The Thing Post (April 2018 Edition)

April 23, 2018

It is time yet again for a Thing Post, which simply means I feature a whole bunch of things that don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.

Thing One

A few times over the years, I have thought of having a Best Of Tab on the menu at the top of blog; however, I never quite got around to doing it, mainly because I thought it would take forever to gather up the posts.

Well, in the comments on this post last Monday, Kari made the suggestion to compile certain posts (as other readers have suggested through the years) and I thought, “Hmmmm.  Maybe I should give it a try.”

And it worked! And it wasn’t that hard!

And so now you can find a Best Of tab at the top of the blog with the writings divided between serious and humorous.  If there is a post I missed that you think should be included, be sure to let me know.

I hope you enjoy reading some of my favorite pieces.

Thing Two

I opened the front door to go to church last Sunday and saw this guy on the sidewalk at the bottom of the stairs, just waiting for me to descend.

I SCREAMED and SLAMMED the door, and stood there for a moment pondering an alternate escape route.

Although in theory, turtles are famous for being a little on the slow-ish side, I was still not going to take any chances walking near this fella.  And so I slunk out the garage door instead because who wants to spend Sunday being chased by a turtle? Not me, that’s who!  (Which reminds me of the time I was chased by a slug.)

Thing Three

Here is what our front yard looked like this past Friday.  My car, Steve’s car, our youth pastor’s truck and the mobile groomer’s truck and trailer were all gathered for a little vehicular convocation.


Steve had hired our new youth pastor, Clinton Rogers, to help dig out our old winter shrub beds and get ready for adding new shrubs.  Steve had cut back the old shrubs last fall thinking they might come back and bloom, but they seem a little tired out and may need to be sent on to their final reward.

Here is an old picture of Sarah in front of the shrubs to show you what they used to look like–back in their glory days.   

I was so very glad that Steve and Clinton were the ones who had to do the tough outside work. I was quite happy to putter around doing the indoor work which, on that particular day, consisted of getting the house ready for a potluck dinner with our board members and wives.

For those observant ones of you who notice such things, yes, the dinner plates are missing and there are only salad plates on the table.  (Which I nabbed for ten cents apiece at a thrift store.)  One of the women brought a large tray of (fabulous) lasagna and rather than try to pass the pan, we just served it up in the kitchen and brought the plates in.

Thing Four

I just bought sandals (with tags still on) at a thrift store for $4.  Are they not so cute? (And also comfortable!)  Which at my age, usually trumps cuteness.  But when they’re cute AND comfortable AND cheap?  It’s all good.

Thing Five

I came into the bedroom this morning and saw that Steve had put Summer on the bed, wrapped in her blanket.  I had to laugh when I saw her because she looked just like a stealthy spy dog.  (We are always watching.)

Thing Six

I have never felt very gifted in decorating the outside of our house but we did manage to freshen up our porch for spring. Steve hung new sconces on each side of the door and I trotted out a floral wall hanging thingie that had been languishing in a closet for a while.

This is what the old sconces looked like.  (Once again using an old picture of Sarah to demonstrate.)

Thing Seven

I guess since Sarah has appeared on this post a couple of times already, I should fill you in on what’s going on in her life. She will finish her fourth year of college in two weeks–two years of community college and two years at Regent.  Since she changed majors, it is going to take her another year to graduate so she will be headed back to Regent this fall.

During the summer, she will work at Food Lion again.

Here is a more recent shot of her.

Thing Eight

I have three doctor appointments this week. Two of them (rheumatologist and pulmonologist) are in Greenville tomorrow and a third (with a new GI doctor) will be in Chesapeake, VA on Friday.  That’s about  ten hours on the road getting to and from the appointments so it will be a busy week.

I had been on a low dose steroid for about a year but last month decided that I would see if I could get by without it, since I know long-term use isn’t a good thing.  Let me just say it’s been a bit of a tough month, physically, with all manner of pains and swollenness popping up which had been kept at bay by the steroid. 

Getting older is such grand fun.  

Thing Nine

On May 10 we will head to Florida to spend a few days with the kids and the grand kids. And also to say hello to the newest grandson which we will have to do by shouting at Meagan’s stomach. But hey, whatever works.   (Meagan is due August 4)

On the way home, we will stop in Charlotte to celebrate Steve’s mom’s birthday.

Thing Ten

I went to a baby shower last week and loved the decorating ideas. This is one where each guest  put her thumb print on the balloon strings and signed it.  A wonderful piece to frame and put in a nursery.

