The Thing Post (February 2020)

February 10, 2020

It’s time once again for a Thing Post which means I feature a variety of topics that don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.

Thing One

A couple of weeks ago, something rare and wondrous happened. I received a handwritten letter!

Usually, my daily mail consists of a woefully uninspired plethora of political ads, Family Dollar flyers, and medical bills.  To have an actual hand-addressed envelope arrive in my life just about made me giddy.

And as it turns out, the letter was from a blog reader, which made it even more exciting. 

And what was even more exciting than that was this reader and her husband had realized that the vacation home they had booked just happened to be about twenty minutes from Manteo.

So they came to a church service and also invited us to their house for dinner.

When Steve and I arrived, we saw that each place setting was festooned with a hand-made place card and (most importantly) a piece of nice chocolate.  We felt very spoiled.

The meal included shrimp, scallops, and fish and was absolutely delicious.

And not only did we get to spend the evening with our new friends, Bill and Patti (from Maine), we also got to meet their son-in-law’s parents, Ed and Vickie (from NY), who had come to stay with them for a week. Here are the three ladies. (Patti on the left; Vickie on the right.)


I was telling Steve as we drove home that night how amazing it is that our wired world allows us to meet people we would never have a chance to meet any other way.  It was an absolutely delightful evening with absolutely delightful people.  

Thing Two

Good news on the Duke front. An appointment opened up two weeks earlier than the one on March 10.  The not quite so great part of it is that the appointment to see the doctor is on February 24 but the only opening for the pulmonary testing is February 21. So I will drive to Duke for the testing on Friday and then Steve and I will return the following Monday for the big appointment.

Speaking of medical stuff . . .

My finger mysteriously turned purple yesterday. Anyone ever had that happen?  If it doesn’t resolve, I’ll see a doctor. I’m just curious if anyone is familiar with that particular symptom.

Thing Three

Steve’s dad is adjusting well to living in his new assisted care facility. Part of the reason he is smiling so big in this photo is that his dog, Tippi, had come for a visit. That always makes his day.

Thing Four

As you are well aware, Steve is frequently in the middle of various mysterious projects at church and at home.

Here is his latest.

Any guesses as to what this particular project might be about?


Thing Five

I need some help. I was in a thrift store Saturday and saw this black, plastic thing.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out what it is for. Any ideas?

Thing Six

This little lady had a few growths removed last week. The vet said they all looked fine except for one that he biopsied and sent for testing.

I’m thinking our little lady might be just a little spoiled.

Speaking of dogs . . .

I saw this photo on Facebook which made me chuckle.

The caption was, “Coffee at home vs. coffee in public.”  Can anyone relate?

Another dog that made me smile was this one.  If I was in the back of a pickup, I would be huddled on the floor, with my coat over my head. But not this guy.  He was enjoying the wind in his face and he was living life large. 

Thing Seven

As much as I would like everyone to think my house is perfectly in order every moment of every day, here are some photos that will quickly dissuade you of that notion.

Ever since Christmas (yes, I know it was 6 weeks ago), I have been needing to organize all of my gift wrap–not just holiday stuff, but regular wrapping stuff, as well.

Last week, I finally dove into the project which took about two hours and required me to sit down every fifteen minutes to rest and to ponder the general meaning of life.

But at long last, all of the materials had been sorted and wrangled into a corner of the closet.

Thing Eight

I’ll close out with a post I created for our church FB page.  One of my favorite things in the world is graphic design so I’m thankful it’s part of my job description.

And that’s it for this month’s version of The Thing Post.  As always, I enjoy our chats. Have a great week!


24 comments so far.

24 responses to “The Thing Post (February 2020)”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    I love thing posts! So many fun things to see!
    I have no idea what Steve’s project could be….I am really intrigued.
    Ken looks wonderful and such a big smile! Those fur babies will do that to ‘ya. 🙂
    I am so glad that you got an appointment moved up. Bummer about having to travel twice. I’m praying for you, for safe travels and for answers!
    I hope all turns out well for Summer too. Poor baby!

    • Becky says:


      Glad you enjoy the Thing Posts. They’re fun to write and I am glad they are also fun to read!

      Safe travels and answers . . . two things I truly appreciate prayers for. Thank you!

