The Thing Post (February, 2025)

February 10, 2025


Since I’ve been working full-time (almost two years, already!), Steve has stepped up to take on a lot of household tasks, in addition to his never-ending list of maintenance and fix-its for the house, yard, and vehicles. Sometimes when I text him to do something, like pick up the grocery order,  he’ll write back,  “My team and I are on it.”

And then he sends me a photo of his team.

They are motivated, energetic, efficient, and highly dedicated to any task. (Well, as soon as their naps are over.)

That was their daytime lounging mode; below is their evening snoozing mode.

Just looking at these photos makes me want to take a nap.


I was doing some cleaning last Saturday and started getting overwhelmed because everywhere I looked, something needed to be done. And then I remembered my rule which is simply, “Clean the first things you will see when you get up in the morning.”  In other words, the far corner of the guest room probably does need some attention but are you going to see it as soon as you open your eyes in the morning? Probably not.

If the first thing you see is your bedside table, straighten and dust that.  And then if you walk into the bathroom next, be sure the counter is clean and clutter-free. Do you open a drawer to get out your vitamins?  Organize that.

That way your first few moments of the day are not filled with thoughts like, “Oh I am so far behind. Everything in my life is a mess.”  Instead, you start your morning with a sense of order, and that goes a long way toward making your day better.  (Obviously, this doesn’t work if you’re having a dinner party. In that case, dusting your night stand is not going to be very helpful!)


Meagan was just awarded Teacher of the Month at her school.

Since she is teaching at a school that just opened this year and has limited teachers, she was assigned grades 4th through 6th.  To quote a portion of the article about her,  “Meagan’s students learn together but have progressive assignments based on level.  She also takes a significant amount of time making sure her directors are cared for and all the other tutors feel confident in lesson planning and giving assessments. She has been a integral part of our Generations pioneer year. Thank you, Meagan!”

Here is the super teacher with her proud husband.


I posted a couple of months ago about having to have my wedding ring cut off.  A jeweler told us we couldn’t get a replacement ring until at least 8-10 weeks had passed to allow all the swelling and inflammation to go down.

We weren’t sure of my new size so I found this handy gadget on Amazon that I just wrapped around my finger to determine my ring size. Ingenious and inexpensive. My two favorite things.

We’re pretty sure my old band and engagement ring were ruined so we’re looking at a Plan B for a replacement.  I’ll be glad to look married again.


I don’t usually re-post memes but, as a reader and writer, this one struck me funny.

It was titled, “I bought a book at IKEA”


A couple of weeks ago, a co-worker came up to my desk looking slightly distressed. She said, ” I brought cereal for breakfast but I forgot my banana;  I really don’t like eating my cereal without one so I’ve been asking around to try and find one.”

I was about to commiserate with her and say sorry I couldn’t help. But then I remembered that lounging in my lunch box was one half of a banana–something I rarely bring to work. I asked her if she would like to have it and she acted like I had given given her the Hope Diamond. It made her entire day and she thanked me again as she passed my desk later.

That experience reminded me of another time when a co-worker came to the front desk to pick up her salad delivered by DoorDash. She looked through the plastic lid and said, “Oh shoot. They forgot the strawberries. Strawberries are what make this salad taste extra good.”

She turned away for a moment to speak to someone and when she did, I reached into my lunch bag and got out a baggie of sliced strawberries (which I rarely bring) and placed the baggie on top of her salad container.

You should have seen her face when she turned back around. She looked at the strawberries, looked around the room, looked at the strawberries, and finally looked at me. Once again, the whole Hope Diamond look burst forth.

I now have a reputation to maintain as The Timely Bestower of Fruit.


Do you remember back in the olden days when there was a commercial about breakfast cereal?  All I remember about it is that a kid was rushing down the stairs to the kitchen because someone had already poured the milk on his cereal and he didn’t want it to get soggy. (Anyone remember the name of the cereal?)

That commercial never made sense to me because I dislike crunchy cereal. I want it to be at least 23% mushy before I start eating it; in fact, 58% percent mushy wouldn’t even be too much.