And this was such a cute and easy food item for a girl (Especially since the baby’s nickname is Little Peanut.)

So there you have it.

From turtles to fingerprinted balloons, the Thing Post never fails to be replete with variety of the miscellaneous sort.

What about you?  If you were writing a Thing Post this week, what would it include? 






26 comments so far.

26 responses to “The Thing Post (April 2018 Edition)”

  1. Mary says:

    My week was a fantastic one as I was on vacation to Panama City Beach, Florida with my daughter and two nieces. What a wonderful time we had and I am thankful that this younger generation would want to spend the 5 days with an older generation like me. Home today unpacking and then washing clothes tomorrow. I love packing to go away but unpacking – not so much. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      How fun for all of you gals to get to hang out together! Several generations mixed together makes for a good time, indeed.

      I agree about unpacking. Not such a fun thing to do but at least there are trip memories to keep you company while doing it! 🙂

  2. LeeAnne Lind says:

    Ummmm…that turtle looks huge and scary! I wouldn’t walk past him either!! Love the new sconces on the front porch. We need to update our outdoor lights and I really like this style. What did Sarah changer her major to?
    My list this week would be: clean out the flower beds, go trim the roses at the church, paint the new-to-me nightstand that I just got, go buy birthday cards and wrap granddaughter’s birthday gift, replace the screen in the screen door to the garage and go golfing on Saturday. Can’t wait for that one!

    • Becky says:


      Huge and scary, indeed! There’s a good reason I gave that fella a wide berth.

      Sounds like you have a wide variety of talents and interests including two that I absolutely cannot do–painting and repairing. Nice to end the week out with something fun. Enjoy!

  3. Kari says:

    Ugh, that turtle/tortoise looks prehistoric and huge! I don’t much care for turtles after having to feed the neighbors when they went on vacation. I had to take him out of one container and put him in another to feed him night crawlers and strawberries. It was gross!
    Summer is so photogenic!

    Hope your appointments go well this week. I hear you on the pain, all my joints hurt and I don’t sleep very well anymore, hurts to walk, etc.

    My things would be:
    – Digging in fertilizer on my plants, digging up and dividing, and replanting some plants, and starting seeds now that our weather has warmed.

    – Hauling stuff up from the basement that was stored for the winter and putting it outside.

    – Washing summer clothing and packing away winter stuff.

    – Repainting yard stuff and my doors.

    – Replacing 83.00 worth of computer wires/cables that we discovered our cat had chewed. After getting the new cables, covering them with the stuff they cover wires and stuff in car engines (split loom cable that is not very easy to work with when your fingers hurt so bad!)

    P.S. That was the cutest baby shower ideas and I will check out the “Best Of” tab!

    • Becky says:


      Why is that cats love to chew such strange things? Surely it can’t taste good to them!! A good idea to cover the new ones with the split loom cable (first I’ve ever heard of that) to keep that from happening again. And I am wholly sympathetic about trying to accomplish a job with hurting fingers.

      Sounds like you have quite the green thumb. I am so very jealous, not to mention in awe. I know you must be so excited when planting season comes around again!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    Wow! What a post. Sure like the turtle and all the other pictures. I guess I would start with spending the week in Myrtle Beach for Singing in the Sun—Southern Gospel Concerts and “old-fashion preaching.” This was last week. Thing 2 would be getting my pups from the boarding facility and spending time with them this afternoon and tonight. Thing 3 tomorrow will be Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for the Hospital volunteers. Thing 4 Friday we leave for NC District Pilot Convention in Aberdeen. Praise God no doctors appointments for us this week. Have several in May. Safe travels for you!!!

    • Becky says:


      I am so glad you have an appointment-free week. You and Jim have certainly earned that!

      From your FB posts, it looks like you had a fabulous time in Myrtle Beach. I know you always enjoy those events every time you go.

      I know how exciting it is to be reunited with dogs. Aren’t they the most wonderful creatures?

  5. SueEllen Williams says:

    That turtle looked like it was part lizard or something – definitely worth a detour! Enjoy your trips to Greenville and Chesapeake this week – hope you’re able to get some fabulous photos (and relief). At 56, I can relate to getting older! My mind thinks I’m about 20 years younger than my body. And the thumbprint print for the baby shower is such a sweet idea.

    • Becky says:


      I don’t think we should tell our minds exactly how old we are! 🙂 It’ll be our secret.

      And yes, that turtle did look rather lizard-y, didn’t he? Gave me the heebie-jeebies.

