The Thing Post (June 2018 Edition)

June 25, 2018

It is time yet again for a Thing Post, which simply means I feature a whole bunch of things that don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.


Thing One

Have you ever heard of tire shaving or tire truing? I had never heard of it until my mechanically-minded man gave me the Cliff Notes version.

The official definition of tire truing is a process using a lathe-type machine to gently shave off excess rubber eliminating flat spots and “out-of-roundness” rendering a perfectly round tire that can then be high-speed balanced properly.

We just so happened to have a rear tire that was very loud and truly in need of truing.

On our way to a wedding in the mountains a couple of weeks ago, Steve remembered that there was a small town garage on our route that offered a tire-truing service.  We turned the car over to the truing experts and settled ourselves in a waiting room housed in an ancient double wide trailer that was inadequately cooled by a longsuffering window unit.  Gunsmoke was playing on the teeny TV in the corner and various copies of Country Living and Birds and Blossoms magazines were strewn about on the rickety end tables.  I felt like I had been picked up and set down in the midst of an Andy Griffith show.

Of course, I can’t sit anywhere and not watch people.  I was especially fascinated by this guy in a nearby chair. Every time I glanced over at him, he seemed to be wearing a little smile, as if he were telling himself jokes on the inside.

He eventually took off out the door leaving Steve and me behind to wait for our tried and trued tire. (And by the way, having that done made a huge difference in cutting down the tire noise.)

Thing Two

On our way home from that wedding, we pulled off at an exit and were treated to the sight of this city sign.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lizard Lick, North Carolina!

Someone actually gave Steve a coffee cup a few years ago advertising the fictional school of Lizard Lick University.  If someone were to ask where you went to college, LLU wouldn’t have quite the same sort of impressive effect as, say, Yale.  


When we stopped for gas near Lizard Lick,  Steve happened to see a vehicle next to us that caught his attention. In true Steve Smith fashion, he walked right over to talk to the owner about it.  He and his dad both have the gift of making friends out of strangers wherever they go. 


Here is the last photo from that mountain trip; a quick stop by one of my all time favorite consignment stores. If you are ever in the area, it is called My Secret Closet and is on I-85 at Exit 154.  The store organizes clothes by size and by color and they have a dedicated rack just for Chicos and Coldwater Creek, two of my favorite brands. What’s not to love?



I was in Food Lion recently and just happened upon a particularly lovely store employee.  I stopped and asked her if I could take a picture of her–and the Chicken Biskits behind her. She graciously acquiesced. 

(On a side note, I’m not quite sure why that product is spelled Biskit and not Biscuit. And exactly what IS a Chicken Biskit, anyway? Does anyone even know?


We had some people over for a cookout last week and we were all amused by the juxtapositioning of the one cheese-less burger in the midst of the cheesed burgers.  Isn’t there a nursery rhyme that says, “The cheese stands alone?”  I guess we reversed it.

I would also like to show you the amazing collection of salad dressings we had for our guests that evening. Have you EVER been at a party where there were ELEVEN salad dressing choices?  I guess a person has to excel at something and we are choosing to excel in the provision of multitudinous salad dressings. Three of these were donated after another party and a couple more were brought by one of our guests. But still.  Impressive.


Thursday I got the chance to get out of Dodge (or in this case, Manteo) and have lunch with a few pastor’s wives.

The organizer of the event posted the above photo on her FB page with the hash tag, #AtLeastItWasn’tAnEyeball.

And you have to know the story behind that, right?

Well, the line actually came from yours truly. I was telling everyone about a missionary who had just had a bowl of soup placed in front of him that featured the floating eyeball of an animal.  The Great Eyeball Bestowal was a way of showing how honored he was.

He had eaten a lot of strange foods though the years but this one was the most challenging by far.  He knew there was no way he could possibly put that thing in his mouth and yet he certainly didn’t want to offend his hosts.  Offering up a speedy prayer for help he suddenly felt the muzzle of a dog at his knee.  Pretending to lift the eyeball to his mouth (now THERE’s a strange sentence) he managed to instead drop it to the dog who welcomed it with the greatest of canine thanksgivings.

I told the other women, “No matter what tough things we have going on in our lives we can always say, “Well, at least it wasn’t an eyeball!”

