The Thing Post June 2021

June 14, 2021

I’ve run out of my own wedding photos and since we haven’t yet received the photos from the professional photographers, I will do a Thing Post while we wait.

For any new readers, a Thing Post is what I put together when I have a lot of miscellaneous stories/pictures that aren’t enough to make a post all by themselves.


I’ll start off with some good medical news.

Sarah had her colonoscopy on Friday and everything looked great; there were no polyps and no problems.

As this picture shows, we’ve had enough bad news in recent weeks; it was lovely to hear an all-clear.

Her appointment got delayed till after 3 p.m. so by the time it took place, she hadn’t eaten anything for about 40 hours.  Although it was really tough for her, she and Gage were both thankful for how well she was able to handle it.

After the appointment, they had a 4-hour trip home. They ran into severe thunderstorms the last couple of hours where they had to pull off the road several times because they couldn’t see to drive.  They got back home about midnight, thankful for their cozy apartment, a safe trip, and good results.

Edited to add: Mrs. Pam asked in the comments if Gage has had his root canal yet so I’ll answer that here.  He is still waiting for an appointment to open up at two different dentists. He is on an antibiotic which is helping some with the pain.

A couple of days before Sarah’s appointment, she was at church with me, filming our preschool’s graduation. Nice getting to work with her.


I know you’ve seen some photos of beautiful decor here recently, but I’ll be you’ll never guess how this lovely white blossom was created.

During wedding week, we had the grandchildren over several times. After they had left one evening, I went into our half bath downstairs and discovered that some little fingers had completely unrolled a roll of toilet paper.  I was too tired to do anything about it but the next morning when I went back into the bathroom, I saw the above work of toilet paper art.

Who knew toilet paper could be so lovely?


Different people have asked us what we are going to do now that we are empty nesters.

The obvious answer is that I have decided to learn to drive a fire truck!  Or not.

I help teach a girl’s group on Wednesday night and last week we joined with the boy’s group to tour a fire truck.  Those ares amazing machines and the people who work on them, even more so.


I’ve mentioned before that we’ve had some traveling missionary friends park their recently purchased recreational vehicle at the church for the past few weeks. They have just retired from their church where they had pastored over three decades and having never lived an RV lifestyle before, they had plenty of questions. Fortunately, they were right near a guy who had the answers since Steve and I lived full-time in RV’s for 16 years.

Steve and Buddy worked together on several projects over the course of their stay to get them up and running. I have no idea what mysterious thing Steve is doing here in the church lobby but it had something to do with RV life.

It was really cool that Buddy (left) and Steve, a church board member, were reunited while Buddy and Cheryl were in town. Turns out Buddy and Steve had played baseball together back in High School around forty years ago. (They both attended Manteo High school.)

There were actually a couple of other men in the church who went to school with Buddy. Also, our church’s sound man, Charles, was the Driver’s Ed instructor who taught both Buddy and Steve to drive.

What a joy to see their joy at the unexpected reunion.


Steve was playing his fretless bass recently and I got a few photos of him with his bass and his hat.  A cool dude.


If there’s one thing I love doing, it’s going down out-of-the-way roads to out-of-the-way places.

Steve and I were in the small town of Askewville, NC recently and needed a quick dinner.  We pulled into Leggett’s Grill and enjoyed friendly service and good food. We could have driven a few miles further and eaten at a chain restaurant, but where’s the fun in that?

How can a McDonald’s possibly measure up to the character and uniqueness of this place. I love it!


You’ll never believe all the great plans I had for my house before all the wedding folks arrived. I was going to deep clean the bathrooms, organize the laundry room, clean out the fridge–you know the drill.

I thought I would share this photo with you to let you know that none of the above things happened. Instead, life happened.

But you know what?  The wedding still took place. The guests still had a good time. My cluttered, dirty fridge didn’t make any headlines.

Sometimes it’s okay just to let your clutter show, cause all God’s children got clutter. (You can quote me.)

And speaking of clutter, the post-wedding clutter has been even more impressive than the pre-wedding clutter.

Thankfully, I keep making a little more progress every day.  As I was cleaning recently, I thought back to my friend Cheryl telling me that she and Buddy’s two daughters and son all got married in the same year!  Can you imagine? I am grateful for only one wedding in 2021.


Here’s my new son-in-law doing one of the many things he does well; teaching our kids on Sunday morning. I love his enthusiasm and his heart.


I haven’t talked about this little beauty in a while. Summer will be fourteen years old next month and is partially blind, partially deaf, and has lost many of her teeth. But she is still energetic and runs around the house like a dog much younger.

