The Thing Post (June, 2024)

June 3, 2024


A couple of months ago, I washed my fuzzy, blue bathrobe. When I came back to put it in the dryer, I found this decidedly non-inspiring sight.

If you’ve ever done the same thing you’ll know that I left a Kleenex in the pocket. I cleaned up the mess and said, “I will certainly never make that mistake again!”

This past week, I threw my robe into the washer again. When I came back to check on it, I saw this

Why can’t I just learn from my mistakes? Sigh.


I have a confession.

I haven’t cleaned my purse in a while and decided it would be a good time to do it while on vacation. When I had moved everything from my purse to the coffee table, I was horrified at the quantity of miscellany.

I would never share such an embarrassing photo except with my Smithellaneous friends. I am happy to report I got rid of about 40% of the stuff and feel much better!


I had a cold about two weeks ago and my voice was hoarse and in a lower register than usual.  A young man came to my desk at work to ask me something and started by saying, “How are you?”

I replied, “Well, I’m okay but if my voice gets much lower, I’m going to be able to sing like Johnny Cash.”

And then I thought, “Oh no. He’s just thirty years old. He’s going to have no idea who Johnny Cash is and will think I am just a randomly babbling senior citizen.”

I looked at him and said, “Please tell me you know who Johnny Cash is.”

He said, “Actually, I do know who he is. I heard his music for the first time in 2022 and enjoyed it!”

To him, Johnny Cash was a newly familiar artist and to me, he’s been around as long as I’ve been alive.

Yes, I did feel old.


I have to say that Nathan and Meagan have thought of everything when it comes to entertaining their energetic offspring.  Case in point? A jungle gym in the house!  Those grands (and their friends) have the best time on it.

Where was that when I was a kid?


Steve’s family and friends often kid him about making strong coffee.  He says he always puts one scoop of coffee in the pot for every cup of water. Other people say they use half a scoop for every cup.  He maintains that his coffee is the best.

I’ll give you space in the commenting area to tell us if you think his ratio is good or if you do something else.


We went to Nathan and Meagan’s house for lunch and saw this lovely sight–salad served in teakwood bowls.

What made it extra lovely was that these bowls belonged to Vernie for as long as I have known her. What a joy to see them still appreciated and enjoyed.


Several times a week,  certain people pass by my desk at work and ask, “Hey, what’s up?”

Even though I am a word person, I can never quite figure out what the proper answer is.  Do I answer seriously and mention whatever it is I’m doing at the moment?  Do I say, “What’s up?” back to them?  Do I assume they are just saying hi and don’t need a response?

Once again, this will be up for discussion in the comments area. Because I really need to know.


One night after work last week, Steve whipped up this wonderful meal for dinner. Please note that he even sprinkled parsley over the meat. He’s a keeper!


The Scriver National Spelling Bee just got over; the winning word was “abseil,” a mountaineering term.

Reading about this brought back memories of a spelling bee  I was in somewhere during my elementary school years.  Because I read a lot I was pretty good speller and ended up in the final round where it was just me and one other student.  My word was “autumn.” I spelled out a-u-t-u-m and the teacher said, “Are you done?”

Note to self: When a teacher asks that question, there is probably another letter. But I told her I was done and of course, I lost the spelling bee.

Isn’t it crazy how you remember words like that for the rest of your life? I will never, never forget how to spell autumn.


You may remember that several weeks ago, we had the big oak tree beside our deck removed which, in the process, caused us to have to rip up the steps going to the deck from the driveway.

And so Steve has added laying down pavers to his unending to-do list which is a cheaper solution than rebuilding steps. He also had to rebuild the wooden thingie going up to the deck. He will eventually stain everything to match.  He definitely stays busy on all things house-related.

Another thing that happened when taking out the tree was that the large rose bush growing next to it got destroyed.  Which was sad.

And then last week, I was walking into the house and saw this sight.

One brave rose had appeared out of nowhere, determined to start again. It may seem cheesy, but I am inspired by that sight every I walk by.  It had been completely driven into the ground by powerful machines and it lay there for awhile before deciding to get up and try again. It’s not a whole rose bush yet but it is one rose, standing strong!

If you’ve been alive for at least a couple of decades, you (and I) have sometimes felt like that rose. One minute, we were blooming strong amidst a whole bush full of fellow roses. And the next minute, we were laid low, decimated.  I know many of you reading here have picked yourselves back up after some difficult  experiences; my hat is off to you and my heart goes out to you.

And just so you know?  I am cheering you–and that plucky rose–on.


What about you?

What’s the worst mess you have ever made with laundry?

What is the weirdest thing you have (or have ever had) in your purse?