If you are a person who likes your cereal crispy I heard that if you put your milk in first and then the cereal, it will stay crunchier.  Believe me, I am not going to be trying it.  Soggy it is!


Here’s a completely random fact: I like to keep a Band-Aid, a stamp, a safety pin, and a rubber band in my wallet. They don’t take up much space and you never know when one of those items will come in handy.


And even more random: At work, I have a 30-minute lunch break.  I always take my packed lunch out to the car and eat there; the thought of going into the break room and eating while talking to people overwhelms me.  My job is very people-y and while I love the interactions, I also love disappearing into my car for a half hour of blissful solitude.

I’d love to hear in the comments if you like eating solo or not.


Sarah and Gage drove 700 miles to Ft. Lauderdale, FL so that they could set off on an adventure yesterday. I’ll let you guess what the adventure is.

They will both turn thirty this year, so to celebrate, they found a great rate on a cruise and are on the ocean even as we speak.  I’m sure there will be more photos and stories to share with you in future posts.

Sail, sail away, dear Sarah and Gage.


What about you?

Do you like your cereal mushy or crunchy?

Do you prefer to eat lunch where it’s quiet or with other people?

Have you ever been on a cruise? What was your favorite (or least favorite) thing?

What do you always have with you in your purse or wallet?

Have you ever had something on hand right when someone asked for it?



24 comments so far.

24 responses to “The Thing Post (February, 2025)”

  1. Nancu Ircing says:

    I only eat mushy cereal, the mushier the better ❤️

  2. SueEllen says:

    I like my cereal crunchy, but not

    I usually eat lunch at my desk, but read, so I think that qualifies as quiet (although other things might be going on in the office).

    I’ve never been on a cruise, although I’d like to try a short one (a little concerned about possible sea-sickness since as a child I was extremely prone to car-sickness). I can’t wait to hear about & see lots of pictures from Sarah & Gage’s trip.

    I keep a crossword puzzle book in my purse so if I’m ever “stuck” somewhere I have something to occupy me. This dates back to pre-smart phone days, but you never know when you might not have internet access.

    Congrats to Meagan!! I can’t imagine teaching three grades at once – three different grade levels, plus the various levels within each grade – takes a very special person. I’m glad she was recognized for her efforts!

    By the way – I loved your meme!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Yes, I think reading during lunch does qualify as quiet beause you’re not interacting with other people and you’re giving your brain a break.

      That would not be very fun to commit to a cruise and then suddenly find out you get seasick. I’m sure the crew ould have all sorts of ways to help you with that. You need to try a short cruise sometime!

      I am also amazed that Meagan has taught three grades; that would way be beyond my skillset. She’s amazing!

  3. Eswim says:

    What a great looking team! I like their way of thinking! Resting/Napping are a good way to make it through busy days!!
    CONGRATS to Meagan!! I have always admired those called to teach! I appreciate them even more since my oldest daughter started teaching!!
    I like crunchy cereal!!
    Most of the time I do not eat lunch alone. I live very close to work so most days I run home and eat with my hubs.
    How exciting for S&G to be on a cruise! My youngest daughter and her hubs just went on a cruise 2 weeks ago. They wanted to celebrate turning 30 and being married 5 years in 2024 but found that if they waited until Jan they could get a much better rate. They did not have the best weather as it did rain a few days but still had fun! We have been on several cruises and each one has been the best vacation I have ever had! I didn’t have to worry about cooking or cleaning! I loved all the relaxing! The worst part for us is always the long drive to FL. One cruise the seas were to choppy and the ship could not tender us in to the island on the smaller boats so we missed that stop. We were all very sad as this was the best beach stop.
    I keep safety pins, band aids, stamps, and flossers! I have had to share these items several times.
    I have shared lunch items at work on occasion. I had one coworker that dropped her lunch plate as she was putting it in the microwave so between several of us we were able to pool enough items for her a lunch! I always keep yogurt, crackers, peanut butter, etc at work if I have to work through lunch or if it’s bad weather and I just want to stay in.
    PS – I loved all the organizing you did at your office. I am the organizer at our office. 🙂 Love the Sarah Wrap! 🙂

    • Becky Smith says:


      How fabulous that you live close to home to go there during the lunch hour. I would love to be able to do that!

