The Thing Post (August 2020)

August 3, 2020

This is a monthly post made up of bits and pieces of all sorts of things. Hence, the Thing Post.


Thing One

First of all, I’d like to send out our thanks to each of you who left comments about Steve’s dad’s passing.  It has been wonderful to feel so supported and surrounded by your words and your prayers.

And speaking of Ken, when Steve was in Charlotte a few weeks ago, Vernie gave him Ken’s parents’ Marriage Certificate.  Is this not the coolest thing?  1922!

I’m thankful for the heritage of Smith marriages that have traveled down to our marriage and are being passed down to Nathan and Meagan’s marriage as well.

And on the subject of Nathan and Meagan, they just celebrated their ninth anniversary on July 23rd, the day Ken died.


At first, they were a little sad about that timing but then they said, “Since Grandpa left such a great heritage of a strong marriage, every year on July 23, we will be reminded, and encouraged, and challenged by his example.”

While in Charlotte, I found a Bible in the living room and immediately turned to the title page. Love seeing Bibles that are full of years.

Thing Two

While we were in Charlotte, I did a lot of the cooking for Vernie, which is one of my favorite ways to help.

Since it was so hot outside, I was trying not to use the oven and decided to use Vernie’s toaster oven instead.

It did great. It got nice and hot on the inside and . . .

it also got nice and hot on the top of the oven.

Being an admitted toaster oven newbie, I didn’t know you shouldn’t put anything on the top of it while using it.  And so we ended up with two new dishes.

One was called Partially Scorched Bananas . . .

and the other was called Melted Wrapper Bread.

Don’t you wish I could prepare these delicacies for you?

(Speaking of food, we just found out that a local bar-b-q restaurant is providing a free full meal for 24 people after the funeral in honor of Ken’s service.  I teared up when Vernie told me.)

Thing Three

Another Charlotte happening was the bequeathal of this 50-year old pencil sharpener which has been attached to the wall of the linen closet since 1976.  Steve has always loved that old sharpener and when he mentioned it to his mom, she told him he could take it home.

Thing Four

The vintage pencil sharpener reminded me of this Teachers Contract that I ran across recently.  It is really hard to believe some of the rules they had to follow.  Back then and now, teachers are amazing

Thing Five

As a rule, our family runs the wheels off our cars before getting a new one, and we also wait a long time to upgrade phones after paying them off.

Well, for the past year or so, my heart had been yearning for a later model iPhone since the cameras are touted to be so amazing. However, I knew the chances were against me getting one because my iPhone 7 was running great and besides, it was Steve’s turn for the next upgrade.

Well, a couple of weeks ago,  when Steve’s iPhone 6 died and it became clear that a new phone was going to be necessary,  I hatched up a little plan and presented it to my husband to see what he thought.  I wasn’t sure if it would go over or not.

The plan was this:  Since I am the photographer in the family (taking pictures for this blog as well as the church’s website, social media, promo, etc) it seemed to make more sense to me that I should get the new (upgraded) phone. 

I figured if Steve took my iPhone 7, he would also be getting an upgrade because the iPhone 7 is a big step over the 6.

And guess what? Bless his wonderful, generous heart, he immediately agreed to the plan.

So now I have an iPhone 11 Pro which comes with three cameras. I am just loving it!

I really like the wide-angle lens.

And the regular lens as well.

  So you all can be grateful to Steve for any photography improvement you see on this blog.

Thing Six

Here are some photos of Sarah who had a little outing last week. Is that hat not the cutest thing on her?

Here she is, hamming it up with her dad.  He’s always ready to embark on miscellaneous hamming-it-up opportunities.

Thing Seven

Many of you have seen my sister’s name (Deb) in the comments over the years. She is a faithful reader, not to mention being a fabulous sister and friend.

She recently called to tell me here beloved cat, Rosie, went missing.  If you’ve ever loved an animal that has disappeared, you know heartbroken she was.

Eighteen days passed with no sign of Miss Rosie.  And then guess what?

I got a text Saturday night saying Rosie had been found and was back at home.  In a world rife with bad news, a piece of good news is like a drink of water in the Sahara.

Hooray for Rosie!

On the left is an earlier photo; on the right is the one from right after she returned home.

Thing Eight

We have a lot going on this week. (In addition to a pending tropical storm.)

On Tuesday, Steve will drive to Charlotte to spend some extra time helping his mom with some legal matters.

On Wednesday afternoon, Sarah and I leave for  Charlotte as soon as she gets off work.

On Thursday morning, Nathan and Meagan will arrive in Charlotte.  (Meagan managed to get them two round trip tickets for just a hundred dollars.)  We are thrilled they are able to come.

On Friday morning, we will have Ken’s graveside memorial service with the folding of the flag, a three-volley salute, and the playing of Taps. I get teary-eyed just writing about it.

We will stay there through Sunday and then head back home.

Again, our deepest thanks to each of you who has prayed for us and shared compassionate words over the past days. We are so grateful for every one of you.