If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be and why? (I saw Johnny Cash as a teenager and really loved him.)

What is your “recipe” for coffee making?

Do you remember a particular word from you childhood that you misspelled in a spelling bee?

If someone asks you, “What’s up,” what do you say in reply?


38 comments so far.

38 responses to “The Thing Post (June, 2024)”

  1. Ellen W says:

    Did a disposable diaper ever end up in the washer in your baby days? Oh good Lord what a disaster that is. The absorbent gel in the diaper absorbs the water in the machine, expanding until it explodes and leaves sticky balls of diaper gel on positively everything. It happened twice while my kiddo was a baby and on both occasions I was sorely tempted to throw the entire load of laundry AND the machine out the window and start all over again. 😄

    When someone says, “what’s up?” to me in passing I just give a basic greeting in response. Like, “Hey!” Or, “good morning!” If they’ve actually slowed down and seem to want to chat I say, “Not much! How are you?”

    • Becky says:


      I read your first line of this comment and just stopped and groaned while I tried to picture the mess. And then when you went on and described what happens when a diaper is put in the wash . . . well, I just wondered how you managed NOT to throw out the entire washing machine!

      Whoever knew that the gel expands and explodes? I’ll take tissues on a robe any ol’ day. 🙂

  2. JennyJoT says:

    Hi Becky. Love your Thing posts. They always make me smile.
    Thing 1: I’ve had the tissue debacle MANY times at my house, and once, when I was totally disgusted with myself for not checking pockets more carefully, I just tossed the clothes in the dryer without trying to remove the shreds of tissue. Well surprise, surprise – 99% of the tissue was caught in the lint trap and NOT left on the clothes! Now when that happens, I don’t even attempt to shake them loose before I dry the laundry. Note: I still have to wipe the shreds out of the washer, but that’s relatively easy since they’re damp.
    Thing 6: No comment except for a moment, I wondered what teakwood BOWELS were!
    Thing 7: To the “What’s up?” question, I suggest you respond with one of my Granny Bertie’s favorite phrases: “Oh, nothing extry.” And yes, that’s pronounced “EX-tree.” That’ll elicit some interesting looks!
    Blessings to you and yours.

    • Becky says:


      I was a little confused about the bowels as well, now that you’ve pointed them out! 🙂 I went in and edited that so no one would be confused in the future.

      Yes, I have noticed that the tissue comes off easier after the clothing has dried. Since I will probably make this same mistake again in the future, that’s good info.

      I love the “nothing extry” line. Sounds like Granny Bertie was a fun person!

  3. Ann O. says:

    My spelling bee memory is from 2nd grade. It was just a classroom “bee,” as the teacher went around the room. My word was “of.” All I could think of was it should start with a “u,” and that it was a short word, but I knew the “u” was WRONG! My mind totally blanked for what seemed like eternity. I can still see the kid next to me looking at me like I was an idiot! Thank goodness the answer came to me, and I was able to continue on. But, it made me fully aware at a young age how sometimes our minds can just blank out!

    As for “What’s up,” I don’t care for it, but realize it’s just a greeting. Quite a few years ago, my husband worked for a company in The Netherlands. I went with him on a business trip to Amsterdam. I asked a concierge guy if he’d ever been to the US. He hadn’t. During our conversation, he said that one thing he noticed about Americans is that they often ask, “How are you doing?” then never wait around for the answer. He said he didn’t think he wanted to visit a place where people didn’t really care to hear how he was doing, when they asked! I agree with him. It does seem weird to shoot out a question, and not wait for the reply!

    So many wonderful thoughts in this post. I love the image, and inspiration of the rose!

    • Becky says:


      How cool you got to travel to The Netherlands! Interesting conversation you had with the concierge; his response to your question was definitely enlightening.

      I think it would be perfectly logical for “of” to start with a “u.” You were just sounding it out in your head. Amazing to remember something like that all the way back from the 2nd grade!

  4. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Can’t tell you how many times I have left tissue in my pocket. Even though I thought I had checked them all it seems there is one that many times gets missed – and then cleaning out the washer, clothes, filter, etc. Well, don’t need to tell you about it.
    Came back from vacation last week and purse still is not cleaned out. It is amazing how light it feels after getting items out that do not need to be there. I also have a change purse and need to empty that into a jar. Keep the coins there until the next vacation and then take them to a coin machine.
    Steve, that looks like a great meal and then the added touch of more “veggies” on top (per Paula Deen).
    Those bowls, ah yes, after about 40 years I took mine to a thrift store. Kind of hated to do that because they were a gift from my husband, but only used them about 2 times and they just sat in the cupboard, soooo . . .
    I too was in a spelling contest – my downfall – wrap. All I could think of was rap – knew it wasn’t right but that was all I could think of. Won’t forget that again.
    When you said you were going into the house and you saw this sight – that rose was not the first thing that caught my attention, it was the meter sticking up. Wondering how it got there and thought maybe it did not want to be replaced by something called a rose. That was/is a beautiful rose.
    Usually if someone says that to me “what’s up” I tell the the price of meat!!! (or actually you can name whatever you want).

