The Thing Post (February 2021)

February 8, 2021


I haven’t written about the Florida Smiths in a while so here are a few stories/pictures/videos.

I love this one about “Florida snow.”  I especially smiled at the end.

Here’s Grayson after “helping” Nathan work on the van.  There are few things little boys love any more than grease and dirt.

It’s always fun to remember how little the big kids used to be.

Nathan is working from home for the next several weeks.  Meagan sent this photo which I found to be hilarious.  Working dad on the top (gotta look good for those Zoom calls) and tired dad on the bottom.

Can anyone relate?

Some of my very favorite people in the world.


Every once in a while, all seventeen members of the Hawley/Schreck/Smith/McGhee clan go on a family outing.

Recently they went to Bok Tower where Dad Hawley and all three sons-in-law smushed themselves together on top of this stump.  I would love to have had a video of them all getting up there.



I saw a question recently where someone asked what you keep on top of your fridge.  Here’s my answer.

The great part of this exercise is that there were two brand new masks our insurance company had given us that I had completely forgotten about it. And Steve and Gage were both needing masks. So hooray for top-0f-the-fridge-forays.


I was out of town recently and drove by this cemetery. I know some people don’t really love cemeteries but they are honestly one of my favorite places to visit. The beauty is stark and serene and there are stories told on every gravestone for those who take the time to pause amidst the telling.

And most importantly they remind us just how very short and precious life is.


I got a few pictures extra pictures of Gage last week.

Some things going on in his life are these:

1) he got a second job  (in addition to the ten hours at church) installing home theater systems, internet systems, etc.  A lot of his work will be in some of the high-end beach properties so it’ll be interesting to see all that loveliness.

2) his birthday is Saturday and yes, he WILL wear the birthday hat

3) three of his brothers are coming for a visit next week so that will be a fun thing for him.

4) this afternoon, he and Sarah are taking the ferry to Ocracoke.

Never a dull moment for our new Manteo-er.

And speaking of Gage (and his family), I had to smile at their creativity. You may remember that when we visited his family, Gage had drawn this message on the blackboard in their kitchen.  When Sarah went to visit by herself a short time later, they just erased the “s.”  Works for me!


I mentioned in a previous post that Steve and I both had doctor appointments last Monday.

Steve hit the road bright and early, drove two hours to Chesapeake, VA, and walked into the office ten minutes ahead of time, excited about finally getting an appointment and being able to start down the road of treatment for his hip/leg pain.

Except for one small problem. When he went to sign in, he found out they didn’t accept his insurance.

And so? He turned right around and drove the two hours back home.


My appointment went a little better in that insurance wasn’t a problem.

As far as my pulmonary function test results go, though, I am still waiting on a final word. I do know that when the doctor walked into the room carrying the printout of my PFT result (done a few minutes earlier), I saw rows and rows of red ink on the page.  Red ink means the number is lower than the last test–obviously, not a good thing.

However, he couldn’t give me the final results because there was some mix up with my height. It was listed in my records as 5’7 (I have been that tall for years) but I actually have been measuring 5’6 in recent months.  And because breathing tests are very much dependent on a person’s specific weight and height, he was going to have to recalculate numbers based on the adjusted height. He will call with the results.

When I left he said to go ahead and make a return appointment for 6 months but based on my PFT results, he would very likely need to see me earlier than that.  (Whatever that means.)

So that’s all I know so far. I’ll just put on my patient hat and wait to hear back.

And speaking of doctors, I am going in for a colonoscopy this Friday.  Happy, happy day!


I saw this post on FB and thought it was interesting. The question was: if this pot was on YOUR stove, what would it be filled with?


Sometimes it’s fun to compare the right now me  . . .

with the long-ago me.

I came across this photo of myself from way back in the day–somewhere in the mid-’60s. I was so excited because my grandma had gotten me a jewelry set for Easter and I’d never had any jewelry before. Big stuff!

My wish for you this week?

That something comes into your life that makes you smile as big as being a kid and getting dime-store jewelry. That brand of happiness is a truly unique and wonderful gift.

What about you? 

What do you keep on top of your refrigerator? 

What would you put in that big pot on the stove?

Do you remember a special gift you got when you were a child that made you smile?

Do you do Zoom calls dressed half and half, like Nathan? Do tell!




18 comments so far.