She used to weigh over 7  1/2 pounds but last week at the vet she was down to a little over 5 pounds. I asked the vet and he said that often older dogs start to lose weight.  He said he could do some geriatric blood work but we have enough medical expenses in our lives without paying for blood work for a pretty perky pooch.

At any rate, here she is–my sweet writing and snuggling companion.  Love my girl!


I was gifted with an Instant Pot last year and then gifted with Jeffrey Eisner’s cookbook for my birthday.

This was one of the recipes in the book and one of the best things I’ve ever made.  It’s a sausage/beef meatloaf made in a bundt pan with herbed mashed potatoes spooned into the middle. It took both Steve and me working together to maneuver the concoction onto a serving plate but we did it!

And speaking of Steve, I came downstairs to the kitchen one morning last week and saw our two water mugs on the counter.  They were given to us by a sweet friend several years ago.

I am a big proponent of noticing things that I might otherwise pass by and this was one of those moments.

To me, it wasn’t just two cups; it was what the two cups represented.

They represented a marriage of 39 years, loving, working, living, ministering, raising a family–side by side.

And now we are drinking from those mugs as empty nesters, in a house much quieter than it used to be.

But the partnership and the love remain. We are ready for whatever adventures the next years bring.


What about you?

Do you prefer out-of-the-way restaurants or chain restaurants?

Are you a fan of instant pots? Do you have any super simple recipes to share?

Do you clean frantically before guests arrive or are you more laid back in that area?

Is there anyone you’ve been reunited with after a long period of time?





42 comments so far.

42 responses to “The Thing Post June 2021”

  1. Judy K Joyce says:

    I love checking in on you and your hectic life. I am so happy that the wedding is over.. it was beautiful… and that Sarah is not having all those health issues right now. I am praying for her.. I love to eat out anywhere as long as it is clean. We recently ate a microwaved cheeseburger at an out of the way service station in West Jefferson, NC. It was so good and the owner was a good Christian man and we had a good talk with him while we ate. I am a nine year breast cancer Survivor and I have to get my yearly mammogram this week and I dread it. I have so much scar tissue from 3 surgeries in that one breast and it hurts so mad when they torture it. :p But God….. Have a blessed week!!

    • Judy K Joyce says:

      Oh I forgot… you can put 2 pounds of dried pinto beans with a big ham hock and fill with water and cook in the InstaPot for 90 minutes.. they are awesome!!!!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, mammograms are certainly no fun but I hadn’t thought about them being so much worse with scar tissue. You need to be sure to treat yourself with a little something when it’s done with. Hugs.

  2. Ellen W says:

    I’m all about local restaurants. In general I don’t care for chains. Like you, I enjoy the personality of local places.

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Love all the posts. We too, when traveling, try and find cafes and/or restaurants that are out of the way. Try not to eat at places we can eat at home. Daughter has an insta-pot and loves it. I just have my crockpot which has to do for me. So glad to hear about Sarah’s colonoscopy results. PTL. Hopefully Gage will be able to get into the dentist soon – what he has – Not Fun! Yes, I am a cleaner before folks come over and make more food than is necessary. That way I have food for a couple more days and don’t have to clean house for a few more days. Let’s just say your house looks lived in and in no time at all you’ll be able to walk without bumping into boxes!

    • Becky says:


      I, too, love cooking extra food so that we can eat a few extra days with no extra trouble. With just Steve and me, food stretches a good ways–especially since neither of us minds leftovers.

      Like you said. A clean house and no cooking! Two of the many things that make having guests come over worthwhile!

  4. Gloria A Smith says:

    Becky, I really like the photo of Pastor Steve assisting your missionary friends with their project. Pastor Steve has a genuine gentle, caring, down to earth spirit. I remember the last time I attended Manteo First Assembly for a Wednesday night Bible Study in 2019. Pastor Steve came into the room with his guitar and played music for us. I was so impressed with his casual attitude. Your photo in the fire truck was absolutely great! Your hair is very attractive. Bravo Bravo. I also want to applaud your organization efforts. My thought is that organization is an art best achieved by very slow, calculated moves. One can’t rush true organization. I am presently working on organizing items in my home and I am with you in spirit.

    Love to You, Pastor Steve, Sarah, Gage, Nathan, Megan & Family
    Cousin Gloria Smith
    Asheville, NC

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Wednesday nights are still guitar nights although Steve has some assistance with a younger guitarist and occasionally, Gage on percussion when he can get of work in time. So glad you enjoyed your time with us!

      Thanks for the compliment on my hair. It’s kind of at an awkward stage so it’s nice to hear that it doesn’t look TOO bad. 🙂

      Organization is definitely an ongoing process and something you really can’t rush through. Such a good feeling to get it done!

