The Smiths of Smithellaneous

January 13, 2020

Today is photo day.

The first two photos are in celebration of Sarah’s 17th transplant anniversary. (January 10, 2003.)

That was then.

This is now.

I never want to forget to mark the day.

Family Photo Shoot

I mentioned last week that when the kids were here, we did a combined family photo shoot–our first one ever. 

When Steve and I said, “I do” thirty-eight years and eleven days ago, we could never have pictured what would be birthed out of those words. (Literally and figuratively.)

Just so you know, I have done you a favor and narrowed down the catalog of 375 photos to just a couple of dozen.

For those of you who have been following since CaringBridge days, it’s probably going to seem a little surreal to see that the two little kids who peopled those pages back in those days are all grown up and, in Nathan’s case, has little people of his own.

Photographer is Becka McDonald.


What a joy to get to feature ALL the Smiths of Smithellanous!


What about you?

Not a photo-related question but did you make any resolutions for this year, either official or non-official?


If you didn’t make a resolution then what is one thing in your life you are working on to improve or become better at?


I am always interested (and I think all of us are) to hear the stories of others and where they are in their journeys.

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “The Smiths of Smithellaneous”

  1. SueEllen says:

    Thanks for the encouragement on drinking water. It’s a struggle, but I’m making tiny steps. And I’ve discovered Hint water which I’ve really enjoyed (as long as it’s really cold). I’ll definitely check out that book – thanks!

  2. krista121799 says:

    These pictures are so awesome! Such special times!

  3. Kristy Smith says:

    I made a resolution in 2019 to write and mail at least one old fashioned letter each week. It became a habit and I enjoyed the time spent reaching out to whomever was on my heart that week. I wrote to people I haven’t seen in years, people I see regularly, some I’m close to, some only acquaintances. Seventy seven letters in all.
    Although return letters were not the goal, I did hear back from a handful, and got lots of texts. The real reward was dropping letters in the mailbox on a Monday knowing that in a few days, someone would know the little rush of receiving a personal piece of mail. I have decided to continue indefinitely.

    • Becky says:


      I love this idea a thousand different ways! Such a simple yet powerful thing to do. In an electronic world, getting a handwritten note in the mail is a spirits-lifting luxury, making the recipient feel so special and valued.

      Bless for doing it last year and for continuing to do it! Seventy-seven letters is amazing.

  4. Jo Ann Campbell says:

    I forgot to say, the report of Sarah’s 17th transplant anniversary was too wonderful for words! Rejoicing with you!

  5. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    The pictures are wonderful you are blessed with a wonderful family! So glad you had such a great memory making time with the family. I don’t actually make resolutions but try to live each day by the Golden Rule. I do also have some resolution type suggestions that I try to follow:
    1. Be kind to yourself but be kinder to others.
    2. Do something each day that makes your heart happy.

    Hugs to you all.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      You can never go wrong with the Golden Rule. And you can never go wrong with being kind and finding snippets of daily happiness.

      I like the way you do life!

  6. Michele says:

    Beautiful pictures. To be treasured always. So happy to see Sarah so healthy and happy. Much to be thankful for.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah’s health and happiness so many years after being diagnosed is a season of life we never dreamed we would reach back at the beginning of her cancer journey.

      So. Thankful.

  7. SueEllen says:

    These pictures are ALL fabulous – I don’t know how you managed to narrow them down. I didn’t really make any resolutions, but I’m going to try to drink more water this year (there are some days I drink none, so there’s nowhere to go but up!).Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures of the Smiths!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Narrowing those photos down was definitely a challenge.

      Big encouragement and kudos to you on drinking water! I drink at least 60 to 80 ounces a day and I can always tell if I slack off on it a little. If you keep up with that new habit, I’ll bet in a month you’ll really notice a difference!

      A long time ago we owned a book called, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.” I remember being amazed when I read the variety of ways a lack of water affects our bodies It’s available on Amazon if you want to take a look. Good luck!