    • Becky says:


      Oh yes, getting extra coins out of your purse helps a lot in lightening it up. In a perfect world I’d clean out my purse once a week but . . . oh well! I always get to it eventually.

      Meagan has always loved those salad bowls so I was glad she wanted them after Vernie passed away. Steve and I are still finding huge amounts of things to take in to the thrift store. Just when we think we’re done, here comes another load. I’m thankful there are thrift stores to take things to!

      Here’s to checking our pockets for tissues really well and no more messes!

  5. Lisa L. from GA says:

    I do not drink or make coffee, so that sounds fine and strong to me. 😉
    I like “What’s up?” It leaves room for more or less. When my students would ask me that, sometimes I would point upward and smile. And other times I would tell them what was up. I guess it depends on who’s asking and how much you want to divulge. But I think saying, “Not much. What’s up with you?” is perfectly fine.
    That rose inspires me! I look forward to seeing how it fares.
    Happy Monday!

    • Becky says:


      I like the perspective that “What’s up” leaves room for more or less. A young guy asked me that yesterday at work and I had to smile because I just blogged about it.

      I just said, “Not much!” and that seemed to fill the bill. 🙂

  6. Robin says:

    I am the WORST at washing tissues, among other things. My husband now checks my pockets before he does the laundry because I have been known to leave all manner of things in my pockets before tossing them in the hamper (I have laundered a flash drive, a point and shoot camera, post it notes, and much more). Bless him!
    “What’s up?” always makes me a bit uncertain, but I usually respond with “Hey! How are you?” As for coffee, I usually make very strong coffee in a Moka Pot, which is kind of a poor man’s espresso machine. A couple ounces of that very strong brew in a cup of warm milk is my coffee drink of choice, often with a splash of maple syrup.

    • Becky says:


      I’m right there with you. You’d think once we’d done it a time or two we would remember. But I guess not!

      I have to say you win the washing contest with a flash drive, a camera, and post it-notes all being laundered. And yes, I’d have to say “bless him” to your husband, as well. 🙂

      Your coffee drink sounds good, even though I don’t drink coffee!

  7. SueEllen says:

    I’ve washed a tissue or two in my time, but I think the worst mess is when I washed my husband’s wallet. His SS card was practically destroyed and he had some other paper notes & stuff in there – the clothes and dryer were quite the mess.

    I don’t make coffee, so I can’t weigh in on that.

    I would really like to see Garth Brooks in concert (and also Alan Jackson & Tim McGraw).

    I love the jungle gym in the house – and the chalkboard – how fun!!

    My school never had spelling bees, but used to make mostly 100’s on my spelling tests in elementary school.

    If someone asks me “What’s up?” I’ll usually reply “Not much, what about you?”

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Oooh. I can’t even imagine washing a wallet and all the mess that would be made and important papers destroyed. NOT a good day in the laundry room!

      Garth Brooks has had quite a career; great showman, songwriter, singer. Hoping some day you get to see him!

  8. Kristy Smith says:

    I’m with Steve on the coffee ratios. I’m also semi famous for coffee, so surely we are doing something right. 😆
    I feel like, “What’s up?”is just another way of saying, “Hi. How are you? I see you.” A wave and a smile are sufficient response unless the person stops, makes eye contact and clearly wants to connect.

    • Becky says:


      You and Steve are definitely on the same coffee wave-length.

      Yeah, I think I just need to stop overthinking “What’s up” and just say, “hi” or something simple. I never thought about it much till I started working and had a few people say it to me.

  9. Melissa says:

    Won my high school spelling bee and went on to state finals many years ago. I tripped up on the word ‘troika’ which is a Russian cart of some sort. I had never heard the word before and I think I spelled it ‘troyka.’ I have never forgotten the meaning or correct spelling of that word in all the years since!

    • Becky says:


      I think troika would trip me up pretty good, too.

      Now that you’ve explained it, I will also know the word (spelling and meaning) for life!

  10. DeLynn says:

    I am a word person, too, Becky. I have the same struggle with “what’s up” as a greeting! I hope some of your commenters have some good insight to offer!