  2. krista121799 says:

    YAY!! A Thing Post! My fave!
    * I love a good hand written letter, but my writing is so messy, it would take the reader many months to understand it. And it’s so fun to meet new people! Especially new blog people!
    * YAY for a sooner appointment. You’ll have a busy traveling period, but I pray there are answers!
    * Your finger looks like it hurt? Could you have wrapped it in a thread while sleeping, cutting of circulation for a time? I hope it’s better, tho.
    * Steve’s Dad looks great! And a visit from a pup is the best therapy. We often took the dog to see Mom when she was in the hospital. I’m not sure who was more excited to see who. =)
    * I have no idea’s on the mystery project, but I can’t wait to see what it is!
    * I have no guesses on the mystery item, but it looks like something that I would have see near the fireplace at George Washington’s home. It looks old like that.
    * Poor Summer. I sure hope that everything comes back looking good. She will need extra snuggles, tho, I’m sure!The picture of the 2 coffee dogs made me lol here at my desk =)
    * At first, I wondered how you got a picture of my house when I saw your Christmas mess room. The after photo is so neat and organized- way to go!
    * I love the FB photo…so inviting!
    ** I sure can’t wait to hear the results of some of these “Things”. And I pray you have a blessed week!

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to take the time to comment on each thing. Thank you for doing that.

      I had to laugh when you asked how I got a picture of your house. 🙂 I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a room with some messes in it! And yes, it IS a great feeling to spend time getting it all squared away.

      Have a great rest of the week.

  3. Fred says:

    Becky, as usual, your readers’ comments were insightful and thought provoking. What amazed me, however, is that there were no comments about your BRILLIANT use of an ironing board as an impromptu shelf in your wrapping paper room! I plan to implement that idea next Christmas. I also enjoyed seeing you and Pastor Steve on stage – especially Pastor Steve on the bass guitar – which I had never seen before. He looked “right at home” plucking those big bass strings. I join your readers in celebrating the improvement in your medical appointments at Duke and pray for positive outcomes.

    • Becky says:


      Oh yes, I am a long time user of ironing boards for tables. They are a good height for working and nice and wide. You don’t even have to wait till Christmas to try it!

      It’s funny you’ve never seen a picture of Steve with his bass because that’s what he plays 90% of the time.

      Thanks for your prayers and thoughts about the Duke appointment. I know that you know all about waiting for appointments!

  4. SueEllen says:

    How fun that you were able to meet up with one of your blog readers – When I FINALLY make it back to the Carolina Coast, I would love to meet you.

    “Who’d a thunk” the black thing was a George Foreman Spatula… and I have no clue what Steve’s latest mystery project is, but my curiosity is piqued.

    So happy to hear you were able to get an earlier appointment at Duke, but sorry it will require two trips.I hope you’re able to find some spectacular photo ops, or other “God-Winks” during your travels.

    Prayers that everything comes back good with Summer’s biopsy.

    I’m glad Steve’s dad is settling in well and that his mom is getting some relief in being his sole caregiver. And while I’m sure that’s much needed, I hope his mom is adjusting well as well. They both look so happy in this photo. (And dogs always make me smile, too.)

    Your graphic design looks wonderful. That seems like it would be such a fun field. I hope Sarah is doing well.

    Wishing you all a wonderful week!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      If you make it out here, be sure to give me a holler.

      I actually don’t mind the two trips to Duke because I’ve been missing my monthly road trips to Greenville. I’ll enjoy getting to strike out on my own for a road trip on that Friday.

      Yes, graphic design is definitely a lot of fun. One of my favorite things to do.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment on each thing!

  5. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    I love your monthly Thing posts!
    – So glad that an earlier appointment at Duke opened for you. I know how hard it is to wait. My brother had a doctor’s appointment a couple weeks ago which resulted in the doctor ordering an MRI for him. When she ordered the MRI, she said that the radiologist would look at the resukts, but she would do her own analysis and not to be surprised.if there was a 3 month wait for his follow up appointment. Well, he had the MRI done and when he called to schedule the follow up, the first available appointment was August 28! SIGH!
    – Steve’s brad looks good, and I’m glad he is settling in well and his beloved Tipping is welcome to visit him.
    – Have no idea what Steve’s mysterious project could be.
    – Hope the biopsy shows that so is well, and it is just another harmless growth. The other dog pictures were great, but the dog riding in the back of the truck is a little concerning. While the dog probably loves it, it is dangerous unless the dog is somehow secured, and not just loose in the back of the truck. Could be seriously injured if a quick turn or swerve happens and the dog loses his balance..
    – Don’t know what to think about your finger. I’ve had my fingers turn blue from the cold, but that clears when my fingers warm.
    – You cleaned up that wrapping paper area very well. I need to go through all my wrapping supplies, organize and purge.
    – Your FB project is great. Your church looks very warm and inviting. You hav e great graphic design abilities.
    Well, I’ve rambled on enough, but it has been great chatting with you.
    As always you and yours are in my prayers and I’m sending hugs to all of you.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Linda in Pittsburgh says:

      Whoops, that should have read Steve’s dad, not Steve’s Brad. Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      That is crazy to have to wait until August for a follow-up appointment. Hopefully, your brother can get on a waitlist of some sort and get in earlier.
      Waiting on something health-related is SO hard!

