The Thing Post (July 2021)

July 26, 2021

If you’re looking for a wedding picture post, I’ll do one soon.  For today, I am reverting back to regular posting, which means the monthly Thing Post. For new readers, a Thing Post features a collection of gathered up miscellany.


I thought you all might be as impressed as I was at the makeshift splint Gage made for himself right after he broke his finger.  I can only imagine that the medical folks at the Urgent Care Center were amazed by his ingenuity.

And this is what it looks like after his surgery.

While he is doing alright with a left-handed life, I know he will be thrilled when the bandages come off and he can use that hand again.


I forgot to post this when it happened but Sarah and Gage went to see his family around Father’s Day. Sarah got Gage’s dad, Stacy, a coffee mug that said, “My favorite child gave me this mug.”

She thought that would get a good laugh–and it did.  In return, Stacey picked up some Chic-fil-A sauce (which she loves) and wrote “My favorite dad bought me this.”

Yep. As long as she is in the Long’s house, Stacy gets to be her favorite dad.

I’m so grateful she married into a family that loves and accepts her wholeheartedly. She is blessed!

Another thing that happened during the visit was that Gage’s mom, Casey, gave Sarah haircutting lessons.  Sarah actually did some of the real cutting which means that she has married a man who trusts her a lot.  Casey has cut the whole family’s hair for years so she has some experience behind her.


I got a new photo editing software recently called Luminar. It’s quite fun.

I changed this photo that I took . . .

into this photo.


Friday night, we had our tech and worship team over for a potluck dinner; there were about fifteen of us.  Because of COVID, we hadn’t gathered for a while so it was an evening that was especially enjoyed and appreciated.

For events at our home, I have gotten into the habit of unlocking the front door and putting a Post-it note outside.  People don’t have to knock and wait; they can just burst right in and be right at home, right off the bat.

One of our folks made Mexican street corn. That was quite the treat.

Yesterday morning I was sitting near the extra table we had set up and noticed the underside of it was kind of interesting. There aren’t many things that are not fascinating to a camera lens.


Steve’s mom posted this photo on Facebook recently.  Vernie (on the left) and her brother and sister were showing cows at a 4-H competition.  She tells the story that when the judge came by her he said, “Nice legs.”  He might have been talking about the cow–or not. Too funny!


This fella was all dressed up last week for an interview for a promotion at work. No matter what his job future holds, his greatest treasures are right there in his house.


We had Gage and Sarah over recently and after dinner, we retired to the front porch for a few pictures.

Gage and Steve are trying to “out-dramatic” each other.  They are basically two peas in a pod.

His posing with me was drama-free.

And then I got to sit with this darling, precious, much-missed daughter of my heart. Love her so much.

Sarah and Gage started out prim and proper.

But that didn’t last long.


The other day I said, “Hey, Siri. Call Sarah Smith.”

Siri rather brusquely informed me that there was no Sarah Smith in my address book.

I huffed to myself and said again. “Call Sarah Smith.” Same answer.

With a sigh of exasperation, I picked up my phone to prove to Siri that Sarah Smith did, in fact, exist.

But as it turns out, she does not.  I had completely forgotten I had changed her name in my contacts.

How many times through the years have I called Sarah Smith?

And now? No more. (sniff)


The week before he broke his finger, Gage created this artwork of Sarah in just 30 minutes. He really is quite taken with her!


This little gal is doing so much better.  She is eating well, gaining weight, and even has had some occasional periods of “zoominess” which means she runs back and forth across the bedroom floor one time.  She had stopped zooming altogether when she was feeling so bad so we are thankful to see some zip returning.


It’s funny the things that stand out to me from day to day.

I walked into the bedroom last week and saw his and her shoes on the floor.

And I stopped to be thankful for the gift of marriage, the gift of being friends with my husband, the gift of seeing his shoes on the floor . . . especially in light of the fact that I could have lost him a couple of weeks ago.

It’s been said half a thousand times that we should treasure the ones we love and treasure the days we have.

I’ll say it half a thousand times, plus one. Treasures abound all around.

Pictures of Nathan and his kids.  Pictures of Sarah with Gage’s family and Gage with our family. Pictures of church family gathered around the table. Pictures of a doggie who came very close to dying. Pictures of shoes on the floor.

Pictures of treasures everywhere. So thankful.

What treasure(s) do you have in your life today? Maybe a person, an experience, a belonging, or a precious memory.