    I thought of you last weekend when there were shoes/sandals by the door….about 15 pair…from toddler-sized shoes to ones that fit grown men. It’s one of my favorite sights as it means our loves are in the house. I remember when you wrote about that some years ago. I always think of you when it happens.

    • Becky says:


      Fifteen pair of shoes! That’s a lot of people in the house.

      I’m glad you enjoyed when I wrote about that before; it just seems like such a dear sight to me whenever I see it. Especially when there’s little kids/teen shoes thrown in there with the adult shoes. Sounds like you had a full and happy house.

  11. Cheryl Denton says:

    Love that brave lone rose. Such an inspiration, and truth you shared! Sigh….

    The only spelling bee I remember was in first grade on an easy-peasy word. I was confident. Was so glad I would be able to spell it. Smiled when I got through. Was devastated when the teacher said, “incorrect.” I still have to be careful not to say “s” when I am thinking “c.” I used the letters “s-a-t” for the furry creature that meows. Embarrassing, even for a 6 year old.
    Answering, “What’s up,” would be a challenge. Guess I would give one of my normal greetings as if it was a statement greeting instead of question. Maybe, “Happy day to you, too.” Or, “I’m doing good, how about you?”
    My coffee making is quite close to Steve’s. Makes me want one now. But my quota is up for the day. Blessings to you, sweet lady. ☕️

    • Becky says:


      I just love that rose! It’s still doing great.

      Oh, how sad to miss an easy word in a spelling bee and to remember it all these years later. Isn’t it amazing what the mind holds on to?

      Sounds like you like your coffee as much as Steve likes his. Someday (when I grow up) I will learn to like it, too. 🙂

  12. Dale Tousley says:

    Hi Becky, I have done the kleenex thing so many times in the laundry! Well now I have a Keurig, but I would
    prefer half a cup of coffee to every cup of water! Usually when people ask me “What’s up” I just smile and say “not much”. My best friend is flying in from Tennessee at the end of this month and we are going to see Tim McGraw down in Raleigh with my daughter and her fiance….and speaking of Tennessee, that is actually the word that I won the 5th grade spelling bee with, lol, many many years ago and whenever I hear it I still spell it out in my head! I just carry credit cards etc. now in a pouch on the back of my phone but my daughter carries everything but the kitchen sink in her purse, she was flying from KC to Georgia a few years ago and I said to her you aren’t carrying anything that would set the alarms off right, so we went through her purse, she had a razor, a kitchen knife, a lighter, etc. and as she was taking them out, she was handing them to me and I had nothing to carry them all in but my hands!

    • Becky says:


      Oh how fun to get to get to a concert with your best friend and daughter. Have a great time!

      I’m glad you caught your daughter before she had a chance to get on the plane with all that stuff–although I bet you felt sort of strange holding all that stuff in your hands. 🙂

      I admire your minimalist approach to purses; that’s the way to go!

  13. LeeAnne says:

    I once asked someone What’s up and they said “The sun”. At the time, I thought it was a really annoying answer. Lol
    When I was newly married, my husband had quit smoking and had started chewing tobacco. He would put peppermint Schnapps liquor in it to keep it moist and also make it taste better. Well, he left a can in his jeans once and it went through the wash. What a mess! That was the end of his chewing for sure! I was not happy!!
    Oh, how I love Dolly Parton! I would absolutely love to see her in concert someday but I don’t know if that will ever happen.
    I make my coffee pretty strong. But my ‘recipe’ is more by sight than by measurements if that makes sense.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Oooh. That laundry experience was not a happy experience–especially dealing with it as newlywed. Oh that things we learn that first year of marriage!

      Dolly Parton is such an amazing artist and person. She has stayed current and relevant for many, many decades. I especially appreciate the book program she has for kids. As a life long lover of books, I think that is beyond wonderful.

  14. Jackie Gallop says:

    Not a spelling bee, but reading aloud in class, I mispronounced the word “compromise” because, though I was familiar with hearing the word, I had never looked it up in the dictionary after reading it. I still remember the sting of embarrassment after being corrected, lol. Nothing new, what’s up with you?