  6. Fred & Lucy says:

    Your blogs always brighten my days. The fingerprint elephant was the prize! 🙂 And a late comment about your blog Meandering around Manteo. Over the past 50 years of our marriage, I have always told people that Manteo was my favorite place in the universe. But when they ask why, I could never find the right words. You blog about walking around Manteo provided my answer beautifully. From now on, I will refer people to your blog, and add, “… and all of the wonderful memories.” 🙂

    • Becky says:


      So glad I get to be a Fred Johnson Day Brightener!

      Memories in Manteo. Sounds like the title of a book. This truly is a lovely place; I love loving here and I can truly understand why you have so enjoyed your visits here over the past five decades.

  7. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I remember your “trial” with that slug. I believe you did win over that animal, just like you did with the turtle. You go girl!!! In speaking about your doctor’s appointments and about getting older. My sister just under me is 71. She found out last week that she had bronchitis and emphazema (sp).. She had had a bout of shingles and was wondering if the shingles had anything to do with it. Anyway this a.m. she had to go to the doctor and they ran some tests having her breathe into different items. It took over an hour and she was so tired after doing all of the breath tests she just shook. That night before going to bed (her husband wasn’t in the bedroom at the time) she said she felt so old. She said she told herself out loud, “I am not old – I am not old.” Okay, Becky, repeat – I am not old – I am not old!!!

    • Becky says:


      I know just how your sister felt with those breathing tests. It is exhausting to be asked to do over and over something you are not good at doing!

      And these days, 71 is not old at all! She was smart to remind herself, “I am not old.” I will have to do that same thing when I am feeling less than sprightly!

  8. Melissa says:

    Good Lord…I swear that turtle looks like a small alligator with a shell on it’s body.

    • Becky says:


      I know, right? It was not one of those cute little turtles you see in books, by any shade of the imagination. I was happy that it was gone when I got home 5 hours later!

  9. CJ says:

    That turtle doesn’t look very friendly!! Also, my cousin just had her baby shower last week and posted very similar pictures of the peanut cookies -I had to go double check to make sure it wasn’t the same shower :p

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t that funny that the same cookies showed up at the two showers? It is SUCH a cute and easy idea which is the sort of food/decor I am always on the lookout for.

  10. Mel says:

    I burst out laughing when I saw the picture of the turtle as I could only imagine your reaction to it. 🙂 My things would include cleaning up the yard after a brutal ice storm last weekend. Spring has sprung in Southern Ontario finally. Love the best of tab. I just went back and read the post about Sarah leaving with people. I don’t remember it but definitely funny. Good luck at your doctor appointments. That is a lot of driving.

    • Becky says:


      Your imagining of my reaction was obviously spot on! 🙂

      The “Leaving with People” post is one of my favorites.

      I’m so happy that you Ontarians are finally seeing some balmier weather. An ice storm in late April is NOT a happy thought. Enjoy every ray of sunshine!

  11. Judy says:

    The turtle looks like a pretty big fella. Was he still there when you got home? Love the new sandals and the pic of beautiful Sarah.
    The porch sconces look so good. It’s amazing what a few detail changes can do to add a welcome touch and for very little money.

    • Becky says:


      Thankfully the turtle was out of sight when I got home from church. I was very thankful!

      It’s very true that small changes can make such a big difference. It gives me a little “lift” every time I walk up on the porch and see those new sconces.

  12. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Nice Bec, fun to see odds and ends of life. Ruth

  13. Phyllis says:

    I can’t remember too much exciting happening last week. It was pretty much work, church, finance meeting at church, normal weekend chores like laundry. I do need to find one of those mobile car wash/wax people. Oh, just looked back and realized you’re probably talking about a mobile dog groomer. Don’t need one of those.
    This week will likely be busy getting ready work ready for a work trip to Louisville on Sunday, returning Wednesday if I’m lucky or Thursday if not. This should be my last work trip. Retirement is 68 days away. Oh, I did sign up to be a money counter for church once I’m officially retired. They are always looking for people and lately there has been at least one of the regulars pass away. With my finance/accounting background, I look at this as the perfect volunteer job for me.

    • Becky says:


      Good for you for volunteering at church for a job that you are gifted at.I know they will be so happy to have your assistance. As a pastor and wife, Steve and I are always so thrilled and thankful when people step forward to volunteer.

      I’m excited on your behalf that will retired soon; 68 days is hardly any time at all. Good times ahead!

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