Hence the hashtag.  

And one more note on that lunch: one of the pastor’s wives said that when she eats watermelon, she puts salt, chili powder and lime juice on it and it is out of this world.  Just thought I’d mention it if anyone had the courage to try it.  It’s GOT to taste better than an eyeball, right?


This is Itsel, our summer worship intern. She and I were working on music for the Sunday service. She is twenty and I am fifty-six and the thought that I am almost old enough to be her grandma is just a little sobering.  I felt a whole lot younger before she came on board.  (smile)  Itsel is an incredibly talented vocalist and we feel honored to have her with us–we are learning from her as much as she is learning from us.  


Meagan has made it to 34 weeks!  Her contractions continue but she and Sir Smithlette are continuing to hold on.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Here are a few recent photos of their sweet family. Someone gave them tickets (including free food) to a fun event at the Amway Center in Orlando.  They were especially thankful for a final big outing before the arrival of Baby Number Three.

And so there you have it. 

Nine things that sum up life at the Smith House.

I will close with two sayings that I found on the wall of a restaurant I ate at recently.

For anyone who ordered fish, the choices were:

Fried fresh fish. Fish fried fresh. Fresh fried fish. Fish fresh fried.

And the other saying was this:

Of all the smells I’ve ever smelt, I never smelt a smell that smelt like that smell I smelt smelled.

As a word lover, those sayings tickled my funny bone.


What about you?

What was a favorite thing you did last week, something that would definitely make it on a Thing List?

Are there any unusual foods that you put together you think the rest of us might like to try? (Similar to the watermelon example listed earlier?)











30 comments so far.

30 responses to “The Thing Post (June 2018 Edition)”

  1. Linda in Pgh says:

    Actually, Primanti’s slogan is “Almost famous. Always a favorite.” 😉

    I agree, Karo would be to sweet, I’ll stick with plain old peanut butter & jelly.

  2. krista121799 says:

    I just love your “Things” posts. Well…I love all of your posts! First, I must mention that the cracker Sarah is standing by is Chicken In A Biskit. I’m not sure what the cracker has to do with a chicken being in a biscuit, but, they are yummy!
    Second, that consignment store looks Fabulous! It would be my fave, too, if I lived near it!
    I have never tried anything on my watermelon. I’ve heard of people eating it with salt and supposedly it’s delish, but I love watermelon on it’s own, so why would I want to change it =)
    The only “odd” food combo’s I eat are garlic bread dipped in Italian dressing. When I was single, I would eat that for supper some nights. But, it had to be Mama Bella’s garlic bread and Olive Garden dressing. Sadly, I have moved since that time and there isn’t Mama Bella’s bread here =(
    I’m so glad that Meagan is continuing to be well. I will be praying for her!

    • Becky says:


      I love Olive Garden restaurant AND their dressings. Never thought of dipping garlic bread into Italian dressing; actually doesn’t sound too bad!

      And yes, I agree that the Chicken in a Biskit thingies are a little bit unusual. I will have to try one, one day, just to say I have. 🙂

  3. Ann Martin says:

    We had our Pilot Installation Banquet last Tuesday night and a new member joined effective July 1. It delighted all of us as this is our first new member in about 7 years. Jim likes salt on watermelon. I just like the sweet “heart” of the melon. Prayers for Meagan and baby Smith as well as you that you will be well with that foot to travel.

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. I didn’t know that a melon had a heart, or a sweeter area. Just learned something new!

      And congrats on adding a new member. I know that must have been an encouragement to all of you.

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I’m sure I have shared this before, but since my dad was a pastor, he too would talk to anyone – especially at the gas station. I enjoy thrift places that have the colors sorted out. Sometimes I am looking for a particular color and it’s nice to be able to head to the color I’m looking for. I also put salt on my watermelon, but think I’ll stop there. We had a saying too, “There is no place just like this place, so this must be the place.!

    • Becky says:


      I am the same way with color. There are several colors I absolutely do not wear and it’s just nice to be able to bypass entire racks of those. Makes shopping so much more efficient!

