The Thing Post (January, 2024)

January 22, 2024


I was in a hair salon on Saturday and saw this whimsical collection of vintage mirrors. Such a creative idea! (I’d be interested to know what they used to make the pieces stick to a brick wall so well.)


After I left the salon, I walked through downtown Belmont a bit; this little town is only fifteen minutes from our house.  It warms my heart to know I can be on a country road or in a small town in 10-15 minutes. That’s the only thing that makes living in a big city doable for me.


Let me just say right here that anyone planning to take on this big fella in basketball had better have their act together because Grayson has got it going on! (He and Noah are both playing on teams right now.)


Steve keeps on saying he needs to get a beat-up pickup truck to haul stuff around in since he’s always going to the dump and to Lowes.  But in the meantime, his Miata is his pretend pickup.

And on the subject of Steve, I gave him this wool sweater about 25 years ago.

He has become seriously attached to it, although the holes in the elbows are getting bigger by the day.   If you recall previous posts, Steve is not one to give up his old, hole-y clothes without a fight and he’s not really interested in getting rid of this one.

I think I have found the solution. I went to E-bay and looked up vintage cardigans for men and found the exact sweater! It has a small hole in the back but at least the elbows are intact. My husband and his sweater are both vintage.


I love sneaking up on the sunshine when it makes its way through certain parts of our house.


Speaking of sneaking up . . . I present to you Tippi the Undercover Spydog!

I love tucking her in on the couch at night when Steve and I are sitting and talking.  It makes me not miss my babies so much.


Thursday night Sarah cooked dinner for me at her house. (Gage was working.) I had a little extra time after work before I was due, so I stopped by this nearby shopping center to putter around a bit.  Although it doesn’t sound like a big deal, it was just so refreshing to be somewhere other than at work or at home. Walking outside in the fresh air, seeing other people, doing something different from my routine–so therapeutic!

When I got home from Sarah’s house that night, I was, as always, so thankful to have this dear house waiting for me.


I can’t remember if I posted these photos before but I have to say that genetics are amazing.

On the left is my sister, Ruth. On the right,  is her granddaughter. You can certainly tell they are related!


A couple of weeks ago, Nathan sent Steve and me a text prefaced with the words, “Mom and Dad, I was just thinking  these things a couple of days ago but I also wanted to say them to you.”

He then went on to write a beautiful text to us that brought tears to our eyes and helped to lighten our load and encourage us.  He knows this hasn’t been an easy season for us and we were so blessed by his words.

On Saturday, Nathan did the same thing with Meagan. He has learned the wonderful principle of, “If you think something good about a person, share it with them.”  You never know what those words will end up meaning.

This is what he posted on Facebook.

I want to take a moment to honor my beautiful wife Meagan Smith. She works incredibly hard to keep our family strong and our daily life moving. She is up by about 5:30AM most mornings turning on worship music, packing lunches, getting kids dressed, providing encouragement for our days, and helping with last minute homework. She then teaches 3rd Grade students full time each day and comes home to help with homework, dinner, student grading, and bedtime.
Meagan is also one of the “neighborhood moms” of our community. We regularly have 6-10 extra kids in our house in the afternoons who she encourages and also helps with problems/disagreements. She is the only love of Jesus many of these kids see.
Babe, you have lifted me up me so much in our marriage. You are the warm creativity to my cold logical/analytical mind. You never stop making me laugh. You lovingly “step on my toes” when I have a bad attitude. You push me to dig deeper with God. You have navigated our transition to NC with such grace. You cherish our children and help me to be a better father. You are so much more than a “helper” to me, you are the love of my life and my best friend! I love you honey.
Steve and I are so blessed with Nathan and Meagan and their kids . . .
and Gage and Sarah.
They all love each other and love Steve and me so well. They are my Tribe and in this somewhat isolated season of life, having them near means all the more.
What about you?
Do you get attached to old clothing?
What are you days mostly filled with? Being at work? Being at home? Something else?
Do you make it a habit of saying the good things you’re thinking about someone or, like me, is that something you need to work on?
What sort of “season” of life would you say you are in right now?
25 comments so far.

25 responses to “The Thing Post (January, 2024)”

  1. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    I too just love to wander if I come to a small town. When we travel we try and stay away from cafe/restaurants that we have where we live. Love the “mom and pop” type ones.
    After working for so many years and getting away from the office – definitely know what you mean.
    It really is hard to get rid of clothes that have special meaning or feeling and unless it would be embarrassing to continue to wear such an item – Steve, party on wearing that shirt!!
    Grayson, I am sure a pro team would love to have you be a guard on their side – you look like you are ready!!!
    Oh, my, that tribute to Meagan. How precious and thoughtful. Not many men will say that to their wife and this is one she should frame! Have a feeling Gage is one of those guys!
    Yes, Ruth and her granddaughter – look at those eyes – beautiful!
    We did have about a 1/2 of snow, but that is now gone. Temps have been in the 30’s this week. Can’t stand the cold, but the snow I am missing. Although the longer it is gone, the shorter the winter seems to be. But it will not stay away. We live in a cold and snowy climate.

