The Thing Post (August, 2024)

August 19, 2024


Last week I texted Steve from work to say I was going to need a nap before dinner because I was wiped out. (I get up at 4:30 every morning.) When I arrived home and went into the bedroom, I saw the decorative pillows moved and the covers thrown back. What a welcoming sight for a weary body.

We moved the bedspread we used to have in this room into the guest room so this is a different look from what I posted earlier.

We are still trying to figure out what to put above the bed.  Since this is an older home the layout is a little less “thought through” than a more modern home might have been.  Because of just one window on the wall, whatever we put up there is going to be off-center–either on the wall or on the bed. Any thoughts?


Steve did a few things with Grayson last week in honor of his 6th birthday. They came to the house and built a shelf and then went to the airport overlook where the city of Charlotte just finished building a beautiful playground.  Kids play and watch planes at the same time so it’s a perfect place for our crew.

Photo by BizJournals


You know how it is when you put off a job for months and months because you think it will take forever to accomplish? That was the case with my linen closet, where I kept shoving items I didn’t know what to do with.

I finally got enough gumption to start work on it and it ended up taking less than thirty minutes.

There are a few areas that need some more sorting but there is a lot to be said for just doing a first pass on a project.  If you don’t get too bogged down in minutia you can always come back later and finish up.


We had the kids overnight Friday and as usual, the fun was rowdy and raucous.  So much so that even the doggie had to apply herself to a recovery nap.  (Noah joined the crew shortly after this was taken.)

Grayson was the last man standing.

In the living room, Andrew had the same idea.

Saturday morning following the Great Conk Out, Sarah and Gage came over to hang out with the kids. It was great for us all to be together.


Tomorrow is a big day for Nathan, Meagan, and the family. Not only are the kids headed back to school but Meagan is headed back to teaching at the kids’ school.  Lots of adjustments all around but I know it’s going to be a great experience for them all.

And this is where I pause and say a huge thank you to all the teachers going back into the classroom this year.  You are my heroes and I am amazed by you.  Your work is appreciated more than you will ever know.


Have you ever wondered what to do with just a few bites of leftover meat that aren’t enough for another meal?

Well, I cut them up into bite-sized pieces and freeze them. When there is a sufficient amount collected, I make a multi-meat tortilla which is basically a free meal. (Of course, I wouldn’t make these tortillas for visitors since the meat previously belonged to Steve and me.)

When I make ours, I put a little olive oil in the pan and sauté some onion and pepper. Then I add two tortillas, fill them with meat, cheese, and any other desired fillings, and fold each of them over.  I spray the tops with olive oil so that when I flip them, the tops will get crispy too.

The best part of it is that the peppers and onions embed themselves into the tortillas and make them extra delicious.


I love learning new things and to help with that, I have recently subscribed to daily posts from Kim Komando.    

(That’s her website link; you can also subscribe to her daily newsletter.)

She is entertaining and easy to read; her writing about tech, daily life tips, and online safety applies to anyone, regardless of how non-techy you may be.  I have not read one email of hers where I haven’t learned at least one thing. Plus, she makes me laugh!


We’ve been looking for a different rug for our den for a few months since the one we originally put in there (purchased from Facebook) had some greens in it that didn’t pull together with the green of the walls.

Two weeks ago, Steve found a wool rug that had been $2,000 originally and was being sold for $60.

Since it had to be cleaned before being used, he put it down in the garage to keep it out of the rain.

I don’t know if you’ve ever dragged a large wool rug around before, but they are a bit on the heavy side. Unfortunately, Steve’s partner in rug-moving (me) is not overly endowed with musculature.  So he put his patented creativity to work and got that rug dragged up the hill and onto our deck using his trusty and beloved riding mower. (Also bought from FB.)

Just because I feel like you need a fuller appreciation of the full brilliance of his work, I have put together a brief video, This is Steve moving what I like to the call The Slug Rug.


What about you?

Do you ever buy or sell on Facebook Marketplace?  Has it been a good experience?

Do you have any thoughts about what to hang over our bed?

Are you a teacher? What grade? How long have you been teaching?

What is a cleaning project you have been putting off for a long time?

What’s the most fun thing you did this summer?

16 comments so far.

16 responses to “The Thing Post (August, 2024)”

  1. Eswim says:

    Happy Birthday to Grayson!!! Great thinking on Steve’s part to move the rug! Work smarter not harder! 🙂
    I do not buy/sell on Market place but my hubby does. Good experiences so far.
    I would use the artist of the family and maybe small tree branches or vines from the corner out and add lots of pics of your family. 🙂 You could use different size pics/frames.
    I am not a school teacher (many years as a Sunday school teacher). I admire and am thankful for all those who teach!!! My oldest daughter is a Special Ed teacher in one of our area elementary schools (K-5). Her first years she taught Special Ed in high school grades (8-12). She is starting her 9th year. She has a 3 1/2 year old little girl and is due any time now with our first grandson!!! 🙂
    I need a great basement purge but seem to always find other things that need attention. 🙂
    We had a big family beach trip in June. Lots of fun! Now best part of this summer….being on baby watch!!!

    • Becky says:


      A Great Basement Purge. What a perfect description for what is needed in our basement, as well. Some day we (and you) will get around to it!

      Interesting idea of having art on our walls. My readers are so creative!

      Thank you for teaching Sunday school for so many years. Most pastors are always looking for faithful teachers and what an impact you’ve had on those young lives.

      Happy Baby Watch!