      I love your saying. Can’t argue with that kind of logic. And it’s nice to hear of another personable pastor! 🙂

  5. Linda in Pgh says:

    Ok, althiugh i check in on you frequently, i haven’t commented lately. Although I have never tried it, Reba McIntyre said that when she was pregnant with her son, she craved peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches and to make them more special sometimes she would add Karo syrup. Much as I love peanut butter, I could never bring myself to try that combo. One of the things Pittsburgh is known for is a restaurant named Primanti’s and their famous sandwiches which are served with french fries and Cole slaw piled on top is their website.
    They started with just one sandwich shop in “the strip” (anyone familiar at all with Pittsburgh will understand that). So glad that Meagan has made it to 34 weeks, I have been keeping her and Grand treasure #3 in my prayers.

    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      I love Primanti’s slogan: Almost famous. Almost a favorite. And I was impressed to see that they deliver anywhere! Seems to be it would be quite the challenge to send a sandwich and not have it be weird and soggy by the time it arrived but they have obviously figured it out. Their stuff sounds delicious!

      And I think Karo syrup on a sandwich sounds way, way too sweet. I will stick with classic peanut butter!

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  6. Karen says:

    Becky, In the picture of Sara the “Town House” ad installed for Smart Source is the same company I work for in Iowa. What a hoot to see in another store down south. When I’m on the road working I eat peanut butter and cheese sandwiches. The individually wrapped cheese slices either American or Swiss work best with a thin layer of smooth peanut butter. Glad to hear Meagan & baby are doing well. Karen

    • Becky says:


      Well, how fun is that to see your company pop up here on the Outer Banks! Thanks for mentioning that.

      My sister had said in another comment that she puts cheese on a peanut butter sandwich, too. So it really must a thing! The best thing would be the extra protein. Can never have enough protein.

  7. LeeAnne Lind says:

    I put salt on cantaloupe but not on watermelon. The ‘strangest’ combo I eat is peanut butter and bananas. Hubby likes peanut butter and mayo (Ewwwww) and my dad likes peanut butter and mustard! (Double Ewwww!!!)
    Last weekend I went to see my kids/grand kids. I ran in that 5K I mentioned earlier and, thanks to some well placed kinesiology tape, I was able to run PAIN FREE!! It was amazing!! I also got to go play a round of golf with my son. Just the two of us on a still, beautiful Sunday morning. 🙂 #thankful, #blessed

  8. Phyllis says:

    I’ve heard of putting salt on watermelon and cantaloupe – which I do – but never lime juice or chili powder. The only combo I can think of is peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
    A funny story about an eyeball. There is a breakfast and lunch place near me called The Egg and I. A couple years ago, I had friends visit me from the Daytona, FL area. I went back to work on Monday morning but told them where to find The Egg and I. A couple weeks later, I got a package from them including several Coke items (the husband works for Coke) and a candy eyeball and candy fried egg. My friend had put a note in thanking me and asking if I understood the meaning. It took me a few minutes before I realized it was The Egg and I (eye). And I did eat both the egg and eye
    My favorite thing this week is turning in my laptop yesterday and receiving a nice Amazon gift card as a farewell gift from my team as well as several management people. Haven’t decided what I will use it for yet. Then in the mail I received a card from two friends in Tampa who are both retired. In it was an AMC Theaters gift card saying to enjoy a matinee on them – since I can now go any time of the day.
    Another favorite thing was the “Family Reunion” we had a church Sunday evening – lots of songs, testimonies, ordaining a young minister and then food trucks after.
    To start my retirement off right, I helped count the offering at church yesterday morning.

  9. Mel says:

    I have always put salt on watermelon but nothing other than that and my boys and I all love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches. My husband thinks there is something wrong with us.

  10. Kari says:

    So glad to hear Meagan made it to 34 weeks, a relief for all of you. Lovely family photos, Meagan is looking good and Madison looks angelic in the photo of them together.

    I couldn’t imagine a town called Lizard Lick, and I wonder how they came up with that name!

    Ugh, the eyeball sounds downright nasty, I don’t think I could even eat the stuff it was in the bowl with. I did try something new this week, barbecued pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw. My husband said he had it at a restaurant and the coleslaw was put right on top of the meat. I used my fork to take a bite of coleslaw, then took a bite from my sandwich. It was really good but I didn’t want the meat to make the coleslaw warm (yuck).