      What a coincidence that both of our daughters and their husbands have just gone on a cruise for their 30th birthdays. I love that. And I also love that they are thrifty and delayed the cruise so they could get a better price. They are very wise!

      I’m glad to know someone else keeps safety pins, band aids, etc. in their purse. It’s so nice to be able to help someone out when they need an item and it really doesn’t take up much space.

  4. Vicki Bodman says:

    In addition to making sure the first thing I see in the morning is tidy, I also like to make sure the last things I see in the evening are cleaned up also. That helps tidy the brain so it can shut off for sleep.

    • Becky Smith says:


      That is such a great idea; I try to do that, too. So much more pleasant to wake up to order and, as you said, it also helps the brain shut off.

      Thanks for sharing that.

  5. Suzanne says:

    I love these posts!

    Look on Etsy for a wedding band. They have some lovely ones with real stones that aren’t an arm and leg.

    I use the least amount of milk possible in any cereal I eat (if I even put milk on it!) I often eat my cereal dry.

    I often eat in the break room but it’s pretty quiet in there. I bring my lunch 95% of the time as it’s just easier than trying to get somewhere to get lunch around here. I don’t mind eating alone and I try to get a walk in during my break as well.

    I sure hope Sarah and Gage have a great time on their cruise. We love cruising and our Alaskan cruise was amazing! God’s natural beauty is everywhere you look in Alaska. I also loved our Italy and Greece cruise. We’ve done several others but those were my favorites for sure. The advantage of cruising is that you can go multiple places but never have to worry about packing/unpacking or where to eat!

    Congratulations to Meagan! What a blessing she is to her school and her students!

    I try not to carry a purse – lol! I do have a phone that I will put my id in and some cash but I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be able to whip out a stamp or strawberries for anyone in need!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Wow–you have been blessed with many cruises and sights to see. I would love to see all those places. And you’re right–even though I don’t love the idea of a cruise

      Thanks for the tip about Etsy; I use that site occasionally but hadn’t thought of looking for jewelry there.

      I wish I could get along without a purse but so far, it hasn’t worked. I admire people who can get along without one. 🙂

  6. Hope says:

    I don’t eat cereal.

    I almost always run errands on my lunch break. Today I picked up a few things at the grocery store.

    I went on a cruise to Bermuda 29 years ago. It’s beautiful there. I don’t love cruising, but I did win $2,200 playing bingo on my cruise. It’s very peopley on a ship.

    I always have dental floss in my purse and my boss asked for some just the other day. I also have ibuprofen for sharing.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Isn’t it great when you have something on hand that someone needs?

      You must have an hour long lunch break to be able to run errands; I only have 30 minutes so it’s pretty much eat and run.

      I’ve often wondered if a cruise would be too people-y for me but I guess I could always escape to my room for some quiet!

  7. Ellen W says:

    One of my life’s biggest coincidences is kind of an answer to your last question. I was about 8 and playing Barbies at my best friend’s house. She had recently acquired a number of little Barbie sized Coke bottles. I was quite transfixed by them as they were so realistic looking but so adorably miniaturized. I was rarely allowed to have soda at home so it was a rare treat, and these little bottles just made me think of the mouth watering goodness of Coke. So I did something I never did (I was generally, and still am, an almost obnoxiously dedicated rule follower): I slipped one into my pocket.

    That evening my parents took us to a colleague’s house for a departmental dinner party (they were professors). The hosts had a daughter about my age and she invited me down to her room to play. I noticed a little display on her wall of miniatures. Little dog figurines, miniature food, tiny teacups, etc… and a six pack of mini Coke bottles. Exactly like the one my bestie had. Exactly like the one I still had in my pocket. Except one of the bottles was missing. I was stopped dead in my tracks.

    I asked her where the sixth bottle went and she said she’d lost it. I pulled the stolen bottle out of my pocket and gave it to her and her collection was complete again.

    I’m still friends with both of those girls (now women) 35 years later, and have discussed the event with them in adulthood. I was taught several lessons that day and I have never forgotten them.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I love reading a comment that is a story. And I love how you ended the story with “I was taught several lessons that day.”