  8. Jo Ann Campbell says:

    Thanks so much for the pictures of all 9 of you! I thank the Lord for each one of you. I’m a very proud mom, grandma and GG! Much love to you all,


  9. Catherine says:

    So glad things have gone so well for Sarah. What a happy anniversary day. Your pictures are beautiful. I for one do not make new years resolutions. I guess I have always felt if it was something I should not be doing or that could be harmful to me I should just stop it at that point. No sense in carrying it on for a few more weeks, months to stop something that I really did not want to do or should not do. Just my opinion. I am sure there are many thoughts on this.

    • Becky says:


      Good point on resolutions. If there’s something that you should (or shouldn’t) be doing, deal with it THEN, not in 6 months!

  10. Phyllis says:

    Your photo shoot was great! It would be hard to pick from those, let alone all of them.
    No resolutions but I would like to start exercising more and eating better. I probably say that every year. I would also like to clean closets and get rid of things I don’t use. What I’d really like to do is get rid of some of my mom’s “stuff” but she isn’t good about letting go of things.
    I’d also be better about doing a daily devotion. I got a Guideposts devotional book for Christmas and haven’t opened it yet. I did have company from December 28th to January 6th and used last week to catch up the daily Bible reading my Sunday School book has – that was three weeks worth, five days each week.

    • Becky says:


      One of my favorite things to do on a day off is to clean out cupboards, cabinets and closets. It’s a great feeling to be able to step back from your work and see an immediate difference. Happy cleaning!

      And also, here’s to healthier eating and exercising more–a good goal for all of us.

  11. Ann O. says:

    Happy Transplant-iversary!!! I love the pic with Sarah and Madi, and, all the pics of the official shoot! The photographer captured such wonderful images of joy and love in action, rather than the ol’ posed, look at the camera and say cheese shots! Excellent!

    I think I’ll do like some of the other commentors and pic a word to focus on. Hmmmmm. Kindness and joy are great. I’m thinking gratitude. Maybe I’ll make it a trio of words for the year!

    My husband and I will likely make a move this year, so patience will be key. (Ok. I’m up to 4 words.) This will be the first time moving on our own, without it being for my husband’s job. That means, it’s on us! My husband has a very hard time parting with ANYthing! We’ve been married over 30 years, and whereas I size down, he’s holds on! I’m working on respecting his desire to have his items from decades past. He’s not bad enough to be on some hoarding show, yet!

    Ok. I’m up to 5 words: Kindness, joy, gratitude, patience, respect

    I better stop.

    Ann O.

    • Becky says:


      Well, if he DOES make it to a hoarding show, please be sure to let us all know so we can watch!

      One of my goals this year is minimizing stuff. Clothes, belongings, jewelry, shoes, kitchen items . . . in other words, something that would give your husband the heeby- jeebies. 🙂

      Love the five words you got up to in this one comment. And yes, it was probably was good to cut the comment short because it would be hard to maintain a 40-word year!

      Happy moving! (If there IS such a thing.)

  12. Sheri says:

    What a TREAT to see both you and Meagan in front of the camera for a change. Absolutely LOVE these pictures and the people in them. (Trust me, I know what effort this required. Well Done!)

    • Becky says:


      Yep. A LOT of effort–well, for Meagan and Nathan at least.

      But such a treasure at the end of the effort. And yes, getting Meagan in me in a few photos was a definite bonus! 🙂

  13. LeeAnne says:

    Those photos are really, really great!! What a beautiful family you have!! And the look on Madi’s face…..she adores her daddy! So sweet. 🙂
    No resolutions. I’m going to pick a word but haven’t done so yet. Last year my word was ‘kind’ and it helped me try to be more aware of my kindness or the need to be more kind. (I’m somewhat of an impatient driver, so this really helped in this area.) I also tried to do more random acts of kindness.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never picked a word of the year but kind would be a great one. There needs to be a whole lot more kindness in our world–thank you for making it your mission!

      Thanks for the compliment on the photos; I am so glad we got that done.

  14. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Looks like a real busy photo day–and you got the golden hour powerfully poised within many of them!

  15. Ann Martin says:

    Pictures are great. So happy you have them. My word for the year is Joy and I want to show God’s joy and love all year. ????. No resolutions.

    • Becky says:


      I really do like words of the year better than resolutions. And I love that you chose joy–a perfect word for the way you live your life.

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