    I remember the El Camino, kind of a practical idea of car/truck combo. My husband is very outgoing, like Steve. Doug will talk to anyone and everyone! He is a very personable person!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, around where we live, coleslaw on barbecue is definitely a thing! I’ve never eaten it because I am not a huge fan of coleslaw but I’m glad you gave it a try. Good idea to eat it with a fork to keep it nice and cold.

      Isn’t it great to be married to a personable person? 🙂

  11. SueEllen Williams says:

    So glad Meagan and little Smithlette are hanging in there! I would LOVE to visit My Secret Closet – I really like Chicos and Coldwater Creek styles, but I just can’t bring myself to spend that much on clothing. The “strangest” combo I’ve come up with is peanut butter & picante sandwiches. They are really quite tasty!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, you would truly LOVE Secret Closet. For people like you and me who love those brands but not the prices, it is a treasure of a place to shop.

      Peanut butter and picante sandwiches? Hmmmmm . . . just intriguing enough to give it a try.

  12. Wendy says:

    What a fun post to read with all your “things” to read. It’s actually chicken in a biskit. They’re just chicken flavored, very tasty crackers Mmm! Love the words on the signs, I love to read and find those types of things too. So happy Meagan has made it this far, and they had a fun time out before baby decides to arrive.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, Chicken IN A Biskit. I missed that part of it. I shall have to try it one one day!

      Those signs are so much fun; you never know when one will pop up to be enjoyed.

  13. Sara Jacksonn says:

    I know precisely where Lizard Lick is! We live in Knightdale which is not far from there. I’ve always been a big fan of the name.:) I just can’t seem to see or say the name Lizard Lick without a smile.

    • Becky says:


      How fun is that?

      Steve and I sang our first duet together in Knightdale.

      And yes, Lizard Lick is definitely a smiley kind of name. 🙂

  14. Dmantik says:

    Enjoyed reading about all your Things!

    The signs in the restaurant put me in mind of the song we girls sang in yesteryear, “I like to feel like I feel when I’m feelin’ like I feel right now.”

    My favorite thing last week was being able to fuss over Caleb to my heart’s content after his hernia surgery. Its always a good day when a mama can do a bit of hovering over her 21 yr old son without eliciting a single sigh or eye roll. ?

    Don’t have any strange food combos other than toast with pb, jam and cheese. Some people think the cheese is a little weird. But we are in WI after all. Cheese makes everything better! I will have to try the watermelon thing.

    Hooray for Meagan and the smallest smithette! They are troopers!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      I do remember that song. That was a fun one and would look good on a sign!

      I’m glad you got the chance to be Nurse Mommy last week–and no doubt this week, as well. I sometimes miss the days when my big ol’ son was 3 years old and needed a back rub or a cool cloth. Sounds like you got your chance to revisit those days.

      Peanut butter, jam and cheese IS a little weird. But as you say, you have to consider where you live!

  15. Mel says:

    My husband owns an El Camino. (The car that Steve is looking at.) They were discontinued many years ago so Rick would probably do the same thing that Steve is doing. My favorite thing I did this week was go over to my mom’s while she was away for the weekend at one of my brother’s and cleaned her place, even washing all floors before she returns today. Now if only I could teach my boys the happiness that that can give you. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I didn’t even know what kind of car he was looking at; I just know he was fascinated by it. Interesting to know that they have been discontinued. That would explain Steve’s (and your husband’s) interest in it.

      What a great gift to give someone–a clean house! I would be ecstatic to return home to such a treat. Good for you for being so thoughtful!

  16. mrs pam says:

    Two memories surfaced after reading your post.
    #`1.. the cheese stands alone is from Farmer in the Dell. My first year of teaching Junior Kdg, I was teaching that song to the children. Spencer was the farmer and it was his time to Choose a Wife. I kept repeating the phrase until he finally Gently Bit Susan (He thought I said Chew a Wife.)

    #2 I had a Potluck Salad choir party, where everybody signed up for a different ingredient.
    However, the Salad Dressing person forgot to bring the dressing. I had none. thank goodness, my next door neighbor did (but not 11)

    Praying for Meagan

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      You should do a blog of your own with all of your teaching stories! I always look forward to reading them.

      And yes, the Chew a Wife line was a winner. Too funny! 🙂 I’m also glad to know what song the cheese line came from; I had no clue.

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