The Soothing of a Soul

October 23, 2015

I had to go to Greenville yesterday for an unexpected medical test, which served to distract and worry my soul.

I was so thankful that along the way, there was a lovely place to stop and drink in the sight of the water and sky and the kind of beauty that never changes, never grows old, and never ceases to soothe the soul.

I will share the test results once they are available.


33 comments so far.

33 responses to “The Soothing of a Soul”

  1. Becky,

    Sending loads of prayers to you. Hope you are feeling better, too. Thanks, also, for taking the time to respond to my earlier question about photo software. It really helps as I move toward setting up a small freelance company that specializes in photography and writing. I have been practicing photography for many years as well as being a professional writer (journalism, public relations and speechwriting).

    • Becky says:


      You’re certainly welcome concerning the photo software question. I know a lot of people use more sophisticated programs like Photoshop, and I have played around with it a little bit I never seem to quite get the hang of it. It is on my bucket list to be proficient in it some day!

      Sounds like you have an interesting life in professional communications. Kudos to you for your hard work and your success.

      Speech writing seems like an interesting challenge–trying to put the right words in someone else’s mouth. Would definitely take some practice to learn that technique!

  2. Dale Tousley says:

    Hi Becky, Prayers coming your way and also I am right over in the Wake Forest area, if you ever need anyone to come and sit with you or keep you company for awhile when you are in Greenville, please feel free to let me know, you are only about an hour away from me.

  3. Rix. says:

    Prayers for you Becky. Your pictures are beautiful!

  4. Catherine says:

    Praying with you Becky!! Hope you’ll get good news! Beautiful pics! Love the water!! Your a great photographer!! Hugs to all!

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Beautiful and so relaxing.

  6. Linda in Pgh says:

    Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. As always, love your photos…especially the last one! you have a great talent for photography. Hugs to you and yours.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      I was just thinking this week it had been a long time since I’d just gone out and shot some photos of this lovely world of ours. So glad you enjoyed them.

  7. Guerrina says:

    Prayers up for you, Becky. Whoever said, “The voice of the sea speaks to the soul” is absolutely correct!

  8. Jan Reuther says:

    Prayers for you continue. Sometimes the best we can do for ourselves is to find a place (for me, it’s always along the water), that can give our souls and minds a good soothing. So glad you found such a place.

    Unlike LeeAnn, I couldn’t find a favorite picture…they’re all so beautiful.

    • Becky says:


      I don’t know what it is about water but it seems to infused with such calming qualities. When life is stressful? Run to the water!

  9. Mrs. Pam says:

    definitely praying

  10. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    Sending happy thoughts and prayers for good test results your way this weekend!!!

  11. Margaret S. says:

    Thank you, Becky, your pictures and post did indeed “soothe the soul”. Prayers for a favorable outcome.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve often thought how glad I am that God made water and sky blue; they would be far less soothing if they had been orange! 😉

  12. Liz says:

    I am praying for all these medical issues to get taken care of. You deserve some good health and focusing on being Grandma!

  13. Lesley says:

    Jeepers Becky! This is certainly a long drawn out anxiety-ridden season. Uggh. The pictures are beautiful, it’s so good to focus on calm, splendid things (see what I did there? :)) Prayers sent your way.

  14. LeeAnne says:

    I am concerned as well and will absolutely pray. I love your photos and found a favorite….it’s just about in the middle. The one with the piece of grass in the front of the picture and the side of the walkway leading to the water. Gorgeous!!! Praying you feel God’s peace and comfort as you wait.

    • Becky says:


      So glad you found a favorite. I was so happy that there was some sea grass growing nearby so I could incorporate it into the photos!

  15. Jenna Hoff says:

    What gorgeous photos! I currently live landlocked in a large northern prairie city but my dream is to one day live by the ocean. I really hope and pray you are well!!! Hugs!

    • Becky says:


      When we first moved here, I never dreamed how much I would love living by water. Keep your dreams alive–they have a way of coming true!

  16. Mary H says:

    Becky, I am concerned. I will pray. Have faith and strength. Your photos always illustrate your beautiful soul and heart. Never stop sharing your gift. Praying.

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