      Yeah, I thought about that when I saw the dog in the back of the truck. Although he’s happy as can be, it wouldn’t be a good thing if the driver had to do something unexpected and cause the dog to lose his balance. I guess more dog owners should think about that!

      Thanks for the compliment on my graphic design; so thankful my job includes getting to do that! And thanks for taking the time to comment on each Thing.

  6. Phyllis says:

    I have never had that happen to my fingers; however, about a month ago, I had what looked like a bruise on my foot where the 2nd and third toes fasten to the foot. I don’t remember dropping anything on it or hitting anything. In fact, I did drop something in a plastic container out of the refrigerator on the opposite foot but didn’t end up with a bruise there. Go figure.
    Looks like Ken is settling into the assisted living facility. It is hard to be separated when they have been married that long.
    I think the black thing is a spatula-grease tray scraper combo. So you use the small end to scrape out the grease that drips into the tray.
    Those are beautiful place setting cards and the chocolate isn’t too shabby either.
    Great news on getting the Duke appointment moved up!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. I wouldn’t have thought of a spatula-grease scraper combo but I guess that would make more sense to me than a double-headed spatula because it would be kind of hard to turn two things at the same time.

      That’s funny you dropped something on one foot and got a bruise on the other!

  7. Liz says:

    Becky, I had to laugh at the piles of Christmas you shared. Today, I finally finished putting “Christmas” away. It was out of sight, out of mind for too long. I did force myself to really go through our boxes and purge which, of course, took forever. Some of the things I wanted to save for our kids and put labels on them as to their family history. Next is what is called Swedish death cleaning. Awful name, but if you Google it, you will get the idea.
    So glad you are getting in a bit earlier to Duke. Glad you got the answers about your finger and the black thingy.

    • Becky says:


      I’ll have to say that Swedish Death Cleaning was a new term for me. I spent some time reading about it and I have to say that it makes a lot of sense. I love the thought of being a gradual, ongoing process so you are always making progress without having to get overwhelmed at a Big Clean.

      Thanks for introducing me to that concept.

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I have had that happen to my finger before and it really hurt. Didn’t go to the doctor, but figured some how I had broken a blood vessel. It eventually went away. The black thing – seems like I saw something like that umpteen years ago on one of those infomercials. Thinking too that it looked like some kind of spatula. So glad you can get in a little sooner. PTL. Please let us know how the biopsy on Summer went. I too have one of those containers that hold my rolls of wrappings – Christmas and all others. My flat wrapping paper is in a drawer and above that draw are the rolls of ribbons. But my Christmas rolls need a bigger container. The ones with the wires in them, I use for crafts. Your dad-in-law looks great. I’m sure he is a blessing to those he meets.

    • Becky says:


      It’s amazing how fast wrapping paper stuff can accumulate! My goal this year is to declutter and streamline so it felt good to go through all that stuff and clean it out and clean it up!

      My finger doesn’t hurt at all; just a little alarming to have it turn colors. Glad yours turned out okay!

  9. Peggy says:

    I had that happen to a finger once, doctor said it was from a broken blood vein. never hurt or anything!

  10. Elizabeth Bowen says:

    When I saw the black thing, it looked liked a double sided spatula to me. I googled that and looked at images. There was something listed on Ebay that was very similar that appears to be designed for a George Foreman Grill. Prayers for you appointments at Duke.

    • Becky says:


      That’s what I thought too, but couldn’t imagine why anyone would need a double-sided spatula. Not quite clear how it would be used. But at least we know what it is. Thanks!

  11. Ann Martin says:

    I had typed out a comment and then before I could send the page reloaded and I guess it disappeared. Glad your Duke appointment has been moved up but sorry for two trips. Safe travels both days. Prayers for Summer. Luci is eating and doing better. Thanks for the prayers for her. Take care of those fingers. Keep us informed. I have been praying for Ken and Vernie. So glad for the update. Prayers as we go to Duke Wednesday for my appointment. Let us know what the black thing is. I have no idea. Hugs. Glad you got to meet some blog friends from up North. I don’t know what Steve’s project is either. God bless.

    • Becky says:


      Turns out the black thing is a double-sided spatula for a George Foreman grill. Go figured!

      So thankful Luci is doing better. Looking forward to hearing your report from Duke.

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