The Teeth of Wisdom

May 19, 2015

When Sarah posted on FB today about her wisdom teeth removal, one of her special English teachers, Mr. Nichols, posted the following reply:

Just so you don’t worry–there isn’t actually any wisdom in the wisdom teeth. You are not, in fact, less intelligent after they are removed. Try it. Analyze a Russian novel or something. It is all still there.

That made both of us smile.

I’ll add a little more tomorrow but so far she is doing very well; minimal pain, no nausea, no swelling or bruising yet. The surgeon (who was wonderful but looked like he was about 24 years old) said sometimes all that stuff happens the second and third day so we’ll just hang on for the ride.

I was hoping she would say something funny when coming out of anesthesia but she was her usual calm and collected self.

In this picture, her mouth is stuffed full of cotton and she was still pretty woozy. The receptionist was so helpful in getting her transferred to the car and settled in.


She created an ice-pack carrying conveyance out of a scarf.


Summer was, of course, diligently ensconced in her nursing duties.


Later in the evening, Sarah switched to a different kind of scarf that held the packs in place better.  


She’s just now gone off to bed with her prescription pain meds on board. Hopefully we’ll have a quiet night.

Thanks to ALL of you who have left such helpful comments for us on Monday; she and I referenced those comments numerous times over the past day or two.  You guys are the best! Thank you for your concern and prayers.

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “The Teeth of Wisdom”

  1. Mary H says:

    Hope Sarah is doing well! She certainly has the flair for style even in the most uncomfortable situations – as swelling from teeth extractions. She should market those scarf/ice pack holding articles – because if you have to be uncomfortable, at least you can look good and they look so soft and comfy. She looked gorgeous modeling them. So glad to see the change in her from when she first left the doctor’s office to the pink fluffy scarf photo. Prayers for all. Lots of ice cream and yummy soft foods!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah does have a way of looking quite lovely in whatever she has on. If I had a vegetable-holding scarf tied around my head I would just look plain ol’ weird! 🙂

  2. Brooke R. says:

    Yeah! Glad she is recovering nicely. She is a veteran of much worse surgeries, which – on one hand sucks – but I’m sure on the other hand makes this one seem a lot easier. I’ve been saying prayers that she has no complications, especially a dry socket. 🙂

  3. Marjie says:

    So thankful you are through the procedure and day one. Praying for a great day 2!

  4. Catherine says:

    Glad the first day is over! Hope the rest is just as easy !! Continued prayers!

  5. Mrs. Pam says:

    hope Sarah continues to feel okay on the 2nd and 3rd day! hooray for Summer and scarves!

  6. Phyllis says:

    Glad the first day is past. She looks kind of like a bunny in the first two pictures. The way the scarf is placed, it looks like bunny ears.

  7. beckylp says:

    so glad all went well. love what her teacher posted. Sarah just smiles though life to show us how to do it

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Prayers for a restful night for all. She looks beautiful in the pictures with the scarfs.

    • Becky says:


      Sarah has always loved wearing scarves but has never in all her years considered using one to hold frozen veggies!

  9. Linda in Pgh says:

    So glad it is over and Sarah is doing well, I am keeping her in my prayers as she continues to heal. Hope all goes well for her and all that nausea, pain, swelling, bruising and any other unpleasantness skips her or is minimal.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Six days post-surgery and she’s doing well. Some bruising has showed up in recent days to go along with the swelling but I know so many people have it much worse with this procedure.

  10. Guerrina says:

    Sweet Sarah, may the Lord, our Great Physician bring you miraculous healing. Thoughts and prayers up for you late.this night. Rest deep and well on His chest.

  11. Patti says:

    Clever girl to come up with the ice bag holder scarf-love it. So nice they gave her wheel chair assist. They just left my mom to walk me out. She let go of me for a second to push the elevator button and another women-who thankfully was nearby-caught me as I was slowing sinking to the floor. I was just not fully awake yet and they still released me. We laugh at it now.

    • Becky says:


      That is a funny story although, as you said, it probably wasn’t overly funny when it happened. Thankful for an alert lady at the elevator!!

  12. Lib Nance says:

    I’m glad things went well and hope there is nothing further – pain / swelling / problems to contend with. Hope the other Wisdom Teeth surgery goes well, too!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your words. The next dental procedure (at least from my understanding) will be a little less traumatic.

  13. Jenna Hoff says:

    So glad to hear this wonderful news! Ive been praying for her today.

    • Becky says:


      You are so compassionate to pray for others when you have so much on your own plate to deal with. Thank you!

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