What about you?  What old item would you love to have from an older relative or the family home?  What do you love about it?

Have you ever had a cooking snafu similar to the Melted Wrapper Bread?

20 comments so far.

20 responses to “The Thing Post (August 2020)”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    My dad has the ship’s register from a cargo ship that his great-great-great (not sure of how many greats…) grandfather sailed. His name was Captain John Marble and sailed from England to America. Every page is hand written in beautiful cursive writing, is leather bound and about 3″ thick. It is pretty fragile; parchment paper pages! I am sure that it will be passed down to my brother and I when dad is gone. It is absolutely fascinating!!!

  2. krista121799 says:

    YeeHaw, a Thing Post! My very fave!

    * I love finding old things and that marriage certificate is cool. Also, I’m glad Nathan and Meagan have decided it’s ok to share their anniversary day and Grandpa’s passing date. When my Mom was dying, it was around my birthday and it could have happened on the day and I decided that it would be alright. My birthday would also be the day that my Mom met Jesus. But, she didn’t pass away until a week after my birthday.

    * I have a kitchen story for you… I was taking an apple pie out of the oven and I lit my sleeve on fire as I slid it across the element on the top of the oven. Not one of my better moments.

    * I wish they’d bring back the old pencil sharpener. I remember waiting in line as we all sharpened our pencils in the morning.

    * That teacher agreement is perfect. So funny what rules they had back then. Although, I guess it meant the teacher’s were only concentrated on their job and their students. No time for fooling around =)

    * Your new phone does great pictures. And that one of the sky? Breathtaking!

    * I love Sarah’s dress! She looks so cute in it!

    * Oh Rosie! I wonder where she went all that time? So glad she is back, tho!

    * I hope that the storm wasn’t bad on your area and you are all safe and are able to travel. Like I said before, at my Mom;s funeral, I hated why we were all gathered, but I’m happy we got to see family and friends we hadn’t seen in awhile.

    Lord’s Blessings to you all!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your enthusiasm for the Thing Posts. Makes me smile!

      I can’t say I have ever set my sleeve on fire while cooking. I think you deserve the Most Dramatic Story award!

      Yes, I remember lining up to sharpen pencils, too. Such a great feeling of satisfaction to get the perfect point.

      We had very little storm effects in Manteo although there were a few places within an hour or two that got hit pretty hard. I read there is nothing else developing right now so we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

      You’re so right about there being mixed emotions surrounding a funeral with the grief tempered by the joy of being together. Nathan and Meagan will land in two hours so definitely looking forward to hanging out with them. Blessings!

  3. SueEllen says:

    I always love your “thing” posts! I have one of my maternal grandma’s aprons that I treasure – both grandmothers always had an apron on when in the kitchen. I have one of my paternal grandma’s dolls that she had restored shortly before she passed away (along with a postcard from the “doll hospital” in another state where she was restored). … And yes, I’ve had kitchen snafus – did you know that if you set a plastic cutting board on a hot stove eye it will melt and warp into a quite interesting shape? … How neat to find the old marriage certificate – 1922 – wow! … And speaking of WOW – how can Nathan and Megan be celebrating NINE years of marriage already??? And I love how they’ve chosen to commemorate Ken on their anniversary in the coming years….Yay for new iPhones!!! In December 2018 I upgraded from a 5 to an X, what a difference. And this year I went ahead and upgraded to the 11 (my daughters both got the pro, but I went with “just” the 11, because my payment would actually go down a couple dollars a month and don’t publish many photos – just a few on Facebook and Instagram). I love the wide angle you shared – I’m sure we’re in for some real treats!! I hope you go minimal flooding and/or damage from the storm….Sarah looks absolutely adorable in that hat!! And I really like Steve’s shirt….Prayers for safe travel for everyone and for special family time together as you gather for Ken’s service.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Isn’t that interesting how aprons were worn so much generations ago but people hardly wear them now? I wonder what the reasoning is behind that. I don’t even own one! But how wonderful to have that treasured apron from your grandma AND a restored doll, complete with the accompanying postcard. Treasures beyond price.

      Maybe you could make abstract art pieces with your newfound skill of melting plastic cutting boards! 🙂

      Yes, switching from an iPhone 5 to an X would make a huge difference. Isn’t the 11 great?

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    My bro-in-law (sister’s husband) passed away in June, but the service was held on July 18, the same day and time that my daughter was married – same church, same room. Said it was a little strange knowing it was her anniversary too. Now have another bro-in-law that is in hospice at his home. Has a variety of ailments, but found out a week ago that he has 2 aggressive forms of Cancer. Since he was in the service, they are waiting for the veterans memorial museum to open up in a couple weeks so he can have a military service. Sarah wears hats very well. Great picture of her. Speaking of which, what a great camera – you already take great pictures so it will be interesting to see what you will come up with. That was a beautiful close up shot of that flower. I go to a women’s luncheon once a month that is run by a Christian organization. Last month we met for the first time since February – social distancing and masks of course – and we have 3 veterans come. One of them read about the flag that is folded during a military funeral. If you would like I can take a picture of it and send it to you, if you send me your e-mail address. Am thinking of posting it on Facebook, but because it is rather long, might have to take 2 days to do it.