  2. LeeAnne says:

    Ha! The moving of the slug rug is brilliant but the music actually made me laugh out loud! I had to play it a couple more times because it was so awesome. 😂
    I’ve never bought from Facebook marketplace but my husband has sold a couple of big things and it went well.
    I keep putting off cleaning the bathroom tile grout. I did that a couple times a year at our other house but have yet to tackle it here at our new place. There’s something about other people’s dirt…
    We went to Lake Tahoe which was pretty awesome and beautiful. We’ve never been there before. Got to experience it with family. The best!

    • Becky says:


      I’m so glad to know someone enjoyed my music taste. It made me smile, too. 🙂

      Yeah, cleaning bathroom grout does not sound like anyone’s idea of fun. It will be easier after the first time though, because it will be your own dirt!

      I’m sure Lake Tahoe was amazing; glad you got to make that trip.

  3. SueEllen says:

    I haven’t personally bought or sold anything on FB Marketplace, but my adult children have and I’ve browsed (just haven’t found anything calling my name). I noticed the rug in your pictures and really liked it before you posted what a great deal it was. Maybe you could put something on the two walls where they come together in the corner and maybe that would help even out the unevenness. I am the special education secretary on one of our high school campuses, and the beginning of the school year is chaotic times infinity; but as in years past, I’ll get through it and by November things will have (hopefully) settled down to normal. I hope all the Smith going back to school have a wonderful year!! And that you all have a great week!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Chaotic times infinity. What a great description! When I asked Meagan how her first day went she said, “Controlled chaos” so you’re on the same page. I’m glad you have the years past to encourage you that things WILL get better eventually. Thank you for doing such a vital job.

      Glad you liked the rug; we were so pleased to find one we loved that was so inexpensive.

  4. Kristy Smith says:

    Lots of things! For the bedroom, I would look for something about 3/4 as wide as the bed and maybe 12-18 inches tall or a series of three things, and then center your choice with the window and wall. If your son in law can get three of those fabulous paper Trader Joe’s bags, use them as a template to see what look and shape you prefer 😉. I love FB Marketplace, thrift stores, consignments and all those sorts of things. I’ve been lucky in selling and purchasing, even if I have to drive a bit. That’s part of the adventure!

    • Becky says:


      That’s a great idea to use paper bags as templates. And yes, Trader Joe bags are really cool!

      As you said, it’s definitely an adventure to shop on Marketplace, thrift stores, etc. It makes going to a “real” store seem so boring!

  5. Alisa Bentley says:

    When I have leftover meat, I put it in a salad. Gives it a little protein. I especially love thin sliced steak in my salad, but chicken or pork works well also.

  6. dmantik says:

    I had to go look up “musculature” and see what it meant and how it was pronounced. New word for me!

    Steve’s rug moving strategy was brilliant. Riding mowers can be very versatile! 🙂

    It always makes me happy to see you and the grands making memories, naps required!

    Your bedroom looks so cozy! Love the lamps with the pretty light shining in the base. My decor thought was to put some tall, tasteful greenery– a good quality artificial for ease of care–in the corner by Steve’s night stand and put a mirror of some kind in the blank space. I always think mirrors add so much and can be used whether centered or not cause they just bring reflective light and glimmer. That’s my theory anyway!

    I too think that teachers are deserving of our admiration and respect. And higher pay! Our daughter-in-law, Amanda, is a 6th grade English teacher and is very good at what she does. So proud of her and of Meagan as she starts her new teaching position. I know she’ll shine!

    Sending love!


    • Becky says:


      Whew! I’m glad musculature is actually a word. I just picked out of my brain and threw it on the page. 🙂

      Yes, mirrors are one of my great loves in decorating. Interesting thought to add some greenery in the corner, too.

      So proud of Amanda and Meagan–they are amazing women! (And not just because they are our daughter-in-law.)

  7. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    Hello! Long time no reply!

    Interesting quandary about the bedroom decor! Is there any other way to arrange your furniture to get a more “solid” wall above the bed? We live on an active faultline (New Madrid – pronounced New MAD rid) so we don’t have anything above our bed (even though the odds are definitely in our favor to NOT have an earthquake).

    Can’t wait to see the rug! I love FB marketplace. I buy and sell there a LOT!

    • Becky says:

      Hi Stefanie,

      Great to hear from you!

      We tried one rearrangement but the room was too small to accommodate it.

      Good idea not to have anything above your headboard. Falling decorative items would NOT be a good way to wake up!

      I thought I had posted a photo of the new rug but I didn’t; just went back and put it in.

  8. Patti says:

    You are so blessed to be able to have your grands over so often. What memories you are making with them.
    I have not used facebook marketplace, but friends love it.
    I would put a collection of pictures over it so it wouldn’t have to be centered. I just saw a great video on folding books. They put 9 different ones over a couch and it looked great. With your love of books and words maybe that would work well. This isn’t the one I saw on facebook, but it is similar.
    I was a teacher of preschool and kindergarten. I am retired. Miss the kids, but wouldn’t want to teach now with all the new rules and requirements.
    I put off all cleaning projects until company is coming and then I work like crazy.
    Didn’t do much this summer, but I finally got some mammoth sunflowers to bloom and that was exciting.

    • Becky says:


      You’re like Steve and me; we love it when company is coming because we get REALLY productive! 🙂

      What a cool idea on the book folding! That’s something I could never figure out but Steve would be good at it. Very creative art.

      Thank you for your years of teaching; think of all the many young lives you impacted!

      And hooray for mammoth sunflowers. I didn’t know there was such a thing so I learned something.

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