  5. Fred & Lucy says:

    Dear Becky, Don’t ever hesitate to write “Thing” blogs. They are always among my favorites!!

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      So glad to hear that! Sometimes I wonder if they’re interesting enough to post; I appreciate you letting me know you enjoy them. I guess they’re kind of fun because you never know what’s going to pop up next. 🙂

  6. LeeAnne says:

    Yay for good colonoscopy news!!!
    We prefer brew pubs or hometown style restaurants as opposed to the chains. Much more interesting and the food is always great.
    I don’t have an instant pot. I have resisted getting one for lack of someplace to store it because I don’t want it on my counter. However, I’m beginning to lean towards checking them out…..
    Yes, I am a frantic pre-company cleaner. I usually just hit the bathrooms and floors and whatever else may need some attention without getting too crazy about it. Then do a much better job after everyone is gone.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I don’t keep my IP on my counter; I stow it in a nearby closet. But I have really loved having it. You should give it a whirl!

      Yep. Clean bathrooms are fairly high up there on the list of pre-company cleaning. The rest of it may or may not get done. . .

  7. Suzanne says:

    “Thing” posts are so fun!

    So happy to hear Sarah’s good news and hopeful that Gage can get the root canal SOON! Tooth pain is no joke!

    As far as restaurants go, if there’s a Chick Fil A then that’s where I’m headed…lol…but I’m not an adventuresome eater at all. I will check reviews and do like quaint and quirky “out of the way” places over a standard “blah” place.

    I use my instant pot only to cook chicken that I want to shred up for a different dish. I’m not a good instant pot cook.

    I’m one of the ones that will frantically clean off counter tops and the bathroom but the rest can stay as is 🙂 I try to keep the clutter down on my horizontal surfaces but sometimes the clutter-fairy makes her presence well-known! I’m a “saver” of all things written – letters, cards, recipes, notes, books! …- and I tend to stack it up.

    Love Sweet Summer!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. I thought the Clutter Fairy only came to MY house! Tell her hello next time you see her. 🙂

      Quaint and quirky are two of my favorite words. The exact opposite of blah . . . and there sure is a lot of blah in this world. It’s fun to support the quirky places!

  8. Phyllis says:

    Great news on Sarah’s colonoscopy! I bet she and Gage were exhausted when they got home. Driving in thunderstorms can be nerve racking. One of the last times I drove home from the parents I ran into a thunderstorm, an accident that resulted in traffic being routed off the highway and a car driving very erratically.
    I like the local owned places but also the chains. You can’t beat Chick-fil-A. There is a local burger place where my parents live. Many times when I am down we order from there.
    My mom has a bad tooth. The dentist said he could do a root canal but there was no guarantee on it. At 90 years old, we opted to just have it pulled. The first time she can get in is 6 weeks from today. He did put her on antibiotics and she will have to take them 5 days before the extraction due to her hip replacement.

    • Becky says:


      Thunderstorm driving is NOT any fun. I know you were SO glad to get home that stormy night!

      I agree wholeheartedly about Chick-fil-A. One of our favorites, along with Panera.

      Wow. Six weeks is a long time to wait! I hope there is a cancellation and your mom can get in earlier.

      • Phyllis says:

        Oh Panera is one of my favorites also. Not long ago they had a deal where if you bought $50 in gift cards, you got a bonus $10 gift card. I bought a $50 gift card for me!

  9. Heather E. says:

    My husband and I love local places best- we have a couple here in town that we frequent. When we travel we always try to eat at local places- often we’ll ask locals for recommendations.

    I’m a hurry up and clean just before company arrives kinda gal- cleaning is not one of my favorite things to do. I do try to keep things somewhat tidy but not immaculate in any way.

    So glad to hear of Sarah’s good results.

    I meant to comment on your previous post about your fall- I”m so sorry that happened and hope you are feeling better now.

    • Becky says:


      Asking locals is always the best way to go–even better than Trip Advisor. 🙂

      Thanks for checking in on my fall. I still have some bruises and healing scabs but feel SO much better than a week ago!

  10. SueEllen says:

    I LOVE what we refer to as “Hole in the Wall” places to eat. The food has always been so good, plus you get a little peek into the community. I’m so glad Sarah got good news on her colonoscopy…Bless her poor little heart having it delayed though. I don’t have an instapot (yet), but really like my air fryer. Your meatloaf/potatoes looks yummy. I would be willing to bet no one cared that your fridge was not deep cleaned. I still have a lot of clutter from moving – most of it is contained in the “sunroom” and I hope to/plan to get it all sorted during summer break. I can’t recall an in-person reunion, but I’ve reconnected with many high school friends through the internet. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      It’s nice to have a place in your house where the clutter can be contained. During the wedding season, I used our office. Just threw things in there and closed the door really fast so nothing could escape. 🙂

  11. Cindy says:

    I have eaten out once in the past year and a half at a local place less than a mile from my house. They have wonderful pies and I brought a piece home. I do want to venture out to a local steakhouse, even though I eat very little red meat or meat at all. It has been so hot here I have been making lots of different kinds of salad.