18 responses to “The Thing Post (February 2021)”

  1. Ellen W says:

    Yes, I do Zoom calls like Nathan with sweatpants on the bottom, but it always feels a bit like playing with fire. I just know one of these days I’m going to have to get up for some reason and the secret will be out! Who can judge me though? We’re all doing it! 😄

    Gage is a dapper gentleman. You have to admire a young man who puts the effort into dressing with such class. (I bet he doesn’t Zoom with sweatpants on!)

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, it would be fun to see all the sweat pants/pajama pants/shorts, etc. out of the view of that camera. Although Gage is a dapper fella, I can probably see him being un-dapper on the bottom half for a Zoom call. I’ll have to ask him. 🙂

  2. Phyllis says:

    There’s nothing on the top of my fridge – two reasons, one I’m vertically challenged so I’d probably need to get my step stool to get it and two, it sits underneath a cabinet so there’s not a lot of space up there. The top of my mom’s fridge is another story – usually 1-2 bags of Oreos, a ceramic John Deere tractor (think it’s supposed to be a cookie jar). They used to have a box of Puffs up there but my dad’s shoulders don’t let him reach that high anymore so they had to be moved.
    Right about now I would welcome Florida snow. We are experiencing the coldest temperatures of the season. It started Saturday and we may not see above freezing temperatures for another week to 10 days. Highs over the weekend and first part of the week are projected to be single digits with windchills MUCH lower than that. So a little frost on the roof and grass would be much better than the snow we have now.
    That pot would probably have chili in it. I usually make a big batch of chili in the fall and freeze it in individual containers for my parents. Then when they are in the chili mood, my mom can just thaw it and warm it up. We were fortunate to find a woman that delivers meals to them on Thursday morning, usually enough for 4-5 days. This morning she brought soup, stew and an angel food cake. This helps during my mom’s recovery. She only charges $30 a week. We tried to get them on Meals on Wheels a few years back but I was told they have a waiting list for self pay people. If they were on Medicaid, they could get them. The same woman that brings their food used to run the program and said they don’t get hot meals every day anyhow. So this is much better and actually cheaper.
    My Zoom calls are for Bible study or Sunday School so I’m usually dressed top and bottom. Last night’s Bible study switched to Zoom only since it was frigid outside.

    • Becky says:


      What a treasure of a person you have found for your parents. Food for 4-5 days for $30? Wow! That’s amazing. And what a wonderful thing for YOU to in providing small servings of chili. What a blessing for them.

      Brrr. Just reading your description of your temps is too much for me. It’s in the high 40’s for us today–and I thought THAT was chilly!

      Hope your mom continues to recover well. Hugs.

  3. Melissa says:

    I read faithfully but rarely comment, but wow, I was so struck with how much you look like your granddaughter Maddie in the pic of you as a child that I just had to point it out! You look like sisters!

    • Becky says:


      How fun to think of Madi and me, looking alike. I had to go back to the picture to look at it, but I really did see what you were talking about.

      Thanks for leaving a comment; always good to hear from you!

  4. Michele says:

    I love the pictures of the Florida Smiths. Those babies are adorable and growing so fast! I am sorry your PFT results don’t appear to be what you were hoping for. I hope they stabilize soon and stay that way for a long time: my daughter recently graduated PA school in Florida and luckily found a job back home in Central NY. So she moved back home for a while to save money and pay down her loans. Well she has been on a vegetable soup kick lately so that is what would be in the big pot. I don’t have her pay rent so she does a lot of the shopping and cooking. She cooks healthy which is a good thing for hubby and I too. A win / win i guess. There is a cabinet on top of my frig so there is no room to store anything there. ( but don’t look in the cabinet ! Haha)

    • Becky says:


      I promise to NEVER look in your cabinet if you promise to never look on top of my fridge. 🙂

      How great to have your own personal shopper/chef in your home! Sarah helps me out in a lot of those areas too, and it is SUCH a luxury. And a big pot of vegetable soup sounds great; I’ve got a pot of Sante Fe soup on the stove right now. I doubled the recipe so I could have some to give away.

      Thanks for your kind words about my lung tests; will be interested to hear back from the doctor.