    • Becky says:


      I did that a lot as a kid. I would read books and make up my own pronunciations, depending on what I thought it would be. I only find out I was wrong when I said it out loud later on. A tough way to learn how to pronounce words! 🙂

  15. Pam D says:

    First, my problem is that I can never remember your quiz when I scroll down to give the answers. I have rectified that situation by opening the post in a second window. I’ve been doing 40hz sound therapy and my memory really does seem to be improving, but not THAT much yet.
    Second, laundry. Chuck always leaves paper towels in his pockets. I always think I check them, but I don’t. Fortunately, they don’t make as much of a mess as Kleenex. Now, when Adam was young, laundry was always an adventure. I had to check pockets very carefully, else there would be a rock, a bug, or a hapless lizard that ended up getting a thorough (and deadly) bath.
    Third, I’m actually getting to see a bucket list band in July. I’ve always loved “Baby Love” by the funk rock band Mother’s Finest. They’re coming to a little venue nearby, and I got tickets. Chuck will have to make sure that he doesn’t wear his hearing aids for that one!
    Fourth, I’m one of your lucky readers who has actually tasted Steve’s coffee, and it IS the best! I remember asking him what kind it was, and he pulled out the Folger’s can. He did NOT give me his ratio, however. Now I know the rest of the story….
    Fifth, no. I have absolutely zero recollection of any spelling bee. Maybe that 40hz therapy will jog my memory somewhere down the road.
    Sixth, if someone says “What’s up?”, I’ll usually say “Not much!” It’s not a question that’s meant for deep soliloquy, at least not usually. I suppose on certain days I could say something like “the stock market!”, but lately that hasn’t been a given.
    And finally, I love that jungle gym! Kids are like border collies; they’re absolutely delightful if they get enough exercise, and total monsters if not.

    • Becky says:


      Wow. So much I could comment on with your response. I’m impressed that you made the effort to comment on so much and had to laugh that you called the questions at the end of the post “a quiz.” I never thought about it like that before. 🙂

      I enjoyed the “hapless lizard” line. Hapless is a very underused word that should definitely be trotted out from time to time. Thank you for doing that.

      How fun that you get to see a bucket list band; I know it will be a grand night for you and Chuck and a fun memory for you to make together.

      And yes, you’re right about being one of the few people who have gotten to drink Steve’s coffee. You get a Blogger Reader Gold Star! I’m glad you enjoyed his “special” Folger’s brew. Only the most exotic coffees for our house!

      Kids are like border collies. So true.

      Nice to hear from you!

  16. Patti says:

    I like the wall chalkboard for you grands as well as the gym. Such fun ideas.
    My worst laundry mess was an old fleece blanket. I don’t know the age, but when I opened the washer I had a mesh that the fleece had been attached to, and half a washer filled with fluff. It was a mess and took 3 empty loads to finally get all the fluff out.
    I used to carry deodorant in my purse for times I forgot to put it on while dressing.
    I would like to see David Holt in concert. I saw him a few times in the past. He studies folk rhythms and puts on a great show. I don’t make coffee but my husband uses: 1 scoop for every 3 cups and 1 scoop for the pot. I agree that Steve’s blend would be too strong for me.
    I don’t think I was ever in a spelling bee. I loved the spelling bee commercial, I think it was for yoghurt, where they give him a made up word and he say whining, “That’s not a real word”
    I think my “what’s up” response would be, “not much, what’s up with you” I have heard others just answer, “sup”

    • Becky says:


      I never thought about an old fleece blanket causing that much trouble. I’ve never heard of someone having to do 3 empty loads to totally clean out a washing machine. I hope that was the ONLY time you ever washed a fleece blanket.

      I do the same thing with deodorant; I keep a sample size in my purse and have used it several times once I got to work. Glad there’s someone who does the same thing!

      I’ll have to do some research on David Holt; I’ve never heard of him. But if he studies folks rhythms, he sounds like my kind of artist!

  17. Karen Damjanovic says:

    Morning Becky, I worked in “men’s industry for twenty years” and some of them would have a smart remark for the lone woman. When they’d ask “what’s up?” I would sometimes reply, “the opposite of down” depending on the guy. Some of them got it and some them got that blank look. Still makes me chuckle…. Karen

    • Becky says:


      I love your answer to that question; it’s funny to me that some guys got it and some guys didn’t.

      As long as it still makes you chuckle, that’s what counts! A sense of humor is so important. 🙂

  18. Ruth Rehberg says:

    That rose is truly a thing of beauty,
    Rising from the ashes… (or sawdust!)
    amazing little miracle!
    As the psalm says-
    “To behold the beauty of the Lord…”

    • Becky says:


      A risen rose from sawdust. I’d have to say that’s a pretty plucky plant. It’s still standing strong and getting taller. I’ll be interested if it blooms out into other branches.

      I love that psalm.

  19. Catherine says:

    Hey Becky, what’s up? And then you say what’s up back to them. That’s what I would do. Hope you figure out what to do. I’m sure others will have different opinions.

    • Becky says:


      That makes perfect sense! There’s a young guy who always says it to me here at work; I’ll have to try that on him. 🙂 Hugs.

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