    • Becky says:


      I hope you get to a steakhouse soon! Salad is always good in hot weather; Steve has one every day for lunch and loves them.

      I like where you can get just one piece of pie and not have to buy the whole thing. A lot less temptation to deal with!

  12. Kim says:

    The box of Lipton tea bags on the arm of the couch/chair(?) – that hit my funny bone, Becky. Of all things. I don’t know why 🤷‍♀️😁😆

    Love, Kim in Tennessee

    • Becky says:


      Well, hey, you never know when you might be sitting on the couch and want to have a little tea! That was actually leftover from the dinner reception which is why it is was in with wedding stuff. 🙂

  13. Cindy says:

    We are definitely out of the way trying new restaurants people….So happy Sarah’s colonoscopy went well….We are empty nesters now, but rarely empty since my oldest lives 2 minutes away and has a 3 year old and one due in August….Sometimes a little empty would be nice lol

    • Becky says:


      Yep, having two grandchildren within two minutes of your house does kind of take away from the whole empty nest feel. 🙂

  14. Patti says:

    I prefer out of the way restaurants but my husband likes to stick to what he knows. We do a mix of picking where to eat. We just started eating out again and are enjoying it.
    I don’t have an instant pot, but whenever my husband makes meatloaf he does put sausage in it.
    I tend to clean when company is coming. If someone just stops by, they get whatever state the house is in. Having not had anyone over for 1 1/2 years, I have had to clean just to clean.
    I love meeting up with long ago friends, even if it is just on facebook during the pandemic. It is almost like you have never been apart.

    • Becky says:


      Nice that you and your hubby can find a way to compromise when it comes to choosing restaurants.

      Yep. When people come by without warning they get to see our houses in all their cluttered glory, don’t they? 🙂

  15. Cheryl Denton says:

    Becky, you and Steve, and your church family, were a huge blessing to us while your parking lot became home base. Thanks for the help with the RV. Thanks for the memories. Thanks for your friendship. Thanks for your Blog. It always makes me smile! 😊
    I prefer local restaurants. I’m a scurry to clean before company gal, who admires those more comfortable with pop-in guests. Happy Monday 💕

    • Becky says:


      A scurry to clean gal. Yep. I can relate!

      Glad the blog makes you smile and glad you got to spend a few weeks hanging out in Manteo. Happy anniversary!

  16. Catherine says:

    My husband and I prefer out of way restaurant’s, especially ones that are family owned with home cooking. So glad the medical test that Sarah had done ended with good news.The story of your friend’s son and daughter being married in the same years reminds us of our daughter in law and her brother. They were married a month apart. Not sure how they handled it, but everything turned out wonderfully.

    • Becky says:


      A month apart? Oh my. I get the shivers just thinking about that. I guess we do what we have to do but that would have pushed just a wee bit beyond my sanity.

      Yes, family-owned restaurants always seem to have the best food.

  17. Wendy says:

    That was a lovely post to read, starting with the great news of Sarah’s colonoscopy!!!! PTL
    It seems it’s harder to get things returned and put away after a big event because we are just plain tired out.
    I frantically try and clean before company arrives, however I “clean off” my counters, desk, anything that has stuff sitting on it by shoving it in a bag and into my closet. Haha! I thought this weekend that it’s WAY past time to see what I’ve stuffed in there again.
    I love trying out little mom and pop places to eat. They usually have the best tasting food and usually home cooked.

    • Becky says:


      Yes! I love your cleaning method! Scoop it, store it, stow it. You could write a bestselling book outline your technique. 🙂

  18. Teresa Hewitt says:

    So glad about Sarah’s good health news!
    Post-wedding clutter – oh YES. Somehow I ended up with sundry boxes of plastic vases, hangers, things that didn’t get used, things that DID get used and are waiting for a decision on Bin or Keep, and a flower crown and a bride’s beautiful bouquet hanging upside down in the airing cupboard, drying out to keep forever. But…where?!

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. You really do get it, since you also had a recent wedding.

      Who knows where all that stuff came from? It just boggles my mind the way it seems to multiply with every day that I don’t work on it. 🙂

  19. Mrs. Pam says:

    thankful for Sarah’s good news/
    did Gage get the root canal?
    Love the red mortarboards.

    and love Summer, too

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