  5. SueEllen says:

    I’m sorry there was “lots of red” on your lung function tests, hopefully the recalculations will be at least a little better. I’m surprised Steve’s doctor didn’t verify his insurance when the appointment was made. I hope he at least enjoyed his drive. I really enjoyed the Florida Smith and the Gage updates & photos. How fun to find new masks just when you need them! Since we’ve only lived here about 3 months, we don’t really have anything on top of our fridge – yet. I agree with you, cemeteries – especially old ones – can be so interesting. Wishing you and yours a wonderful week!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Unfortunately, Steve’s drive to Virginia Beach is not a fraction as enjoyable as my drive to Greenville because he’s in traffic the whole time. But he listens to talk shows (his CD player is broken) and seems pretty content with his own company. 🙂

      Enjoy your clean top-of-fridge! May it last for a long time.

  6. Dear Becky, I share your appreciation for cemeteries and the feeling of focused reverence that one can experience there. As today’s blog attests, a cemetery offers many opportunities for creativity to the photographer. Your photo of the raindrop on the end of the branch was one of your best ever and evokes the many feelings that I have experienced in a cemetery. Thanks also for your feature on the Florida Smiths and the accompanying photos. Your grandsons’ smiles are precious!

    • Becky says:

      Twin Clarinets,

      Glad to find someone else who appreciates a cemetery. I love your phrase “focused reverence.”

      I loved taking the photo with the raindrop; glad you enjoyed seeing what came out of the other end of the camera. Hugs to you and Miss Lucy.

  7. LeeAnne says:

    The top of my fridge is empty. Well, all but the dust. Lol
    I do have a BIG pot like that. I use it when I cook down the turkey carcass for turkey soup. It’s perfect for that!
    When I was quite young, we dressed up for Easter. I always got a new dress, shoes, hat and gloves. I even had a little purse and I remember my mom giving me one of my grandma’s cloth hankies to tuck in my purse. It was so pretty with lace around the edges and I thought I was pretty big stuff! Oh those early lessons on being a lady.

    I’m surprised that the medical office didn’t ask for Steve’s insurance when he made the appointment. Such a waste of time and resources and a disappointment too. Hopefully he can find a good doctor who DOES accept his insurance. Soon.
    Gosh….I will be so interested to hear how the PFT test came out. Waiting and wondering can be difficult. Prayers for you Becky for peace and patience. Hugs.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      An empty refrigerator top? I am impressed. (And I think we ALL have dust!) 🙂

      I remember dressing up for Easter, too. I especially loved the white gloves I always wore. I can only imagine how spiffy you felt with your grandma’s cloth, lace hanky. Oh the sweet memories.

      Yes, it is a little strange that they hadn’t worked out Steve’s insurance stuff long before the visit. Oh well! Plan B. I’m anxious to hear from the doctor on my results but he said it would probably be on a weekend when he called me because that’s when he sits down and does a “deep dive” into complicated a patient’s records. Sooner or later. . .

  8. Guerrina says:

    I love seeing your pics of family and scenery! Cemeteries evoke several emotions in me – love, loss, hope, appreciation.

    Our fridge top stores food … bread, chips, tortillas, etc. (drives me nuts – but space is limited)! It’s gotten a bit better now that I instituted baskets on top.

    That pot is either filled with homemade pasta sauce and meatballs or homemade soup of some kind and the fam hates to see it come out because eating the same thing for days gets boring. Well, some things I do not know how to cook “small”! So my freezer handles the “leftovers” and there will come another week where I won’t have to cook, only defrost & reheat!

    My Dad always bought me a special gift from him on Christmas. One year it was a (faux) birthstone ring and I felt so grown up! I was probably in 2nd or 3rd grade and really didn’t have jewelry. No matter what that gift was each year, it was always special because my Dad had picked it out himself just for me.

    Nope, no Zooming for me!

    • Becky says:


      I am in total agreement with you on cooking large batches and freezing some for later. It’s so wonderful to walk into the house and know that dinner is already prepared because it was cooked a week or two before.

      I love that your dad always picked out a special gift for you on Christmas. I can only imagine how grownup you felt with your faux birthstone ring; I’m sure you felt like quite the lady!

      And yes, baskets on top of the fridge go a long way toward containing the clutter. And I am all about containing clutter.

  9. m says:

    on top of refrig: A 2017 picture of newborn great grandchild with her footprints, and a patriotic floral display in a tissue-paper decopage vase that I made.
    nothing would be in my pot because it wouldn’t be on top of my stove, which has covers on the burners so that I can display my Pig Collection.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Well now, I can’t say I’ve ever had a Pig Collection to display on top of my stove. You go! 🙂

      And I love that your refrigerator is graced with a newborn great-grandchild and a patriotic floral display. What could be better?

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