    • Becky says:


      Every small town has its own personality and is a feast for the eyes and imagination. Steve’s dad was always one to support the mom and pop businesses, just like you are. Indendent businesses definitely deserve our support. Our world would be a boring place without them!

      Yes, Nathan’s tribute to Meagan was definitely a keeper. Words to keep; words to remember!

      Just think. Spring is getting closer and closer. Can’t wait!

  2. Cindy Latoures says:

    My comment got lost when I attempted to post it. We are still freezing here, but on a positive note it is slowly melting. Does not mean we won’t get more, but one can hope! I am ready for spring to happen. That is one thing, after these winters you enjoy them all the more! Thankfully my house is warm and cozy and usually Milo is right be my side to add extra heat.

    I am so lucky to have my friend Dave take me shopping whenever I want, or just to drive me around to get out of the house!


    • Becky says:


      Frustrating to have a lost comment. Thanks for writing it out again!

      You’re right–bad winters make us extra, extra thankful for spring. Can’t wait!

  3. Suzanne says:

    I love Thing posts!

    I do have some “comfort” clothes but I’m trying to get better at disposing of them. As I age I realize that I don’t want my children to have to go through all the “junk” in addition to just the “stuff”. I still have way too much JUNK though but hopefully I have plenty of time left to get rid of it 🙂

    I love your SMITH sign above the fireplace! My younger son who plays all things “strings” would love that (with his name, of course – lol).

    Nathan has also gotten his mother’s gift of words and encouragement! What a blessing that is for everyone!

    My days are filled with work but I’m preparing to enter a new season within a year or so called retired! I’m looking forward to those days and being able to spend it with my grandchildren some, traveling some, volunteering some, and maybe even working on me 🙂

    I love your pictures and beautiful words.

    • Becky says:


      How exciting that you’ll be retiring in a year. Sounds like you’ve got your plans in place for how you will your days. That is great!

      Yes, Nathan is definitely a good encourager. One of the many things I loved about him.

      Steve and I are in the same place as you, trying to get rid of stuff so that our kids don’t have to. It’s definitely an ongoing process!

  4. Beth says:

    My goodness! I LOVE the Things post! I also thought that Steve’s sleeves only needed some patches. Ha

    I also am captivated by the small towns as I grew up in one. I just wish there was the character present that is found in NC small towns.

    Finally, my eyes may have leaked reading about the love of your family. What a testament to you and Steve in bringing your family up with the same love…love to all the Smith family!!!

    • Becky says:


      Well, we might still do those patches!

      If I had endless time and money, I would drive through all of North Carolina’s small towns. Or the country’s small towns, for that matter! Love them.

      I’m thankful to hear that Nathan’s writing was so meaningful to you; he definitely has a gift for express his heart.

  5. Phyllis says:

    When I first looked at Steve’s picture, I thought those were elbow patches. I don’t really get too attached to clothes; however, when memories pop up on Facebook and I realize I’m wearing the same sweaters or tops 5-6 later, I think I might need to update my wardrobe.
    The note from Nathan is beautiful. I can only imagine how good it made Meagan feel as well as you, Steve and Meagan’s parents.
    My days over the last couple weeks have been at home, primarily due to the bitter cold and just overall yucky weather. Schools were called off again today due to icy roads. I saw a video of a fire truck in a St. Louis suburb. It looked like it was going to slam into a house at one point.
    I’m probably not great at letting people know about the good things they have done, definitely something I should work on.
    I love the picture hanging over your fireplace. It looks like something my brother and his wife and niece and her husband would appreciate.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I’ve got a lot of clothes that I’ve had at least five years. If they are sort of a classic style and you like them, keep on wearing them!

      We are going to be near 70 this week. I hope things warm up for you, as well.

      Steve and I liked the photo because he plays guitar and I plan piano.

  6. LeeAnne says:

    I was going to suggest elbow patches too. They would look so nice on that sweater and give it a second life! I tend to hang on to clothes for quite a long time, just because I don’t really like to shop. So when I have something I really like and it fits well, I keep it forever. I have been trying to be better at telling people the positive things. Sometimes though, I just get so busy that I forget to do it. Bad excuse, I know.
    As a retiree, I seem to be busier now than when I was working. What?!? I’m not joking. And I have gotten a very part-time job that I will start in about a week. I am REALLY looking forward to it and the opportunity to get out of the house and have some “me time”.
    You are so blessed with your beautiful, loving family!! Priceless!!

    • Becky says:


      I used to like to shop more than I did; another reason to hang on to clothes forever!

      I can see how easy it would be to be busy in retirement. You can do all the things you didn’t do while working. And good for you in finding some part-time work that you are excited about. I hope it goes great!

  7. Robin says:

    We have a name for clothes that are so ratty they ought not be worn out of the house: property clothes. I cherish my property clothes! I try to tell people the positive things I think about them, but I would love to get even better at it. Thanks for the reminder! I spent this past weekend at my cousin’s memorial service. It was such a bittersweet weekend, delight at seeing some family members I haven’t seen in the better part of a decade, but always aware of the precious woman who was missing.

    • Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

      Robin – do you call them Property Clothes because you only wear them on your property? I love the term!

    • Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

      That grandmother/granddaughter photo comparison is amazing! I showed Mike and he agreed too! My daughter looks so much like my mother. Genes are funny things, sometimes. 🙂

      I’m yet another one who thinks those spiffy suede elbow patches on that sweater would be so cool. 🙂 I have a lot of “old” clothes, and my favorite was a wool overcoat my dad bought in 1960. About 1995, he decided to throw it in my mom’s garage sale pile. I rescued it and wore it every winter until it literally FELL APART one day when I put it on. I checked eBay last night (inspired by your post) to see if I could find one – I did find a similar coat, but they’re asking $250!!!! Crazy! And the other “old” thing I have is now in my “scrubby” pile – it was one of my favorite tops (in fact, I was wearing it in my previous passport).

      My days are all at work, until I can retire. Planning for my 62nd birthday. But I will only retire from my career. I will absolutely NEED to work after that – not just for the money (which we will definitely need!) but to keep my sanity. Sitting around makes me irritable and anxious. 🙂

      I try to compliment three people every day – whether at work or at home or out and about. I like to compliment people on their hair, their clothing, etc., and it seems like most people are thrilled to have someone notice.

      Your welcoming front door is lovely. 🙂

      • Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

        Oops! This was supposed to be a reply to Becky! I clearly need more coffee. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      The term property clothes sounds like you own a large estate and you wear those clothes when you are out checking the horses and the grounds and gardens. I think I’ll start calling MY clothes property clothes, too. 🙂 It really elevates them to a new standard.

      Memorial services are a mixed bag of emotions, aren’t they? You get to see people you love who you rarely get to see all the while missing the person you love who you will never see again. Many hugs.

  8. Patti says:

    I think all kids are cute, but that Grayson just captivates my heart. Just the cutest face and your descriptions of him show what a great guy he is.
    I do tend to hold on to clothes that I really like, I have a pair of jeans that are so comfy, but so worn. I only wear them when I am staying home all day. Eventually they will become a purse. I would get some fake leather and put oval patches on his sleeve holes. I have 2 sweaters that I keep reweaving the stray threads back to cover the small holes. I fear they are on their last season. Another option is to find someone who turns wool sweaters into wool mittens. Repurposing is fun to do.
    Mostly my days are at home doing misc. Some days are full of running errands.
    I am not good at saying the good things, and really need to work on it. When I was in high school, my church had a practice at Thanksgiving of encouraging people to write a thank you to someone who went above and beyond for them during the year. I have tried to do this several times, but not nearly enough.
    I think I am in a “slow down” season. No rush to get to work, so I go slow in the mornings and at the end of the day I sometimes can’t recall what I have done. During the Covid shutdown I tried to do 3 things a day: A little work, a little exercise, and a little fun. I should keep that up as I did get more done that way.

    • Becky says:


      I agree–Grayson is a one of a kind kid. Scrappy and intense and fun and always up for some excitement!

      I love your COVID routine of those three things a day. Good things to include in any day!

      How cool that your church made a point of encouraging people to write a thank you to someone who went above and beyond. I can only imagine how much those notes meant to the recipients. Note-writing is such a lost art but it’s a real day-brightener to get an unexpected note from someone in the mail.

      Enjoy your slower mornings and slower evenings; you’ve earned them!

  9. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Good reminder to encourage each other in this life. It is kinda fun to have a much -cuter -than- me -little granddaughter !

    • Becky says:


      She is a cutie-pie, no doubt!

      And yes, encouragement does need reminders. But such a worthwhile, uplifting thing to practice.

  10. Pam Doughty says:

    Well, I was going to comment about the sweater first, but Nathan’s beautiful notes brought tears to my eyes. “Give me flowers while I’m alive” comes to mind, and he obviously has learned that from someone cough cough. Absolutely priceless. As for Steve’s cardigan, what about elbow patches? I think it would look quite distinguished with them, especially if they’re suede. Then he would have TWO sweaters! Love you, Becky!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I haven’t actually bought the Ebay sweater yet so maybe we’ll pursue the patches. He would look extra distinguished and I could buy him a pipe to put in his mouth to complete the look!

      Yes, I loved Nathan’s words and loved knowing how much they meant to Meagan. Words are so powerful–for good or bad.

      Great to hear from you. Hugs to you and Chuck!

  11. Rachel (Merrick) Richardson says:

    Being attached to old clothing depends on the article of clothing…shirts from college yes.
    My days are filled with work and then when I come home, it is filled with spending time with Jim and our Great Danes.
    I try to say good things in the moment, but I definitely have room to grow better.
    I think this season of my life is summer. There is growth happening and I am finding so many opportunities to show my God-colors. Changes are happening. We are in the process of changing churches as we are without a pastor for the 4th time in 3 years.

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