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “The Thing Post (July 2021)”

  1. Fred & Lucy says:

    Dear Becky, the Things Blog continues to be my favorite! It is like a book with rich chapters from your life during the previous month… some funny, some poignant and all interesting. I could not possibly name “a favorite”, but my favorites included the wonderful porch swing photos, the (very talented) Gage’s drawing of Sarah and the symbolic “shoes” photo. (Because of my newly limited mobility, I have reluctantly given up photography, but enjoy looking at yours all the more.) Finally, see if this strikes your funny bone. After the chapter on Sarah’s photo, I continued reading the next chapter and thought you were still talking about Sarah when I saw “This little gal is doing so much better. She is eating well, gaining weight, and even has had some occasional periods of “zoominess” which means she runs back and forth across the bedroom floor one time.” I thought… What??? Sarah with the “Zooms???” As I paged down, I saw Summer’s ears and realized that “this little gal” was NOT a reference to Sarah! 🙂 My mistake left me chuckling at myself! Many thanks for your day-brightening Blogs and blessings to the Smiths and Longs. ~ Fred & Lucy

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      That’s too funny about Sarah! It would be pretty interesting to watch HER get the “zooms.”

      Made me smile.

  2. LeeAnne says:

    I’m so glad that Summer is feeling better. Also glad to see a smile on Gage’s face after surgery. Wishing him complete healing! If I had to be left-handed, it would be a disaster. Good for him for coping so well.
    I, too, had a special bond with my father-in-law. He called me one of his girls. He was such a wonderful man!!
    My treasure today is the trip we just had with 9 great friends. 6 days together in South Dakota at one of the couples’ lodge. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and the opportunity to experience and enjoy God’s beautiful creation WITH them!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      How fun to go out and experience God’s creation with people you are so close to. There are few things better.

      I love hearing how close you were to your father-in-law. So nice to be adopted with such love into your husband’s family.

  3. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Well, now, for the time being, Gage can point you in the right direction. Great job with the “splint.” I had tried to cut my sister’s hair when I was just into my teens – not a good idea. I am sure Sarah is hanging onto every word about how to cut Gage’s hair. Wow, with 5 boys in the family, that is a huge savings. Sorry barber shop!. Praying Nathan gets the job – looks real spiffy! Love those pictures and yes, Gage fits right in with Steve – two peas in a pod. What a great work of art that Gage did of Sarah. Something to hang over the fireplace or wherever – it is so beautiful! Glad to hear Summer is doing better and yes, we still thank the Lord that you with Steve at the right time. PTL!

    • Becky says:


      Actually, there are 6 boys in the Long family. So that is a WHOLE lot of haircut savings!

      Yes, Gage is definitely a gifted artist. I admire people who can draw since I am woefully undergifted in that area.

  4. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear Summer is doing better. That’s quite the creativity for Gage’s splint. Hope he will soon be able to get rid of the bandage. Hope Nathan gets the promotion at work!
    Treasure in my life right now is my niece’s wedding this past Saturday. My niece is about a foot taller than me – I’m 5′ and she’s about 5’11” and wears about a size two. Last night the photographer shared a sneak peek of 7 pictures. The pictures and she were both beautiful. Since my parents weren’t able to go to the wedding, my brother and sister-in-law live streamed the wedding. My good friend from Daytona area actually watched it live and I was able to show it to my parents last night. About two weeks ago, their main tv picture went out so I had ordered a new tv for them. Since it’s a smart tv, we were able to watch it on YouTube on the tv instead of my laptop or iPad.

    • Becky says:


      How fun to be able to watch the wedding with your parents on a bigger screen than your laptop. I know that was an extra special time for all of you.

  5. Wendy says:

    I loved every little post of your posts 🙂 I have taken pictures of all the shoes when my family is all home for a weekend. I love having them and yes, I treasure having them!
    The drawing Gage did of Sarah is stunning! He did a fabulous job. I get a kick out of the many faces of your family. Its so good to see and know that Sarah has another family who loves her too! I let my 2 son in laws and my daughter in law know they are “MY” family and I love them.

    • Becky says:


      It is a wonderful gift to your sons-in-law to let them know they are loved and accepted. It’s also a gift to your daughters; I know they appreciate that more than words can say!

  6. Krista Labrensz says:

    Yay! You know how i love “Thing Posts”!!