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad your brother-in-law can have a military service. He certainly deserves that honor for the time he served.

      Yes, Sarah is definitely a great hat-wearer. They suit her face/head shape AND her personality. The vintage hat was given to her by one of my long-time blog readers.

      Yes, certainly I would enjoy the flag folding article. Address is Or if you ever want to contact me and don’t have email address handy, you can always click on the Contact link at the top of the page.

      Have a great day!

  5. Michele says:

    Had a party with little room to store left overs after. Put a cake in a plastic container in the oven to store. Forgot about it the next day when I needed to preheat the oven. Not good. Will be thinking of and praying for your family this week

    • Becky says:


      Oh I can only imagine the smell and mess of that melted plastic. I did the same thing once and it was horrible. Glad I’m not the only one!

      Thank you for your prayers this week; so very appreciated.

  6. Phyllis says:

    My mom had a cameo necklace that her mom and she both wore at their weddings. Since I was the only daughter of the only daughter, I was to get it when I got married. Well, that never happened but several years ago my mom went ahead and gave it to me on the condition that I get a new chain for it. When my niece got married last year, I asked her if she wanted to wear it. She didn’t like the way it laid with her dress so the florist worked it into her bouquet which turned out very nice.
    Several years ago this Christmas, I was making a standing rib roast for Christmas at my parents. I thought it was never going to get done. I called the repairman the next day. Can’t remember what the issue was but he replaced some part and the stove worked for several more years until last year when it finally bit the dust. Well, it didn’t really bite the dust, it was just so old they couldn’t find a replacement part for the oven.
    Congratulations on the new phone. My cousin got a new 11 also. She has a 7 so I’m buying it to give to my dad. It will be quite an improvement from his flip phone!
    Hope Sarah had fun on her outing. She looks so cute!

    • Becky says:


      I used to have a cameo pin that I loved wearing. You don’t see them much anymore. And what a great idea to incorporate a family heirloom like that into a wedding bouquet. Love that idea

      My hat is off to you for making a standing rib roast. I have never had the courage to try one.

  7. Cindy Latoures says:

    I recognize that hat, glad Sarah is still getting use of them. It makes me so happy I sent them to her. I am doing well with my broken arm and have been able to get more things done around the house, which is much better than watching tv. I can read books again to. I see my surgeon tomorrow and hope he will let me do more , especially moving my shoulder again. I will be thinking of all of you as you say your final goodbyes to Ken. As a cat lover I am so happy your sisters cat was found!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah has loved her vintage hat collection. Thanks again. By the way, what is the approximate age of those hats? We were trying to remember.

      So glad you are feeling better and able to do more things. I know you like to stay busy so that is definitely good news!

      • Cindy Latoures says:

        They have to be between eighty and a hundred years old, probably closer to 100. So glad Sarah enjoys them.

  8. Mrs. Pam says:

    yes..oven mishap. I foolishly put the plastic container of meat that I got from the grocery store in the oven to warm up. BIG MELTED PLASTIC PERMANENT MESS on the rack.
    Mrs. Guthrie said she would try to find me a replacement rack. She took mine to her house. Mr. Guthrie found it, and thinking it was theirs, spent quite a bit of time trying to get the plastic off. He did not succeed.

    Don’t think I would have been a happy 1923 teacher if I couldn’t linger in the ice cream parlor.

    What a blessing for the family from that Bar-B-Q restaurant! Ken was certainly loved!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      That’s so funny. Lingering in the ice cream parlor was the very thing that stuck out to me as well. Because we all know what shady places an ice cream parlor can be. 🙂

      BIG MELTED PERMANENT MESS is NEVER a good thing. Kudos to Mr. Guthrie for trying to clean that rack. I’m impressed!

  9. dmantik says:

    I am so honored Rosie got to be part of a Smithellaneous Thing post! We are so incredibly thankful to have her back. Taking her to the vet today to get checked out.

    We will be right there in spirit on Friday for Ken’s service. Sure would have loved to be there with you–so glad Nathan and Meagan can come. What a great price on the air fare! God providing.

    I have a little glass blue bird that sits on my kitchen window sill. It sat on Grandma Mike’s window sill for many years. It is dear to me because whenever I see it, I am transported right back to her kitchen. So many cherished memories!

    Sarah is downright adorable in her hat and cute little dress. A stunner, she is!

    Much love to you all. Happy pic taking with your “new” phone! 😊❤️

    Love Deb

    • Verna Smith says:

      Debbie, How wonderful that beloved Rosie found her way home! A day of rejoicing! I too wish you and Randy could be here this week. We’ll feel your spirit with us! Hugs, Vernie

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I agree. Getting transported back to Grandma Michaelson’s kitchen is a very good thing. So many memories there.

      It was my honor to feature Miss Rosie on the blog. Such a sweet, sweet face.

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