The Spaces of the Waiting

March 29, 2021

I know the question you probably have on your mind this morning is whether or not we have heard from Duke about setting up the initial appointments. Unfortunately, the answer is no.  As soon as any news comes in, though, I will be sure to do a quick update.

Here’s what’s going on while we wait.

Yesterday I was at church running around doing my usual 1.2 billion things before the service started.  I rounded a corner, looked up, and saw a face which, behind the mask, was difficult to immediately decipher.  I stared in great puzzlement for several seconds before finally figuring it out.

It turns our dear friends, Danny and Carolyn Stephenson, had driven three hours to the Outer Banks the night before so that they could come to church and surprise us.

When I first saw Carolyn I told her, “I’m so sorry that Sarah and Gage aren’t here.”

She said, “That’s okay. We came for you and Steve.”  Such sweet, heartwarming words.

We had a quick lunch together at the house before they hit the road again.

For those of you who may be more recent readers, Danny and Carolyn were our pastors when Sarah went through cancer treatment in 2002-2003.  For two years, they walked by our sides, letting us cry, vent, and fall apart.  Yesterday they told us, “We were there for you then. And we are here for you now.”

What a blessing to have friends like these!

And speaking of friends, these folks are pretty special to us, too.

They are Pastor Wallace and Joy Phillips who pastor in Ahoskie, NC.

You may recognize them as the couple that Sarah lived with for six months while she interned at their church.

But our relationship goes back even further than that.  They first met my parents about thirty-five years ago and through that relationship, Steve and I also got to know them. They’ve been in our lives and been our friends for a long time.

The reason I am mentioning them now is that they are going to be doing Gage and Sarah’s pre-marital counseling, which is such a great blessing.

I’m so thankful for all the people God has put into our lives, especially for this season.

Dog Bath

Summer was needing a bath last night which actually I was really happy about. (Even though she herself wasn’t overly thrilled.)

The reason her baths make me happy is that, before we start, I put a towel in the dryer and let it warm. Then I put on my waterproof coat and when Steve is all done giving the bath, I gather Summer up in the heated towel and go sit on the couch with her.

At first, she is real trembly and shivery, and then, in a couple of minutes, the warmth seeps into her bones and she stops shaking. Then I feel her breath get slower and slower and soon after, I hear little puppy snores as she relaxes completely.

In a stressful time like this, that small routine brings great comfort to me, especially since Sarah is too big to hold on my lap anymore.

And so instead, I snuggle with the dog.

I breathe deeply and pray quietly and give thanks for doggies and daughters and the peace that fills the spaces of the waiting.


Donation Link

Jenna, one of my sweet, long-time readers, had suggested that I consider putting a donation link on the blog to help with all of the upcoming expenses. If you’ve ever been to a hospital, you know you can spend more money in half a day than most people spend in a year.

I’m not going to say a whole lot about the button except to let you know you can find it on the sidebar.  Thank you in advance, for your help with the upcoming expenses.

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “The Spaces of the Waiting”

  1. Mary says:

    Have read your blog for years and followed her journey. So happy to hear of her engagement. Will be praying for all.

    • Becky says:


      I’m very grateful for Gage, especially right now. He can light up your face like no one else and right now that is so important.

      Thanks for praying.

  2. Michele says:

    I’m so glad you have great friends that are there for you at this time. I hope you hear from Duke very soon. So hard to wait. Prayers continue.

  3. Dear Becky, Thank you for your update and for including photos of your special friends. In times of crisis, close friends are like glue that helps hold us together. Such a blessing!

  4. Phyllis says:

    Waiting is so hard sometimes, especially in these circumstances. Praying that you will soon have news on those appointments and that you won’t have to wait long when they are scheduled.

  5. Dale Tousley says:

    Like everyone else I just want you know that I am praying non stop for you. When my daughter turned 18 and left for college she gave me a beautiful silver picture frame with a picture of us in it and she had it engraved with “While a daughter may outgrow your lap, she will never outgrow your heart.” and I thought of that when you were mentioned Sarah was too big for your lap…and please remember if you go to Duke and need anything at all, I am only about 20 miles away.

  6. Suzanne says:

    Praying so much for peace and comfort in the waiting!

    What a wonderful blessing to have Summer as Nurse Doggo-in-waiting as well!

  7. JenniferK says:

    You’re blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    What wonderful, amazing friends you have! I hope that everyone that reads this has at least one true friend like yours that would go above and beyond for them. Waiting with you and praying for you.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I’ve always been of the opinion that a person doesn’t need 100 friends but just a handful of really good ones. So thankful that’s what I have.

  9. Katrina says:

    I think it so strange to think about that Sarah is an adult this time fighting cancer and she was the one who had to give you the news. When she was first diagnosed and then when she relapsed in 2006 you had to tell her. But she has fought and won the battle twice and I believe she can win over cancer again.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it is definitely a different thing this time around with Sarah doing her own scheduling and being the one to get news first.

      We are ready to fight this battle again!

  10. Ruth Rehberg says:

    may peace and rest gently seep into your mind today–
    waiting on the Lord renews your strength.
    glad you can look at the good, positive things around you. prayers sent. Ruth

  11. krista121799 says:

    What great friends you have. They were there then and they’ll be here now… made me tear up a little. What a blessing to have such great people in your life.
    Continuing to pray…

  12. dmantik says:

    Waiting with you. Why is the medical world’s middle name, “Wait”? Grrr.

    What beautiful, solid gold friends Danny and Carolyn are! I watched your service on line last night and seeing how they and your church family surrounded you guys with their love, prayers and support filled my heart. I know all of us in your immediate family circle would give anything to be there with you in this time. It’s a world of comfort to know you have an incredible support system in place there.

    I love that the Phillips will be doing Sarah and Gage’s pre-marital counseling. I know those sessions will be a meeting of the hearts with much love and wisdom dispensed.

    I’m also glad Summer is there to assume Snowy’s mantle of Nurse Doggie in this season. I’m sure he is observing from heaven, making certain Summer is attending to you guys properly! 🙂

    Much love,


    • Becky says:


      Yes, Danny and Carolyn have definitely proven themselves to be true gold over the years.

      And I definitely feel the love-from-afar of my immediate family as well. Definitely blessed.

  13. Cindy says:

    I am sure everyone is waiting on pins and needles for those appointments, I know I am. So wonderful that your friends arrived.

    Last night I asked my friend to move my car in the garage so I could back straight out, but he turned it around so I can drive straight out. That was a wonderful surprise! Not sure where I will venture out today, probably my favorite thrift shop and the high end grocery store. Whatever I know it will feel wonderful to venture out on my own after so many months!

    • Becky says:


      I hope you had a wonderful first outing! And how thoughtful of your friend to turn your car around for her. Friends are true treasures.

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