    Gage is very resourceful. At least he had the boo boo covered 😉
    That mug is funny! It sounds like they have a great relationship. And yay for Sarah learning how to cut Gage’s hair. That’ll be a great money saver.
    What a fun photo. I bet that is a fun app for you!
    I LOVE Mexican street corn. I had it for the first time at our Annual Adult Banquet in February and may have had 2 or 3 helpings of it =)
    Nice legs! Haha!!
    Nathan looks spiffy and you’re right, he’s a great Daddy!
    So much drama! How you all must have stomach aches from laughing when you are in each others company.
    Sniff… Sarah Long…made me tear up…
    9.What a beautiful and special painting. Such talent!
    So happy to hear that Summer is zoomie-ing around occasionally! Fur friends are so special to us!
    Little things like that catch me at times, too. I was having a tough single Mommy evening once and as I came back to the living room from putting him to bed, I tripped over his little sandals. I started crying, thinking he won’t be little forever! I’m thankful for him!

    Praying for all the Smith and Long families!
    Lord’s Blessings!

    • Becky says:


      There’s nothing quite like seeing little, unoccupied sandals lying around the house. I get those same feelings when we’re in FL with the grands and they’re all tucked in for the night and I see their little shoes strewn around. Does something to the heart!

      Kudos to you, mama, for doing such a great job even when it’s hard.

  7. Gloria A Smith says:

    I really enjoyed each ‘thing’ in the ‘Thing Post’. The Luminar photo editing was extraordinary! The photo of Nathan and the four precious ones remind me that God is truly in the miracle business. Your words in ‘Thing Eleven’ really inspired me. “Treasure the ones we love and treasure the days we have”. After reading your words I made November travel plans to visit my family in Nags Head and Manteo. Thank you Becky for ‘Thing Post Eleven’. I last visited my brother and sister in January 2021. Smithellaneous is a blessing and I’m so glad that I ‘pulled up a chair’.

    • Becky says:


      Glad you’re going to be paying our corner of the world a visit. I know you will find plenty of things to treasure on that journey.


  8. SueEllen says:

    What a great “Thing” post!! I hope Gage is continuing to heal well. So many wonderful pictures included in this post – my two favorites were Vernie’s 4-H/fair picture (it was such a quintessential fair picture to me) and the picture Gage did of Sarah (for its loveliness). I’m glad Summer is continuing to do better. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  9. Guerrina says:

    I so love your “Things” posts! Steve & Gage crack me up and WOW what a talented artist Gage is! Sarah looks radiant!

  10. DeLynn says:

    I thought of you the other day. Our kids (along with the two grand-babies) were in and out–as well as a few of their friends from time to time. I went out our back porch to put a bag in the garbage can, and noted all the shoes on the (large) mat that sits there. My first thought was about the mess–but that lasted a split second–as my next thought was gratefulness that the mat was full of shoes and the house was full of people we loved. What a joy. I remember you writing one time when Nathan came home about the joy of seeing his shoes….that is certainly what I felt the last several days! 🙂

  11. Ruth rehberg says:

    There is always something around our daily lives to be thankful to the Lord.
    And he loves our praises to him, so let’s do it!

  12. Cindy says:

    I was outside early watering my garden beds and raised beds. I especially love the sunflowers and raised beds. My eleven tomato plants, yes you read that right, have bent over because they produced so many tomatoes. They are propped up with various items to keep the tomatoes off the ground. If all goes well I may need to buy a small freezer for them. I am having difficulty keeping my green beans and yellow squash picked. I guess I planted to many seeds and all the tomato plants were an accident. The second time I went vegetable plant buying I forgot I bought four packs and bought three more tomato plants. Lemon cucumber vines have grown over the raised bed walls and now vines are all over the ground with many, many yellow flowers. Gardening is something I love to do. I smile every time I walk outside. Next year I will have a better understanding of what to plant in this yard. I am also addicted to flip flop shoes and have way to many.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you are experiencing many Garden Blessings. I admire anyone who knows who to grow things. And especially homegrown tomatoes. Steve would eat a bunch of them if he were there.

  13. Joy says:

    First let me wish Nathan and Megan a Happy Tenth Anniversary. Wow how time flies.

    I love your Thing Posts. I enjoy looking at all your pictures and hearing of the goings on in your life. It seems things may have calmed down in your life for now. Hopefully, you all are in for some smooth sailing in the future.

    Gage fits right in with your family and he has lots of talent. Love the picture of Sarah he did. They are just too cute together.

    That Mexican street corn looked yummy. I always like to try new things. Anyway you could get this recipe?

    Have a great Monday.

  14. Kaye Joyce says:

    God is good.

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