The Spot. And the Baton.

September 13, 2012

(Note:  I’m still working on the post about how we decided to get Summer; stay tuned.)


Summer has been through so much over the past day and a half–leaving behind everything familiar and being set down amidst all things new–I am trying to spend extra time with her, sitting quietly, petting her, and doing my best to help her feel secure and comfortable in her new home. (‘Cause that’s what we mamas do!)

Last night when we got home from church, it seemed cool in the house and Summer was looking a little shivery so I picked her up, took her to the living room and wrapped her in our family’s favorite afghan– the one we all fight over when it’s time to curl up and watch a video.  Summer proved herself to be a true Smith by loving the afghan as much as we do. 


In fact, when Steve walked over to us and Summer thought he might be thinking about moving her (or her blanket), she gave him The Look. It’s the kind of Look that only a female knows how to pull off properly.

Girlfriend was telling the Big Bad Man that she was fine just where she was, thank you very much.


After about ten minutes, she stopped shivering and just lay in blissful luxuriance while we all gathered around her and oohed and ahhed over her sweet beauty.

Early this morning, I sat in the living room recliner with her for awhile and continued to work on bonding with her and helping her become more at ease in her new surroundings. 

Since I didn’t want to disturb her by getting up, I asked Steve to bring my laptop over to the chair.  I was hoping against hope that when Summer felt comfortable enough, she might stretch out and lie in The Spot where her predecessor had always lain when he “helped” me write my blog posts.  (It didn’t matter which of our two recliners I wrote in; Snowy always tucked himself in beside my right leg.)

I arranged her new favorite afghan on the chair and then set Summer down on top of it.  I petted her some more, scratched her ears, talked to her quietly and waited hopefully.


Would she find that spot between me and the arm of the chair suitable for her lovely, refined personage? Would she stretch out and fit in it perfectly? Would she become my new blog writing assistant?

Well, let’s just say the answer was a yes, a yes, and another yes.


It wasn’t until she had contentedly settled herself into place and drifted off into a satisfied snooze that I took note of the picture I had up as my screen saver.

It was Nathan.  And Snowy.

And in that sweet, serendipitous moment, with Snowy looking out from the screen and Summer lying quietly at my side, I was thankful for precious old memories and precious new seasons.  I was thankful for dogs of the heart–both a beloved old-timer dog and a becoming-beloved newcomer dog.

Summer will never be able to replace Snowy, that funny, brave, rowdy, rapscallion who captured all our hearts.  But she arrives in our lives with her daintiness and beauty and sweetness at just the right time to begin the process of healing the hearts of Smith family members who still sometimes sit and cry for our cancer-ridden, full-of-years, full-of-sass, Snowy.

The baton has been passed.  

After thirteen years of living with our dear, dear Snowy, Summer is bringing her own patented brand of sunshine to our hearts.








24 comments so far.

24 responses to “The Spot. And the Baton.”

  1. Elizabeth says:

    As it should be.

  2. Bridgette says:

    This just warms my heart for all of you!

  3. Lauren says:

    I love the picture of the two of you gazing at each other – so sweet! I am sure Snowy would approve.

  4. Becky says:

    Janet, I think, “Let thy afghan fall on me,” sums it up very well. She definitely has Snowy’s blessing to fill up the hearts of the Smith family once more!

  5. Jojy Smith says:

    That girl needs a sweater!!

  6. Mrs. Pam says:

    Summer, I love that precious look you’re giving to your new Mama, and also the Look with a capital “L” for Dad. glad you found Snowy’s special spot that was being saved just for you. woof and love

  7. Lisa from Georgia says:

    Sweet, sweet post! I am so happy that you have found Summer. May she make this summer of sadness a little brighter. Blessings to all the Smiths…new and not so new. 🙂

  8. Shari Rich says:

    I came to your page today as I had spent a bit of time today missing my beloved Stargell who has been gone a little over one month, sometimes out of the corner of my eye i think her sitting on her favorite place on the couch! She was such a huge part of our family! But we also have a new furry little family member, who as a lab pup that we rescued and she keeps us busy and on our toes! So I can relate to how you are felling!! Enjoy miss Summer!!

    • Becky says:

      Shari, Sarah and I often said we thought we heard or saw Snowy over the past month. It’s funny how that happens, isn’t it? So glad to hear your new lab pup is keeping you happy and busy. Enjoy!

  9. Bec (from Sydney) says:

    The baton has been passed beautifully.

    I have tears in my eyes as I write this.

    I’m SO glad.

    Bec xxx

  10. lizzilou says:

    Sweet post. 🙂 I’m so happy for all of you! Was Summer a show dog, by chance?? Another pic you shared indicated she’s had at least one litter of pups, too. Multiple ones, perhaps? Well, regardless of her background, she’s been rescued … by a family whose hearts have been rescued by her. 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Summer wasn’t a show dog herself but that is her lineage. She’s had 4 litters of pups and now that she’s turned five, she has been retired. And I loved your last line–our family has been rescued by her.

  11. ncbev says:

    She is beautiful and looks to me like she fits perfectly in that recliner!

  12. Chris P. says:


  13. dmantik says:

    So glad that The Spot is being filled again and the Baton-Passing is going smoothly–makes my heart happy! 🙂

    Love Deb

  14. Janet says:

    Not being sacreligious, but the lyrics of an old song came to mind when I read this post…”let thy mantle fall on me” only thinking…”let thy afghan fall on me”. Summer sure seems to have Snowy’s blessing to take on the task of caring for the Smith family human members.

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