hear you’ve seen some progress recently. Feel better soon so you can go back to being his cheerleader!

  3. Nicole Doyal says:

    Love the bridge pictures! But then I love water and bridges so maybe that is why. And I understand the not noticing the weight loss. One of my co-workers is doing WW and it wasn’t until she posted a picture on our FB group showing the before/after of 25lbs that I really noticed it since I see her on an almost daily basis. It took the picture for me to notice it.

    • Becky says:


      I love bridges, too. Thankful to live in a place where there are so many of them to enable us to wander.

      Yeah, it’s kinda crazy how gradual weight loss is hard to notice when you see a person every day. Photos help to capture the change better, for some odd reason.

  4. krista121799 says:

    You look great! Good for you!
    So glad to hear Greyson is better. That smile just lights up a room…and his hair? Love it!! I wish I looked that cute when I wear my hair like that =)
    My Dad lives here in the same town, just a 10 minute drive. I love that he can be with my son. Since I’m a single Mom, it’s good that he has that male interaction. He loves his Pop Pop. Every Saturday, Dad, my sister, my son and I all go to Walmart for groceries. It all started a couple of years ago when my Mom first got sick and she wasn’t eating. Dad had to start fending for himself. He hadn’t been grocery shopping in a long time, so he came with us. It’s now a tradtion that we have been doing since.
    As you know, my Mom died a little over a year ago. It’s still very hard without her. I doubt that the pain will ever completely go away. I miss being abe to call to talk to her about motherhood. Every time I needed help, she was there. And I hate that she isn’t getting to watch her only grandchild grow up. And that my son won’t remember her. Ok, gotta stop this…I’m crying now.
    One last thing, my desk at work looks a lot worse than your at church, is that a bad thing…
    Have a blessed week!

    • Becky says:


      What a great tradition to go grocery shopping as a family. It makes a not-so-fun task a lot more enjoyable!

      And I am glad right along with you that your dad is nearby and can invest into this grandson’s life. What joy that must bring to ALL of you.

      No longer having the chance to call your mom to ask questions or just chat about anything is such a huge loss. I can imagine how Sarah would feel if she wasn’t able to pick up the phone and call me. Sad for your loss; thankful that you have the sweet memories to carry forward.

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Becky, you look great! Congrats on losing 20 pounds!!

    I, too, had me some really big hair back in the day. Oh my gosh. LOL

    Sir Grayson is absolutely adorable!! He looks like he feels good and I laughed at the hair all sticking up. AND it’s not blonde!

    My mother died in 1996. I so miss her wisdom and loving, calm demeanor. She could always ‘fix’ everything or had a good, wise answer. She would have absolutely loved seeing her only two grandchildren (my kids) graduate, get married and have children. My father-in-law died in 1991 so my kids really don’t remember much of him which is so sad because he was an awesome, loving family man. Fortunately my mother-in-law (age 88) and my dad (age 89) are both alive and doing so well. Both very healthy and living on their own and still very active. Such a blessing!!

    • Becky says:


      Former Big Hair Ladies, unite! 🙂

      So much joy and grief all blended together as the generations shift. We lose some of the older ones, rejoice in the ones we still have left, and raise children and grandchildren the best way we can, teaching them to honor their elders and preparing them to one day BE the elders.

      You have truly been blessed with great parents and in-laws; thankful you still have two of them left!

  6. Tammy Wright says:

    Things I’d talk about:
    I’m excited to be a working woman again after 12 years as a stay at home mommy.
    Parenting is hard & beautiful but recently mostly hard.

    Both mine and Steve’s mommas are living. My mom broke her wrist this morning. She will have surgery tomorrow (a plate and screws – it was a doosey). I’m crushed I can’t be there for her, with her.
    What do I miss most about my dad is that he’s not with my mom. There is a special comfort knowing they are there for each other.
    Hugs to you & congrats on your weight loss journey!

    • Becky says:


      I’m sorry to hear that this season of parenting has been difficult for you. Many, many hugs.

      It will be interesting to transition for you to transition from being at home to being at work. You have such great energy and people skills; you’ll be a great benefit wherever you work.

      I truly understand not being able to be there when a parent is in a tough time. It is so, so hard. I loved what you said about what you missed about your dad–that he wasn’t able to be with you mom. I’d never looked at it that way before.

      We miss you guys!