      I really love the fact that you are still friends with those women 35 years later and have discussed that experience together. I’m sure there have been plenty of smiles along with your reminiscing as you recount all the lessons learned–and all the lessons life continues to teach.

  8. Ginny Y says:

    My mom knew I did not like soggy cereal so it was her way of getting me moving in the morning when she yelled… I poured the milk!

    Somewhere back in the late 1990’s my brother-in-law put my name on a raffle ticket at his business man’s club. I won! It was a 4 day cruise. We enjoyed relaxing on the deck and conversation at the table at dinner.

    Most days at work there was little time for lunch so I would just grab a snack but I always enjoyed the days our suite made time to order out and enjoy lunch together… not talking about work things.

    I have significantly downsized my purse since retiring so it is just the basics…. Phone, Cards, cash, and yes, I still carry my pocket calendar!

    • Becky Smith says:


      I’m not sure I know of many people who still carry a pocket calendar. Pretty impressive!

      How fun to win a 4-day cruise; hooray for your brother-in-law entering you in the raffle.

      I agree with you on what a treat it is to have a meal with work people but not talk about work. Glad you all took those opportunities.

      Happy trails!

  9. Jackie Gallop says:

    As a family, we have taken several cruises. Last year, however, my middle kid (she’s 30) and I took a cruise together to Alaska, and that will always be one of my most cherished memories.

    • Becky Smith says:


      I’ve never had a strong desire to go on a cruise but going to Alaska? I’d definitely do that. How wonderful you got to share the experience with your daughter.

  10. Patti says:

    Love the IKEA book photo.
    So happy for Gage and Sarah to be on a cruise. I hope they have a great time. I love cruising and my favorite things are eating all the fun foods, and walking around the ship on the walking deck. I love looking out to sea and my favorite spot is at the back of the ship where the water is the best colors as the motors churn it up.
    I definitely like my cereal crunchy and loved that commercial. I tried a google search but couldn’t find what it was for. If you like soggy cereal, try my husbands favorite of Grape Nuts in hot milk and microwaved. Uck.
    I also carry safety pins and bandaids in my purse. Hadn’t thought of a rubber band or stamp-good idea. I am never without lotion and chapstick, but those can’t really be shared. I also have a tape measure.
    Only thing I have had on hand when it was needed was a bandaid. I don’t remember ever being asked for a food item.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Yes, I imagine it would be very fun to take a walk on a ship when the ocean is our scenery!

      I’ll pass on your husband’s Grape Nuts in the microwave. 🙂

      Glad to meet another person who carries safety pins and Band-Aids. Rubber bands are good because sometimes you’ll open a small package or bag of something and can’t re-close it. It keeps things from spilling out everywhere. I used to keep a tape measure; need to do that again.

  11. Wendy says:

    We have teenagers in the house and when the snacks are gone they are gone, and we switch to IKEA food! I tell them there is in fact still food in the house but it needs a modicum of effort to assemble it! They are adept at said assembledge…but not often willing! The eyerolling at my Ikea inspired humour is extreme. (Long term U.K. reader, very rare commentor)

    • Becky Smith says:


      I love the IKEA reference as it pertains to food. So true. A lot of kids (and some adults) don’t think there’s food available if something has to be done to it before eating. Even though your kids rolled their eyes I liked your reference.

      Thanks for commenting–even though it’s rare! 🙂

  12. Ruth says:

    Sure glad “Sage” is on the way to adventure!
    And Megan doing such a good job at what she is gifted for.

    I think of the Fruits of the Spirit -as you are alert and ready at the right moment for giving that literally out to others and in your attitude of selfless giving. May others sense that more and more in you–always and everywhere a witness for Him.
    ( a cup of water in my name… blessing)

    I keep a tea bag in mypurse…rubber band is a good idea!
    (I shall do it today!)

    • Becky Smith says:


      Hmmm. A tea bag is an interesting purse addition. I guess it makes sense though, especially if you have a favorite flavor/kind of tea and don’t want to be without it.

      Someone else mentioned keeping a small tape measure which you could probably use because of finding things at yard sales, etc.

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