  7. Phyllis says:

    My mom had a knee replacement almost 9 years ago. She should have had the other one done later but never did. My dad has had both knees replaced, 6 months to the day apart.
    My parents are both living – I see them usually once a month, sometimes more often. This winter has been bad in Kansas though and with my trip to Florida, it was about 2.5 months before I was able to see them after Christmas. Every time I thought I might be able to go down, I either had a doctor’s appointment or some other appointment or the weather didn’t cooperate.
    Congratulations on your weight loss! Keep up the good work. Glad to see that Grayson is doing better!

    • Becky says:


      It’s always encouraging to hear of other people who have had joint replacements and have done well.

      So nice you live close enough to your parents to see them pretty frequently. I know those times together are special for all three of you.

  8. SueEllen says:

    Wow – way to go on the eating plan – 20 pounds is GREAT!! Simple is always nice so it looks like a triple win for you (weight loss, shopping & cooking). The Carolina shore is always beautiful, no matter the weather and I bet it was neat driving on that bridge for the first time. Prayers that surgery, rehab and recovery goes well for both your Mothers. What a sweet spirit your Mom must have, to share such a sweet comment when she was moved. I was only 9 when my Mama passed away, so I miss everything about her. My Dad passed away in 2007, and I wish I had taken more time to talk and hear family stories. Both my in-laws are in their 80’s and I love them dearly. We are 8 hours away and starting to worry more about their health, so I totally understand the distance thing. What a neat, organized closet; wish mine were that organized. What a sweet picture of Grayson – so glad he’s doing better. And speaking of pictures, that app looks really fun – I’ll have to give it a try sometime. Wishing you and yours a fabulous week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Oh my. The thought of losing my mom at the age of 9 is almost incomprehensible. I know you’ve felt her loss every single day of your life since then.

      I know the feeling of wishing you had heard more stories from your dad. Every time an elderly person passes away, thousands of stories and a wealth of knowledge pass with them and to me, that is one of the saddest things. Happy you still have your in-laws in your life and that you have such a great relationship with them. I know they are treasures to you.

  9. Dmantik says:

    Another good Thing post! You have done so well losing those 20 lbs. You look wonderful!

    So glad Grayson is doing well. I love his reddish, fuzzy hair–adorable!

    Loved all the pictures. Great one of Mom! Will sure be praying for Vernie. Interesting how they’re both having a similar major surgery around the same time.

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it is kind of crazy that The Moms are having surgery so close together. Steve is going to do his best to get there for his mom’s. Wish I could be there for mom’s but probably won’t work out. I know she will be in good hands.

      I love Grayson’s hair, too. It’s very cheery. 🙂

  10. Dale Tousley says:

    You are so very lucky to have 3 of your 4 parents……my husband lost his father at 22 and his mother at 23, I lost my step dad 27 years ago and my dad, 26 years ago and this month, it will be 10 years that my mom is gone, I still hear something that I want to tell her and start to pick up the phone…..and good luck with the surgeries, I had a total hip replacement after a fall almost 3 years ago. I went through physical therapy and am as good as new! And I am glad Grayson is doing so well, he is absolutely adorable…..

    • Becky says:


      You are sooooo right about us being lucky to still have 3 parents still living! I cannot imagine what you husband went through. That would be like Sarah losing both Steve and me at this season of her life–and so close together. Wow! Tough, tough blow so early in life.

      Isn’t it amazing how many times we can reach toward the phone to call someone who is gone? Such a sad thing to have a heart full of stories we will never be able to tell that loved one.

      Glad to hear your hip replacement was a success! It’s incredible what surgeons can do.

  11. Jodi says:

    Although, it wasn’t one of the things……how’s Graysen?

  12. Ann Martin says:

    Enjoyed your various pictures and congratulations on losing the 20 pounds! Just getting over the flu so I am trying to get my strength back. God is good—could have been worse. All four of our parents are passed on and I miss my conversations with my Mama and phone conversation with Jim’s. So enjoyed the garden with my Daddy and riding around with him. Mama and I used to go shopping and out to eat. Wonderful memories. Have a great week. Didn’t know Jim’s Dad that well as he died 3 1/2 years after we married and I only saw he twice. The second time was the two weeks we spent in Baton Rouge in the hospital with him.

    • Becky says:


      That’s sad to hear that you didn’t have much of a chance to get to know Jim’s dad. Sounds like you and your mom had such a wonderful relationship and that you got along well with your mom-in-law, too. And gardenening and riding around memories with your dad must truly warm your heart. You are blessed!

      Glad to hear you are feeling better. The flu is no fun!

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